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49 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

(and Livia... why not use the MC of the gender you didn't pick instead? Seems like it'd be a good place to slot them in, she already looks like a mini FeMC), 

It has been... *checks ToD's release date* about a decade since I last seriously played a Rune Factory game? I'm not floored yet for sure, but there is a subtle happiness in returning to an old franchise for which I had fondness.🙂 

Come to think of it, ToD is the only one that basically lets you pair the MC's between each other, no. Mostly if due to the fact it's the only one that lets both exist at the same time. Well, technically not at first, but after a point.

It could be interesting if they were to do that again.

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Okay, hold on, I actually found this wanky Sherlock Holmes game gives you a surprising amount of power by just opening the game.ini file.

I've not wrapped my head around it yet, but I've somehow managed to get Watson to stop turning to face you and stop running. Now he just walks everywhere. Fun enough, but I want him to teleport.

29 minutes ago, ping said:

Only wanted to make it a Consul, quite possibly as an insult to the senate.

Hah! Good enough.

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I AM THE GREATEST HACKER OF ALL TIME actually it only took changing a single value in the game.ini file BUT STILL

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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I can turn him into the monster from It Follows too. With the right tinkering he stops teleporting, he just walks without stopping until he reaches you.

This is supposed to be a game about solving puzzles.

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16 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

*watching US House Speaker vote*

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That's what I've been doing while waiting for the laptop and controller (the low-battery light was blinking as soon as I started RF5, how did I forget to do that in advance after so much AP playing?😅) to recharge.

Losing by an additional vote on the third ballot, the House is on -metaphoric and I have to specify this b/c Jan 2021 makes me think so- fire.

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

It could be interesting if they were to do that again.

I would like that. I like the idea of the character not chosen having an existence in the world. SoS did it once in the DS era. Not saying it should be standard in relevant games  -story situations as specific and special as Corrin-Byleth-Alear for instance don't leave much room for it- but others are more open.


5 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


> 閃の軌跡


So struck by something you don't mind playing it in Japanese? -Well you did play Blaze Union to completion.

Now I'm reminded of this one very obscure game with no translation I learned of in the past week I'm just a little curious about.

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8 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

So struck by something you don't mind playing it in Japanese?

Well, VNs would be the last to play in japanese unless i learn the language XD


Now I'm reminded of this one very obscure game with no translation I learned of in the past week I'm just a little curious about.

*Curiousity intensifies*

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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Vic 3 update. I got the Communist party formed in the US and am trying to get them fully into power. Right now the biggest and most popular party is the "Peoples Party" which sounds good but it's really just all peasant farmers that advocate for workers rights but also hate black people

...So not all that far off from rural farmers in current day United States.

I've been trying to rapidly Industrialize and build universities and such to get more open minded laborers but it's still much an up hill battle, especially since I'm still learning the game.

22 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Jackson's administration just ghosting Jackson on the policies he wanted to enact.

Fuckin' genius.

22 hours ago, Armagon said:

Things got that bad in your run huh?

I don't know if they got bad as much as it was just the very beginning of the game and the parties hadn't formed yet.

13 hours ago, ping said:

I hope you have been crushing the landowners. I haven't gotten Vicky3 yet, but I hear they're a bunch of buttfaces.

The landowners in this game are represented by the plantation owners (Who since the Civil War has lost most of their prominence) and the petite bourgeoisie which exist but haven't given me that much trouble.

The two did join forces along with the Evangelicals to create the democratic party though so I probably should be wary.

There's also the Republican party home to the single group of the intelligentsia who I want to befriend but they are making it very difficult.

46 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:




I AM THE GREATEST HACKER OF ALL TIME actually it only took changing a single value in the game.ini file BUT STILL


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4 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:


So see this?

25 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

It wasn't in the version of the game I got. But with a surprisingly small amount of effort, I brought it back.

...Tomorrow I should probably actually play the game lol

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7 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

This is why i stopped playing, game became way too braindead and options were now given rather than earned.

Personally, I don't think I could get into it nowadays because it's gotten too damn complicated for me.

6 hours ago, Armagon said:

I had to look this up. Bruh.

Confusion is always a 50/50 coinflip, and being able to use a move only half of the time is uncompetitive, if not broken.

Bruh. As opposed to what, Will-o-Wisp and Toxic, which can't be cured and will certainly doom any mons affected by them to a slow painful death? Swagger is quite literally one of the most risk-reward moves in the game. Yeah you confuse the enemy but

  • confusion can wear off frame 1
  • Even if it doesn't, if the confusion doesn't work that turn, it can seriously mess you up
  • Own Tempo Pokemon laugh

Which means nothing when the same mons that used it also use Thunder Wave to further decrease the chance you actually attack. And did I mention the part where all of those mons used Prankster, meaning they got priority on all those moves save Foul Play?

How many Own Tempo mons do you know that were actually OU viable back then? And would actually be happy using that over their other abilities?? This reeks of being highly specific counterplay.  It makes about as much sense as running Jar Robber (a card that specifically counters Pot of Greed, which is banned) in YGO (also of note, even if you played traditional format, which has no banned cards, you're still praying you get to and set it before the opponent gets to play Pot of Greed. It makes ten billion percent more sense to play something that isn't dependent on your opponent running specific cards). 

Long story short, there's a reason why Prankster, Swagger and confusion all got nerfed in Gen 7. (Oddly enough, Swagger became a problem again in Gen 7, but this time in doubles thanks to Tapu Fini's Misty Terrain removing the confusion effect for grounded Pokemon, basically making it a free Swords Dance for anything physical.)

5 hours ago, Benice said:

Dragonite's speed is pretty mid unless scarfed. Common Ghost threats like Annihilape are faster too,  and Gholdengo can do the trick as well. After a dragon dance, unless scarfed, Cyclizar and Chien-Pao are both faster. And again, you could also counter with your own Tera, adding any number of pokemon with a speed stat>80 as effective counters.

Annihilape is arguably broken itself thanks to Rage Fist, tbf. And it ain't like you're OHKOing Dragonite.

5 hours ago, Benice said:

Alternatively, trick room so that slower 'mons go first.

Ahh, Trick Room, AKA the stuff that needs you to build a team abound it, and forces you to go last on the turn you try to set it up, meaning the opponent gets a free shot at you before it goes up. Not that Trick Room helps that much because Extreme Speed go brrrr.

5 hours ago, Benice said:

Huh? There's very little comparison between the two. Evasion and OHKO moves are just luck; the only strategy involved with them is either boosting evade as high as possible then Swords Dancing, or hoping you hit the OHKO moves; additionally there are no really good answers to such a strategy; there's basically just Hone Claws and Coil.

Tera has no RNG, is entirely based on skill in reading the opponent, can only be used once, and has its own downsides. It's not an instant win condition, but a tool in every player's box. They add variance, but not in a way that's altogether unfair; again, as the type system of pokemon is balanced within reason, so too is tera-typing. I don't see why they should remove a mechanic that adds depth to strategy and rewards new plays.

Bruh. There's 18 types in Pokemon. I'd say tera doesn't reward new plays so much as it supplants skill and replaces it with luck and guesswork.

Edited by Shadow Mir
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Well, I did end up finding an unironic improvement here. In the base game, if you get two meters away from him Watson takes off sprinting like a terrifying teleporting horror is after him. I can leave every value default, but just leave one changed to force him to walk like a civilized person. That fits the vibe of the game a lot better.

And that's that for tonight. Tomorrow I actually play the ancient game from a dead genre. I hope.

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36 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

That's what I've been doing while waiting for the laptop and controller (the low-battery light was blinking as soon as I started RF5, how did I forget to do that in advance after so much AP playing?😅) to recharge.

Losing by an additional vote on the third ballot, the House is on -metaphoric and I have to specify this b/c Jan 2021 makes me think so- fire.

It's going to be truly something if Jordan somehow ends up winning because they kept voting and voting and more and more defections happened. Though I figure if it comes down to that, the Democrats will just back McCarthy. Perhaps less likely, McCarthy voters just vote for Jeffries or simply vote present, still making Jeffries win.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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49 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

*Curiousity intensifies*

It's nothing special whatsoever. A seemingly solidly 7/10 SRPG on the Saturn and then Dreamcast and Playstation called Black Matrix. Story is the black-winged devils defeated the white-winged angels long ago and enslaved them. The silent MC is an angel whose devil master falls in love with him, with love being forbidden no matter who it's between. The hero gets arrested and separated from his lover, breaks out of prison, and ends up coincidentally (all he wants is their lover back according to one rare review I found of the game) leading a rebellion against the devils.

I don't mean to make myself seem one-dimensional, and that I wouldn't have said another word about the game were it not for the above quip you made, but... *sigh* ...one of the master/lover options is male.😆 This sixth option is actually hidden from what I read, you have to use an old-fashion cheat code consisting of a sequence of button presses on the selection screen to make his icon show up alongside the five ladies. The Dreamcast version went even further and included fakeout cheat code alongside the one that actually works. Why so much effort (which game guides made not so secret) to hide the yaoi candidate?😛

All I'd want from the game is the relevant opening and ending text from said character. As the chosen lover spends the majority of the game being captive and thus doesn't actually matter all that much it seems. Seems the Dreamcast (possibly the best of the three) and Playstation versions added a little more for the lover, but I've no idea how much. Nor all that means is just letting you recruit the characters you didn't choose as the MC's lover (which does the lone guy). I'm curious how poorly, decently, or blandly such an anime-ish relationship would've been written by Japan circa 1998 (which wouldn't have to inherently be horrible b/c age, P2IS was 1999).

In the absence of a translation of any kind or more details, my sometimes-obsessive brain took the general scenario described above, and has fantasized it into extreme melodrama like a bored schoolgirl. And I'm not happy with my brain for doing that.😑

23 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Rice with cheese is underrated

Risotto? I've never had it before. I've eaten plenty of Italian, but never that. And it sounds like a hassle to make at home. 

10 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


クソ なんで エロゲ

Go ahead, laid it on me!🤪

-With a feature that removes any non-con(sensual acts of sex) and utterly twisted violence scenes. I would absolutely need that. Nitro+Chiral already exists, and I'm not exactly interested in their output.

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