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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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8 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

It simply does not appeal to me, I apologize, Ruben.

My condolences.

8 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

I think everyone feels this way eventually about a game. 

Well, yeah, but Joe's not complaining about the hitrates or the difficulty or anything to do with the game's design here. He's talking as if the game not being as convenient to abuse with save states as GBAFE is a flaw of the game's design. That has nothing to do with the game lol. If you're going to use save states, that's perfectly fine, but you have to understand the game isn't made to work properly with them. If things get finnicky because of them, that's just too bad, but it's no fault of the game.

That, or I misunderstood what he was trying to say. If so, I apologize. Either way, don't get me wrong, I don't think it's a terrible thing he said or anything. I just found it a bit silly haha.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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11 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

My condolences.

Well, yeah, but Joe's not complaining about the hitrates or the difficulty or anything to do with the game's design here. He's talking as if the game not being as convenient to abuse with save states as GBAFE is a flaw of the game's design. That has nothing to do with the game lol. If you're going to use save states, that's perfectly fine, but you have to understand the game isn't made to work properly with them. If things get finnicky because of them, that's just too bad, but it's no fault of the game.

That, or I misunderstood what he was trying to say. If so, I apologize. Either way, don't get me wrong, I don't think it's a terrible thing he said or anything. I just found it a bit silly haha.

it's quite alright, my tastes are different than yours, of course!

I meant getting stressed and needing to just... Finding a manner of relieving that stress. 

Yes, of course they weren't designed eith them in mind and I agree that it isnt the games failure. But to be fair, Berwick CAN be a bit overwhelming at times and this should not be too unexpected!

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WHew, that didnt go as expected.

But explaining it in long sentence when im still outside is too troublesome too..

To put it sinply, even without save state i can still prove what i said. Because really, reloading the 5-turn save will result same thing. So if somehing bad happen in turn 5, or made bad move at the end of turn 4, i will be dead-locked in the bad outcome. No matter what i do in that full (5th) turn

Also its different from gbafe. At least fe6 where i experiment it (same turn, same action, different order.)

Edited by joevar
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EAsier example: if sylvis surrounded by 4 man. she manage to dodge 2 guy, then get killed by the 3rd man. Thusnoutcome wont change nonmatter who i killed between the four in that turn. The 3rd guy who attack her still get her

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15 minutes ago, joevar said:

To put it sinply, even without save state i can still prove what i said. Because really, reloading the 5-turn save will result same thing. So if somehing bad happen in turn 5, or made bad move at the end of turn 4, i will be dead-locked in the bad outcome. No matter what i do in that full (5th) turn

What? No, that isn't true. Maybe you tried it two or three times and it just happened to do the same things because, well, the probability is still there. But loading saves most definitely changes the RNG, I've done it countless times over the years. Heck, I did it like an hour ago! Keep reloading and eventually the outcome is going to change. It might just take a while if you're not lucky.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

said Flay, not Vayne

Oh my bad.

8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Forcing everyone in an Atelier game into a school setting forces everyone into being an alchemist. And Flay suggest to me that that might not have been the best of ideas. Alchemy has specific tasks associated with it, unlike a generalized magic school. Not liking potion-brewing is one thing for a witch, they can still be a witch by casting various spells and flying on a broomstick. An alchemy student who doesn't want to alchemize and instead runs off and fights while their classmates do the assigned work... they're not a real alchemist.

You do make a good point here. Runs the risk of making certain characters feel like they don't belong. 

Perhaps if alchemy was simply one of the courses offered by the school and the school had more variety of subjects. That way, not every student has to be an alchemist.

8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The game also mentions I can have the other heroes help out with the synthesis, and each has different effects listed as to what they do. But I obviously haven't tried this yet.

Oh hey it's the thing Sophie 2 did.

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All right, Sleep Apnea time.

26 minutes ago, joevar said:

Awesome, I forgive everything.

12 minutes ago, Sidereal Wraith said:


Yes, that is indeed Graud.

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Oh god Ochette, a choice!


Well, I’m gonna pick the owl, because targeting elemental weaknesses SEEMS like it would be more useful for the hunter, although I really have like no information lol. Also, the moon animal is kinda thematically relevant to the whole “night of the scarlet moon” thing.

@Saint Rubenio who did you pick?

No Ochette, not the freshly killed iguana!

Edited by Sooks
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Well, that was sleep Apnea's first chapter.

...Yeah, there's no need for spoiler boxes here. That really was the most unremarkable first chapter ever. She's a cheerful girl who wants to make people smile by dancing, she fell over once (probably from trying to dance in high heels), she kicked the shit out of a boar and then she left to become a star.

I am not looking forward to the rest of her story. It's probably going to be a boring one, like Tressa's in Octopath 1. Unless it goes in a completely different direction and it turns out her mother was murdered or something.

And now I have to do Hikari... goodness gracious. Okay, just gotta get through this and then I'll treat myself to Osvald's next chapter or something like that.

31 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Oh god Ochette, a choice!

  Hide contents

Well, I’m gonna pick the owl, because targeting elemental weaknesses SEEMS like it would be more useful for the hunter, although I really have like no information lol. Also, the moon animal is kinda thematically relevant to the whole “night of the scarlet moon” thing.

@Saint Rubenio who did you pick?




Picked Mahina as well. Fairly certain it's the more common pick. I'm sorry for the doggo, but owls are just way cool.


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26 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

And now I have to do Hikari... goodness gracious. 

Please do, then I can discuss his chapter in full detail. If nothing else, his is remarkable because of just how unremarkable he is, and… other stuff.

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I mean, I do find it slightly nifty how Ku's aesthetic is Edo Japan but desertic. That's new... Right? I think? Maybe?

Hot damn Hikari is a complete bore, though. I know Japan adores its sword-wielding noble heroes with the personality of a wooden plank, but still...

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The goal: run through Ochette’s story and be finished around 11 so I can go do stuff.

What actually happened: a super strong NPC was guarding a house in Ochette’s village but I felt like I could beat him with my level 19 Hikari at the low price of all my healing items, so I did. It is now 12.

What was in the house? Some good items for Ochette to recruit people and a large stat booster… for elemental defense. Which is very situational. Welp, I have bragging rights, so it was still worth it.

Oh yeah, Ochette’s chapter 1. It was eh. A little more interesting than Hikari and Agnea, but not that interesting. I’m surprised Ruben liked it so much.

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Contrary to what I said last night, I decided to play more MK. The first session left a bad impression, and I needed to experience more of it to get a clearer understanding of the game. Some observations.:

  • On synthesis, the roulette and character cards are mandatory only the first time for a given item. The Mass Produce option lets you bypass the wheel and cards, so if you've rolled good bonuses you can keep them forever afterwards.
  • You can head out into the field as many times as you want, it doesn't pass schedule time. Wasn't sure b/c time does pass in dungeons, with enemy icons becoming more erratic and faster at night making them harder to avoid, plus those same enemies as you fight in day get stronger at night.
  • Dying in the field doesn't result in a Game Over. Like Rune Factory, you wake up in the infirmary. Unless it's certain story boss fights the game says, those you can Game Over on. Dying during an Assignment once you reach its designated room in the field results in an automatic F grade for it.
  • Character Quests bonding exist during calendrical Free Time and each one consumes a unit of Free Time. First one suggests they're easy with no gameplay bonuses, and exist solely for bonding/character development. You can sleep through these days if you've the odd desire not to do them.
    • Free Time is also when item fetch quests and monster murdering busywork becomes available. It doesn't waste the time.
  • There actually is no traditional EXP-based leveling. All character improvement comes from investing stored AP into the Grow Book skill grids.
    • New nodes in the Grow Books unlock only when you've crafted a specific item at least once. And unlocking a distant node is meaningless if isn't directly connected to other unlocked nodes that ultimately connect to the central first node in the character's grid. 
    • Thus, alchemy is essential for character progression. Alchemize every item that you possibly can, so that everyone will access to as many permanent stat increases and new skills as possible.



*Calls my own phone number.* Yo, JOKER, get me this guy's head and throw the rest of him in the incinerator.😈

Persona 2 did it first.

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I gotta travel to le big city, but when I get there I'll have to decide if I want to get Hikari out of the way, of push the minimum ranks chapter 9. Hmm...

Benedict bring out the scales of conviction!

Yeah brainworm's still in effect, legit might go into this replay with more hype than the first time. Fascinating.

17 minutes ago, Sooks said:

The goal: run through Ochette’s story and be finished around 11 so I can go do stuff.

What actually happened: a super strong NPC was guarding a house in Ochette’s village but I felt like I could beat him with my level 19 Hikari at the low price of all my healing items, so I did. It is now 12.

What was in the house? Some good items for Ochette to recruit people and a large stat booster… for elemental defense. Which is very situational. Welp, I have bragging rights, so it was still worth it.

Never change, Sooks%

17 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Oh yeah, Ochette’s chapter 1. It was eh. A little more interesting than Hikari and Agnea, but not that interesting. I’m surprised Ruben liked it so much.

I mean, "so" much... It vastly exceeded my expectations, but that's because my expectations were extremely low. It's still below Castti, Partitio and Temenos, let alone Osvald and Throné, who I found had the sturdiest first chapters.

In fact, I'd probably rank it around the same place as you, unless Hikari grows a character in the 30 minutes he has left of his chapter.

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13 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I gotta travel to le big city, but when I get there I'll have to decide if I want to get Hikari out of the way, of push the minimum ranks chapter 9. Hmm...

Benedict bring out the scales of conviction!

Yeah brainworm's still in effect, legit might go into this replay with more hype than the first time. Fascinating.

Benedict says: do minimum ranks so Sooks can catch up to you

13 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Never change, Sooks%

It’s not about Sooks% I was just curious what was behind the door, wanted was behind the door, and wasn’t letting to let a little challenge stop me.

13 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, "so" much... It vastly exceeded my expectations, but that's because my expectations were extremely low. It's still below Castti, Partitio and Temenos, let alone Osvald and Throné, who I found had the sturdiest first chapters.

How low were your expectations for the phrase “vastly exceeded my expectations” to be employed but it’s still in the bottom half of stories?

13 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

In fact, I'd probably rank it around the same place as you, unless Hikari grows a character in the 30 minutes he has left of his chapter.

Well, you’re about to get to the one slightly interesting part of his chapter. It has nothing to do with Hikari himself, but yeah.

Also, when you enter the castle, after going up the stairs, turn right, climb down the ladder, and interact with the bag in the top left corner of the room you climb into.

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24 minutes ago, Armagon said:



Ateliersona too much for you?🤣

I'll bear with it. I don't love high school settings, but I ought to be able to get through it. Luminous Arc 3 is the last game in recent memory that I played that did an HS setting, and despite the lightly-edited machine translation, I did enjoy it.

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