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1 hour ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

So? If the story is crap, which it is, the game’s going to have very little if any longevity or lasting impact.

Yeah because FE5 and Tellius were super successful and lived for long, and Fates died the moment it arrived

Oh wait

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Granted, Thracia was done no favors being a SNES game released in 1999...

... and it still outsold RD (or was it PoR? I know it outsold one of them) and got a reprint/rerelease in 2000/2001.

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7 minutes ago, Benice said:

Yes, because legendary games like Super Mario 64/Galaxy/Odyssey, Tony Hawk, etc. and modern popular games like Amogus and Minecraft have held lasting popularity for the story.

Benice, Engage is a JRPG, a part of a genre where a game lives and dies by its story. Mario and Tony Hawk don’t need amazing stories because one’s a platformer and the other one is a sports game. Having a good story helps, but it isn’t necessary because gameplay in those genres is king. Same goes for Amongus which is more an arcade style game and Minecraft which has an ever expansive world to explore. Fire Emblem and other series (Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Trails etc) need a good story because they’re part of a genre which is very story based and story driven.

Edited by Sidereal Wraith
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1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Sure, because Dragon Quest III, the quintessential JRPG, had a "complex" story...

It’s called hardware limitations and a young series finding its identity. Most of the early FE plots weren’t anything to write home about either, but by the time of the SNES that’s when most series found their groove and produced some classes. I’m going to cut a game made over 30 years ago on the NES some slack.

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2 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Lol no

Ah yes complex stories indeed

Have…have you even played any of the FFs or Dragon Quest games Shrimp-kun?

Edited by Sidereal Wraith
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11 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Ah yes complex stories indeed

And for that matter wasn’t the complex world building, character interactions and plot twists (I.e elements of the game’s story) the main selling point for the Trails series?

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13 minutes ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

Benice, Engage is a JRPG, a part of a genre where a game lives and dies by its story.

Not entirely- JRPGs like Pokemon generally are fairly light on the story, yet do extremely well on the basis of visual design, concept, and gameplay. Being part of a genre does not being everything that defines a genre- Some platformers opt for a more story-based approach, for example, some beat-em-ups like Revengeance, are more arcadey, while some, like Yakuza, go way off into the story side of things.

Games as a medium are not singularly story, nor characters, nor gameplay, though they can become renowned for any of those things- Tetris has literally no story, yet it remains culturally iconic. Ace Attorney has almost no gameplay, yet it remains culturally iconic. The Souls series goes very light on storytelling and characters*, yet it is extremely culturally iconic.

*It technically does have a story and stuff, but we only know about it because of a Youtube channel that talks about the lore.

For me, many of my favorite games are my favorite games primarily for story- Yakuza 0, K2, and LAD in particular absolutely rocked me. Others, it is for the setting or gameplay- Skyward Sword's story is pretty generic (though I still love it), but the world's design, the puzzles, the music... They make up for it in my eyes. I love Berwick Saga for its gameplay and for its story and characters, I love Binding Blade for its gameplay, I love Radiant Dawn for its story at some parts and its gameplay at others.

Having not played Engage, I have no horse in this race- But what you're doing right now is treating Engage, a game focused (I think) on gameplay and being a high-fantasy, campy and silly lil' adventure, as if it's supposed to be a game focused on narrative, when there's pretty much nothing that says it's supposed to be that and nothing that indicates that it wants to be that- And if you can tell me that a game with frickin' Hortensia as one of the antagonists is trying to take itself super seriously, then... Well, I'd be rather surprised, at least.

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3 hours ago, Sooks said:
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Jean seems like he’s be fun to use, but he’s not plot relevant, so what do I do?

Well, the game is hard enough that using him might be seriously helpful anyway.


Eh. I'm sticking to Framme. The entire Team Avatar's turning out well for me. Well, Vandad's Vandad, but the other three are keeping up well!

55 minutes ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

Benice, Engage is a JRPG, a part of a genre where a game lives and dies by its story.

That is highly subjective, Wraith.

40 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

What's even better? Shades on Sommie.

Untrue. Sommie's only viable headgear option is his tiny top hat.

12 minutes ago, Sooks said:

@Saint Rubenio I just got my card thing and I have the same “issue”, it says Vander has been deployed 7 times and Alear only 6.

Vandad is so dad he exists in more chapters than the game has.

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28 minutes ago, Benice said:

Not entirely- JRPGs like Pokemon generally are fairly light on the story, yet do extremely well on the basis of visual design, concept, and gameplay. Being part of a genre does not being everything that defines a genre- Some platformers opt for a more story-based approach, for example, some beat-em-ups like Revengeance, are more arcadey, while some, like Yakuza, go way off into the story side of things.

Games as a medium are not singularly story, nor characters, nor gameplay, though they can become renowned for any of those things- Tetris has literally no story, yet it remains culturally iconic. Ace Attorney has almost no gameplay, yet it remains culturally iconic. The Souls series goes very light on storytelling and characters*, yet it is extremely culturally iconic.

*It technically does have a story and stuff, but we only know about it because of a Youtube channel that talks about the lore.

For me, many of my favorite games are my favorite games primarily for story- Yakuza 0, K2, and LAD in particular absolutely rocked me. Others, it is for the setting or gameplay- Skyward Sword's story is pretty generic (though I still love it), but the world's design, the puzzles, the music... They make up for it in my eyes. I love Berwick Saga for its gameplay and for its story and characters, I love Binding Blade for its gameplay, I love Radiant Dawn for its story at some parts and its gameplay at others.

Benice Pokémon is maybe an exception but it doesn’t disprove the rule. Most of the famous and well known JRPGS I can think of off the top of my head (Persona, Tales of Series, Trails, Final Fantasy, Chrono series, Dragon Quest, Kingdom Hearts etc.) place a large emphasis on story (world building, plot, characters/characterization etc). Hell, if you look at the most famous western RPGs (Kotor, The Witcher, Mass Effect, Baldur’s Gate, Fallout) most of these series are famed for either their stories and/or player agency in affecting the story and the game world. Certain genres of games do place greater emphasis on certain aspects of video gaming then others. As I said before this doesn’t mean that platformers, beat-‘em ups, arcade style games or others can’t also have a good story along with good gameplay. RPGs as a whole have always placed a greater emphasis on player agency and choices to effect the game world and story since the inception of D and D in back in 1974. It grew out of massive war gaming as a way to tell more individualized and story driven tales with individual characters instead of simply having large scale armies. Not all JRPGS have great or engaging stories, but as a rule most try to be story driven and many in not most of the most famous examples tend to be remembered because of them.

Edited by Sidereal Wraith
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3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That is highly subjective, Wraith.

Alright let’s use an example. Final Fantasy 7, Rubenio what is the most famous thing about this game which most people know about? 

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6 minutes ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

Alright let’s use an example. Final Fantasy 7, Rubenio what is the most famous thing about this game which most people know about? 

Let's Talk About That Crossdressing Scene in Final Fantasy VII”- Me, A  Trans Woman | by Harmony M. Colangelo | Medium

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You know, the fact Alear's room only has that drawer and the piano other than the bed is gonna bother me. If the DLC doesn't include some kind of piano-playing minigame or feature...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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55 minutes ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

wasn’t the complex world building, character interactions and plot twists (I.e elements of the game’s story) the main selling point for the Trails series?

Was being the key point here

1 hour ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

Have…have you even played any of the FFs or Dragon Quest games Shrimp-kun?

Tried them, bored me to tears.

38 minutes ago, Benice said:

a game focused (I think) on gameplay

And the devs confirmed as much in the interviews.

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