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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

In these two cases, however, it could be that the Elder is just too old and lacks the necessary magic to transform. Sophia is only half, so she wouldn't be able to, at least not without a Dragonstone (Nergal forced Ninian to transform).

True, but he also clarifies that no one else can except for Fae, and I doubt they're all around his age.

It's hard to say if Sophia not having one is a sign of... what. Ninian and Nils have the one (considering how they can easily transfer energy between them, I figure they just pooled it together and are sharing it, hence one and not two dragonstones), but also, once again, were human before the Endless Winter began. 

1 minute ago, Armagon said:

There is also the case of Jahn, who was kept alive by the Tower, which seems to have the same properties as the pyramid in Arcadia. And if we want to go into manga lore, Al doesn't seem to mind.

If I recall, Yahn can't even physically leave. His meeting with Zephiel was made out of a projection. It's hard to say. Maybe since he never left, he also never got to acclimatize and now he doesn't dare to.

The manga certainly also does its own things. I forgot, for how long he was alive before being sealed in the sword? Since if he was born before or after the Endless Winter began... hmm...

1 minute ago, Armagon said:

I mean I know the answer is she died, but it does feel like they went out of their way to explicitly stated why Ninian wouldn't be around but not for any of Eliwood's other potential spouses. Though through math we can confirm she lived for at least five years after the end of the game (epilogue is 15 years after and Roy is 10 in that one).

Mhm. At least she got to spend enough time with Eliwood.

Clearly since it's the semi-canon choice. I guess it's something they had to address anyway, since it's the only scenario where she doesn't cross back through the gate. As for the other two... guess we have to infer it was something more mundane for their cases.

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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:




Manga Alear fucking kills Waluigi, this really is an official rewrite at this point.

"Omae wa mou shindeiru..."


Yeah, was surprised at that. No Zephia encounter either, which is also curious...

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10 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I forgot, for how long he was alive before being sealed in the sword? Since if he was born before or after the Endless Winter began... hmm...

It was before.

15 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

"Omae wa mou shindeiru..."


Yeah, was surprised at that. No Zephia encounter either, which is also curious...

Definitely saving it for The Funny. 

But now i'm really curious as to how events are gonna play out.

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Atlus making $70 dollar remake that has less content than it's originals so they can charge that extra content for $20 a piece (Persona fans will still buy it)


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Wasn't P3P ported earlier this year? Would not surprise me if they think that's enough...

Or they want people to buy both games anyway.

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38 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Wasn't P3P ported earlier this year? Would not surprise me if they think that's enough...

Or they want people to buy both games anyway.


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Me right now.

Finally! I've been wanting to make this joke over... anything, really, but I could never find a good clip...

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On 7/5/2023 at 8:36 PM, Acacia Sgt said:

I got a better question. Why is Sommie?

But seriously... Sommie is the Guardian of the Somniel.


I actually choked.

I was expecting some human character, like someone with a beard or something with how much Ruben talks about it.

All to view the shittiest bootleg Animal Crossing character I've ever seen

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Super Mario Bros 2 review

The sheer legacy effect this Mario reskin of a game has had on the series is incredible but the actual game is.....alright. Level design is improved over Super Mario Bros but is it really fair to say that when this technically isn't a Mario game? But also i feel that the levels are just way too short that the game doesn't have enough time to shine. Combine it with the lack of meaningful powerups and this game only has a legacy because the Mario name was attached to it.


1 minute ago, GuardianSing said:

I actually choked.

I was expected some human character, like someone with a beard or something with how much Ruben talks about it.

All to view the shittiest bootleg Animal Crossing character I've ever seen

Sommie solos prep-time Batman.

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2 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

I actually choked.

I was expected some human character, like someone with a beard or something with how much Ruben talks about it.

All to view the shittiest bootleg Animal Crossing character I've ever seen

Oooh, them's fighting words with Ruben.

Well, I mean, this outfit exists...


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5 hours ago, Armagon said:




Manga Alear fucking kills Waluigi, this really is an official rewrite at this point.

The author of the manga actually made Alear an honest to goodness character!?!


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3 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

I actually choked.

I was expected some human character, like someone with a beard or something with how much Ruben talks about it.

All to view the shittiest bootleg Animal Crossing character I've ever seen


Ruben might swim across the Atlantic to remove the batteries from your TV remote if he sees you write stuff like that.

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10 hours ago, Armagon said:




Manga Alear fucking kills Waluigi, this really is an official rewrite at this point.

I am once again asking why did they not use this material for the actual game. Like, doing it like this wouldn't even have required that much effort and it wouldn't have led to the hilarity of Zephia murdering the mook because she doesn't grant second chances, right before she and her troupé of clowns become the bosses of the rest of the game.

...Then again, perhaps the mangaka's just making it up as they go. Eh, I'll be happy if they just give Hyacinth and actual fist fight this time.

9 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Violet and Scarlet did play a little with gender expression with the very butch Rika, and very effeminate Grusha

I knew about Grusha, the internet lost their minds over him for a bit, but I didn't know about this one.

Incidentally, it was at this point of the post where Serenes randomly decided to deselect the post just as I was pressing space, and then interpreted that as a command to post. Nice.

6 hours ago, Armagon said:

It is with unfortunate news that i must report it's not Sommie. But FEH.

At least it's Ivy.

Figures they would add Ivy, and only Ivy, solely so they can turn her into another piece of meat for Heroes fans to gawk at.

I hate this game so much...

6 hours ago, GuardianSing said:


Who's Sommie?


The best character in Fire Emblem.

6 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

I actually choked.

I was expected some human character, like someone with a beard or something with how much Ruben talks about it.

All to view the shittiest bootleg Animal Crossing character I've ever seen

Yeah! Isn't it awesome? You can pet it, feed it beans which it loves, put a little top hat on it and when it loves you enough, it helps you with minigames and runs behind you at the Somniel! Very slowly! It's incredible, I tell you!

6 hours ago, Armagon said:

Sommie solos prep-time Batman.

Sommie solos all the DC and Marvel superheroes, at the same time.

6 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Oooh, them's fighting words with Ruben.

Ahh, not so. Quetzal couldn't have known. I will forgive their trespasses... this time.

3 hours ago, gnip said:


Ruben might swim across the Atlantic to remove the batteries from your TV remote if he sees you write stuff like that.

Though that does sound like a good measure to take. Just as a warning. You know, like in that one movie, where the guy wakes up with a horse's bloody head on his lap? Same principle.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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