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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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The next loss on my Engage ironman kind of sucked. I ended up activating Veyle way too early, and got extremely bogged down by the overwhelming reinforcements of chapter 21. Alas poor Rosado ended up falling in my desperate attempt to right the situation. Although having to do the next chapter with one unit down was not as bad as I was expecting.


41 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Referring to the postgame? Yeah, since the "story" is over, EO extra-doesn't hold back when it gets to that. 

EOIV is considered easy by Etrian's high standards, but even then it's far from a complete cinch.

You give me too much credit, it was certainly a lot earlier in the game then that, I simply don't remember the details all that well

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30 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:



25 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I love that battle theme. So wacky xD

There's something iconic about it, idk. Really stands out when you compare it with what came after. The feeling that Rorona is the most "classic" out of all the modern Ateliers.

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Yeah like the more I play Marie, the more like it feels like Rorona was a "return to form" after the interesting quirks of Atelier Iris and Mana Khemia.

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This is just the scene from Puss in Boots.

(Yeah if you don't know, Mitch McConnell fucking just froze during a press conference a few days ago and it's another example of why we need term and age limits).

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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:


This is just the scene from Puss in Boots.

(Yeah if you don't know, Mitch McConnell fucking just froze during a press conference a few days ago and it's another example of why we need term and age limits).

Sadly it might take all of them dying to even have a chance at becoming law.

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It’s amazing how a 24 year old game using PS1 3D graphics can create more intrigue for the player and creates a better atmosphere then a modern game with all the advantages of modern technology.

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6 hours ago, gnip said:

I want to say that it's more likely that these were supposed to be her Lv.1 stats, but she was supposed to be auto-leveled to Lv.9 from there:


But these numbers would arguably be a bit too high, even ignoring the capped Res at "base". They're a bit better than Jill's bases (at Lv.14) - same-ish Str/Skl/Spd/Def, +4.6 HP, +6.2 Mag, +7 Res - so while she would hardly be overpowered (it's not like base Jill without transfers is a terror), it would be unusual to have a stat total that much higher than that of other characters.

So my final answer is "I have no idea what they were thinking". Given that in the plot, Fiona is somewhat of a leader herself, she doesn't really strike me as an Est-y character, not when fuckin' Meg joins at Lv.3 three chapters / four maps earlier than her. It kinda feels like Fiona was given placeholder stats at a point when they hadn't shaken out unit balance at all, and then they never remembered to adjust them.

Yeah, Fiona needed to be decently strong.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Comparable at the same base level as Nolan (the -4 Str is OOF! though). You know, the older guy who happens to be considered one of the Dawn Brigade's better units.

The core issue- Nolan joined what feels eons ago when those bases were acceptable. This isn't Blazing Blade where enemy stats stagnate forever and unpromoted units show up into the penultimate non-secret battle, Radiant Dawn -initially at least- moves up the enemy stats fast. And Fiona has availability issues too.

It's Seth vs Syrene all over again, isn't it...

2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Myrmidon ladies is FE at it's best, really

That's so wrong, though.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:


This is just the scene from Puss in Boots.

(Yeah if you don't know, Mitch McConnell fucking just froze during a press conference a few days ago and it's another example of why we need term and age limits).

For a sec I thought that was Biden lol

41 minutes ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

It’s amazing how a 24 year old game using PS1 3D graphics can create more intrigue for the player and creates a better atmosphere then a modern game with all the advantages of modern technology.

Yes, very nice. What games are you on about now?

29 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Eyy, that an old woman general? That's so cool.

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11 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, Fiona needed to be decently strong.

I forget about her. Haven't used her to this day, and unlike Bantu, I have zero desire to want to use her. No its her being a woman this time, if you can believe that. I just hate lack of availability with a passion.

12 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It's Seth vs Syrene all over again, isn't it...

I domt know what war this is referring to, but no one should ever use Seth past baby's first FE. Why tf you complaining about it being too easy then deliberately use something thar makes the game too easy when given so many cool characters to choose from, like Syrene.

15 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Myrmidon ladies is FE at it's best, really

That's so wrong, though.

Fighters, fighters, fighters!

This is the part where you say "armor beards, armor beards, Malice! Aw fuck!

17 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

For a sec I thought that was Biden lol

Didn't you know? He died a while back. Too much ice cream. Brain freeze. They just dangle his corpse with strings. Its really funny.

19 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yes, very nice. What games are you on about now?

Any ps1 game can do better than modern games. The answer in this context is unfortunately irrelevant.

20 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Eyy, that an old woman general? That's so cool.

Finally. Genderbent Lorenz.

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16 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I knew she would catch your eye

When you just posted that image without context I had a feeling you were specifically trying to get a reaction out of me.

I'll bite, then. What's the hack's name?

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1 minute ago, Shaky Jones said:

I forget about her. Haven't used her to this day, and unlike Bantu, I have zero desire to want to use her. No its her being a woman this time, if you can believe that. I just hate lack of availability with a passion.

RD's just kind of a mediocre game for memery in general, the way it works. Not to mention the insufferable final boss kill shenanigans.

1 minute ago, Shaky Jones said:

I domt know what war this is referring to,

Two units with comparable stats but one's way shittier than the other because of availability. Though not as extreme as Seth and Syrene, in this case.

1 minute ago, Shaky Jones said:

but no one should ever use Seth past baby's first FE. Why tf you complaining about it being too easy then deliberately use something thar makes the game too easy when given so many cool characters to choose from, like Syrene.

Very much agreed.

1 minute ago, Shaky Jones said:

Fighters, fighters, fighters!

This is the part where you say "armor beards, armor beards, Malice! Aw fuck!

Well, I do like fighters as well.

1 minute ago, Shaky Jones said:

Didn't you know? He died a while back. Too much ice cream. Brain freeze. They just dangle his corpse with strings. Its really funny

Ahh, cornpop.

1 minute ago, Shaky Jones said:

Any ps1 game can do better than modern games. The answer in this context is unfortunately irrelevant.

If you say so. I've only played like, three PS1 games. One of them was amazing though, that much is true.

1 minute ago, Shaky Jones said:

Finally. Genderbent Lorenz.

Hopefully, with availability.

1 minute ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

That's not a title I was expecting lol

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Wow, I leveled up! I'm a grand master now! Serenesforest levels truly are about as useful as TF2 levels.

In unrelated news, I tried to edit the FE6 ending scroll. The result was this.


I might have to leave it like that. I have a copy, but I'd lose a bit of writing, and that scroll's fucked either way if I can't edit it to reflect the much different situation at the end of my FE6 hack. At least this is funnier than the game suddenly reverting to vanilla.

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