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Just now, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

You too eh xD

I also lost him there kek

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Thankfully ch2 is still casual mode xD


I won first try, by the skin of my teeth and with some well thought-out moves.


Vandad moved back and drank a vulnerary, then got healed by a wounded Framme until he didn't die from the ridersbane, and then Clanne and Alear surrounded her so Lumer wouldn't pick her off. The archer just barely two-shot her, but Alear's personal saved her. Clanne was able to finish it fast thanks to Vandad getting a lucky hit on Lumera.

The fact that I can describe such deep tactics for chapter 2 is fucking amazing 


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Eyyy there she is. And the other two.

You know, I just now remembered not long ago Acacia and I had a discussion about archers and whether they should be buff or not, whether it's more realistic or if that even matters. Acacia said let them be twigs, I said give me buff bowfellas.

Then IntSys gave me Etie. Looks like I win, haha.

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Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

Eyyy there she is. And the other two.

You know, I just now remembered not long ago Acacia and I had a discussion about archers and whether they should be buff or not, whether it's more realistic or if that even matters. Acacia said let them be twigs, I said give me buff bowfellas.

Then IntSys gave me Etie. Looks like I win, haha.

I recall bringing up toned, not buff. And that archers do need upper body strength, but that too much muscle mass can get in the way, specially when arching shots.

The twig comment was more on "eh, it's a video game". I don't mind either way. Heck, it's funnier, when you consider Etie deliberately bares her midriff to show those abs. XD

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Wait, not arching shots. Arching their arms. The muscle mass can impede them bending their arms properly. They do need the strength when tensing up their bodies to hold the bow and arrow in place, as well as carry the heavier bows.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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I feel the arbitrary need to point out that I am not prone to biases.

MVP: Etie


9 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I recall bringing up toned, not buff. And that archers do need upper body strength, but that too much muscle mass can get in the way, specially when arching shots.


4 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Wait, not arching shots. Arching their arms. The muscle mass can impede them bending their arms properly. They do need the strength when tensing up their bodies to hold the bow and arrow in place, as well as carry the heavier bows.

It's even funnier, then, considering that's exactly what Etie is lol. Everybody wins!

9 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

The twig comment was more on "eh, it's a video game". I don't mind either way. Heck, it's funnier, when you consider Etie deliberately bares her midriff to show those abs. XD

I love that now that I know there's a reason for it. Girl's a fucking show-off. She's like "what do you mean I'm open to attacks? Pffft, you see this steel? Natural armor, I tell ya."

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Okay this is actually a really good detail tho.


The fact that Framme actually tries to heal Lumera and fails. Reminds me of Triangle Strategy and Geela coldly standing to the side watching people die dramatic deaths. It's nice that she tried, at least.

Alas, no mom for us. Not yet, anyway.


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I don't mean to interrupt the flow of unbridled conversation of FE's latest and greatest, but...

Finally actually truly resumed, after *checks when I started A Portable, the game that sent me off course* two months and seventeen days, Xenosaga Episode III.

I played up until the mine entrance from where I left off. It wasn't very far, yet despite XS being light on my laptop's battery, I rarely feel so immersed in the game that I desire to play until I have to bust out the charger. A bunch of thoughts, including commentary referencing later Xeno games and other Monolith Soft productions.:


First, the T-elos battle. I still curse my luck to stop right in front of it. The fight also dragged on, probably because I didn't burn through my EP as fast I could've, nor did I swap characters more than once, and I saved the Boost Gauge using it only once, in fear of needing an emergency extra turn from boss Boost BS.

During the entire fight... I felt like quitting at first. "I shouldn't be playing like this." I told myself. And then I criticized myself for not resuming XS sooner, and then I criticized myself for dragging my heels and suggesting I put the game down, and told myself to get over those feelings. Which when I didn't instantly made me repeat the criticism.

-Don't get me wrong, the post-battle battle choreography of K&T going at it was excellent. Though the outcome wasn't as gruesomely destructive as I thought it'd be, given how Shion shot K version 1.0's head off in Ep. I, and T's destructive attitude. Maybe it will be once the plot pulls itself out of the sudden twist of location, yet it'll have lost some visceral impact by the delay if it does. -I just couldn't entirely escape my mind given to self-rebuke despite all the glitz.

As for what happened after the battle after the battle. Shion and Kevin in their underwear brought a certain Ramsus & Miang/Myyah scene to mind, as it did the one where Kim and Elly were in a Zeboim-NYC hotel. They didn't say it, but the strong implication that Shion might have done it in the time before Kevin "died" is... mature? Monolith Soft could be an adult when it came to matters of sex. Contrary to detractors of XC2's character designs.

Next topic- time travel. Not mere flashback like prior XS entries, actual reversal of the arrow of time. I can't say I'm fond of this twist. Seeing young Shion wasn't great either, I'm not exactly fond of time travel where people meet younger versions of themselves ...I'm afraid it can get messy. I'm not entirely against this subform of time travel though. Even before we got to the younger Vergil and young Shion encounters, my brain upon learning of the location the heroes ended up in, jumped from *checks dates* July 6th, 2006, to February 23rd of the same year.

Going back to young Shion, younger Kevin-not-named-as-such was a little bit too older than her for my liking. It tainted the romance of the two of them show earlier, just a bit. I know a decade or two or even three isn't a problem for dating adults who meet as adults, but seeing them side by side when Shion was still a kid and he was anything but was a bit eeeeeh to me. Not helping was seeing that Present Prick Personality had a point of origin in Past Prick, and that Not-Prick Lover of Shion is the aberration. Why is Kevin not a douche only in the middle of this? If his love for Shion was never real and pure manipulation it turns out, I'll literally put him through a meat grinder and feed him to pigs. (Myyah gets excused for false love btw b/c it might've become real despite Myyah have no free will to set aside her programmed duty, it adds complexity to her.)

-Nonetheless, I pay attention to this love story, and not merely for the sake of Xenosaga. Taking up the hypothesis Lone Hero = Black Knight = Not-Testament, then I have to dissect him and his wasting of Shion's better-spent time. For surely this shall be the predecessor relationship which Elma shall be fated to emulate with her Knight.

On that note- eternal reoccurrence! ♾️ U-DO alluded to it with it asking Shion if she wanted to spend forever with Kevin. The time travel event itself does play into eternal reoccurrence, by making the past into the present; or in the "past" person's perspective, the future comes into the present and contributes to its own creation or alteration; the infamous "time loop". Eternal reoccurrence has to exist in Xenosaga b/c Nietzsche wrote of the concept and his works are XS's three subtitles. Through Contact, Antitype, and also Complement aka Myyah, eternal reoccurrence worked its way into the progenitor of all, Xenogears. The XC3 memeing in this topic speak of endless cycles, which indicates that after a long absence, it would appear that with Xenoblade Chronicles 3, Monolith Soft (re)incarnated eternal reoccurrence yet again as if all the all prior references to prior games didn't constitute micro-reoccurrences, in full grandiose splendor. Remembering one fanart Arma posted of Wilhelm alongside that Z dude b/c he thought modern Wilhelm fanart a rarity, I take it Smugass in a Suit is fond of eternal reoccurrence. Makes sense, if everything repeats, then everything is predictable, and that is very Order-ly, as he likes it. If I can help you gain enough self-confidence to punch the arrogance out of his face, I will gladly lend you my soul, chaos.

During the time I was killing U-TIC grunts on Miltia, my mind had pulled itself out of continual assault upon itself. I wasn't overjoyed with Xenosaga or anything, my emotive state was far less cheery than I was with RF5, but I was in a mental groove of playing the game. As long as a game doesn't frustrate me too much, getting into such a state of being more or less neutralizes my lows. Hopefully I can keep at this now, and get Xenosaga done. Episode III ain't bad, it's not that the game is a chore for me (story and gameplay alike are perfectly fine), it's that I'm the chore.

I think that's all that's on my mind for now.😅

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Vandad that is not the pose you should strike when talking about the death of Sorry's mother 5 minutes ago. He's like "welp, whaddya gonna do"

Also Framme, telling Sorry she's really shiny when she sweats is highly unsettling and I would thank you if you walked back enough steps to fall off the Somniel.

Also also... Wow the casual outfits don't even show in supports. They quickly change to combat geat for supports. Man, the customization was such a massive afterthought...

So that was the first 3 chapters. Really solid map design and difficulty so far. I got Etie, which is nice. She and Vandad are mainstays. Not so sure about the rest. We'll have to see.

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Engage start-up be like















Anyway, took a little break to eat something. It's go time again. Gotta go pick up Louis and Bench.

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One hour until I’m home… one hour until I can “catch up” with everyone else. God, I want to get back to the game.

4 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

So, who are the fav. character/s of y'all so far/fav. impressions?

I think mine is Celine so far. Celine and her gang.

I need to come back this when I progress.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:





This happened to me, but Lumera missed her 90-something percent hit lol

Luckily it wouldn’t have mattered either way, because I had Lodestar Rush ready to wipe her off the face of the Earth next turn

39 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
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Vandad that is not the pose you should strike when talking about the death of Sorry's mother 5 minutes ago. He's like "welp, whaddya gonna do"

Also Framme, telling Sorry she's really shiny when she sweats is highly unsettling and I would thank you if you walked back enough steps to fall off the Somniel.

Also also... Wow the casual outfits don't even show in supports. They quickly change to combat geat for supports. Man, the customization was such a massive afterthought...

So that was the first 3 chapters. Really solid map design and difficulty so far. I got Etie, which is nice. She and Vandad are mainstays. Not so sure about the rest. We'll have to see.

It might not end up mattering, but in the future, could you not put what chapter you got to and whatever character(s) you got? Just so it could remain a surprise when exactly peeps show up.

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3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

It might not end up mattering, but in the future, could you not put what chapter you got to and whatever character(s) you got? Just so it could remain a surprise when exactly peeps show up.

A crud, really sorry.

3 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Omg photi mod xxD


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