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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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With the enemy routed, the Super AI's praise Angela for her leadership. Haha, one of the Chinese machines even compares her with Zughe Liang, though of course she doesn't know who that is. XD In any case, they continue to praise her, to her embarrassment now, heh. They reveal this was all Frontier Setter's plan, to cheer her up from her earlier down in the dumps mood. Well, some do, while the others chide them for revealing it. Still, they don't deny they still won thanks to her, and would genuinely accept her as a commander from now on. And, likely as a little pay-back for the earlier bit, she orders them to clean up the debris of the city, heh.

Back aboard, the Super AI's are now hearing Dingo play the guitar, a song his grandad taught him long ago. They comment how it's quite touching. At this point the group has heard about the battle, and also praise her, to her further embarrassment. Meanwhile, Ed comments how the song is familiar, and after a quick look online, finds it was a popular song from a hundred years ago. Making her wonder how is it that someone in another galaxy knows it. Hmm... thus the stage ends.

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It's a shame Clarisse , you were so close. Like , a few inches away from him.

Chapter 10 was kind of a train wreck : I somehow managed to recruit Gonzales with a lvl 1 Lilina but Klain and his boys decided that it would be funny to pile up in the one tile large corridor to the right. And even with rescue dropping from Shanna , Clarisse didn't have enough movement to talk to him. Also looks like Tate doesn't care if Shanna talks to her so I can kiss my Orion's bolt and Elisan Whip goodbye. Not resetting for Clarisse , i'll get Cecilia in like 3 chapters and I promoted my Lugh. I'm probably not getting the good ending aren't I

Edit : Also learned something new. The AI put massive priority on the weapon triangle and being able to ignore counterattack to the point that they will spend 10 turns chucking javelins with 30% hit rates and 0 might at my promoted Treck , but if they see a kill , they will go for it. So yeah my Gonzales is dead.

Capture d'écran_20230108_020102.png

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Was at some delayed birthday hangout with people I've never met. Played Rock Band for the first time ever, went on till late enough.

Too much to reply to. Goodnight.

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Bonus Scenario: This is Paradise

Alright folks, this is the moment you were waiting for. SRW is, ultimately, anime. So here's everyone's favorite: The Summer Beach Fanservice Episode! Of course it's one of the DLC stages, making you pay a bit extra for it!

Anyway, our scene begins at a beach in the southern seas with... oh hey, it's our sea-loving friend Kaiji! Who simply is admiring the view of the ocean. Back with our heroes, Umi sneezes! Hikaru wonders if she's coming down with something, and Umi adds she felt a chill down her spine. Pft, that's what you get for being named Umi. lol Anyway, the Magic Knights mention how some of the girls went on vacation, and here they are, stuck on active duty.

We go back to the beach, which is part of a resort, and... ah, there we go. A woman in a swimsuit drew near! Named Catherine who... seems to be quite devoted to the idea of swimsuits, and not let men wear them. Oh, I heard of this GunXSword episode, pft. Actually, now I'm curious. Since GunXSword was moved to happen on the Sol System, does Bokini even exist? Does Catherine just goes to any beach she wants or she still has her private resort/settlement thing? Beats me! This is a DLC stage, so I doubt she'll show up in the main story. In any case, her... lover was it? Anyway, Manson tells her how she's wrong, and the two start having an argument. This ends up being observed by the before-mentioned T3 girls who went on vacation to this very resort.

So, as a side note, whole beach setting aside, one thing I like is that the characters they chose for this is quite the varied bunch. Though putting this forward now, the half-portaits of them in swimsuits is all we get for the "fanservice". Well, outside the fanservice that is having all these characters from different series interacting with each other in the same media, which is what SRW is in a nutshell. So, making a roll-call, there's Carmen, Wendy, Priscilla, Yukiko, Faye, Mikoto, Ikue, and Allenby.

Wait, Yukiko? I'm pretty sure there's been like, zero dialogue from her since... I think all the way to the Secret Scenario where I got the El Dora Team and Black Mightgaine! But we're even past the point where the El Dora Team would've joined and she didn't showed up there either. Okay now, is she hanging out with T3 or not!? Since I did the Secret Scenario, then yes, she is, or should be. But then why does it look like she's... well, not there? I admittedly can't remember ever seeing her in dialogue past that point. And then knowing a certain thing from the late game, why is that gated that far back if she's supposed to be with the group already? So if I had not done the scenario she wouldn't be here? Would that scene introducing her would've been moved to the Scenario that El Dora Team would've joined then? Or she's actually not with T3 regardless but her presence here still means... what!? Gah! *head explodes*

... where was I? Oh yes, the scenario. So, the girls chat up (and turns out Allenby came with her Gundam Fighter suit instead of an actual swimsuit, pft), just enjoying the place. Oh yeah, turns out Rami is here too, but she forgot to bring a swimsuit, so she's just gonna head back and handle the luggage. Wait, really? The game makes a Beach scenario and, despite having four OG women in the group by this point in time, none of them were chosen? That's a bold move Cotton.

Anyway, being on the beach, it makes Faye reminiscence. She's approached by Carmen, who tells her this place is not for moping. Faye then asks her to guess her age, and when Carmen comments she looks to be in her early twenties, Faye comments it's probably fifty years more than that despite her looks. Shen then talks about a story. A story of a girl who got into a terrible accident, and was put into cryogenic sleep until the technology existed to treat her. Fifty years later, she woke up, but had lost most of her memories, and any records had been lost. Thus leaving her in a completely unknown world all alone. Carmen asks if the "girl" would want those memories back, with Faye musing it might not even matter at this point. And then who shows up but Fasalina... also in a swimsuit of course... who talks how that gaping void in her mind could be filled up, if she were to accept the Comrade's help. The two recognize her as one of the agents of the Claw. Fasalina comments how she's no stranger to the loneliness that Faye carries, and insists on taking her to the Claw. Though then Faye talks how the story was made up anyway. Still, Carmen is ready to enact payback for what happened back in Trinolia. Fasalina comments how she had only come to unwind, but if a fight's unavoidable... well, that's that.

Just then Armors show up, and Fasalina reveals herself to the rest of the group... in a different swimsuit. Because of course. Anyway, only Priscilla and Allenby brought their mechs, but getting to them will prove difficult. And then who shows up but Sai and Tobia, ready to buy them time! The girls are shocked to see them and the two... well, admit they had come to sightsee, if you get what I mean. After some teasing to the young boys from Fasalina (because of course), the stage begins!

So, enemies are a group of Drakuls and Blood Cradles. Fairly standard. Let's go!

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11 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Fate X TMS

Although more Fate x General FE while borrowing TMS' ideas and systems

Ah, I think I remember you bringing that up, heh.

Well, hopefully you do get to publish it. And get enough of a reception. I know mine... don't get much of that, heh.

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4 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Well, hopefully you do get to publish it.


Although only if write 5+ chapters as to have something of a "buffer" incase i hit a writing block or something, and to not leave people hanging.

If i write the 5 chapters to begin with, maybe when i wake up i will lose all will as is the case with many stuff i want to write

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Just now, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Although only if write 5+ chapters as to have something of a "buffer" incase i hit a writing block or something, and to not leave people hanging.

If i write the 5 chapters to begin with, maybe when i wake up i will lose all will as is the case with many stuff i want to write

I'll admit I'm more one to publish as I go. Even if it means, yes, leaving people hanging for a bit. More so when you're like, uploading over 20 things at once. Yep.

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3 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Even if it means, yes, leaving people hanging for a bit.

exactly what i am afraid will happen, because i really hate it when it happens to me XD

So many fics i read with last updated 5 years ago...

4 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

More so when you're like, uploading over 20 things at once. Yep.

20 0.0

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Just now, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

exactly what i am afraid will happen, because i really hate it when it happens to me XD

So many fics i read with last updated 5 years ago...

20 0.0

Haha, it's true. I and still start more and more...

Which, yes, can lead to that I'm afraid. Some of them have spent more than one year without an update because of that. I do intend to finish them... but well, I end up focusing on others, or my attention get dragged to certain ones to prioritize. And begin more, too.

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So, after a couple mechs go down, Fasalina finally deploys. Back in her regular clothing, because of cou... wait, what? Anyway, she makes a beeline back to the beach, still intending to take Faye to the Claw. But then she's intercepted by Spike and the El Dora Team! The Bebop lands to get Faye in for her to change and deploy in her own ship, who is now really determined to take down Fasalina. They explain they were also in the resort, but rather, in the casino. Spike lost his money, while the El Dora Team raked it in instead. lol And then Spike blames it because Carlos finally woke up... and indeed, it seems he was the one responsible for the old men to win it all. XD At this both Priscilla and Allenby get to deploy too, with Priscilla having changed back too. Guess no one's fighting in the swimsuits today. Bit of a shame if you ask me. If OGs can have Captain Lefina command her ship in her nightwear for one stage because she got woken up in the middle of a fight, complete with battle cut-ins, then why couldn't this... wait, the battle cut-ins are more than just half-body portraits. Nevermind, I can guess why.

So, Fasalina and her Dahlia of Wednesday are here now. Let's continue this...

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Alright, with Carlos awake, El Dora Soul can use more than 10% of its power! Well, it's actually more that Carlos´´ Spirit list changes, pft. Still, an upgrade is an upgrade.

3 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


and then a new games pops up and everything is forgotten

Oh yeah, can't forget games also taking up time. But well, for SRW? Yeah, I'd put aside everything else! XD

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Alright, the Dahlia is the only enemy left... and it's down! Fasalina admits she's been beaten and withdraw, simply telling the group to enjoy their vacation. Faye comments she's satisfied with this, and leaves the rest to Carmen to take her down for good. Despite Fasalina's words, it's already sunset, so they go back to the ship, with Nero commenting they'll use their casino winnings to buy souvenirs for everyone. And the girls remind Sai and Tobia they're still in trouble, heh. Thus they leave and... Kaiji shows up again, in his... submarine? Wait, it was in outer space before... did Kaiji actually made his submarine space-capable? It's the Tuatha de Danann all over again! LOL

Anyway, the group has returned, and sure enough, Bright is admonishing Sai and Tobia. Meanwhile, Carlos' back asleep again, pft. Faye then asks Spike about that whole lose it all at the casino, heh, before offering to help him win it back for payback from just before. Though Spike refuses, saying he'd rather do it fairly. Inwardly, Faye thinks how she is enjoying life after all, but perhaps once this is over, she can reminiscence about her old self every now and then. Thus the stage ends...

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Another route splits comes upon us...

Harlock has invited Bright to the Arcadia for a drink. They muse how they never thought they'd be doing this again, and reminiscence about their first meeting. Yes, this is the kind of interactions I look forward to to see when I play. Anyway, it was five years after the One Year War, and they made quite the odd pair of a soldier and sailor. Then the EFF asked them for input in their plans to deploy a new type of battleship, whose designer was Mr. Zone. Harlock was quite critical, considering the battleship had little in terms of crew safety. Bright agreed, though tried to be more tactful about it. Regardless, Zone lost his standing, resulting in the man he is today, with a personal vendetta against them. And now he's with the UND, who value his talent and allow him to enact said vendetta. Harlock considers him a fool, who fails to understand that it's the hearts and lives of the crew that make up a ship. And it's true, his Photon Battleship is fully automated, meant to have a crew of one: himself. In any case, Harlock says so long he doesn't understand that, he'll never build a ship to outmatch the Arcadia. As it stands, they don't think the UND have left the Sol System, but for now, other battles awaits them. Which makes Harlock bring up there's something he wants to do, with the less... formal members who have more freedom of movement. As it turns out, Bright has already thought he'd bring that up, so he already had Ruri draw up a roster list.

So, this is a Regulars vs Irregulars route split. Not unlike the previous one. It's split up as follows:

Irregulars Route: Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam, Mobile Fighter G Gundam, Armored Trooper VOTOMS, Cowboy Bebop, Shin Getter Robo, Arcadia of my Youth, GUNxSWORD, Expelled from Paradise, with once again Akito going solo.

Regulars Route: Invincible Tryder G7, Aura Battler Dunbine, Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam, Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ, Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack, The Brave Express Might Gaine, The King of Braves GaoGaiGar, Gunbuster, Martian Successor Nadesico, Mazinger Z: Infinity, and Magical Knight Rayearth

SS3, as always, get to choose themselves. With that, both captains share one last toast, to their mutual success and live to meet again.

Meanwhile, SS3 have already been informed and... I'll go for the Regulars. Irregulars route does have some points to get, but T is thankfully flexible enough for enough wiggle room. So I'm taking the Regulars route. In-story, Amasaki explains it as wanting to keep their image.

So, there's an additional talk with SS3 where they comment how their next assignment is to pick up a... certain individual. Someone who is a close friend of Bright.

It's him... the time has finally come...

But well, that's for tomorrow.

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One of our big reaches was, ‘Hey, let's make a Zelda-type game where you can just climb anywhere’. And we had a stab at that. […] So when I played Breath of the Wild, I was like, 'Oh, shit, Nintendo 100% nailed this. Like, this is the best version of that thing we talked about, so good on them'. They just don't have all the weird, kinky vampire sex."

@Sidereal Wraith You might be interested in hearing of this canceled game, in case you didn't know about it already.:



Sakurai proves he is an imperfect human being. Let's get physical, phys-si-cal!

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Yes, go Team Digital! Also, too bad his games shelf was too small to see properly what games he has. Would've been funny to see a SRW game or two in there, heh.

4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Let's get physical, phys-si-cal!


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6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Listen to me, Armagon: Skill issue

Me when Ruben downgrades from Maddening to Hard.

4 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

t's like they don't wanna any tools to help people at all. It's casual mode all over again and the fear that "casual mode will kill perma death gameplay in FE"

"Nooo the game is too easy"

The game:


3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I found @Armagon's Dream combination

It's beautiful.

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