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I managed to sort things out with the clinic finally, hopefully I can get an appointment setup soon.

My depression state lasted longer than I expected but I'm getting better.

3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Should be, although it might take a little time for everyone to get their sales up, and for Steam to advertise "SUMMER IS HERE!"

I don't know if I'll be purchasing anything from it, I already have a big enough backlog to complain about. Get the deals while they're here yeah, but it feels wrong to collect and not actually play. 

That and *sigh*, want I really want isn't short-term earthly delights, but long-term existential improvement. As it stands, I will one day die thinking "How can anyone NOT die with dozens of regrets?", as I know I would be going that way. But, I'll be attending an earthly delight a little over a week from now, and my fellow attendee is getting excited for it, which means I can't bring up the psyche thing that I was intending to today. I'm so utterly timid to ask for no reason, except for that of not wanting to draw attention to myself, and I don't want to kill their mood. I'm not actually depressed or anything at the moment, I haven't had a serious bout since last year. I'm enjoying my daily existence, I'll be enjoying the coming expensive event for sure, I'd make this clear to them. But three decades will soon complete for me and I don't feel existentially satisfied, as much as I can effectively bury that feeling each day, as much as it would take real effort to change that, I know it. Every month, I try not to be a downer and don't ask about the psyche b/c it's too close to a good time approaching, and I don't want to ask in the days immediately following such a thing either. I always make an excuse not to ask. I'd make the appointment myself, I am an adult, but going behind their back like that would possibly draw more attention to myself b/c why would I be doing something so unusual like that?

I don't have any insightful words at the moment, but I relate almost too much.

56 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I'm getting flashbacks to F-Zero GX.

I've spent five fucking hours trying to get the high score goal for level 2. Closest I've gotten, missed it by 1000 points because I choked in two different areas.

Ah, fucking Christ. And all of this, so I can unlock an outfit. Damned vanity...

>Me looking at this as someone who stopped playing at the second mission

57 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Why are the portraits so ugly, though? I know people don't like SD's portraits, but removing all shading and turning Navarre's jacket into a blotch of red is not the way to go about "fixing" them. That just looks plain bad, they should've just used the FE12 portraits. Tweak the colors some more if you don't like them still, but don't do... well, that.

I bet Fates styled portraits done by an artist would be interesting to see, though probably would be pretty time consuming


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19 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

I managed to sort things out with the clinic finally, hopefully I can get an appointment setup soon.

My depression state lasted longer than I expected but I'm getting better.

Here's hoping you continue to make a swift recovery.

19 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

>Me looking at this as someone who stopped playing at the second mission

Of F-Zero, or Sifu?

19 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

I bet Fates styled portraits done by an artist would be interesting to see, though probably would be pretty time consuming

There's a Garon prequel mod in the works that got a full cast of voice actors. Most notably, the narrator of the trailer, who is a professional voice actor I recognize from Triangle Strategy. Y'know, triple A production by a well-known company with decades of history? He's also in Echoes as Saber. And in this mod of Fates. How they pulled that off is beyond me.

What I'm trying to say is, some madman commissioning a full assortment of Archanea portraits from Kozaki himself would be wild, but I wouldn't put it past the Fates modders at this point. They're the maddest of the mad.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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I can't believe Sakurai forgot about Ys.

20 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I approve of this message.

Give me FE Dunbine edition.

I imagine the mechs would be the equivalent to previous games' legendary weapons, as a sort of successor to Engage's Emblems if you could choose who could pilot them and they each had unique abilities.

19 hours ago, Sooks said:

Joshua, Kevin

They like her for her personality.

19 hours ago, Sooks said:

I’m assuming Jusis had something to say with [REDACTED]?

Sort of:


He doesn't say anything particularly special to Sharon, but he has an exchange with Rufus before he leaves. Jusis asks if gaining power as an Ironblood was worth bringing ruin to House Albarea and sacrificing Millium, to which Rufus responds that it was and that it's the first step to achieving his "goal". Jusis also says that El-Prado wields "the holy sword of House Albarea", if that means something specific.

Sara had a few comments during the Lamare visit whenever North Ambria is brought up and she enjoys visiting the brewery, of course.


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12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You must promote Moulder.

He’ll get the next one

Artur’s now got MAG in the mid 20’s so them damn monsters dont stand a chance 😁

Edited by Capt. Fargus
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All day trying over and over, almost got there twice, going to bed without it done.

Yeaaaah this is definitely F-Zero GX mission 7 all over again...

12 minutes ago, Capt. Fargus said:

He’ll get the next one

He better. I'm watching you!

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3 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

I managed to sort things out with the clinic finally, hopefully I can get an appointment setup soon.

My depression state lasted longer than I expected but I'm getting better.


3 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

I don't have any insightful words at the moment, but I relate almost too much.

What an unfortunate coincidence for the both of us.😒 Although close commiseration is camaraderie. My genuine sympathies go to you.

...Thinking about it, though it be not existential dread, the fact is unceasing self-criticism has kept me from partaking of joy from things I normally would on this day. This 24-hour cycle has the night left to it, but I would say game-playing on it is dead. If one should live by the simple precept of "enjoy life", then while it hasn't been a bad day, it isn't been particularly good either. Though of a different sort of negative thought, the end result is the same, one day, in the finite quantity I shall have, wasted. Idiot.


41 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

All day trying over and over, almost got there twice, going to bed without it done.

Yeaaaah this is definitely F-Zero GX mission 7 all over again...

A feedback loop of three-quarters enjoyment to one-quarter frustration (roughly), quite alien to my own, but entertaining to witness.😜

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

but I wouldn't put it past the Fates modders at this point. They're the maddest of the mad.

If they're truly as enlightened as you say, they better have Garon slam Lil Corrin (or Lil Xander/Leo/Camilla/Elise) against the ground. Can't call yourself Best Dad if you haven't spiked your baby.


41 minutes ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

After a month I finally finished Le Morte D’Arthur, and I can now see why the legend has persisted for all these years.

Because the story is more arid than the Atacama Desert? Dryness does preserve things better.

I read the entire thing in college. I would like to say that I think I can see the parts which late-1400s and 1500s Englishmen and other Europeans would have found to be thrilling, it would be a lie to say I found such moments capable of mustering any excitement within myself. And why did Sir Thomas Mallory include the Tristan & Isolde story if he didn't have a complete version of it and left it unsatisfactorily unfinished? It's a very long tangental do-nothing tale in the middle of an already bloated book.

Not to say it was wholly devoid of moisture content. I found the part where Sir Pelleas found Sir Gawain sleeping with Lady Ettard despite the fact Pelleas sent Gawain to get her to accept his love for her, only to resist his urge to kill them both several times and instead leave his sword placed upon them as if to say "I saw you, Lady I Love No More and Knight Controlled By His Lance Not His Vows", to be juicy. -Although part of it stems from the fact that I had Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn in my head the whole time reading that segment. Oh, and virginity/chastity being necessary to withstand the divine presence of the Holy Grail truly behold it, is sooooooo medieval in its Christian values. Thank God Sir Perceval made the sign of the cross before having sex with the Devil in disguise.😄

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Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny good, 7/10, still better than Temple of Doom.

20 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Didn't sleep a wink and i was already absolutely done with the week yesterday. Now i am feeling absolutely murderous ngl.

But nah, i won't take the coward's way out.

But i wonder how long i will be able to stick to that

My man you need a good long vacation. I know you traveled recently but if it's getting to this point, you need some time off. Hell, how financially viable is it for six months?

11 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Yeah i will start the search soon

Although the problem is less the job itself (even if it's boring) and more the routine. Everyday just being the same.

An eternal Cycle.

An endless now.


Even back then when i worked on something i super loved the routine problem was too real.

Seems freelance might be your go. Routine only lasts as long as the contract says it does and then you get a different one.

4 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:


I can't believe Sakurai forgot about Ys.

This is secret code that Rean the GOAT will be in Smash 6 and Deep Carnival will be one of the songs included.


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Media literacy is not taught enough in schools


My guy he looks like this


he does this


this is not a man who has "motivations" and "interesting backstories", this is a guy who is literally called the Great King of Evil in his first appearance.

Edited by Armagon
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5 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

I managed to sort things out with the clinic finally, hopefully I can get an appointment setup soon.

My depression state lasted longer than I expected but I'm getting better.

I hope it helps, as you deserve to be happy.


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Hmm... Maybe I should try gaming outside for a change. The summer is nice, but not hot yet. Sitting out in the cool shade with the Switch, both Tri Strat and 13S (I can't decide which I actually want to play ATM) seem like they'd be alright for that, unlike more actiony games where I'd like more controlled ambient lighting and sound.


1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny good, 7/10, still better than Temple of Doom.

That's a pretty low bar. Junk action film that's goes a little too heavy on the Indian orientalism isn't exactly the most tasteful nor compelling thing in the world.

53 minutes ago, Armagon said:

this is not a man who has "motivations" and "interesting backstories", this is a guy who is literally called the Great King of Evil in his first appearance.

I'd call it "Pseudo-Edgy-Ish Contrarianism". An outgrowth of that wafer-thin development he got from all of one quip in Wind Waker.

Owing to its age, its bigness, and Nintendo's narrative conservatism, I have severe doubts Goodnondorf will ever be an actual thing. Zeruda no Densetsu must maintain a simple heroic good vs. evil dichotomy. 

23 minutes ago, Armagon said:




Mario chit-chat ought to drop off a cliff very quickly. Persona has the staying power to remain heavily discussed for months I'd say, Mario 2D platformers, not so much (even if it'd be a potential Nintendo Evergreen™️🌲 that could rake up some P3R-rivaling long-term sales).

As for Street Fighter 6, well the key art is worth a million words, none of them good.

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8 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

That's a pretty low bar. Junk action film that's goes a little too heavy on the Indian orientalism isn't exactly the most tasteful nor compelling thing in the world.

Temple of Doom is like a 5 imo.

Mind you Dial of Destiny doesn't compare to Raiders and Last Crusade.....but at the same time i don't think it was trying to. The young Indiana Jones sequence at the start vs 80-year old man for the rest of the movie was definitely intentional in it's thematic messaging.

10 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'd call it "Pseudo-Edgy-Ish Contrarianism". An outgrowth of that wafer-thin development he got from all of one quip in Wind Waker.

The funny thing about that monolouge in Wind Waker is, while good, it's ultimately still just Ganondorf's selfesh desire. And when the Triforce is denied from him, he goes full maniacal and tries to take down Link and Zelda with him.

Ganondorf's always been a sore loser when you look at how each of his defeats played out.

11 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Zeruda no Densetsu must maintain a simple heroic good vs. evil dichotomy. 

The only villain in the entire series that actually had gray morality is Hilda. She sought an invasion of Hyrule to steal it's Triforce so she could restore her crumbling kingdom to glory. She's the only villain in the series with genuine motivations and thus, the only one that isn't killed/sealed away at the end.

14 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'd say, Mario 2D platformers, not so much (even if it'd be a potential Nintendo Evergreen™️🌲 that could rake up some P3R-rivaling long-term sales).

Oh please, we know Wonder's gonna curbstomp Persona's entire lifelong sales.

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54 minutes ago, Armagon said:

The only villain in the entire series that actually had gray morality is Hilda. She sought an invasion of Hyrule to steal it's Triforce so she could restore her crumbling kingdom to glory. She's the only villain in the series with genuine motivations and thus, the only one that isn't killed/sealed away at the end.

And then ofc, she gets sidelined by Yuga-Ganon. The final confrontation has to be Link's heroism vs. pure evil.

54 minutes ago, Armagon said:

The funny thing about that monolouge in Wind Waker is, while good, it's ultimately still just Ganondorf's selfesh desire. And when the Triforce is denied from him, he goes full maniacal and tries to take down Link and Zelda with him.

Does Ganondorf even talk after the flooding starts? The nonstop-laughing-then-turnaround makes me wonder if he even had a "I'm taking you all with me!" thought in his skull. Or if the sheer lunacy of missing out on the Triforce to that old fat powerless king which nobody expected, and then realizing the buried Hyrule he had coveted for over a thousand years was going to be washed away forever, just made him snap. I question if he actually thought as to whether or not Link and Zelda could escape in time, and if his attacking of the two of them was pure bestial instinct, not Ganon, but an utter madman's natural predisposition.

OoT, TP, Hyrule was still intact, Gdorf never lost the Triforce of Power during these final encounters, it be fairer to say he never totally jumped off the deep end in those instances. Wind Waker strikes me differently.

54 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Oh please, we know Wonder's gonna curbstomp Persona's entire lifelong sales.

True, maybe I was being too restrained there.😅 At the end of the day, Persona is only a JRPG, there is an inherent limit in that. Mario speaks to a much larger, broader, if 1000000% less vocal audience, 2D or 3D, it ought not to matter if it be "mainline Mario" enough. 

54 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Mind you Dial of Destiny doesn't compare to Raiders and Last Crusade.....but at the same time i don't think it was trying to. The young Indiana Jones sequence at the start vs 80-year old man for the rest of the movie was definitely intentional in it's thematic messaging.

Acknowledging that with age, the output of one's efforts does eventually decline. Yet, there is something admirable in someone past their prime attempting yet another grand effort, no matter if it is inferior to their prior achievements. Is that the theme you speak of?

...That, would sound like a very mature theme.😐 Bleak, not unlike coming to grips with death not being too far off in your golden years, but mature, and something we all inevitably have to deal with. Did Harrison Ford really want a movie where he's the star for possibly the last time ever truly for real to be about that though?

Well, it'd be different from all the long-after sequels made which foolishly attempt to be as great as or greater than the originals and inevitably fail to match them. Humility is a virtue.

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5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Does Ganondorf even talk after the flooding starts? The nonstop-laughing-then-turnaround makes me wonder if he even had a "I'm taking you all with me!"

Well I think he talks at the end after Link drives the Master Sword through his skull.

5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

OoT, TP, Hyrule was still intact, Gdorf never lost the Triforce of Power during these final encounters, it be fairer to say he never totally jumped off the deep end in those instances.

He lost the Triforce of Power in TP after Link drove the Master Sword through his chest. It was a neat full circle thing. Ganondorf gained the Triforce of Power when the Sages attempted to execute him but when struck down by the Master Sword, he loses the very thing that gave him power.

He dies standing, which is pretty badass while fitting in with his drive to just never surrender.

7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Acknowledging that with age, the output of one's efforts does eventually decline. Yet, there is something admirable in someone past their prime attempting yet another grand effort, no matter if it is inferior to their prior achievements. Is that the theme you speak of?

Mmhmm. The director himself even confirmed that it was something along those lines and both him and Ford felt that Crystal Skull didn't really dive into Indy's age and that it was a missed opportunity back then.

Director also did Logan, the movie about an old Wolverine past his prime. Similar deal although that movie's rated M.

9 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Did Harrison Ford really want a movie where he's the star for possibly the last time ever truly for real to be about that though?

Well Indiana Jones is the only character Harrison Ford has reportedly ever actually liked playing.

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I swear...

I spent days with a writing funk, then just out of nowhere I write almost a thousand words in an hour. Wish it didn't had to happen like that to begin with in order to have something written, but ah well.

Hmm, that said, I do am starting to have second thoughts on what to write next for my Castlevania AU. I thought I settled on direct continuation, but perhaps I should jump ahead already... hmm... Or maybe it was part of the rut and now I could actually put more effort into it. Well, it's too late to do it tonight, but perhaps tomorrow...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Because the story is more arid than the Atacama Desert? Dryness does preserve things better.

I read the entire thing in college. I would like to say that I think I can see the parts which late-1400s and 1500s Englishmen and other Europeans would have found to be thrilling, it would be a lie to say I found such moments capable of mustering any excitement within myself. And why did Sir Thomas Mallory include the Tristan & Isolde story if he didn't have a complete version of it and left it unsatisfactorily unfinished? It's a very long tangental do-nothing tale in the middle of an already bloated book.

Not to say it was wholly devoid of moisture content. I found the part where Sir Pelleas found Sir Gawain sleeping with Lady Ettard despite the fact Pelleas sent Gawain to get her to accept his love for her, only to resist his urge to kill them both several times and instead leave his sword placed upon them as if to say "I saw you, Lady I Love No More and Knight Controlled By His Lance Not His Vows", to be juicy. -Although part of it stems from the fact that I had Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn in my head the whole time reading that segment. Oh, and virginity/chastity being necessary to withstand the divine presence of the Holy Grail truly behold it, is sooooooo medieval in its Christian values. Thank God Sir Perceval made the sign of the cross before having sex with the Devil in disguise.😄

Thou art no knight of worship!

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7 hours ago, Armagon said:

Hell, how financially viable is it for six months?

not really unless i stay with parents.

Then i can go for more then a year even

Fucking rent XD

7 hours ago, Armagon said:

Seems freelance might be your go.

yeah freelance/self-employment seems to be the solution here.

Will see if i can do something. Will be a while tho as experience is needed + paperwork.


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8 hours ago, Armagon said:

My guy he looks like this


Frankly, I don't see the problem. He seems like he'd be good pals with the King of Hyrule. They'd negotiate trade accords over dinner.

8 hours ago, Armagon said:


The sign of a great monarch and man, if you ask me. He seems like he'd be good pals with the King of Nohr. They'd negotiate trade accords over adoption papers.

7 hours ago, Armagon said:



It's the first true new 2D Mario platformer we've had in over a decade, plus it looks great to boot. Can't say I blame 'em.

5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Did Harrison Ford really want a movie where he's the star for possibly the last time ever truly for real to be about that though?

Could be that it's the only way he could get away with it. I honestly don't think he'd have any qualms, donning the hat and whip one more time was probably Ford's last true dream. I sincerely doubt he even cares how well the movie performs, he just wanted to be Indy again before it was too late.

1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:




It's a remake not a S3? Why...

Oh hey, there's a couple faces I recognize. I'll probably only be able to muster enough care to give the new opening a listen. That old opening is godly.

...Incidentally, this man really did manage to fuck up a 3 o'clock shadow. Holy shit. It takes some talent to pull off a beard this bad. 0/10

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Twitter blocked people from using the search or view hashtags for a few months now. But now it requires one to login to see ANYTHING on the site.
That is... most certainly interesting. I mean, I would imagine visibility is a large part of why people put their stuff on twitter. Especially companies. But now the entire site is inaccessible unless you have an account.

Edited by BrightBow
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1 hour ago, BrightBow said:

Twitter blocked people from using the search or view hashtags for a few months now. But now it requires one to login to see ANYTHING on the site.
That is... most certainly interesting. I mean, I would imagine visibility is a large part of why people put their stuff on twitter. Especially companies. But now the entire site is inaccessible unless you have an account.

Well, you guys are gonna have to explain yourselves when you send something now, because I'm not logging in lol

44 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Twitter needs to die already

Good fucking luck, Musk has been tearing it to shreds for months and it seems to have had no effect.

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