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The four Tekkamen battle was another tedious struggle, albeit not the worst so far, as I've gotten used to it and I had a nice big Base area again. Dodgy bosses aren't fun -although this being my first playthrough, I'm probably more conservative with Strike use than I should be, fearing the next wave of reinforcements might require it. The G Gundam fight afterwards was also long, but not as bad, surprisingly. -And it was only then that I learned the Million Alpha is the lone unit in this game with an attack that has Mobility Down on it -as if being a Repair & Resupply unit wasn't already guaranteed to put on the field. Knowing this ought to make certain bosses much easier.

My memory isn't perfect b/c it was on my first AP playthrough, but wasn't it Master Asia who taught the Clear and Serene Mind to Domon there? Schwarz does it in this version, interesting. Master A also unlocked the Super Mode and final attacks of the other Shuffle Alliance members at Guiana in AP, here they just get them doing a little training. Seeing the two other DG Cell-corrupted characters whom I'm unfamiliar with was nice too -if only I had a Robopedia in this game to know who they were. I can see why there wouldn't be a "recruit Master Asia" secret here, something is up with him, he hasn't shown a drop of mentorship to Domon. It seems like he's more than a radical nature lover this time -I do recall being told Shin SRW made him an alien, so I won't rule out the possibility something has befallen him.

The Shuffle Alliance on the whole feels weaker than in AP, where they form a great set of midgame units, if falling off in the lategame. For J, they certainly can't dodge without any upgrades (if I were to upgrade them, it'd be their armor for sure), not even Sai Saici, and they face a lot more competent competition from the start. This said, now that their Super Modes have unlocked, they've got some oomph back in their arsenals (although Rose and Dragon already had some usefulness). The George & Chibodee and Sai & Argo combinations attacks are great additions too, as they highlight the smaller bonds between individual members of the Alliance as opposed to undifferentiated group unity. The butler attack for George is funny, I like the surfboard-shield being used by the Maxter (as AP's animations left it out), and Shin Ryusei Kochoken is magnificent butterfly beauty (the wings weren't as pretty or explicitly butterfly in AP). Domon is presently the weakest of the bunch ironically, and God Gundam is weirdly still very much locked to close range combat when the average unit has greater attack range in J than A. He needs to learn his Sekiha.

Oh, and X Aestivalis isn't the objectively superior Aesti model that I was thinking it might be. X as in "experimental" or "extreme" describes it more, being that it is naught but a gravity cannon.

@Acacia Sgt Why does the Enhanced Layzner vs. Layzner Mk. II option exist? Do the two differing Layzner upgrades represent different things in the anime & OVA? I see a variation of this secret has been done more than once.

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Skyward Sword review: 

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is a banger. Playing this game after Zelda 1 was an interesting experience, as it's the complete antithesis of that game's philosophy. In fact, in general, it has some deviations from the "traditional Zelda formula", mainly being how mechanically-focused the game is and the world's been dungefied. Stuff that really adds to this game's strengths.

I'm willing to say that this game probably has the best overall collection of dungeons in the series, maybe tied with Oracle of Ages. They are a lot shorter but they are way more focused. While the first two dungeons may not blow anyone away, the game brings it's S-tier dungeon design from the Lanayru Mining Facility onwards. Lanayru in particular just has the best dungeons because of Timeshift Stones. The Sandship deadass is on par with Stone Tower Temple from Majora's Mask imo, although i'd still give the edge to the latter for music. Speaking of, this is the first game i can say where most of the dungeon themes were actually good. Even Oracle of Ages didn't have this much good songs in it.

Combat is more involved than ever in this game, as this time your precision matters, as opposed to simply slashing away like in the rest of the series. The items are less offensively used but they allow for more utility, which fits in line with how mechanically focused this game is. Beetle an S-tier item.

Skyward Sword also just has a good narrative and i think with the soundtrack, it hits better than most Zelda narratives. Majora's Mask still clears but Skyward Sword managed to put it's story front and center in a way that didn't really bog it down like Twilight Princess did. It may have to do with the fact that Skyward Sword isn't really "traditionally Zelda". I mean maybe in the loosest sense but this is like calling Majora's Mask "traditionally Zelda". Girahim is great. Groose is the GOAT. This game probably has the best incarnation of Zelda? She's really good in this one, Spirit Tracks Zelda may rival her but lol, touch screen controls. Remake that game with actual controls like you did with this one Nintendo.

I will say though, i think the last stretch of the game was definitely padding. You have to make two mandatory revisits to each area. The first revisit has you doing the Silent Realms, which are great, followed by the next dungeon. The third revisit? Ehhhhh the only one that was actually interesting on the third revisit was the Faron Woods, when it gets impossibly flooded. Going back to Lanayru for the Gorge and going up Eldin Volcano a third time (Eldin just drew the short stick) was not great, although i will say that the Imprisoned Fights weren't as bad as people say they were. It's annoying but not terribly so. I'd rather that than hunt bugs in Twilight Princess again.

Idk how to end this one. Skyward Sword is a great game.
.....oh and yeah, i played with the updated button controls. Way better.



....and now, the time has come

I have not touched this game since i beat in 2017.

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28 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

-And it was only then that I learned the Million Alpha is the lone unit in this game with an attack that has Mobility Down on it -as if being a Repair & Resupply unit wasn't already guaranteed to put on the field. Knowing this ought to make certain bosses much easier.

Heh, gotta make use of those debuffs, huh.

28 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

My memory isn't perfect b/c it was on my first AP playthrough, but wasn't it Master Asia who taught the Clear and Serene Mind to Domon there? Schwarz does it in this version, interesting. Master A also unlocked the Super Mode and final attacks of the other Shuffle Alliance members at Guiana in AP, here they just get them doing a little training. Seeing the two other DG Cell-corrupted characters whom I'm unfamiliar with was nice too -if only I had a Robopedia in this game to know who they were. I can see why there wouldn't be a "recruit Master Asia" secret here, something is up with him, he hasn't shown a drop of mentorship to Domon. It seems like he's more than a radical nature lover this time -I do recall being told Shin SRW made him an alien, so I won't rule out the possibility something has befallen him.

In the TV series it was still Schwartz. It's a curious change AP did, but perhaps it did had to do with him being recruitable. He did taught him the Sekiha Tenkyoken at Neo Hong Kong, though. That was unchanged.

J is one of those few SRW's that adds some of the other Gundam Fighters outside the Shuffle Union, Schwarz, and Allenby. It's always interesting when it happens... ... ... and still no Tequila Gundam, smh. T was a good chance! Considering El Dora Team was there and all...

Oh yeah, that was... a very weird thing to do. lol

28 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I like the surfboard-shield being used by the Maxter (as AP's animations left it out)

It's a bit amusing for national representation, but quite ingenious in having an actual use for combat, heh.

28 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Why does the Enhanced Layzner vs. Layzner Mk. II option exist? Do the two differing Layzner upgrades represent different things in the anime & OVA? I see a variation of this secret has been done more than once.

Layzner Mk. II was never used. It was a planned concept that never got to be used. It has instead showed up in extra material like SRW, and in Another Century's Episode. It's like Great Zeorymer in that sense. Scrapped concepts reused years after the fact.

So like, it would've been Layzner > Enhanced Layzner > Layzner Mk II. SRW made it a branch upgrade instead, rather than the second upgrade it was meant to be.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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You know, imma try something I've never done before. I'm gonna play BotW......with the Latin American dub. I am Venezuelan yet my only exposure to Latin American subs has just been the few shows I watched with that type of dub when I was visiting family over there (also just Venezuelan shows in general "El Chavo del Ocho").

I'm played games with JP dub, I've played games with Eng dub, damn let me try Latin American.

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6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

You know, imma try something I've never done before. I'm gonna play BotW......with the Latin American dub.

I did that with The Last of Us, it was interesting and...

6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

(also just Venezuelan shows in general "El Chavo del Ocho").

6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Venezuelan shows

6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

"El Chavo del Ocho"


Ahora sí te tocó el ocho...

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1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

How did you never got it was Mexican!? XD LOL

Because i only ever saw it in Venezuela lol. Just something that stuck throughout my entire life and i did not think to check.

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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Because i only ever saw it in Venezuela lol. Just something that stuck throughout my entire life and i did not think to check.

Image result for don ramon gif

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:


Idk how to end this one. Skyward Sword is a great game.
.....oh and yeah, i played with the updated button controls. Way better.


Skyward Sword is a game that fills me with sadness, as I remember liking it, even the motion controls on it, until my blind 100% run was cut short by a game breaking bug in the era when online patches were difficult to get. That really has soured me on the game, even after I got access to the patch years later and finished it.


45 minutes ago, Wartortle94 said:

So I'm stuck on the final boss in Majoras mask. He's so hard lol

Good luck, he is rather tough multipart fight if you don't get the fierce deity mask. In fact if you want some help, I will summarize the minor advice the Official Nintendo Power Guide for the N64 version actually gives you for the fight in the spoiler box below


Part 1:

You can use Mikau's fin boomerang to ground the Mask in this first form. When the Boss Masks start coming off the walls to attack you, use your regular arrows (to conserve MP for the last form) to down them, and when Majora's Mask launches fire at you, use the Mirror Shield to reflect it back at him.

Part 2:

The second form is fast on its feet, so hit it with your regular arrows to trip it up, then pounce on the downed foe with your sword.

Part 3:

Its final and hardest form. Here you want to get some direct hits with your Light Arrows to stun him, so you can charge in for powerful sword hits


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24 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Good luck, he is rather tough multipart fight if you don't get the fierce deity mask. In fact if you want some help, I will summarize the minor advice the Official Nintendo Power Guide for the N64 version actually gives you for the fight in the spoiler box below

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Part 1:

You can use Mikau's fin boomerang to ground the Mask in this first form. When the Boss Masks start coming off the walls to attack you, use your regular arrows (to conserve MP for the last form) to down them, and when Majora's Mask launches fire at you, use the Mirror Shield to reflect it back at him.

Part 2:

The second form is fast on its feet, so hit it with your regular arrows to trip it up, then pounce on the downed foe with your sword.

Part 3:

Its final and hardest form. Here you want to get some direct hits with your Light Arrows to stun him, so you can charge in for powerful sword hits


Thanks for the advice.😊 I appreciate it

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34 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Skyward Sword is a game that fills me with sadness, as I remember liking it, even the motion controls on it, until my blind 100% run was cut short by a game breaking bug in the era when online patches were difficult to get. That really has soured me on the game, even after I got access to the patch years later and finished it.

Let me guess, you talked to the Goron in Lanayru after curing the Thunder Dragon?

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Midway through chapter 4 of Trails to Azure, the ride does not slow down. It's a wild ride, this passage of fate.


Just as abrupt out-of-universe as it is in-universe, Mayor Crois is now President Crois of the Independent State of Crossbell, and Arios is his secretary of defense. Given his increasingly fishy behavior, it makes me wonder if Dieter has some dirt on him. Dieter is acting pretty fishy too, I wonder if he's being manipulated somehow... probably not directly by Ouroboros, since Arianrhod (who I can call by her name now) seems to be taking a hands-off approach. KeA is also acting pretty fishy, maybe it has something to do with her conversation with Mariabell at the end of the intermission...

Despite what Dieter said, I'm not fully convinced Erebonia was behind the Red Constellation's attack, maybe because it seems like the obvious answer. Not that I can guess who they're working for, but whoever it is is presumably the main villain. They stole the bell that was in Central Plaza, which is probably significant given all the weird things bells do in Crossbell.

Per Cold Steel, the declaration of independence happens on October 21st, and [REDACTED] happens on October 24th. What will happen between then?

Lastly, Wazy and Noel have both left the party. I wasn't sure if Noel would actually end up leaving (but she'll probably return sooner or later), and Wazy being gone is likely related to Dieter somehow (because Wazy joined the SSS on his recommendation, remember?). I was wondering if Rixia would end up joining to take Noel's place, but I doubt that'll happen until next chapter at least since she's hiding out at the Ancient Battlefield.


4 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Clearly he's blond...

This is a Japanese game, so its hair could be any color of the rainbow.

2 hours ago, Armagon said:

this is probably my favorite final battle in the series.

It looks like you didn't get the Hylian Shield. Did you not feel like going through the Lightning Round for it?

Also, if BotW is the last game in your Zelda marathon, I'm interested in seeing what the final ranking turns out to be. Maybe BotW aged poorly and will be below Adventure of Link.

Actually, I don't recall if you played Tri Force Heroes. It is canon (for some reason), but I would understand if you skipped it.

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4 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Did you not feel like going through the Lightning Round for it

Yeah. Too much effort lol.

4 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Actually, I don't recall if you played Tri Force Heroes. It is canon (for some reason), but I would understand if you skipped it.

Yeah I skipped the multiplayer games. I need people irl to play these with.

I also skipped DS Zelda.

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13 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Let me guess, you talked to the Goron in Lanayru after curing the Thunder Dragon?

Yup. Once the quest was to go for the Dragons, I remembered the Goron investigating the Dragons in the desert, and thought, ah ha, the game clearly intended me to go after the Thunder Dragon next, as I had no clues where to look for the Fire one, and I figured once I completed that whole Thunder Dragon quest he would have some scholarly insight into where to go to find the Fire Dragon. Instead he locked me out of triggering the random event that occurs when you return to volcano that allows you to find the Fire Dragon. What really added insult to injury is that I spend a lot of time exploring every single nook and cranny of the volcano looking for a way to get that part of quest started, and only after thoroughly exploring, and fully exhausting every conceivable option I could I think of, I finally cave and look online for how to continue on, only to discover that I had been softlocked by a glitch.

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Interesting that the Latin American dub of BotW does not call it "Calamity Ganon". Rather simply just "Ganon".

I guess there's no real way to properly translate it. I mean, literally it'd be "Calamidad Ganon" but that doesn't sound right.

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15 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

Everyone playing Engage with mods cause the game is missing something without em. Xd

Meanwhile me with just vanilla game on Switch, pft.

2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Interesting that the Latin American dub of BotW does not call it "Calamity Ganon". Rather simply just "Ganon".

I guess there's no real way to properly translate it. I mean, literally it'd be "Calamidad Ganon" but that doesn't sound right.

¿Y que hay de Irule, amigo mío?

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Okay, done with Another Eden story stuff for now. Time to finish the Deathwing's Lair in Symphony of the Night. Time to fight Akmodan II. When was Akmodan I fought again?

Okay, 100%. Now for the Reverse Colosseum.

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7 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Y que hay de Irule, amigo mío?

Bueno ahorita el peligro mas peligroso en Irule no es Ganon, ni los Guardianes, ni esos eskeletos. Es mi memoria muscular que esta tan acostunbrado a que Link salte automaticamente que se me olvido que en este jeugo, saltar es manual y por eso ya me a caido a mi muerte como cinco veses.

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