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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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10 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

However legally speaking, many of these people did/do not have power

Power isn't a legal construct- If you took a group of ten completely random people and put them in a group in the wilderness, a chain of authority would almost certainly form even without anything strictly binding them to form a group that way. Societies and authority are formed naturally in human groups.

A good example of this is the Milgram experiment. The researcher has absolutely no legal power, and yet their influence, their power, is immense by virtue of their position. The Milgram experiment also shows how important it is to build a society which is "good" because of how dangerous normal people are when they are in a society or setting which is "evil". That's part of why I think authority is important, since it allows us to try to build a society which is good. Society will build itself regardless if we leave it be, so using a position with power to create a more positive life is important to me.

12 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

and as you may recall my problem was power over people, not power in it of itself.

When you have power, you have power over people: That's much of what power is, whether it's on the scale of a popular kid at school, a CEO of a large company, or a civil rights activist. To take a famous example, the Montgomery Bus Boycott was using a force gathered behind a cause and a charismatic leader to change the law and the order of society. The Rwandan genocide was also using a force gathered behind a cause and charismatic leaders- a prominent one being a radio station, Libre des Milles Collines*^, to change the order of a society. Both situations rely on mass support in order to enact change, and the fact that they enacted the change through different channels doesn't change that their power was the people supporting them. This is generally the same in non-democratic settings, but with the addition that it's more about who supports you (I.E. the military or anyone with guns) than how many support you. If you hold sway over someone, you have power. The more people you hold sway over, the more power.

Corporate power is different though, and a mighty amen to large corporations needing to be held responsible for what they do.

*This one was secretly and indirectly government funded, but the idea of a non-governmental body being used to incite change remains the same.

^Sounds scarily like some North American news stations and podcasts, doesn't it?

49 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

surely the lines shouldn't so strict and enforced, even among those few good leaders.

I mean, there is a reason a political compass exists; I don't expect you ever to shift to exactly where I am on it, nor would I really want you to, since diversity of thought is really important for a healthy society, and your life experience is probably very different from mine, unless you're horny all the time and talk about music too much while also being bad at music, and also suck at math and dislike 1984. For me, I believe that authority enables change: Apartheid ended because of Mandela's great power, Brazil was advanced 50 years in 5 years by Kubitschek's power, so on and so forth. The honest truth is, though, that there isn't a singular correct answer: Point to just about anywhere on a political compass, and you can find people, leaders, countries, cultures, that have done well with that spot, and likely about as many that suffered on that spot.

I'm quite the leftist, but even though I really sympathize with communism, I have to admit that Venezuela's leftist government sucks, as did the Soviet Union and as does Cuba. Even more moderate governments like Brazil's under Lula didn't really do everything a leftist government is supposed to- I'm told by my friend from Manaus that the public education system is really weak, putting a major emphasis on private schooling. Brazil has both private and public Universities, with public universities being free and private being paid, meaning that those who could pay for a good private education are favoured for getting into the free universities, while public students generally have to go to the paid ones. He also said that Lula's government was communist though, so I dunno if he is the best authority on the subject. Where I live, about 40% of people are elderly German women, 50% are from Alberta, 5% from elsewhere, and then, like, 2% from other countries, and then 3% who aren't white, so it's very conservative- One of my co-workers is quite right-wing, for example. All the same, though, she's a lovely person who definitely doesn't want big corporations to take over everybody- her political opinion is just very different from mine, as has been her life experience. There's no single correct point of view, even if it feels like our own opinion is objectively perfect.

1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:

it's a good story to teach American kids to get the idea that racism is a thing of the past.

I have a feeling that I learned more about the American civil rights movement from public school than most Americans did from theirs and it's kinda weird.

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Waking up this early..... man it's still dark.

I hate that about winter.

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


You can give Sommie a tiny top hat.

You can also enlist his help in your quest to obtain fish.

For him, probably.

I can't. This little guy is too much. I don't care how many souls I must sacrifice, he must be protected.

Sommie should be able to boost allies like Emblem Rings

8 hours ago, Armagon said:


Okay, that's a banger.

8 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


Sorry if its a bit late, but utilities have been spotty due to weather.

Thank you.

I tried to get the file without making an account.

I failed.

7 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Half of these are probably courtesy of @Saint Rubenio

  Wonder if we'll actually see Alear with Blue hair alone.

Kaga end being Chaotic and not evil feels wrong though.Sommie should be the Good end

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Anyway. I drew Lumera's death.


In case someone gets mad at me, this isn't a spoiler. The game's not been leaked yet. This is just what I think is going to happen.

Vander T-Posing in shock is not something I expected to wake up to.

We could do with the avatars not killing their moms for once.

4 hours ago, Armagon said:

She has chains in the one art we have of her. 

*Meanwhile at IntSys*

"CEO-san, we have a major problem"

"What is it, intern-kun"

"It's K.A.G.A sir! It's escaped from it's containment cell"

"God help us all"

At this point Kaga's just sitting in a chair for consulting.

3 hours ago, Sinon said:

I see more talk about Xenoblade here than I do about Fire Emblem

 There's quite a few people talking about it.

And then there's people like me.

1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:


So when Byleth had a fireball thrown at her, why was her first instinct to slash her new sword at it as if that would do anything?

Because she's played SHMUPs before, red absorbs red.

1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Oh... Oh...

And now you get what I was referring to with knowing fresh blood.....

1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Self aware wolves.

If anyone there's got that as a problem.....

1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:

"This one?"

"You're all set!"

"This one?"

"You're all set!"

"This one?"

"You're all set!"


1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Three Houses not allowing you to pet the cats is the sole reason I hate this game.

Engage lets you pet the dog for free, Engage is already the better game

59 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

On the subject of cats, I remember that stray cat had a... brother? Littermate? They looked too similar I doubted they weren't related. Anyway, that other cat was kinda chased away by the late one (territory dispute, no doubt) and it had been months since I last saw it. Though my mother said she saw him today, actually. I wonder if he might come back to this street now that... well, his relative is gone...

On the other hand, since it's very likely the cat was killed, I wouldn't want him to come over and suffer the same fate.

I suppose that remains to be seen.

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6 hours ago, Green06 said:

You have my attention. Elaborate.

Well, not as bad since not a kid, but tl;dr:


>stole her sister's will, making her basically in a "drugged"-state

>Sold her to (sexual) slavery

>Sister has descendants all over the continent

All because she and her sister loved the same man

5 hours ago, Armagon said:


This is the true Falcom Hype train.



>Classic Falcom + Witch


5 hours ago, Armagon said:

Has this.....not been done before?

nope. Not the PC version atleast, which is quite different from the PSP version, that was also badly translated.

2 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Waking up this early..... man it's still dark.


And i see you woke up and chose violence with Seliph tainting Nanna

2 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Kaga end being Chaotic and not evil feels wrong though

Kaga doesn't have any evil endings tho does he. He is a super fan of "just/heroic" endings


Also @Benice as expected of my son

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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Coach Sommie.


4 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

And i see you woke up and chose violence with Seliph tainting Nanna

....That's Finn's hair colour I used though, both from Thracia artwork.

5 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Kaga doesn't have any evil endings tho does he. He is a super fan of "just/heroic" endings

Sure is weird with what he puts in his stories.

And I wouldn't call Tia or Sennet's endings that great in the original intent for TRS (#Aethindidnothingwrong)

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4 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

...That's Finn's hair colour I used though, both from Thracia artwork

Seliph NTR'ing Leif is funnier tho


4 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:


Gaming just peak'd honestly

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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1 hour ago, Benice said:

Power isn't a legal construct- If you took a group of ten completely random people and put them in a group in the wilderness, a chain of authority would almost certainly form even without anything strictly binding them to form a group that way. Societies and authority are formed naturally in human groups.

A good example of this is the Milgram experiment. The researcher has absolutely no legal power, and yet their influence, their power, is immense by virtue of their position. The Milgram experiment also shows how important it is to build a society which is "good" because of how dangerous normal people are when they are in a society or setting which is "evil". That's part of why I think authority is important, since it allows us to try to build a society which is good. Society will build itself regardless if we leave it be, so using a position with power to create a more positive life is important to me.

Ah yes, but you'll also know that power of words is worthless against power of guns, as people charismatic enough to form an opposition against the government were assassinated or imprisoned. These people may have power, but it's ultimately those in legal power of the country who have the guns, and thus the means to silence them at a moments notice. It's something they can do, and often will do.

1 hour ago, Benice said:

When you have power, you have power over people: That's much of what power is, whether it's on the scale of a popular kid at school, a CEO of a large company, or a civil rights activist. To take a famous example, the Montgomery Bus Boycott was using a force gathered behind a cause and a charismatic leader to change the law and the order of society. The Rwandan genocide was also using a force gathered behind a cause and charismatic leaders- a prominent one being a radio station, Libre des Milles Collines*^, to change the order of a society. Both situations rely on mass support in order to enact change, and the fact that they enacted the change through different channels doesn't change that their power was the people supporting them. This is generally the same in non-democratic settings, but with the addition that it's more about who supports you (I.E. the military or anyone with guns) than how many support you. If you hold sway over someone, you have power. The more people you hold sway over, the more power.

Corporate power is different though, and a mighty amen to large corporations needing to be held responsible for what they do.

*This one was secretly and indirectly government funded, but the idea of a non-governmental body being used to incite change remains the same.

^Sounds scarily like some North American news stations and podcasts, doesn't it?

A civil rights activists has power over others only as far as their words have a genuine connect to the people they are swaying, which speaks to me less a power over someone and more power with someone. A civil rights activist cannot silence or kill people whenever is needed.

1 hour ago, Benice said:

I mean, there is a reason a political compass exists; I don't expect you ever to shift to exactly where I am on it, nor would I really want you to, since diversity of thought is really important for a healthy society, and your life experience is probably very different from mine, unless you're horny all the time and talk about music too much while also being bad at music, and also suck at math and dislike 1984. For me, I believe that authority enables change: Apartheid ended because of Mandela's great power, Brazil was advanced 50 years in 5 years by Kubitschek's power, so on and so forth. The honest truth is, though, that there isn't a singular correct answer: Point to just about anywhere on a political compass, and you can find people, leaders, countries, cultures, that have done well with that spot, and likely about as many that suffered on that spot.

The political compass is not something to put trust in. Political ideas and thoughts are so vast and complex that a two dimensional grid cannot hope to accurately display it.

Having such a trust in authority is confusing to me. Speaking to the much smaller group of leaders you mentioned who did hold legal power in their country, they are a significant minority compared the amount of times authority has been used to promote, encourage, and commit human atrocities. The unbalance between the amount of Hitler's in the world to the amount of Mandela's is so massive that it'd be like comparing the size of the sun to an asteroid in the kuiper belt. Power may allow change but it doesn't encourage it, and in fact as I've stated before it encourages much the reverse. To be an efficient leader who is respected among the great powers of the world, you have to turn a blind eye to imperialism and exploitation. Authority may have helped Apartheid (And I say helped because South Africa still deals with it to this day) but it was authority that brought it forth in the first place and kept it alive for centuries, as it was authority that kept women subjugated for thousands of years, as it was authority that kept the countries of the global south so poor.

In the neolithic period such atrocities didn't exist, they couldn't because the power and authority simply wasn't there yet. Communal societies thrived and thus every human had a part to play and thus every human was valued. Women were leaders, neurodivergent folk were expert hunter-gatherers, homosexual couples adopted orphaned children. They couldn't afford to discriminate and assimilate, in such a small tribe it's just not efficient to.

That's obviously not to say those small tribes didn't do awful things, but over here in the maximum power era, we've certainly bombed and genocided a lot more people.

1 hour ago, Benice said:

I'm quite the leftist, but even though I really sympathize with communism, I have to admit that Venezuela's leftist government sucks, as did the Soviet Union and as does Cuba.

In all areas but name, those countries are not leftist.

They were authoritarian regimes that did not attempt to give rights to the workers yet pretended to in order to further their own power, much like the Nazis did.

These were regimes that glorified it's leaders, forbid criticism of those leaders or the country and viewed all outside forces as a threat, ergo, they were fascists, which is a right wing ideology.

1 hour ago, Benice said:

One of my co-workers is quite right-wing, for example. All the same, though, she's a lovely person who definitely doesn't want big corporations to take over everybody- her political opinion is just very different from mine, as has been her life experience. There's no single correct point of view, even if it feels like our own opinion is objectively perfect.

That is a very left-wing thing to say for a right-winger. What are her other beliefs?

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So, not only is Avatar 3 probably still a thing, but apparently there'll be Fire Na'vi.

Obvious joke is obvious.

6 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Seliph NTR'ing Leif is funnier tho

Then that's me being violent on best lord, so I cannot agree with this.

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Just now, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I don't see you being violent on Madlear tho

Madlear is violence.

1 minute ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Apparently there's a fixed growth mode or something

Like Lunatic Conquest or PoR then is the question?

And is it affected by reclassing?

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9 hours ago, Armagon said:

Sommie looks photoshopped in this.

Stop nitpicking and look at the little top hat.

9 hours ago, Armagon said:

*Meanwhile at IntSys*

"CEO-san, we have a major problem"

"What is it, intern-kun"

"It's K.A.G.A sir! It's escaped from it's containment cell"

"God help us all"

You can contain the Kaga. You can never stop the Kaga. He will have his fetishes.

9 hours ago, Armagon said:

I.....posted one before tho?

Could've sworn you didn't. Maybe it wasn't a standard cutscene?

7 hours ago, Sinon said:

I see more talk about Xenoblade here than I do about Fire Emblem

Half the regulars here call Xenoblade the greatest series to ever exist, so that's only natural.

5 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


That is a very cool character design.

Yes, and as with all cool character designs in Fodlan, he's wasted.

5 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Oh... Oh...

On 1/4/2023 at 6:49 AM, Edelguardiansing said:

Yes, a very simple life of watching your siblings die of starvation and illness because your lord is a dick.


You're getting there.

5 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


That's also a very cool character design.

Yes, and as with all cool character designs in Fodlan, he's wasted.

5 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


"This one?"

"You're all set!"

"This one?"

"You're all set!"

"This one?"

"You're all set!"

The shopkeeps in this game are hilarious, but this guy is the funniest of them all. His lines are so goofy.

4 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Sommie should be able to boost allies like Emblem Rings

A new member for the Engaged gang.

Anyway, that cannot be because the only appropriate boost for Sommie would be to unlock a "press to win" button.

4 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Kaga end being Chaotic and not evil feels wrong though.

Sometimes he's capable of being decent.

...Then again, that could be the fabled editor at work. The true Hero of Shadow, right there.

4 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Vander T-Posing in shock is not something I expected to wake up to.

Vandad T-poses, as only the most powerful of FE characters know how to.

4 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

We could do with the avatars not killing their moms for once.

We could, but come now, you know it's going to happen. It's like trying to deny that Hyacinth or Morion are dead. How delusional would you have to be?

3 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:


Coach Sommie.



2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I don't see you being violent on Madlear tho

As he should. She belongs to me.

Okay no, now the joke's going too far.

1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

we don't know yet, especially after the "can't say anything post ch8" post

To be completely honest, that sounds like a slip. He just kinda got going and later realized "oh shit Ninty is going to kill me" so he started backpedalling and pretending he didn't know.

Or, I could be wrong. At this point I'm kinda done trying to predict Engage stuff. Every single time I've just been wrong lol

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from warcrimes to child workers

Crime% Speedrun when

4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Or, I could be wrong. At this point I'm kinda done trying to predict Engage stuff. Every single time I've just been wrong lol

This game is looking to be pure unadultered chaos, and i am all here for it.

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10 hours ago, Armagon said:

She has chains in the one art we have of her. 

*Meanwhile at IntSys*

"CEO-san, we have a major problem"

"What is it, intern-kun"

"It's K.A.G.A sir! It's escaped from it's containment cell"

"God help us all"

But would Kaga take her shoes? Actually I wouldn't be surprised if he did.

If Veyle is playable, her casual outfit in the Somniel should be a hoodie and sweatpants.

8 hours ago, Sinon said:

I see more talk about Xenoblade here than I do about Fire Emblem

Well obviously, we have the whole rest of the forum to talk about Fire Emblem.

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9 hours ago, Armagon said:

I don't mod my games. 

I can respect that.

9 hours ago, Armagon said:

Literally my solution besides removing it would be to just make it so that it can't activate off of Critical Blade Combos. If you do any combo, there's the risk of activating Elemental Awakening but a Critical Combo prevents that.

That or you simply make it so it only activates on higher difficulty levels?

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9 hours ago, Benice said:

Well, not quite, for the movement was still quite controversial:

I'm well aware it was, i'm just looking at it from a geologic timescale. 50 years is a blink of an eye from that point of view.

8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

At the same time, he wasn't exactly democratic, to put it mildly. "Enlightened despot" perhaps, which... well it's not surprising a country in the 3rd decade of the 1900s would fall into that when all it had before it was the Ottoman Empire. Realistic outcome, and "enlightened" in certain aspects in a certain capacities is better than nothing. But far from perfect.

I do think it's impossible to 100% be perfect if you're in a politically ruling position. You can be good but there also are "necessary evils". Obviously this doesn't mean exploiting or anything heinous but sometimes decisions have to be made that would earn you the ire of the people. Even something as simple as raising taxes, because it's impossible for a country to function without one. but people don't like that.

On the extreme side of it though, crossing the lines of "necessary evil", i remember reading that back when the Nuremberg Trials happened, someone stated that if every US President was tried under them, all of them would be found guilty. I'd have to look more into it because my knowledge on that front is basically that the trials stated that following orders is not a valid defense.

8 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Aren't people with anxiety funny?

I used to think Bernadetta was good but then Marianne does the same thing but better.

And then i watched Bocchi the Rock. Bocchi clears.

8 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

He did not end racism

I never said he did. But things have generally improved. It's true that non-whites, especially blacks, live in poorer conditions and are more targeted than white people. It's heinous. But compared to 50 years ago, things are a lot better than they were and things will only improve from here. Gen Z is insanely progressive and i fully believe that once Gen Z is fully seated in the government and all the ancient fossils have died off, it only goes up. Call me an optimist but i'd rather be one than despair at the state of the world.

6 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Okay, that's a banger.

Starfall Road really was the best path.

4 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Ah yes, but you'll also know that power of words is worthless against power of guns, as people charismatic enough to form an opposition against the government were assassinated or imprisoned.

And yet, even the ones who were assassinated did not leave their efforts in vain. The torch gets passed on, not necessarily to one person, but to the people they connected with, which leads to change, good change happening.

Or bad change. Sometimes the charismatic people are using that for their own agendas. Hugo Chavez attempted a coup in the 80s and was imprisoned. After he was free, he ran for president and his honeyed words convinced the Venezuelan people that he was the best for the job and he won in a landslide. The 1999 elections were the last true elections Venezuela ever had, though i maintain hope that one day things will fix.

5 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

In the neolithic period such atrocities didn't exist, they couldn't because the power and authority simply wasn't there yet. Communal societies thrived and thus every human had a part to play and thus every human was valued. Women were leaders, neurodivergent folk were expert hunter-gatherers, homosexual couples adopted orphaned children. They couldn't afford to discriminate and assimilate, in such a small tribe it's just not efficient to.

That's exactly why. Small communities made it more likely for everyone to know each other, so if someone was being a bad team player, everyone would know. There was definitely at least somebody in charge (probably like the village elder or something akin to that) so there was still power and authority. If a team went out to hunt, someone had to make sure all the coordination was going as planned. Building things, same thing.

We can't be like that anymore because the population of Earth is 8 billion and nations are massive. Compared to the.......well we don't really know because taking the census wasn't a thing until relatively recently. And that's because as communities grow, they need resources to sustain themselves. And while ideally sharing is caring, it was a race for survival back then and that meant the bigger village absorbing the smaller one. Snowball it for several centuries and you begin to get countries.

3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

This sounds much better than S-supports, if true


Accent's tripping me up but did he say "all eight chapters"? I mean, i know that's how far he can play but does he mean like there's a Support or something akin to that each chapter (that's just Bond).

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Could've sworn you didn't. Maybe it wasn't a standard cutscene?

I posted one when i was giving you the Vanillaware history lesson.

1 hour ago, Lightchao42 said:

But would Kaga take her shoes? Actually I wouldn't be surprised if he did.

Kaga: "prisoners don't get shoes silly!"

48 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

That or you simply make it so it only activates on higher difficulty levels?

Yeah lock it to BoC so i don't have to deal with it along with Rage Strikes.

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12 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I was about to post it and tag you lol

Anyway she best 

Me when Timerra pops up on screen for the first time


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Just now, lightcosmo said:

I never understood why the fanbase goes crazy over Lance infantry. I mean... It's not that special. XD

Maybe since lance infantry was the most mundane thing back then? They probably like mundane, then.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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