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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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45 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's a lot of words not spent on answering the question of why Factory Worker Garon wasn't in S.

He is in S, he’s just not a Cold Steel 4 character.

43 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

The current composer contracted to Falcom is terrible, and Falcom overworks him.



Ys X music is gonna be horrible and i will need to prepare mods.


I didn’t think this music was horrible though, just completely unmemorable.





You keep going "I miss Sky" tho, so there's a part in you that wants another Sky

I mean I want another Sky, but it’s not like every time I’m out and about and I see one of those trail things in the sky I start silently weeping to myself going “Estelle… Joshua…….”


Play Ys 8, written by the dude who wrote Sky 😉



Also Dana amazing.

I thought you complained about the ending for her character or something


You aren't into Action games tho are you

Action I like. Turn based RPG I used to think I didn’t like, but at this point, if it’s not generic, I feel like I can vibe with it. But trying to mix the two just seems… wrong to me.

But Ys is pure action, right?

35 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Miura met Natsuno for the first time

Enjoy the 2nd best romance in the game.


and his first response is “why aren’t you wearing pants?” Which is pretty understandable, actually.

Not as good as “Why is my present a BOY!?” but acceptable nonetheless


I have an idea. You could play the first two Cold Steel games after Sky and then play something else before the next two as a break, like Trails from Zero for example…

(Or you could play Sky after Cold Steel, but even I’m not that much of an anarchist.)

Playing Sky after CS1 and 2 isn’t that bad. Playing Sky after Zero and Azure is true anarchy.

Unless you mean playing Sky after CS3 and 4 too which… NO.


I sure hope Bleublanc is top tier, like he belongs. What, you thought I was going to ask about Rixia?

Now that I think about it, I think I forgot to place Bleublanc.

I didn’t understand what his goals were the entire game though, so who knows where he would have gone?


Unrelated, but I’m at a resort right now and a cat slept on a chair outside my room for a few hours yesterday. She said hi this morning but I haven’t seen her since.

At a resort? With a cat? Make sure to spend a resort ticket on her to increase your bOnDiNg LeVeL and… NOOOO STOP GET OUT OF MY HEAD


If you want me to scare you off the internet, though, I can start recommending games to you!

That’s not that scary.

If you start writing paragraphs about why Cold Steel is better than Sky, that would scare me off the internet.


I can't believe my own son is so based.

Josette is actually at her best in these games. She has long hair, you see.

28 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Wait wait

Sooks is my grandson?

Well, I did always like Shrimp.

Wait, you have a grandson? In an anime thread? But I’m not 10 anymore, how come you haven’t died in a tragic accident?

16 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


It wasn’t that long


Let me guess, one of your new all time favs?

In comparison to the characters from Sky and Crossbell? I mean, not really. But she’s up there.

Estelle, Joshua, Renne, Kevin, and Olivier all reign supreme however.

27 minutes ago, Benice said:

What did you expect when you added a squid-wife to the Teehee plotline?

I’m half squid? And I was conceived a couple days ago?

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2 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

I saw that


2 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

just feel like it sounds like it'd be more likely in a mobile game.

Certainly not in a Final Fantasy game, that's for sure.

3 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Man that game was hilarious XD

I should have picked a quote from this game as my yearbook quote...

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3 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Wait, should we write up the family Treehee?

It needs to be written up just for that title.

3 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

There's the Shrimpy -> Benice -> Sooks generations apparently, I feel like we've had others, what else?

Don’t forget the squid, apparently

3 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:
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So the artificial life catches feelings over two/three games (depending on which one she first shows up in) from being around coworkers and fellow students, goes through losing her testtube-sister (Don't know how they're made and if this is wrong I apologise) and breaks Preantag-kun out in the next game as an active choice. Does she go making smaller decisions herself before that point?

I'm not going to knock the performance itself but I gotta admit, Claíomh Solais being pronounced like that hurts. It's just, completely not the pronunciation of those words in any dialect.


Yes, pretty much (it is three games btw).


Yes, she is her test tube sister and that is how they’re made.

She does make smaller decisions herself before that point, yeah. This is just one of her bigger ones, and iirc the first time she actively sides against the people who were giving her orders (although she’s obviously done with them by the time they get Rean).

And yeah, every combat shell (that’s what Claiomh Solais is) is pretty much pronounced like that rip


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10 minutes ago, Sooks said:


10 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I thought you complained about the ending for her character or something

The ending of the game is the one thing that kept me from giving it 10/10. Until the final dungeon this game was the only game i almost gave the mystical 5xS for

Then the final boss fight (a fucking sponge) happened and the crazy ending (not in a good way) and i am like "whyyyyyyyyyyyy?"

10 minutes ago, Sooks said:

But Ys is pure action, right?


You can find Ys origin Demo on steam to get a taste of classic Ys and Ys 9 Demo to get a taste of modern Ys. The games are on sale for 2 more days, i think

10 minutes ago, Sooks said:


Bonding  Cancer is real

10 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Wait, you have a grandson? In an anime thread? But I’m not 10 anymore, how come you haven’t died in a tragic accident?

Was i Vandad all along?

10 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Well, I did always like Shrimp.

You are really tempting me to write THAT aren't you


10 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Estelle, Joshua, Renne, Kevin, and Olivier all reign supreme however.

as expected of my grandson

8 minutes ago, Benice said:

I should have picked a quote from this game as my yearbook quote...


6 minutes ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

…What on the Emperor’s good green earth is this?

 Teehee lore

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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2 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Happy New Year @twilitfalchion!

1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Jo @twilitfalchion Happy new year

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Happy new year! I've been pretty well, yeah.

Thanks much, happy new year to all of you'se in the thread as well.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Also released my own!

Ayyyy nice!

2 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Final Fantasy: Bro Trip good on the gameplay? Okay, let me put it better: How does combat feel moment to moment? It's one of the FFs I've not touched, so my experience is limited.

More or less what lightcosmo said. I liked it, though getting used to holding down attack and dodge as opposed to simple taps was an odd adjustment. Only real problem I had with it was some buttons not always responding to my presses. Felt better and more fluid once more abilities got unlocked though.

2 hours ago, Benice said:

Did you do the Cup Noodles quest?

I did not. Didn't do much in the way of side content, actually.

1 hour ago, Sooks said:

Hope you’ve been well too!

I've been a bit better lately, so that's a start.

1 hour ago, Sooks said:

Don’t, it’s not worth it.

I have half a mind to sell my copy because of sheer lack of motivation.

It's a shame because I love warriors, but the IP warriors games never quite do it for me. FE and Zelda don't mix well with Musou at least IMO. Guess I should learn my lesson by now.

2 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

My heartfelt condolences to you (unless you mean the PSP ver) then perhaps not. 

It's been Reunion for me. Only real questionable thing I've noticed is the voice acting. 🤔

Otherwise, it's been a grand old time. Coming from FFXV's combat it's a massive improvement all around.

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2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Yes, pretty much (it is three games btw).

When I said two/three, I was on about the before going after Rean, so from what I read correcly I was implying 2-3 or 1-3. Just want to make sure about that part.

3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Don’t forget the squid, apparently

Or me being Benice's Teehee twin apparently, which then leads to the question of explaining that age gap.

1 minute ago, twilitfalchion said:

More or less what lightcosmo said. I liked it, though getting used to holding down attack and dodge as opposed to simple taps was an odd adjustment. Only real problem I had with it was some buttons not always responding to my presses. Felt better and more fluid once more abilities got unlocked though.

Do combos work off holding buttons then?

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2 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Do combos work off holding buttons then?

Yeah, holding down attack causes you to start auto-comboing. You can do a zip-to-enemy teleport attack with a button combo tap, but basic attacks involve holding down to auto-attack.

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On 12/19/2022 at 11:49 AM, Punished Dayni said:

I've given an idea of how to handle Thracia capture for Engage, because I still attest Fates capture being locked to one units saddens me.

It's two, but you only get one of them unless you're on Revelation, Also, both of them are rather lackluster. 

Anyway, it's judgment day. Terastallization is on the chopping block. Hopefully they do something about it. Namely, banning it.

Edited by Shadow Mir
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14 minutes ago, Sooks said:

But Ys is pure action, right?

Just like Ya-

14 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Josette is actually at her best in these games. She has long hair, you see.

I can't believe my son is so cringe

14 minutes ago, Sooks said:

’m half squid? And I was born a couple days ago?


And yes. Your Grandpa should really be the one giving you The Talk about this, though, since he's the one who found your mother.

2 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Or me being Benice's Teehee twin apparently, which then leads to the question of explaining that age gap.

From the Shrimpfather, two spirits were birthed: The spirit of honor and law, Dayni, and the spirit of horny and chaos, Benice.

Benice was a few years late to be birthed because he was lazy.

6 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

I did not. Didn't do much in the way of side content, actually.

I'm glad you enjoyed the game regardless!

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3 minutes ago, Benice said:

Your Grandpa should really be the one giving you The Talk about this, though, since he's the one who found your mother.

Nope, your son, your duty

4 minutes ago, Benice said:

From the Shrimpfather, two spirits were birthed: The spirit of honor and law, Dayni, and the spirit of horny and chaos, Benice.

Wake up TeeHee'rs new lore just dropped

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Today i may have experienced my first ever case of Hispanic racism, as in, racism between Hispanics. Or at the very least some form of microaggression.

See, this one guy and his girlfriend walked in to the store today. I asked if i could assist them with anything and the guy said he was looking for "calzadores". Now i have no idea what a calzador is and i later found out that it's just shoehorn. For the record, Venezuelans just say "calzados" i learned today because people don't really use shoehorns in the first place.

Anyways, after i asked them what it was, the guy kinda just looked at me as if i was an idiot and left the store. We don't sell shoehorns anyways but buddy could've at least explained what he was looking for. Rude ass mfer.

3 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

The holidays were an interesting mix of fun and weirdly depressing this year. Such is life.

Hope everyone's been well.

Finished FFXV. 'Twas a great time. Bless Noctis and the lads for having some of the best, most believable camaraderie in any RPG I've played.

Picked up a few games over the holidays, mainly Xenoblade X and Crisis Core. Both have been really fun so far.

I need to get back to Hopes but that damned hub killed a lot of the enjoyment I might've had.


Hope things have been going well for you. And i hope you enjoy Xenoblade X.

2 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

True, Jesus does has some real classy lines in there.

Fun fact, the Cherokee chief Drowning Bear commented on the bible saying "it's a good book, strange the white people aren't better for it"

A lot of fake Christians basically just read the Old Testament and go "that's good enough for me" which is ironic because the whole point of the New Testament essentially boils down to God being "yeah maybe i was a little too hard on humanity".

There's also the fact that The Bible is really old and i've always wondered how much of the original text has been kept intact. Which is partially the reason why despite being a Catholic, i'm only mild on it. I believe in the stuff, i just don't think it's that literal and it's more broad than it may seem.

1 hour ago, Sooks said:

Anyway Trails of Cold Steel 4 is a game that exists

(He's talking about CS here, not Trails as a whole).

I really enjoyed CS4 as it was the *looks up* 12th best game i played in 2021. But it also came after a big Trails hiatus in which i did not play the series for over a few years whereas you played back-to-back so i'm curious if that had anything to do with it.

1 hour ago, Sooks said:

The story was… good, and not at the same time

Avengers Endgame.

1 hour ago, Sooks said:

And in a series that shares the same name, now that I’ve been through two arcs that haven’t reached the same highs…

I’m really starting to miss Sky.

At the same time, expecting a series to deliver the same consistent highs is a detriment to personal enjoyment. Not saying as an excuse for mediocrity but i'm saying that sometimes it takes a long time for those highs to be reached again, if they ever do.

Monolith Soft popped the fuck off with Xenogears' story, protag writing and romance and it took until Xenoblade 3 for those heights to be reached again. And honestly i don't know what game would top Xenoblade 3 for me at this point but i'm not expecting it to happen anytime soon (especially since a game has to clear both Xenoblade X and Xenoblade 2 before it could even think about clearing Xenoblade 3).

It's why i prefer to judge the games as is instead of going "things were better back then" and holding it against the game. Even if i do think things were better back then.

56 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Ys X music is gonna be horrible and i will need to prepare mods.

Here are the only two songs you'll need


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16 minutes ago, Armagon said:

At the same time, expecting a series to deliver the same consistent highs is a detriment to personal enjoyment.

Is it? I find accepting mediocracy is dertimental to enjoyment much more.

Expecting a certain min. Quality/consistent highs feels amazing when they get hit, as rare as that is.

And Xenoblade is cheating because it literally got better every game 😛

16 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Here are the only two songs you'll need


16 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Even if i do think things were better back then

Here's the Shrimptwist: Except a certain series, i don't think that's the case with many games honestly. Maybe between 2015 and 2020 there was a certain lull in gaming yeah, but i find gaming has been on the better again since 2020 (unlike everything else on the planet)

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*Drama unfolding and all Acacia does is keep posting his SRW stuff like the weirdo he is*

Oh, the point is granted after Akito moves into the target area. Upon doing so, he and Spike go in. The latter finds Tongpu, and claims he's not going to let their previous match unchallenged. Specially after having abducted Ruri. They fight again, but Spike is still having trouble. But then something... happens. Spike seems to get a flash of memories. In any case, it seems the same happens to Tongpu, who begins acting up, calling out about cats and begins wailing. Spike attributes it that he must not like cats and must trigger him. He takes this chance to shoot him dead. Afterwards, Spike wonders if the ruins were behind the whole flash of memories thing.

Meanwhile, Akito has reached the Calculation Unit, where Hokushin awaits. Yurika is no longer there, however. Hokushin brings up how the Calculation Unit can connect to people's consciousnesses. No longer in her happy little dream, Yurika's feelings are now transmitted to those within the ruins. Which explains the above. Akito demans to know where she is, but Hokushin brings up if he'd want to know where are Ruri and Lapis instead. He will only answer one. In the end, it seems Akito chose Ruri and Lapis, for he and Spike have reached her cell. Tsukiomi also arrives, explaining Nergal also took the chance to storm the place while the battle happened. Akito entrusted Lapis to him. He and Spike return outside, as Shinjo reports to Kusakabe the hostages have been taken away... including Yurika. Without Lapis, they can't use the gravity wave, so they compensate sending out more mechs. But then, a battleship Boson Jumps in and destroys some of them! It's the Nadesico C, with Harry at the helm ready to pick Ruri up. But also on board is Uribatake, saying it was his hunch to jump in and make the last-minute rescue... and proceeds to geek out a bit about the ships specs, heh. The crew of the Nadesico B have already transferred aboard too. this would also be the point where Prospector would've joined if I hadn't done the secret scenario. Anyway, Ruri comes aboard and sees more old faces aboard, like Minato and Yukina. Prospector says he gathered the old crew back to staff the Nadesico C. At this Ruri decides a change of tactics is in order... and uses the same thing Lapis did, but now on the remaining Martian Successors that showed up right now, warping them out!

Anyway, back at the base Kusakabe curses this development of events. Just then Akatsuki shows up, ready to evict him since, after all, this place used to be under Nergal's management. Before Shinjo can try to apprehend him, Tsukiomi shows up, with Akatsuki saying he's part of Nergal Secret Service. Akatsuki tells them to surrender, but Kusakabe tells him to shut up. He says he fights for justice, but Akatsuki brings up that justice is relative. Now money, however... is universal, hence why he uses its power to dispense his own justice. It seems Kusakabe finally admits defeat, asking for his men to be treated well. Still, the battle itself happening right now isn't over. Hokushin and his Hokushin's Six deploy. Akito is ready to finish him once and for all!

So, the Muzuras and Yatenko... for the TacP Bonus, Akito must defeat him with the Distortion Attack S, which has unlocked right now. As for the Nadesico C, in addition to being an upgrade, it comes with the System Seizure command. I take it it's the gravity wave thing, for it activates the Analyze and Agitate Spirits on all on-map enemies once per map. They don't get warped away, but it's still a good debuff. Okay, let's finish this!

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6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Today i may have experienced my first ever case of Hispanic racism, as in, racism between Hispanics. Or at the very least some form of microaggression.

See, this one guy and his girlfriend walked in to the store today. I asked if i could assist them with anything and the guy said he was looking for "calzadores". Now i have no idea what a calzador is and i later found out that it's just shoehorn. For the record, Venezuelans just say "calzados" i learned today because people don't really use shoehorns in the first place.

Anyways, after i asked them what it was, the guy kinda just looked at me as if i was an idiot and left the store. We don't sell shoehorns anyways but buddy could've at least explained what he was looking for. Rude ass mfer.

Be thankful the Colorado thing didn't trigger one too.

Still... yeah, we can be like that sometimes...

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On the topic of religion and politics, without going into my own beliefs because from experience that's a mistake on the net, i will say the following:

Conservatives (politicaly, i mean) who claim to follow religion don't understand religion. Or even more, abuse religion for their own gains, or use it to feel good after doing something bad/sinful.

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2 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

The Jackson seethes timeline.


See the funniest part of this is that Jackson is currently the US President in my game but since I'm still the state I'm doing things that make him seem like the most progressive motherfucker in the court.

14 minutes ago, Armagon said:

A lot of fake Christians basically just read the Old Testament and go "that's good enough for me" which is ironic because the whole point of the New Testament essentially boils down to God being "yeah maybe i was a little too hard on humanity".

There's also the fact that The Bible is really old and i've always wondered how much of the original text has been kept intact. Which is partially the reason why despite being a Catholic, i'm only mild on it. I believe in the stuff, i just don't think it's that literal and it's more broad than it may seem.

Hey speaking of fake Christians, in my Vic 3 game I reluctantly had to put the evangelicals into power just to keep the state from falling apart. I booted them out soon enough so hopefully church and state will be separated in the foreseeable future.

2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

So like, Crusader Kings is more about your dynasty. Ensuring it can survive all-game long. So you could play as a mere Count or Patrician Family or what-have-you for the entire game. Sure, you might not have accomplished much in the grand scheme of things... but it's a way to play. Though in that case, you will mind if your liege drags you to war with them. Or wants to strip you of your title.

I haven't played CK yet but for the other games in the genre I've played, I.E Civilization, EU4, and Age of Empires, they are much more war and expansion focused, they may give you a few options that focus on internal politics but for the most part war is the most deep and interesting mechanic.

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5 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Is it? I find accepting mediocracy is dertimental to enjoyment much more.

No no, i'm not saying to accept mediocrity, my point was moreso, it's ok if the next game isn't as good as the previous one as long as you still enjoyed it.

We're Fire Emblem fans, we should all know this.

8 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

And Xenoblade is cheating because it literally got better every game 😛

Xenoblade sure. But Xeno as a whole?

Xenogears popped off and then the series kinda fell off with Xenosaga Episode I, plummeted with Episode II (blame gameplay) only to return triumphantly with Episode III, which is also better than Xenoblade 1. After Xenoblade X though, yeah it's been a consistent climb. I don't know where the fuck they'll go from Xenoblade 3 tho. 

Of course, each game still has their own strengths and weaknesses.

6 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


I'm waiting for Falcom to reveal Adol's ship talks to him so i can stop making the joke that Ys 10 is just Wind Waker and unironically begin saying it.

9 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Still... yeah, we can be like that sometimes...

You'd think that the people who speak a language with like 50 different variations would know that not everyone uses the same words.

And honestly, i thought people did know that and most of them do tbf. But i guess statistically, there's always that one guy.

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18 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Nope, your son, your duty


17 minutes ago, Armagon said:

There's also the fact that The Bible is really old and i've always wondered how much of the original text has been kept intact. Which is partially the reason why despite being a Catholic, i'm only mild on it. I believe in the stuff, i just don't think it's that literal and it's more broad than it may seem.

Aye, I'm in the same boat. (I actually was considering becoming a priest at one point, but I'm too degenerate) Plus, even if it were literal, it's, like, several thousand years old, so you really shouldn't apply everything from then to now.

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I am quite chuffed at how much more I packed the case.

1 minute ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Anime tends to have that funny thing with younger/older twin lol

Over a decade though?

Is there an actual example?

1 minute ago, twilitfalchion said:

Yeah, holding down attack causes you to start auto-comboing. You can do a zip-to-enemy teleport attack with a button combo tap, but basic attacks involve holding down to auto-attack.

A zoom option, neat.

Can't think of many games I'd be playing with autocombos off the top of my head.

1 minute ago, Shadow Mir said:

It's two, but you only get one of them unless you're on Revelation, Also, both of them are rather lackluster. 

Anyway, it's judgment day. Terastallization is on the chopping block.

It's one outside Rev. As for Lackluster, I've been able to use both fine enough in Hard, the only reason they wouldn't see the end of Lunatic aside from me being bad is I'm using Generics in the runs I'm using them.

Also, judgement day? For Smogon on it?

2 minutes ago, Benice said:

From the Shrimpfather, two spirits were birthed: The spirit of honor and law, Dayni, and the spirit of horny and chaos, Benice.

Benice was a few years late to be birthed because he was lazy.

Me learning my twin was still incubating:


1 minute ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Wake up TeeHee'rs new lore just dropped

Me reading this

Just now, Acacia Sgt said:

*Drama unfolding and all Acacia does is keep posting his SRW stuff like the weirdo he is*

More like everyone just found a hidden compartment in the Teehee box of mystery.

11 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

As for the Nadesico C, in addition to being an upgrade, it comes with the System Seizure command. I take it it's the gravity wave thing, for it activates the Analyze and Agitate Spirits on all on-map enemies once per map. They don't get warped away, but it's still a good debuff. Okay, let's finish this!

I'm sorry, is this an equivalent of just deleting enemies in a large AoE you mentioned this isn't? Is there a case of the player getting that?

Just now, Edelguardiansing said:

See the funniest part of this is that Jackson is currently the US President in my game but since I'm still the state I'm doing things that make him seem like the most progressive motherfucker in the court.

Jackson's administration just ghosting Jackson on the policies he wanted to enact.

1 minute ago, Benice said:

(I actually was considering becoming a priest at one point, but I'm too degenerate)

Meanwhile I have joking suggestions to go join the priesthood from my brother.

I have negative interest in doing so.

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7 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Conservatives (politicaly, i mean) who claim to follow religion don't understand religion. Or even more, abuse religion for their own gains, or use it to feel good after doing something bad/sinful.

I'm reminded about a tidbit that conservatives weren't anti-abortion until progressives started being pro-choice.

2 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Hey speaking of fake Christians, in my Vic 3 game I reluctantly had to put the evangelicals into power just to keep the state from falling apart.

Things got that bad in your run huh? 

2 minutes ago, Benice said:

Plus, even if it were literal, it's, like, several thousand years old, so you really shouldn't apply everything from then to now.

Yeah that's partially where the whole "how accurately has the Bible been retold" thing with me comes from.

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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

You'd think that the people who speak a language with like 50 different variations would know that not everyone uses the same words.

And honestly, i thought people did know that and most of them do tbf. But i guess statistically, there's always that one guy.

Yeah... considering that the alternative isn't exactly nice either. That he might've thought you were "assimilated" since you couldn't recognize a Spanish word despite being Hispanic, and thus didn't liked that.

To be fair, you did not know about the colorado thing, not even as a "word other Hispanic countries use", so...

1 minute ago, Punished Dayni said:

More like everyone just found a hidden compartment in the Teehee box of mystery.

Yeah, I was paying attention to that too, heh.

1 minute ago, Punished Dayni said:

I'm sorry, is this an equivalent of just deleting enemies in a large AoE you mentioned this isn't? Is there a case of the player getting that?

No, the whole "yeet enemies out of the map" isn't something the player gets access to. Still... why would we want to? Gotta not let that EXP and money go away!

1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Yeah that's partially where the whole "how accurately has the Bible been retold" thing with me comes from.

The "joys" of having a text retranslated countless times over the centuries to boot too.

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13 minutes ago, Armagon said:

it's ok if the next game isn't as good as the previous one as long as you still enjoyed it.

I agree with you there, and that's how i do rate my games.

However it's hard to not compare games in the same series. Especially when you don't enjoy a game.

13 minutes ago, Armagon said:

We're Fire Emblem fans, we should all know this.

FE is weird due to how changing it is, and how each games has it's own strengths it hits.

13 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I'm waiting for Falcom to reveal Adol's ship talks to him

and is a waifu?

12 minutes ago, Benice said:

Plus, even if it were literal, it's, like, several thousand years old, so you really shouldn't apply everything from then to now.

People should focus more on the spirit of rule, so to say. Try to understand why stuff is allowed/forbidden, and the context.

Sadly, that's usally not the case, especially nowadays.

9 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I'm reminded about a tidbit that conservatives weren't anti-abortion until progressives started being pro-choice

You telling me Jesus wasn't a gun wielding CEO of racism?

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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