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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Then again, perhaps the mangaka's just making it up as they go.

The manga started in March, two months after the game launched. Given the development priorities of the game, my guess is they waited to see how the story would go before rewriting it.

It's just continuing the tradition of FE mangas telling the story better than the game. 

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Figures they would add Ivy, and only Ivy, solely so they can turn her into another piece of meat for Heroes fans to gawk at.

I hate this game so much...

At the same time she's the first Engage character in the game since the initial batch and even then it's an alt.


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22 minutes ago, Armagon said:

The manga started in March, two months after the game launched. Given the development priorities of the game, my guess is they waited to see how the story would go before rewriting it.

It's just continuing the tradition of FE mangas telling the story better than the game. 

Considering what we know about the game's development, I wonder if the manga is also long finished, but due to contract we still have monthly publications after the game had to be released.

22 minutes ago, Armagon said:

At the same time she's the first Engage character in the game since the initial batch and even then it's an alt.

Better than nothing, I suppose. Certainly better, heh.

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1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Considering what we know about the game's development, I wonder if the manga is also long finished, but due to contract we still have monthly publications after the game had to be released.

I mean they still have to draw it but the storyline changes have probably been decided on since this is based on a story already finished.

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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I mean they still have to draw it but the storyline changes have probably been decided on since this is based on a story already finished.

Like I said. Considering they'd have since at least 2021 to draw it. Plenty of time to be long ready for a 2023 release.

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24 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Like I said. Considering they'd have since at least 2021 to draw it. Plenty of time to be long ready for a 2023 release.

Ah ok. I see what you mean now.

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2 hours ago, Armagon said:

It's just continuing the tradition of FE mangas telling the story better than the game.

tbf manga is also a much better story telling medium

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

All bangers


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*Sees the Japanese physical game sales chart for last week* 

Well, now I have a reason to post this image I bumped into.:


Kinda sad that Final Fantasy XVI enters its second week and -at least physically- loses out to a niche game in Japan which only sold 55k.



The only thing they released in this time period was the XC3 DLC, was it not? Or did they also get few rupees from Tears of Joy of the Kingdom? I wouldn't understand this if they didn't get some LoZ income. Did the XC3 DLC sell plenty while costing significantly less to make than the base game? 

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

he only thing they released in this time period was the XC3 DLC, was it not?

if the fiscal year is from march to march that the main game (without DLC Wave 4) + whatever other ninty projects they worked on

3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:



Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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34 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Or did they also get few rupees from Tears of Joy of the Kingdom?

Nah, obviously Nintendo was like "Sorry Monolith, I can't give credit! Come back when you're a little, mmmm richer!" and paid Monolith in exposure

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1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

tbf manga is also a much better story telling medium

Well they all have their strengths. The thing with games as a story telling medium is that not only can you make it interactive but you can also include more story into it without it affecting the pacing too much. A manga that only adapts the main story of Xenoblade X would be vastly inferior to the game's way of storytelling.

However if the plot is simple or there's not a whole lot of side storytelling, it could work better. 

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

he only thing they released in this time period was the XC3 DLC, was it not? Or did they also get few rupees from Tears of Joy of the Kingdom? I wouldn't understand this if they didn't get some LoZ income. Did the XC3 DLC sell plenty while costing significantly less to make than the base game? 

My guess it's March 2022 to March 2023. Xenoblade 3 launched July 2022.

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You know, all the talk surrounding Zelda lately has inspired me to give one of the games a shot. Playing it right now, wish me luck beating the evil man one letter off of Garon!


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Baa baa, mother--


And no, numerical superiority was not required. (Well, OK, a first attempt to stop the Memeluks to unsiege Haleb failed because I rolled a 0 and a 1 in the first two shock phases, but even that battle was a Pyrrhic victory for them)



(The Ottomans are not my friend anymore, by the way - they did not appreciate that after getting a vassal splitting their Black Sea coastline, I also took some additional land in Anatolia. We'll see how it goes - thus far, they don't seem to dare attack me, but they plus their allies are a fair bit too strong for me, too)

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You know, all the talk surrounding Zelda lately has inspired me to give one of the games a shot. Playing it right now, wish me luck beating the evil man one letter off of Garon!


And here i was about to offer some recommendations of which to start with based on your interests but turns out you're already in one. Still, imma do it.

  • Majora's Mask: Actually this isn't one to start with but it's the only one you've expressed interest in the path iirc so i'll put it here. Surely you know by now though, how it's fundamentally different from every game that came before and after thanks to it's time-limit. It's a very good game that some people get scared off on thanks to it's time-limit but it's not hard to manage at all. I recommend playing the 3DS remake for the quality of life features.
  • Link's Awakening: Simple, very easy to get into. While it doesn't feature Zelda staples and is rather a weird entry in the lore, it is by far arguably the easiest of the 2D entries to get into. Play the Switch remake obviously.
  • The Minish Cap: It sure is a Zelda game. It's arguably the most "standard" game in the series, though be warned it does have a difficulty spike after the halfway point.
  • A Link Between Worlds: though it's item progression structure is not represented of what came before but rather what came after, it does take every lesson learned from previous 2D games and puts it in a very good package.
  • Ocarina of Time: I'm indifferent towards this one but it is a good introduction to 3D Zelda. It gets right to the point immediately, allowing access to the first dungeon within 15 minutes (every other 3D game in the series has you go through something important first). I'm only indifferent towards it because it feels so much less interesting than every game that came after it and-oh look, the people are outside with pitchforks.
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My heart

this is too cute

2 hours ago, Armagon said:

he thing with games as a story telling medium is that not only can you make it interactive


2 hours ago, Armagon said:

you can also include more story into it without it affecting the pacing too much

And here lies the crux of the problem: This is very hard to do. Not to mention the gameplay sacrifices

Not every game can be Xenoblade 3 or Ys 8

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14 minutes ago, Armagon said:

And here i was about to offer some recommendations of which to start with based on your interests but turns out you're already in one.

Contrary to popular opinion, I'm actually finding it to be rather gorgeous.

...You know, when it's looking more like this


and not so much this.


You may be tempted to think I'm trolling you here but no I legitimately started a playthrough of Faces of Evil for fun, the fanmade remaster does wonders for the game it's actually kinda fun like this

Though I'll admit the prospect of proudly announcing I've started a Zelda game only to reveal it's the funny King game was too much to resist, too

14 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Still, imma do it.

  • Majora's Mask: Actually this isn't one to start with but it's the only one you've expressed interest in the path iirc so i'll put it here. Surely you know by now though, how it's fundamentally different from every game that came before and after thanks to it's time-limit. It's a very good game that some people get scared off on thanks to it's time-limit but it's not hard to manage at all. I recommend playing the 3DS remake for the quality of life features.
  • Link's Awakening: Simple, very easy to get into. While it doesn't feature Zelda staples and is rather a weird entry in the lore, it is by far arguably the easiest of the 2D entries to get into. Play the Switch remake obviously.
  • The Minish Cap: It sure is a Zelda game. It's arguably the most "standard" game in the series, though be warned it does have a difficulty spike after the halfway point.
  • A Link Between Worlds: though it's item progression structure is not represented of what came before but rather what came after, it does take every lesson learned from previous 2D games and puts it in a very good package.
  • Ocarina of Time: I'm indifferent towards this one but it is a good introduction to 3D Zelda. It gets right to the point immediately, allowing access to the first dungeon within 15 minutes (every other 3D game in the series has you go through something important first). I'm only indifferent towards it because it feels so much less interesting than every game that came after it and-oh look, the people are outside with pitchforks.

If I ever do get into less... exotic Zeldas, I'll probably jump into Majora's Mask. It just seems the most unique and interesting, which as I've said in the past I value a lot. I do not doubt Ocarina's contributions to gaming history, but it's like Symphony of the Night - I respect it, but when it comes to playing the game, I'd rather play Bloodstained. Probably. It's not an exact science.

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22 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Majora's Mask: Actually this isn't one to start with but it's the only one you've expressed interest in the path iirc so i'll put it here. Surely you know by now though, how it's fundamentally different from every game that came before and after thanks to it's time-limit. It's a very good game that some people get scared off on thanks to it's time-limit but it's not hard to manage at all. I recommend playing the 3DS remake for the quality of life features.

Quality of life improvements like requiring magic to swim. Because the Zora Mask just made swimming way too fun in the original, I suppose.

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4 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

My heart

this is too cute



3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Contrary to popular opinion, I'm actually finding it to be rather gorgeous.

...You know, when it's looking more like this


and not so much this.


You may be tempted to think I'm trolling you here but no I legitimately started a playthrough of Faces of Evil for fun, the fanmade remaster does wonders for the game it's actually kinda fun like this

Though I'll admit the prospect of proudly announcing I've started a Zelda game only to reveal it's the funny King game was too much to resist, too




3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I do not doubt Ocarina's contributions to gaming history, but it's like Symphony of the Night - I respect it, but when it comes to playing the game, I'd rather play Bloodstained.

I haven't played Symphony but this is my stance on it too tbh.

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Man, you shouldn't have started with Face of Evil... it's all downhill from there now!

Hm? I had lots of fun with Symphony. Only complain I'd have was that I played the mobile port so it was a bit awkward with the controls. Specially those high jumps...

Maybe I would need to play Bloodstained to compare...

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Just now, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

my man

Kaga has nothing on Mengo

Infact i just got a Ruben style comment on reddit about Mengo:


Hang on who is writing then?

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1 minute ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

my man

Kaga has nothing on Mengo

Infact i just got a Ruben style comment on reddit about Mengo:


Maybe she wants Kaga-sempai to notice her.

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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:




It may have been written, "only Link can defeat Ganon".

But the King said, "enough, my ship sails in the morning" and set out to beat the big G by himself. With his fists.

Name any other Zelda games where you can scrub the floors of Hyrule with your enemies barehanded as the King. I'll wait.

2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Man, you shouldn't have started with Face of Evil... it's all downhill from there now!

I mean, the sequel is one of two games in the series where Zelda is actually the main character for real. And sure, it may not have Morshu, but it does have the King pondering his infamous question.

2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Hm? I had lots of fun with Symphony. Only complain I'd have was that I played the mobile port so it was a bit awkward with the controls. Specially those high jumps...

Maybe I would need to play Bloodstained to compare...

Sometimes I think I may have been the one being unfair on Symphony, actually. As I recall, I played it some time after Bloodstained. I played for like, an hour and something about it just wasn't clicking with me. Perhaps it was worse off for the comparison... or I was just not feeling a Metroidvania at the time. Like I said, it's not an exact science. I can only say that, of the two games currently discussed, Majora's definitely piques my interest more than Ocarina.

1 minute ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

my man

Kaga has nothing on Mengo

Each is worse than the last. Such is the way of Japan. Downward spiral.

1 minute ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Infact i just got a Ruben style comment on reddit about Mengo:


Ruben style? Hardly. I don't see any thinly-veiled hostilities directed at the entire country of Japan.

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