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9 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Also I finally met the random old man himself, though Rubenio made me think he was a Berserker by default.

He's a magical berserker!

9 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

I'll admit I didn't take you for a Vinesauce viewer, so I wasn't sure if you were intentionally referencing Bogan or if you coincidentally came up with the same bootleg-Hulk Hogan name.

Well, not the most avid viewer, but occasionally I do watch them.

8 hours ago, joevar said:

ah dang. i accidentally close the emulator before sleep. now i have to repeat Berwick chapter one again and pray no one dies again... auto-save really is best invention 


8 hours ago, joevar said:

this one i must agree. i thought Engage already get rid that distorted JPEG background, but evidently not. this part of Berwick remind me of Suikoden 2. and yes thats a praise.

kinda weird IntSys never do much with their battle model + map, in terms of cutscenes. Even SRW had long scripted scenes where the model move around the battlefield/map doing stuff. maybe because they insist on portraying close up model for cutscenes

IntSys went 3D, which means they no longer have the capacity for stuff like this. 3D is a lot more expensive and difficult to get looking right.

6 hours ago, Armagon said:

So turns out Nintendo published their reason as to why Tears of the Kingdom is $70 and it's literally "we felt like it lol".

To be exact, they said it's a case-by-case basis. Which tbf, seeing as how the Metroid Prime remaster is $40, might actually track.

Honestly, still shitty. People will eat it up and play white knight for the corporations saying "no but it's only this one and it's worth it!", then when they release another for 80 bucks they'll say the same, and eventually we will normalize buying games for over 100 pieces. As if 60 wasn't already pushing it in most cases.

Just as well, though. I got Carrefour Gaming.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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1 hour ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

Sommie GOAT character in Engage.

Indeed, Wraith, right for once.

43 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Look, there he is! He doesn't need to do anything. He's perfect.

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Indeed, Wraith, right for once.

I said Soren Rubenio, even I know that while being dyslexic. Thinking that Sommie is the best character in the game…well, that speaks volumes about how “engaging” the rest of the cast is as a whole. Although you’re not necessarily wrong with your brash assertion.

38 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I wonder how Fates will feel like to play after Engage

Playing Fates:

Playing Engage:


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5 minutes ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

I said Soren Rubenio, even I know that while being dyslexic. Thinking that Sommie is the best character in the game…well, that speaks volumes about how “engaging” the rest of the cast is as a whole. Although you’re not necessarily wrong with your brash assertion.

Yes, Wraith, I know you didn't read any supports.

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3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yes, Wraith, I know you didn't read any supports.

No I got several supports on my play through, even got some up to A rank. There just wasn’t much to read or hear while engaging with them.

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2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I wonder how Fates will feel like to play after Engage

Well Fate could be unique like that and you could very well end up appreciating Fates that much more.

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'Aight, done Temenos next. Not quite sure what to think of the man. He's a religious detective and also kind of a dick, like the bad adaptations of Sherlock Holmes but with a dash of religion. It was fine, I liked his shenanigans with his bumbling knight pal, but I didn't like his first chapter as much as Osvald's. Then again, Osvald's the coolest concept in the game, so it's an unfair comparison.

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Berwick Sage post Chapter 1

Now that early-shock period has come to pass and my annoyance has subsided, i can start praising this game. After all theres only going up after you've hit the bottom right? unless you're a Earth-type pokemon


the hub being the whole city is nice. makes more sense and actually gives appropriate sense of scale for this kind of 2D aesthetic. This remind me of game that i played last year: Pathfinders where you actually become the lord of castle town

ALSO CAPES. goodness, every unique characters wears glorious capes down to personal maid. you cant go wrong with capes


legal loan shark.. what even. 


 pragmatic lord. wow. the writing is good yea 





except this 


duo idiot bandit brother. they are everywhere. this is early game and they already appear.  

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

ntSys went 3D, which means they no longer have the capacity for stuff like this. 3D is a lot more expensive and difficult to get looking right.

and switch wont be able to handle it anyway. only PC master race can.

this is also why i still enjoy playing isometric CRPG. you dont need high fidelity scenes to have enterteaining game story if the writing is good with proper 2.5 D scenes

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3 minutes ago, joevar said:

i can start praising this game.

Good. Do it.

2 minutes ago, joevar said:

ALSO CAPES. goodness, every unique characters wears glorious capes down to personal maid. you cant go wrong with capes

Capes are the best. If only I could wear capes without being committed to a mental assylum.

...Also, Tianna is awesome. Wearing a cape is only the first hint to that.

2 minutes ago, joevar said:


legal loan shark.. what even. 

And he's not even half as funny as the other mann standing in that very room!

...No, seriously, tell me you spoke to Jonathan. You aren't a true Berwick player until you've purchased some furniture.

Anyway, Halfmann's just... eh. His services can be of some situational use, but usually I like to just throw shit at him and let him keep it. The man is utterly terrible at his job. Won't even send henchmen to break your kneecaps if you don't pay your debts. I like to believe he's just a tired guy who would rather do anything else. Like fishing. He has the face of a fisherman.

2 minutes ago, joevar said:


 pragmatic lord. wow. the writing is good yea 

What I really like about this scene is how it establishes that Ward, the older, gruff advisor guy, is the idealist who wants to go out of his way to help out random folks with their (in the grand scheme of things) minor problems, while the young, dashing prince is the pragmatist that can't be bothered because he has bigger things to worry about. It's a nice role reversal from how these things usually go. It continues into the rest of the game, by the way. Reese is capable of heroism, but you'll see that usually it's Ward that undertakes the less glorious missions that only serve to help out someone in need.

In other words, I don't just like him for the Endgame Ready Beard, no. Much more than any advisor type in FE, Ward feels like a main character, and I far prefer him to Reese, at that.

2 minutes ago, joevar said:


duo idiot bandit brother. they are everywhere. this is early game and they already appear.  

'Least they got 'em out of the way quick! Bandits have a greater presence in this game than others, due to the game's overall focus on the consequences of the war rather than the war itself.

Speaking of bandits, did you hire Axel? Axel is my favorite character in the game, so it would highly please me if you hired Axel. Go on, give the man some money. He needs it. Badly.

3 minutes ago, joevar said:

and switch wont be able to handle it anyway. only PC master race can.


3 minutes ago, joevar said:

this is also why i still enjoy playing isometric CRPG. you dont need high fidelity scenes to have enterteaining game story if the writing is good with proper 2.5 D scenes

3D is overrated, honestly.

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8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Axel is my favorite character in the game

I thought that was Derrick? XD

23 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Don't be xD

Fates still fun, and just one chapter was enoughvto show me how Goat'd Fates weapons are


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4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...Also, Tianna is awesome. Wearing a cape is only the first hint to that.

And he's not even half as funny as the other mann standing in that very room!

...No, seriously, tell me you spoke to Jonathan. You aren't a true Berwick player until you've purchased some furniture.


He has the face of a fisherman.


I really like about this scene is how it establishes that Ward, the older, gruff advisor guy, is the idealist who wants to go out of his way to help out random folks with their (in the grand scheme of things) minor problems, while the young, dashing prince is the pragmatist that can't be bothered because he has bigger things to worry about. It's a nice role reversal from how these things usually go. It continues into the rest of the game, by the way. Reese is capable of heroism, but you'll see that usually it's Ward that undertakes the less glorious missions that only serve to help out someone in need.

 I far prefer him to Reese, at that.


Speaking of bandits, did you hire Axel? Axel is my favorite character in the game, so it would highly please me if you hired Axel. Go on, give the man some money. He needs it. Badly.


A beautiful secretary accompanying me on war effort certainly cant hurt

i spoke with everyone as per every RPG afficionados would


i could believe if he were a fisherman with that kind of beard


that veteran/older advisor being like that is certainly not new to me. maybe just not popular to games like FE. but in manga its not very unusual.

but we'll see later


dunno, i hire anyone i can see, but cant remember axel. 

  1. is there perma death here?
  2. how cripple work really. is there stuff that can make it happen more. and Christine still crippled after one battle pass. how long till unit recover?
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1 minute ago, joevar said:
  • is there perma death here?
  • how cripple work really. is there stuff that can make it happen more. and Christine still crippled after one battle pass. how long till unit recover?

For most chars, yes. some like Faye are exceptions to this rule when you get to a certain point.

It's until the next chapter, not after one battle. XD

Also, the more damage dealt, the higher chance on injury/cripple activating. (i think it's total damage dealt in one hit, so 30 damage in one has a better chance than 15x2 i think?)

Edited by Lightcosmo
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8 minutes ago, joevar said:

A beautiful secretary accompanying me on war effort certainly cant hurt

i spoke with everyone as per every RPG afficionados would


i could believe if he were a fisherman with that kind of beard


that veteran/older advisor being like that is certainly not new to me. maybe just not popular to games like FE. but in manga its not very unusual.

but we'll see later


dunno, i hire anyone i can see, but cant remember axel. 

He's a bit out of the way. You find most mercs at the mercenary guild, but Axel stays at the abbey.

8 minutes ago, joevar said:
  1. is there perma death here?


8 minutes ago, joevar said:
  1. how cripple work really. is there stuff that can make it happen more. and Christine still crippled after one battle pass. how long till unit recover?

Cripple is a status effect that allows the unit to be captured. If you capture an enemy, you get all their items, plus a gold bonus at the end of the map depending on the enemy type. If one of your units is captured, you have to ransom them back with money. Cripple also makes you unable to perform any actions other than wait and escape, randomly stops your movement based on your health and renders the unit unable to be deployed for the rest of the chapter. It's... really bad. There are certain items that can cure it, but they are rare.

I don't remember the exact formula, but I believe the chance to cripple begins when a unit takes over half of their current remaining health in one battle. Characters with the injured status effect (green cross) have a drastically higher chance of crippling. When you want to capture an enemy, it's best to try and inflict injury first. Injuries can be cured by being healed to full HP, and you wanna do it fast, lest you risk getting crippled.

All in all, the whole capture mechanic in Berwick is a bit too RNG for my liking, I'll admit. Try to avoid taking big hits where you can, prioritize healing injured characters and always keep a panacea in hand. And don't forget, Berwick Saga is not a game where you absolutely must commit to one team. Stat scaling is slower and equipment and skills are a lot more important, so units can stay relevant even without being given many levels. Do not feel the need to reset because a unit got crippled, just have someone else sub in for them!

I hope that was clear enough, if not concise haha.

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after playing a bit more, now im really certain whats the problem with every FE story.. its pacing. the story are too eager to jump into another big, all out battle, after just finishing one battle. while the intermission/break basically happen in vacuum, be it 3Houses style or Engage style. not even world war should have battle after battle after battle. there should be calm before the storm thats actually in story. but in FE its just 5 minute chat before the next map, then 5 mnutes reaction of after battle. then move to next site of battle for next cutscenes most of the time

basically its like watching a Detective Conan, or any mystery story. no matter where the next scenes is, its surely will be the conflict place where your whole army (seen or not seen) will be present for fight. the plot become feels forced or something because it cant be de-escalated without a full on skirmish

While Berwick really remind me of playing Suikoden 1 & 2 on PS1. 

6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

He's a bit out of the way. You find most mercs at the mercenary guild, but Axel stays at the abbey.

I don't remember the exact formula, but I believe the chance to cripple begins when a unit takes over half of their current remaining health in one battle. Characters with the injured status effect (green cross) have a drastically higher chance of crippling. When you want to capture an enemy, it's best to try and inflict injury first. Injuries can be cured by being healed to full HP, and you wanna do it fast, lest you risk getting crippled.

All in all, the whole capture mechanic in Berwick is a bit too RNG for my liking, I'll admit. Try to avoid taking big hits where you can, prioritize healing injured characters and always keep a panacea in hand. And don't forget, Berwick Saga is not a game where you absolutely must commit to one team. Stat scaling is slower and equipment and skills are a lot more important, so units can stay relevant even without being given many levels. Do not feel the need to reset because a unit got crippled, just have someone else sub in for them!

I hope that was clear enough, if not concise haha.

24 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

For most chars, yes. some like Faye are exceptions to this rule when you get to a certain point.

It's until the next chapter, not after one battle. XD

Also, the more damage dealt, the higher chance on injury/cripple activating. (i think it's total damage dealt in one hit, so 30 damage in one has a better chance than 15x2 i think?)

alright thats helpful enough

oh, do mercenaries stay or they will expire/leave eventually

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