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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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  • Codename Shrimp


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54 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I am sorry to hear that, and I hope your holiday ends up joyous for you anyway.

Well, just had dinner with my parents. We ate a French Christmas dessert, a bûche, which is basically a soft chocolate cake shaped like a log. It's funny and delicious, certainly lifted my spirits.

54 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

On the subject, I just bought Conquest. Fun times will be had.

Time to salt some rebellions, Acacia.

Use Haitaka!

34 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

On the subject, it's still a bit annoying I can't pair Male Corrin with anyone lest risking losing out on a child unit. Ah well...

Female Corrin is straight up better than Male Corrin in gameplay, because of this and because Jakob is a better unit than Felicia. Of course, liking Felicia better is certainly a possibility, but hey that's what the pros say.

32 minutes ago, Armagon said:

No no, it's more like "woke is when people exist and actually do things instead of being background elements". 

Saw some people call Indy 5 "woke" because there's a female protagonist alongside Indy.

Hah! Why do these types care about new Indy girls, anyway? Their perfect waifu is in the third movie!

19 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

You have to either wait for Flora (chapter 19 at the earliest), or let Corrin creep on his friend's girl children... or just not worry about it, because you really don't need to get all the children anyway.

No but Lloyd and Llewelyn though...!

12 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

It's a step above Shia no matter how porrly they do 😛

One character I remember liking in that movie was the one guy with the stache. Mac, I think? He was a pretty interesting character. As for Shia... I don't think I ever cared much for him, but then, I was like 10 when I saw that movie, so.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I feel this happens most with multiplayer games. Co-op wave shooters, free-for-alls, team versus, MMORPGs, doesn't matter. They're all filled to the brim with assholes and nazis, and you're always going to find one or two, at least, in each match. It is inevitable.

...On that topic, my TF2 pal had the following encounter today.



10/10 he's not even sure what it means or represents, but he does know it makes him feel very angry.


Oh that's fuckin' priceless.

Homophobes when they see any combination of flashy colors:

READ NIGGA READ | Read, Nigga, Read | Know Your Meme

Often when someone antagonistically asks me if I'm gay, I use the comeback of "No, I'm actually bi"

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ah yes, the classic "woke is when people exist." Truly the rationals. I sincerely love when there's a game I enjoy very much, but then I go online and I discover that the community's defacto response to posts requesting/hoping for/wondering about female characters being added to the currently all-male playable roster is "let us have ONE game about MEN doing MANLY things that isn't ruined by the FAMINE BEASTS."

Bonus points if they call actual real life women "Females"



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  An now lads


41 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Yeah, though it's still a bummer. Even Awakening had two extra "can pair up with most of everyone" males than females so Female Robin doesn't cause the same consequence as Male Corrin does. Granted, you can still get locked out of a kid because of Sumia's limited options, but that's not as much of a pairing restriction as what Fates does.

And in Awakening's case they give you options paced enough apart that you're unlikely to lock yourself out that easily.

Not to mention the game somewhat pushes Chrom/Sumia to make it so the braindead have an easy pick

7 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Often when someone antagonistically asks me if I'm gay, I use the comeback of "No, I'm actually bi"

When you're so agitated that someone clarifying their preferences ticks you off.

8 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Bonus points if they call actual real life women "Females"

You never see the reverse. Telling.

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3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Reminds me that you mentioning Greece led me to attempt this for fun.:


Mongolia was ironically one of my neighbors, the other was Sweden. Three Mongolian conquests and like two others brought the CS count down, but still, more than 30. Neighbors being nice and the cooked Frontier-low water level settings let me get four cities up without a problem.

Haha, that's an incredible setup :lol:

RE: Mayans - i think money tends to be a problem in Liberty earlygames. Smaller cities, you need more roads, there's no cash in the Liberty tree... I've seen the point made that Liberty actually ends up stronger than a Tradition start, but Tradition has a much smoother way to the endgame in part because of this.

2 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Good luck!

Thanks, as well for the music recommendation!


Status report: I got an enemy capital with no warmonger penalties, so that's nice. Rome ate Austria and then declared against me. Not much of a surprise, since I denounced them for brownie points with every other civ, and my standing army consisted of two warriors, a comp.bow, and one crossbow. However, I've been significantly ahead in tech, so I ended up slamming Great War Infantry into their trebuchets and pikes. :lol: England then jumped on them and eventually, they just gave me Vienna in a peace deal. It's still my weakest city despite not losing half its pop from being sieged down (size 10 vs. size ~20 for all my expands and 28 or 29 for my cap), but it's still a decent city, with a fair amount of river tiles that neither Austria nor Rome ever farmed up...

Goal is a diplo victory, which is progressing nicely with almost every CS allied. However, I'm suffering from success: Both Rome (who didn't get their own religion) and the Netherlands (who did) flipped to my religion, so they both get the +2 votes from the World Religion resolution.

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I did it!


It was all worth it just for baby Samus drawing.

Anyways, Metroid Zero Mission: Pretty solid Fire Emblem game, I like how experimental they were with this one turning it from a strategy RPG to a Metroidvania. Samus was a pretty good lord on par with Ike in my opinion. Solid A tier.



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2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Shrimpy: Enjeji in a few weeks

inner Shirmpy: *FATES*

Ahahaha... Typical Shrimpy. Not that I can judge, I've done the same thing - one of my favorite hacks got a surprise update and I've been at it whenever I wasn't playing Deep Rock Galactic. I don't know if I'll be able to finish it before Engage, but I'll certainly try.

Among other things, the portraits got updated. Now Beard Pegasus Knight is somehow even more epic than he was before. Because he somehow felt the need to broaden the gap between himself and every single other pegasus in any FE/KagaSaga/Fangame I've ever played.

...I also kinda wanna release my hack to the wild sooner than later, but... well, I'll admit, I'm kinda scared.

2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Sparks of Hope: HERE I GO!

Here's hoping you manage to complete it in time. Sparks of Hope is a long game.

3 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Oh that's fuckin' priceless.

He wasn't even correct. My pal was sporting the trans flag, not the pride flag.

3 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Homophobes when they see any combination of flashy colors:

READ NIGGA READ | Read, Nigga, Read | Know Your Meme

Knowing the context of this makes it even funnier that you've used it here.

Anyway, yeah. I mean, ol' Greg overthere seemingly lost the capacity for coherent speech upon catching a glimpse of the background of my pal's profile picture.

3 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Often when someone antagonistically asks me if I'm gay, I use the comeback of "No, I'm actually bi"

That's the best state to be. It sucks to categorically discard half the available options. As if it wasn't hard enough to find one's soulmate to begin with.

1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:


I did it!


It was all worth it just for baby Samus drawing.

You know, I was surprised for a moment. Then I remembered most people don't take three months to beat a Metroid game.

Anyway, congratulations!

1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Anyways, Metroid Zero Mission: Pretty solid Fire Emblem game, I like how experimental they were with this one turning it from a strategy RPG to a Metroidvania. Samus was a pretty good lord on par with Ike in my opinion. Solid A tier.



Listen here. I can't help but notice you have placed the game below Conquest. Clearly, this means Samus, who is on par with Ike, is not as cool as the protagonist of Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest, King Garon. Meaning your opinion is obviously that Garon is the superior character to Ike.

I can only agree, and I welcome you not to rebel against my assessment of the situation, for rebellions are like seeds, and this here shaker might just wrathfully rain salt down upon you should you defy the Cult of Garon. Consider this your one and only warning.

I forgot where I was going with this. Have a t-posing Garon.


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