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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

And you did get it.

Oh, yeah

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

twd video

Here's a piece of funny acting too

2 hours ago, Armagon said:

before they completely lost the shit with Age of Extinction

Michael Bay lost it here


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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Nice clean snappy gif BTW!😄

Sometimes I like to look up clips from the films because the transformations are just so damn nice to look at.

This Megatron one goes hard.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

A guy called "Logos" aside, this is the last Atelier game with a male lead, yet Ulrika's backstory and lone companion seem better than Raze's. So assuming their stories end up being quite different, perhaps with separate teammates even, I'm sticking with her.

I think even in Escha & Logy, Escha got the better stick. Which isn't too surprising lmao. Though Gust did try to make Logy into a variant, putting him in Mysterious along with a younger Escha. 

23 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

Michael Bay lost it here


Revenge of the Fallen sucked balls but he made up for it by making Dark of the Moon the most unintentionally hilariously violent PG-13 movie.

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4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Here's the vid.:

The guy -no academic background in food nor history- started this channel rather timidly before the pandemic. In the time since then his abilities at making these delicious (and sometimes not so delicious- "Black Banquet" jellyfish and 1950s fish pudding🤢) history lessons has greatly improved, got married, and he quit his job at Disney (voice acting I think?) to make this channel full-time.

Puts out a video once a week on Tuesday, plus a second for a beverage on Friday once in a while. Mostly European/American cuisine from Ancient Greece to the 1950s at the very latest (see Queen Elizabeth II's "Coronation Chicken") b/c he doesn't have so much access to non-Western sources for the history part of things. Occasionally gets a little food or history detail wrong (comments on this particular video criticized his criticism of birch sap b/c all tree sap tastes watery, you need to reduce it to a syrup to make it sweet, the comments say you need 110 units (gallons, liters, whatever) of birch sap to make 1 unit of birch syrup (maple sap converts to maple syrup at a much better 40:1 ratio)), but by the low standards of the free non-academic Internet, it's good.

I don't spend any time randomly looking up stuff on YouTube really, I just typed in "garum" once, and he was at the top of the list for the ancient Roman fish sauce. Coincidentally, that's the video where his channel started taking off, and now -b/c the original video only covered "quick garum", he current has some fish guts fermenting in his backyard for months (don't do this yourself if concerned neighbors might complain of the rotting fishy smell) to make a true jar of Rome's favorite condiment that they put on pretty much everything.

Nerd with a degree in history that I'm not using ATM, so ofc I like.😄

I'm an absolutely crazy history fan so this is all cool!

And yeah, that fish sauce the romans had is reaaaaaaaally weird, but the Romans were really cool so it cancels out!

4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I remember hearing years ago of some "research" on TV that said people who use more 😀 have more 🍆💞🍑. I don't know if it's true, but it can't hurt to try!😁

Well, I can't say it's having any effect on me, but I like using emoticons often. Guess it can't hurt to try either lmao.

4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

As in the Franz Kafka novel? I had to read that back in high school. Huge hideous insect on the cover of the book and difficult to grasp existentialist-absurdist themes made it not exactly my favorite.

Call more boring, but my favorite book from that year was Shakespeare's Hamlet, a good teacher made it great. As did me personally interpreting the play's main lesson as "procrastinate and everyone dies" which was so relatable, Hamlet's shout of "my dull revenge!" captures perfectly what I'd like to say whenever I have something I need to do and feel it, but I incomprehensibly haven't like I am right now.

Catch-22 was another book from that year of high school. It was okay, though the 1961 humor mostly failed. The best part was when the teacher explained the dead friend's Italian prostitute angrily chasing the main character with a steak knife anywhere anytime no matter how he got rid of her, was in fact a metaphor for his conscience and her appearance meant he was in danger of betraying his morals, the one time he got caught and stabbed was right after he betrayed himself. Not sure if all literary scholars agree about this interpretation, but I like it.

Yeah, I read it from someone's reccomendation.

Those are also very cool reccomendations. Thanks!

4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Oh I don't play anything too crazy.

Proceeds to describe the craziest JRPG series!

Nah, it's not so crazy, I see. There's a lot of JRPG franchises that I don't think I'm going to try out anytime soon, but they look very cool!

3 hours ago, Armagon said:

Oppenhimer (3 hours tho Jesus Christ)

I went in thinking it'd be one hour and thirty, but holy hell it was so worth it, unironically!

3 hours ago, Armagon said:

It is worth noting that a lot of sexual fetishes simply end at the fantasy line. I read somewhere (and idk the validity of it) that some women out there fantasize about getting raped. They don't want to get raped obviously but the scenario arouses them or something. If they have a partner with a similar kink, safe words are used. Consensual non consent i think it's called.

Loli porn is actually sus tho imo because the drawings are designed to look like kids. Generally i'm in "drawings don't have an age" camp cause like most of the time age really is just a number but when the character is explicitly drawn as a kid, then it's like hol up.

But since there's nothing about loli porn on the law books (yet because AI is being seen as an issue now), there's nothing to be done. If a pedophile gets arrested, it's because they had actual cp.

Agreed with everything stated.

I think on the 1st point, a lot of time it can be a way of addressing trauma, which is fine! Everyone has a different solution to trauma, it seems. What I don't like is when, sure, making light of it in anime tropes and having it as funny gags may be helpful to some people, but it's not something the anime industry as a whole has to decide for victims in how to handle their trauma.
And even then, we know most anime doesn't do those gags for this, it's meant to be a fetish appeal so that it attracts as many people as possible, and other anime fans are so desensitized to it that they don't care.

I guess if there's anything I'd correct about my previous posts is saying it makes you think more positively of the subject, instead it desensitizes one to it. Not because they can't distinguish reality from fiction but because every instance and story registers in the brain, and then weights itself with all the other knowledge to alter your view in a varied way (which can also mean, by a degree so insignificant that you successfully "distinguish reality from fiction", which most people do in whichever spectrum of this argument, but after 100s of instances of it, it will make a change, that's how the anime community sees it as something to be expected, and that it is hopefully ignored).

I agree with the 2nd point.

3rd point too, I don't think lolicons should be arrested, but the law =/= morality, and no I'm not saying that I think people should be jailed for it either if the law was more moral, I simply think it's morally bad to consume pedophilic media, or create it, for that matter.

5 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Okay, I've decided. Not like it garnered much attention anyway, but I feel I'll just stop talking about my writing activities. Anyone curious can just check out my uploading places if needed.

Also I am sorry you don't feel heard. It sucks 😔Getting attention as a writer is hard... I've talked about my friend before, despite his treasure trove of stories many people mocked, ridiculed, and ignored them. I am buried under a bunch of reading stuff I want to do, once I'm done with those I'll hit you up on your stuff.

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6 minutes ago, Hanes said:

Also I am sorry you don't feel heard. It sucks 😔Getting attention as a writer is hard... I've talked about my friend before, despite his treasure trove of stories many people mocked, ridiculed, and ignored them. I am buried under a bunch of reading stuff I want to do, once I'm done with those I'll hit you up on your stuff.

I mean, I can live with that part. It's just that, after today, I just don't feel like continue posting about it anymore.

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44 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Revenge of the Fallen sucked balls

True! But it also has the best live action transformers scene

The first comment sums best

45 minutes ago, Armagon said:

but he made up for it by making Dark of the Moon the most unintentionally hilariously violent PG-13 movie.


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2 hours ago, Hanes said:


6 hours ago, Armagon said:

Guardians of the Galaxy 3

Oh yeah loved that one

6 hours ago, Armagon said:

It is worth noting that a lot of sexual fetishes simply end at the fantasy line.


6 hours ago, Armagon said:

I read somewhere (and idk the validity of it) that some women out there fantasize about getting raped.

Not just women, but yes  that's very prelevant.

Remember that shitty healer redo anime? Most of the readers of the ln are women

Doesn't mean they want it to happen to them, just enjoy the fantasy of it/imagining it

6 hours ago, Armagon said:

They don't want to get raped obviously but the scenario arouses them or something

And the way to deal with such Fantasies? Either fiction (the easy way) or a partner who can play along.

Fantasies are never wrong, as they long they stay a fantasy (or find a safe way to practice them).

Telling people they are bad because they have a certain fantasy is a very dangerous line of thought.

2 hours ago, Hanes said:

guess if there's anything I'd correct about my previous posts is saying it makes you think more positively of the subject, instead it desensitizes one to it. Not because they can't distinguish reality from fiction but because every instance and story registers in the brain, and then weights itself with all the other knowledge to alter your view in a varied wa

In stories? Yes

In reality? Atleast from personal experience not at all. I still am horrified when i read news in reality i have no problem with reading in stories (and even sometimes enjoy).

I enjoy seeing character suffer (i don't mean in a sexual way), i don't want real humans to suffer. I love reading fucked up stuff, EXACTLY because i don't want it to happen in reality. And i don't want people's imagination to be limited by morals nor their spaces invaded and be called criminals.


Don't like, don't read, a fantiquette that seems to be dying

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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You know, I could have the ultimate villain moment and revive the past discussion, since I logged off 12 hours ago.

Instead, I will complain about 60 Seconds. It’s so RNG, I can’t win! And Shrimpy you never said why you hate that Reverie scene

13 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



  Hide contents


Also this thread with responses from victims: https://nitter.net/adybpt/status/1680741780294193152

like https://nitter.net/YRBUTCHER/status/1680745341463801862#m

Reading some author's notes on problematic stuff and how it helps deal with it also helped me get introspective into this


Nice to the first one, nitter as a source is questionable however I can’t read the original… tweets? Neets? Nits? so rip.

13 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

read shoujo stuff.

Too bad I’ve never heard of it

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

(incesters? Incesti? Incessants? Incastti hey Sooks)


Play Octopath 2 everyone and definitely play Castti’s story.

11 hours ago, Hanes said:

True, but I am not in Fodlan. I have the best hair in Fodlan if I was in Fodlan.

No one can have better hair than Ferdinand.

10 hours ago, BrightBow said:

That FE6 map is just your average GBA "kill everything that moves and seize" fare.

except it’s fe6 so everything kills your instead

10 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

Man, I'm late to the party like always. Anyway, just want to agree with Wraith and say that minors shouldn't be on the internet

06 no, how could you do this to me.

10 hours ago, Hanes said:

Incest is gross and terrible

you like Trails in the Sky

9 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:



>Modern Trails

>implying someone could be killed

Matteus doesn’t know the series in which he finds himself.

9 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Now they can eat ice cream without trauma.

Boo, lame, boring!

9 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

If I had a nickel for every time Estelle tried to get Joshua to feed her, I'd have two nickels.

I have a feeling you’d have a lot more nickels than you expect

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19 minutes ago, Sooks said:

And Shrimpy you never said why you hate that Reverie scene

Because they are still acting like a bunch of embarassed 12 year olds even quadzillion games later. Feels like the relationship between them in Crossbell was more developed than in CS5

19 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Too bad I’ve never heard of it

basically stuff that has girls/women as their target, usually written by women. 

And degenerate. Really degenerate.

Heck, when i search for "problematic" stuff to read, most of the results are usually shoujo lol

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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5 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

Here's a piece of funny acting too

You really believe he's being tortured with bees. It helps that he screams "not the bees", letting us know he is, indeed, being beset by bees.

3 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

You think that's bad? Check this out. Took this photo at the supermarket a few weeks ago and never got around to sharing it.



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2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Because they are still acting like a bunch of embarassed 12 year olds even quadzillion games later

Well, they certainly wanted Estelle to have the character attributes of someone yourhful, but I dont think this was the right way to handle it. 

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14 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

Well, they certainly wanted Estelle to have the character attributes of someone yourhful, but I dont think this was the right way to handle it. 

Her being youthful is one of her strong points!
Her still acting embarassed when ice cream'ing and all innocent after all these years together strikes me as very...weird

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This seems like a very situational trait.

6 hours ago, Hanes said:

went in thinking it'd be one hour and thirty, but holy hell it was so worth it, unironically!

Did you watch in 70mm?

6 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

True! But it also has the best live action transformers scene

The vfx really is the best part of those movies.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You think that's bad? Check this out. Took this photo at the supermarket a few weeks ago and never got around to sharing it.


Why is the meat looking like that.

1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


The eternal debate

Ah yes, the Revengers.

26 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Her being youthful is one of her strong points!
Her still acting embarassed when ice cream'ing and all innocent after all these years together strikes me as very...weird

Plot twist: Estelle and Joshua have been ice creaming something else /s

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38 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Her being youthful is one of her strong points!
Her still acting embarassed when ice cream'ing and all innocent after all these years together strikes me as very...weird

I mean, i agree with you on it being a positive trait for her.

If anything, i assume it was supposed to be a nod to FC?

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8 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

Here's a piece of funny acting too

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You think that's bad? Check this out. Took this photo at the supermarket a few weeks ago and never got around to sharing it.

Not nearly as crass (and not my picture, never been to Poland), but I always liked this one:


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47 minutes ago, Armagon said:

This seems like a very situational trait.

I've seen an effect like this once before. Bravely Default it was -on its Salve Maker class coincidentally- and it was called "Feel No Pain". For the first three turns of any battle, all damage taken is accumulated but ignored, and not actually inflicted on the character until the fourth turn arrives. (I never used it so I don't know if healing during this time will reduce the accumulated damage.)

I'm guessing it was inspired by adrenaline (and or the temporary effects of pharmaceutical painkillers). You know, people in emergency situations can shrug off their pain until after the crisis is over, and then they collapse.

8 hours ago, Armagon said:

I think even in Escha & Logy, Escha got the better stick. Which isn't too surprising lmao. Though Gust did try to make Logy into a variant, putting him in Mysterious along with a younger Escha. 

Thanks for the tidbit.

If I need to play through ManaK2 twice b/c separate MC stories... I dunno how I'll do that. Going through the rigamarole of alchemizing everything twice if no NG+, or things being too easy if NG+, not sure. Trying to play them simultaneously might work, but stands a 75% chance of prematurely exhausting me of this game, and would require the two storylines be significantly different, which I won't know playing blind until I've played both.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Why is the meat looking like that.

Fish. Rape is a type of fish. That one is black, and since the Spanish word for black became an American slur...

56 minutes ago, gnip said:

Not nearly as crass (and not my picture, never been to Poland), but I always liked this one:


Which is it, Poland? WHICH IS IT?!

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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6 hours ago, Sooks said:

No one can have better hair than Ferdinand.

You haven't seen my hair.

Well also, you may not agree if you saw it but that be damned, positive self-image is peak!

6 hours ago, Sooks said:

you like Trails in the Sky

Look, without getting too into it, the situation is QUITE a lot different, me thinks.

6 hours ago, Sooks said:

>Modern Trails

>implying someone could be killed

Matteus doesn’t know the series in which he finds himself.


6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You think that's bad? Check this out. Took this photo at the supermarket a few weeks ago and never got around to sharing it.


Spaniards have zero chill ga damn!

3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Her being youthful is one of her strong points!
Her still acting embarassed when ice cream'ing and all innocent after all these years together strikes me as very...weird

If I may be so bold, it's probably to blatantly appeal to anime tropes, without consideration to how it affects or relates to her character. At this point I think they have to soft-reboot the characters every so often because they can't expect to get good sales with the new games and expect the player base to have played the 10 or so previous entries (or 9 in Hajimari's case).

8 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I enjoy seeing character suffer (i don't mean in a sexual way), i don't want real humans to suffer. I love reading fucked up stuff, EXACTLY because i don't want it to happen in reality.

Discussion Board (No it's not very long but I want it separate)


I think this is the part where we differ, I think it's fine to include dark themes or stuff in stories as much as you, but I also care about how it's handled. I believe there's some things that are almost always handled poorly in mainstream media, and which don't really offer anything to said mainstream media.
My gripe isn't with incest stories(*), or lolishota stories(*), or stories of surviving SA abuse existing, it's about when I'm watching an anime that has nothing to do with those, needlessly shoves them in, tastelessly, and leaves. This happens in a lot of anime, I dare say the majority, and it's obviously nothing about the victims, it's about those who fantasize about it because it needs to sell. There is a difference between how it's handled in the mainstream, with no warning, and with stories that are tagged. Most anime aren't even tagged, I will be enjoying an anime and then boom, teenage girl gets sexually harassed. If I had looked for that type of stories of course I wouldn't have right to complain, but the issue is I didn't, and thus I will complain.

*With incest and lolishota stories, it also depends hugely on what their point is at all (for whether I criticize them or let them be, yes I also critically analyze them, if I happen to stumble upon them). You say it doesn't affect reality, but one quick look at 4chan or Reddit and you get people saying "Incest should be legalized" and all their images are anime incest, and all their arguments are so obviously influenced by anime tropes and stories that you go: "Wow, this guy has severe anime brainrot, Jesus Christ."
Now, you might say this is also the bottom of the barrel in terms of human quality, but it does happen. People then laugh at real cases of incest (just like real cases of Female to Male pedophilia, usually in the replies of those news, this is one big case where fiction and romanticizing pedophilia affected reality), or they even just casually throw jokes around it, which creates a completely unsafe environment for trauma survivors because it is not them who is curating this field. 
It's like reclaiming slurs, yes they get reclaimed by being used to desensitize those affected by it, but that doesn't mean that now every white person should say the N-word to push this "desensitization" on others.

Good morning btw. It seems I am using my time wisely before work, eh? Haha.

3 hours ago, Armagon said:

I think it's funny how manga in Spanish means sleeve and manga in Japanese means comics.

It's funny how some words in other languages mean something else, yeah.

3 hours ago, Armagon said:

Plot twist: Estelle and Joshua have been ice creaming something else /s

Hot take (?): Joshua gets pegged in this relationship. 

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Fish. Rape is a type of fish. That one is black, and since the Spanish word for black became an American slur...

It's worth nothing that the Spanish and English pronunciation is vastly different, too. A lot of people don't understand that somehow but it stops being a slur, if you say it the Spanish way.

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Schrodinger's Hammer

Only the paradoxical may wield it.

That would be quite a funny weapon.

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6 hours ago, Sooks said:

No one can have better hair than Ferdinand.

This got mixed up in all the responses and I missed it.

...Yeah no, Acheron hair better.

3 minutes ago, Hanes said:

It's worth nothing that the Spanish and English pronunciation is vastly different, too. A lot of people don't understand that somehow but it stops being a slur, if you say it the Spanish way.

Yeah the way Statesmen pronounce it, it'd be written nigro. Which alone means absolutely nothing in Spanish, so I guess there we go.

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3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah the way Statesmen pronounce it, it'd be written nigro. Which alone means absolutely nothing in Spanish, so I guess there we go.

Well, Nigromancia is a thing.

Nigromancia - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

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30 minutes ago, Hanes said:

At this point I think they have to soft-reboot the characters every so often because they can't expect to get good sales with the new games and expect the player base to have played the 10 or so previous entries (or 9 in Hajimari's case).

Considering the gameplay, im fairly sure they just think we are idiots. 

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