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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

do nothing to improve them with the extra money.

Capitalism momento

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

m more puzzled as to why Shrimpers is listening to a Latin American dub of an anime song lol

Why not?

Aslong as it sounds good idc about the language

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Because that's a sign of good taste.


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6 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Why not?

Aslong as it sounds good idc about the language

Listen to something less anime next time.

6 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Is that the second hint of Sholmes cross-dressing in this case?

Iconic Sholmes. Holmes could never.

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Just now, Eltosian Kadath said:

Ah Vilen Borshevik is the right name for our Russian Assassin Juror

Vilen Bolshevik is the second best juror, second only to Extremely Deaf Grandpa.

I was so fond of that man. Every time I saw him sitting there I went "oh God not you again, fucking hell", but like, in a good way.

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3 hours ago, Sooks said:

Is that even possible?

My boy, you don't even know the half of it...

Bantu is one of the funniest bad units to use, because training him is so awful in concept that even the devs forgot to design the game around using dragons. Bantu has AWFUL growths, and his weapon choices are severely limited. You can't buy the firestone in any shop. Stones can only be purchased at the secret shop in ch14, something you need warp to access, and even then you can only buy like one of each. Until then, you only have 2 firestones with 30 uses each. If you run out, tough shit. It's like having a baby without the tax benefits. You can't just equip it for its defensive stats without actually attacking to preserve uses. If you get hit by 2 range, you STILL transform, thus losing a stone use despite not dealing damage. Bantu's stats are the same between fe11 and fe12. Literally. They're the same. The sequel in which enemy growths are DRASTICALLY buffed as opposed to fe11, and he wasn't scaled up like almost every other character, although I suppose Yubello was scaled DOWN, so it could've been worse. I've seen arguments between who is the worst unit in the franchise. It's usually a contest between Wendy and Sophia, but some have mentioned FE12 Bantu. I decided to test that theory.

Sophia is easily the worst thing of all time.

Bantu is a bastard to fix up, but you have to admit, the stone buffs are kickass. You become incredibly tanky and the early game heavy hitting stone can at least kill things more than 7 might cavaliar fe11 tomas with an iron lance halfway in the game, don't ask. At least it's more damage and accuracy than anything early game Wendy can do, albeit much less impressive than FE11 Bantu, as now you have silver lance Palla and basically any Kris to outdo that, or Bord, but it works! Bantu's defense is high, but he will get 1RKO'd without stat buffs (we're talking maniac mode rn, but even normal Bantu dies, he's that bad), but you can say the same about bloody Micaiah or any mage in dsfe early game. One angelic robe and a dracoshield or a rainbow potion if you're using DLC should give him enough to survive at first for some time. It's how I tanked the dracoknights of ch9, which I really needed in the PMU in which I used him, because everyone else just died and Kris stole more than enough xp. You probably need the growth drop for Bantu in a DLC using run, but his growths will still suck. That said, if you want to make Bantu work, you won't be relying on in chapter kills.

You use the drill grounds. Enemies in drill grounds scale based on your raw stats. Boosters are not applied. Because a gigantic portion of a manakete's bases are given by their stone, the game will often throw extremely underleveled enemies against you, yet still drop a sizable amount of xp. Moreover, for each round you battle consecutively, the xp gained per kill is increased, but the enemies are stronger each time. For most, getting to 3 rounds in a row is practically impossible, but for manaketes, they can beat up to 6 rounds if the rng doesn't throw a thoron sage, netting 5 level ups at once. This is an easy strat to make divine dragons viable for how late you get them, but you can do this with bantu too, much earlier, but with much worse level ups unless you're patient and half rig. 

Chances are though, your main plan is just to pump every stat booster you own, which I'm used to doing. Arran, Beck, Bantu, who's next? I don't even know, but ruben probably does. But why? Why do all this for Bantu? Why not any other unit like Gordin, Malice, or fuckin fighter Wrys? Like I said, FE12 is not designed with manaketes in mind. There are no enemy wyvernslayers. None. Literally zero. Enemy armorslayers are everywhere (General Matthis be damned), but not a single dragonpike. If you get Bantu's defense high enough, largely carried by stone, he becomes invincible. The Altea+Archanea arc, normally really hard even for veterans doing their 5th meme run, just gets blown by him. And I haven't even gotten into his new arsenal. The firestone is cool, but it's lame and often not enough for him. You use it to hold out until ch14. But then he gets the big guns. The icestone that gives you EVEN MORE defense, the wyvernstone that lets Bantu actually double, unless you're mentally ill awesome like me and made him double without it in the early game, and the damn magicstone, which makes him immune to all magic damage. All the swarm users and bolgonobitches boys will all try to nuke him, but will just bait themselves to you for no punish. It's really gratifying. At this point, you should have enough stone uses to beat the game, but don't try solo'ing with him. Another good thing about the rainbow potion or even stat bonds is that manaketes can gain points past their cap. If Marth reaches a cap, he can't gain more through any means. If Bantu caps, and you use a drop, the stone just powers him further. You can't contain his might!

Tl;dr: Bantu can definitely be used in maniac. Just don't suck at the game





I never finished the PMU, but point is, I can definitely get him to cap. Beauty. One day I'll return, but actually doing the LP words words words is a different story.

Yes, you can do all this with Tiki, but I'm not disgusting. If you're going to use a manakete, trust the Ruben, or me, who trusts the Ruben.


Edit: Don't ask about lunatic Bantu. You don't get the warp staff, meaning no icestone or magestone, meaning no fun. I'm not THAT crazy. Lunatic is for Arran gaming. Also, I don't know when you got back and returned to fe12, but congrats on not dying yet Shookers.

Edited by Shaky Jones
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One last quote from Vilen (as otherwise I could easily fill pages of them): Lying is wrong, especially when lie is said by person who looks like criminal!

Edit: Peach being ol' Bri'ish slang (whether thieves' cant or Cockney quirk), that the bruvvers slip is strangely fittin'

Edited by Eltosian Kadath
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With this, the ritual arcane is completed. From the hellish void, shall descend the apocryphal gift of the heavens.

-Well, several missions from now. And since SRW inflates the stats of units when they're enemies, I can't determine probably anything from fighting the Great Zeorymer.

The Hades Project Zeorymer SRWJ storyline is handicapped I presume from being a 4-part OVA, and any darkness of its source material. It too is limited by having only eight villain mechs and one hero mech, can't do a whole lot with that. Although I do like the story conceptually, and the mech designs are good, with the "yellow orb core" serving as a unifier. Going with classical elements gives the Hakkeshu robots a fantasy aspect, yet the designs remain techy and don't feel outright magical. Not Rayearth, close-ish to the Masoukishin, but still a degree or two less magical-looking, besides being purely technological in structure, unlike the Masouki.

Two little faults I have with the story of HPZ as show in SRWJ- the first being Dr. Kihara's abrupt exit from the picture. The second being SRWJ not showing Masato confront Yuratei inside the Tekkoryu fortress after defeating her in gameplay, that made the Zeorymer ending feel oddly anticlimactic. This said, J makes Dr. Kihara the only villain already aware of the Fury and concerned about the threat they posed, that seems like a special favor from Banpresto's writers.

I wanted to see what Yuratei deploys in if you haven't fulfilled this esoteric procedure, so I first had the final Hakkeshu killed by someone other than Masato and then reloaded. The Hau-Dragon (a translation of "Tekkoryu"?) looks similar to the Great Zeo and regular Zeo, and has exactly the same weaponry as the Great (in enemy hands at least, am I REALLY going to lose Hades Attack?). Comparing the two, I didn't see any special dialogue when the Great Zeorymer showed up to put some awe and "congratulations into unlocking this demanding secret!", slightly disappointing.

Now, as for why getting the Great takes so many steps, well SRW doesn't always need an explanation for this kind of stuff, it just is sometimes. The "keep Masato minimally influenced by Kihara" still explains the forbidden deployment side of it. As for Yuratei using the Great, she is another clone of Dr. Kihara, aspiring to be the ruler of Hades, she realizes Zeorymer is the strongest of all Hakkeshu robots at this point, and that if she wins, her fate is to become Kihara like Masato if he were to win (a cruel "game" by the mad doctor indeed). Giving her something of a copy of the Zeorymer with weaponry from a bunch of the other Hakkeshu (but not all, where is Earthquake and the Nuclear Missiles?) is very befitting.

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3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh, yes, multiple. No worries.

3 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Yes, in chapter 16.

Okay, thank you.

58 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

My boy, you don't even know the half of it...

I’m ready to learn!

58 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

Bantu is one of the funniest bad units to use, because training him is so awful in concept that even the devs forgot to design the game around using dragons. Bantu has AWFUL growths, and his weapon choices are severely limited.

So how do you—

58 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

You can't buy the firestone in any shop. Stones can only be purchased at the secret shop in ch14

There was a secret shop in chapter 14?? FUUUU—

oh wait I have save states

58 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

something you need warp to access

Oh. Hopefully I won’t need that later.

58 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

Bantu's stats are the same between fe11 and fe12. Literally. They're the same. The sequel in which enemy growths are DRASTICALLY buffed as opposed to fe11, and he wasn't scaled up like almost every other character

Damn rip lmao

58 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

, although I suppose Yubello was scaled DOWN, so it could've been worse.

He was robbed.

Luckily, I’m making him work through rigged levels.

58 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

I've seen arguments between who is the worst unit in the franchise. It's usually a contest between Wendy and Sophia, but some have mentioned FE12 Bantu. I decided to test that theory.

Test Wendy and Sophia or you’re not a real scientist.

58 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

-Bantu stuff-

That’s some good shit, good work.

58 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

Tl;dr: Bantu can definitely be used in maniac. Just don't suck at the game

Bad news…

58 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

Yes, you can do all this with Tiki, but I'm not disgusting.

But Tiki was so much fun to use in the last game! And now I can give stat boosters to other units. Like Jubelo!

58 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

Also, I don't know when you got back and returned to fe12


58 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

, but congrats on not dying yet Shookers.


54 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I can confirm Shaky trusts the Ruben. You should, too.

Alistair trusted you.

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Just now, Sooks said:

He was robbed.

Luckily, I’m making him work through rigged levels.

Fun fact: Yubello has -2 base magic. On every class except mage and sorcerer he can get invisible magic levels.

1 minute ago, Sooks said:

Test Wendy and Sophia or you’re not a real scientist.

Been there, done that. Wendy is better.

2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Alistair trusted you.

And he was right. I saved the world, didn't I?

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