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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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54 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

This whole video essay on it is really good and I recommend watching it even if you don't like Star Wars.

It's certainly something though there is a pretty clear reason as to why Star Wars hasn't fully done a Droid emancipation plotline: because it can't. Why? Because it's too big. Star Wars has contradicted itself chronologically before but if the goal is to keep this sandbox universe cohesive, then the only way to liberate the droids is for that story to be set far into the future of the Star Wars universe, away from the movies, shows, books and games. L3's dreams were doomed before they began because she had to be the character of a prequel story.

That or just make something completely isolated. Star Wars Visions would be a great opportunity to explore this.

Edited by Armagon
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So guess who just found out their gaming laptop doesn't have an SD card slot.

34 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I don't remember sigining this law

Shrimpy wants his people to be eaten confirmed.

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Been confirmed since day one

15 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:




15 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

And a bonker for the bonk Squad


Who am I supposed to use that on? Myself?

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So I know that Cassius using his sword against Rean is a point of contention… but I’m gonna be honest, it’s been so long since I played Sky, and he got so little screen time, that I completely forgot his character with the sword/staff. And why this is seen as bad.

What doesn’t make sense is that Rean is transported to an alternate dimension to face his deepest fear while drawing his sword with Cassius, but tbf, all of Cold Steel has been pulling everything out if its ass in terms of the “magic” when the story needs it. And I don’t think this is just symbolism because Cassius literally says “you’re gonna see your deepest fear” or smth.

And Rean’s deepest fear is… himself as an ogre? What happened to his development in CS2? Unless it’s supposed to highlight that he’s berserk but that’s just stupid, tomorrow could mark the end of the world and the death of all his friends and family, and he’s most afraid of going berserk? Even though he hasn’t done so since the first time? They went the obvious “your biggest fear is yourself” when it doesn’t make sense for the character or the situation? (Well, it could be good for someone’s biggest fear to be themself despite the situation, but this feels like it wasn’t set up and is a little contradictory to his character, since he’s all bond focused and stuff. But admittedly Rean hasn’t been characterized all that much.)


Edited by Sooks
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1 minute ago, Sooks said:


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What doesn’t make sense is that Rean is transported to an alternate dimension to face his deepest fear while drawing his sword with Cassius, but tbf, all of Cold Steel has been pulling everything out if its ass in terms of the “magic” when the story needs it.



It's not literally happening.


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Just now, Sooks said:
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Cassius literally says he’s going to change the form Rean perceives him as.



I don't think he means it literally tho.

Especially since everybody else saw it.


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4 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hey, it's okay. It happens. Not everyone's going to investigate every single character they find in Smash. In my case it really only got me into Mother 3!

It was Smash that got me into Fire Emblem which is my all time favorite franchise, so that's got to count for something.

Side note, if you have, or when you have played Mother 3, I would love to hear your thoughts on it. I get the feeling you will have interesting thoughts on what happened to the people of Tazmily, and their way of life throughout the game.


3 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:



Ah goddammit, Petra's not gay enough.

She just isn't into teachers creeping on her...

4 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

3H of all games having a unit who could be interested in the player but not being so is amazing, shame they didn't follow through in full with M!Byleth or have this happen ever.

Unless its a male teacher, because our society is disgustingly misogynistic.


3 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


I hope at least one of you got the joke I made last time where I suggested Ashe and Manuela might be related because Manuela's voice actress also voices Ash from Pokemon.

Sorry, I don't know anything about regular actors, let alone voice actors.


3 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:



Man, thank god women can't be predators or else this would be really creepy!

I can still remember females sexually assaulting males being a normal thing played for laughs in main stream comedies....


3 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:



Oh wow, I didn't think they were going to keep you a secret in this route.

This could become the Church Route too remember.


 3 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

It's not that she's not bi, it's just that she's not that into the protagonist.

I need more characters like that in FE.

I do appreciate that detail, even if it is heavily undermined by only applying to gay ships....


3 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

It's like the droids in Star Wars all over again.

Boy is that a nasty bit of the status quo that Star Wars does its best to pretend isn't there...fun fact I have played Star Wars TTRPGs for a long time, and often play as a droid.


18 minutes ago, Armagon said:


So guess who just found out their gaming laptop doesn't have an SD card slot.

Worst case scenario there are SD to USB converters to still use one if you have to.


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Just now, Armagon said:
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I don't think he means it literally tho.

Especially since everybody else saw it.



I think I was being a little unclear. I don’t think Cassius physically changed forms and transported Rean to an alternate dimension, it seems like he’s doing some magic shit to make Rean perceive the world that way. I mean the whole thing could just be symbolism and I’m misinterpreting it, but the dialogue feels incredibly on the nose and overt for that.


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27 minutes ago, Sooks said:


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So I know that Cassius using his sword against Rean is a point of contention… but I’m gonna be honest, it’s been so long since I played Sky, and he got so little screen time, that I completely forgot his character with the sword/staff. And why this is seen as bad.

What doesn’t make sense is that Rean is transported to an alternate dimension to face his deepest fear while drawing his sword with Cassius, but tbf, all of Cold Steel has been pulling everything out if its ass in terms of the “magic” when the story needs it. And I don’t think this is just symbolism because Cassius literally says “you’re gonna see your deepest fear” or smth.

And Rean’s deepest fear is… himself as an ogre? What happened to his development in CS2? Unless it’s supposed to highlight that he’s berserk but that’s just stupid, tomorrow could mark the end of the world and the death of all his friends and family, and he’s most afraid of going berserk? Even though he hasn’t done so since the first time? They went the obvious “your biggest fear is yourself” when it doesn’t make sense for the character or the situation? (Well, it could be good for someone’s biggest fear to be themself despite the situation, but this feels like it wasn’t set up and is a little contradictory to his character, since he’s all bond focused and stuff. But admittedly Rean hasn’t been characterized all that much.)


Tbh... Its most likely it was easy doing it that way as they could reuse his model and anims.

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F-Zero GX is really hard.

Seriously, I'm only on the novice mode and I'm getting my ass handed to me.

17 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


Side note, if you have, or when you have played Mother 3, I would love to hear your thoughts on it. I get the feeling you will have interesting thoughts on what happened to the people of Tazmily, and their way of life throughout the game.

I have not but it is a game that has piqued my interest.

18 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I can still remember females sexually assaulting males being a normal thing played for laughs in main stream comedies....

Yep, I still see it sometimes nowadays too.

21 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Boy is that a nasty bit of the status quo that Star Wars does its best to pretend isn't there...fun fact I have played Star Wars TTRPGs for a long time, and often play as a droid.

Ah yes, don't you just love pro-status quo stories? Don't you just love it when you have powerful heroes that only do things in reaction to something else?

When you really think about it, The Marvel universe is dystopian as hell, imagine having a bunch of people with all the power in the world to fix our socioeconomic issues and they just choose not to.

Oh wait...


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17 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Making a huge script + anim pkg would be a big task for a few turns of combat lol.

They could’ve given us a bossfight

Or just written Rean well

Or just done a normal battle against Spoilerman with flashes of Rean’s memories or something

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35 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Boy is that a nasty bit of the status quo that Star Wars does its best to pretend isn't there..

Probably because it wasn't really there in the first place, at least back when the OT came out. But then things got bigger and now it's hard to write that because doing so will fuck up the continuity so either you write a non-canon story (which Visions shows you can and people will like them) or you set it so far into the distant future of the galaxy that it doesn't really matter.

11 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

When you really think about it, The Marvel universe is dystopian as hell, imagine having a bunch of people with all the power in the world to fix our socioeconomic issues and they just choose not to.

Because then you get Injustice Superman. That's DC but that's basically the main reason why superheroes don't try to fix the socioeconomic issues too much (at least not directly)....and that's if they even can in the first place. Most superheroes are just normal-ass people. 

Like who is even in a position to do that? There's Bruce Wayne, who is the world's most ethical billionaire and in a genuine way. Tony Stark is less ethical I think but he still does some good. Reed Richards solves a lot of problems too. Monarch superheroes (Aquaman, Black Panther) do probably share their knowledge.

Anybody else can't really do anything because they are just normal people when not in a suit. Like what socioeconomic issues is Flash gonna fix?

If anything, the Marvel and DC Earths are probably better off to live in, if it wasn't for the superpowered threats every week.

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