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Kuro 2 slimmed the stats down by so much from the inflated Reverie, and for the better.




Kuro II. As anyone can see, 6,797 DEF is nuts compared to the 870 STR at highest. 

I think they finally reached a point where they were like "this absurd inflation is bad for the games health, lets start over."

I can say this as a positive learning experience for them, i'm glad they went this route.

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14 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

Kuro 2 slimmed the stats down by so much from the inflated Reverie, and for the better.




Kuro II. As anyone can see, 6,797 DEF is nuts compared to the 870 STR at highest. 

I think they finally reached a point where they were like "this absurd inflation is bad for the games health, lets start over."

I can say this as a positive learning experience for them, i'm glad they went this route.

I think it would be more fair to compare Kuro 2 to CS2, and from what i am remembering these stats look pretty similar to CS2s

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22 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I think it would be more fair to compare Kuro 2 to CS2, and from what i am remembering these stats look pretty similar to CS2s

Well, look at it this way, CS II inflated I and then III rebooted by dropping you back down to level 1 with lower stats (CS II on average has characters with 10-12 ATS growth when later entries are 5-7)

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But judging by the craft effects, it's clear II is meant to be an inflation of I, considering III actually made the effects of things decently fair (Arcane Gale not withstanding) I'd say III probably did the best job of overall deflation of the game (only issue is the Bell quartz, really)

Edit: not considering Orders at all here, so that's off the table. XD

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6 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

Shrimpy, a Screen from my CS II file:


Stats are all in the 2,000's so not really the same scale.

but lvl 140 vs 98

Then again i don't how Kuro's lvl curve is like so can't talk about it's balance.

the less it is like CS the better ofc

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2 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

but lvl 140 vs 98

Then again i don't how Kuro's lvl curve is like so can't talk about it's balance.

the less it is like CS the better ofc

I am doing way post game stuff in Kuro II and hit level 89 (highest so far) and CS II endgame is level 110 or so?

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The inflation tends to hit SPD moreso than other stats, being fair both are around the same level (ofc if i had used CS II Fie as my example, things would be much different XD)

But DEF/ATS are second on this list i think.

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Just got around to watching the announcement of Martinet's transition to "Mario Ambassador" or whatever. Dang, when did the guy grow that killer mullet? I wish I had any hope for hair like that at his age.

The announcement otherwise sounds to me like they're firing him and sugarcoating it with a symbolic position and a few nice words because he's Charles Martinet, the passionate old man who gave the single most iconic performance in videogame history. To unceremoniously give him the boot out of the blue would've been a terrible look. The whole "he's too old to voice act" argument being thrown around is kinda dumb when you consider his new role has him traveling around the world and going to conventions, a far more taxing activity than voice acting every couple years. More likely, Nintendo took notice of how people have been noticing (and complaining about) changes in Charles's voice - LM3 in particular I remember got quite a few people pointing out Luigi sounded a bit off, and decided Mario needed a younger voice.

Oh well. At least he got to make history (again) by going "wowie-zowie" in Luigi's Mansion 3. If Wonder is anything to go by, they're adopting that as a new Mario catchphrase lol

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

More likely, Nintendo took notice of how people have been noticing (and complaining about) changes in Charles's voice

You can do this with most VA's, so i don't know why that would be a huge deal tbh.

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1 minute ago, Lightcosmo said:

You can do this with most VA's, so i don't know why that would be a huge deal tbh.

Other VAs aren't Charles Martinet.

The guy has a massive legacy in the industry and a legion of fans and goodwill that dwarves that of any other voice actor alive, pretty much. Whether it was Nintendo or Charles himself that felt he could not longer achieve a standard they were happy with, his departure had to be handled with extreme care. Handled wrong, it would've been the equivalent of publicly kicking a puppy out the door and down the stairs. Even if you want the puppy out, it's better to gently nudge it out. And many were already raising an eyebrow at Nintendo for Charles's tiny role in the movie.

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Other VAs aren't Charles Martinet.

The guy has a massive legacy in the industry and a legion of fans and goodwill that dwarves that of any other voice actor alive, pretty much. Whether it was Nintendo or Charles himself that felt he could not longer achieve a standard they were happy with, his departure had to be handled with extreme care. Handled wrong, it would've been the equivalent of publicly kicking a puppy out the door and down the stairs. Even if you want the puppy out, it's better to gently nudge it out. And many were already raising an eyebrow at Nintendo for Charles's tiny role in the movie.

I meant with the changing of his voice. This happens, people need to get over that fact. 

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Today in Lost Eidolons: A stealth mission! Like in PoR! That's awesome! Gotta sneak around and free a bunch of captives forced to work at this prison camp, so they can distract the bulk of the enemy forces, allowing us to ambush the leader and kill him. There are three bosses, but only one needs to die. Sounds good, right?

...Except, here's how it goes. You spend 6 turns running across a field with one unit, dodging the really predictable enemy patrols to free the workers. The castle's forces are distracted by the breakout, and half of them automatically exit to the courtyard in a cutscene, with your own army automatically sneaking up to the back door. The workers get massacred in roughly three turns, about as long as it takes to get through the back door and move to the bosses' room. Your sneaking unit is stranded among the workers, making them useless for a long time. Due to the massive cluster of enemies on the side, you only have one entryway to the bosses, which makes it really awkward to kill everyone due to zone of control and the impending threat of the other army coming back. And you have to kill everyone, because some bosses in this game (including the three in this map) have a debuff that makes them much more durable if they have mooks around them.

The result: I lost horribly.

Then I tried ignoring the stealth altogether, and guess what - way better. The enemies are positioned in squads throughout the castle and are easier to take out directly than trying to outrun them after the horrible distraction, especially the archers sitting on the walls waiting to be picked off. Not only that, this lets you approach the room with the bosses from the side entrance, right where the most important enemy is located: the priest that can heal status effects. The devs tried to protect him with some ice tiles, but archers can easily bypass them and dispatch the guy, ridding the enemy of purification. Then I used the choke point to block the enemy advance, keeping the archer and mage bosses in check with status effects until every mook was dead. The main boss followed suit.

And to top it all off, this "failure" state is arguably the more moral decision, because it doesn't lead to the massacre of all the captives in the prison. The game was yelling at me that I did it wrong, with my characters getting super angry at the setback, but... guys your plan fucking sucked. I am way smarter than the videogame.

3 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

I meant with the changing of his voice. This happens, people need to get over that fact. 

Like I said, other VAs aren't Charles Martinet. People love the guy and the guy loves the role, which let's not forget is the single most iconic role in all of videogames. They needed to replace him very tactfully or they risked great anger from fans who believed he could've still squeezed a few more years in the job. Nostalgia blinds.

Frankly, I think he probably could've stuck around a bit longer, but his voice has changed enough that they figured it's better to get to it - especially now, with the movie having put all eyes on Mario again. Whether it was Charles himself or Nintendo that made the decision, we probably will never know, but at least it doesn't seem like there's any ill will between the parties right now. Still, that whole "Mario ambassador" thing reeks of participation award lol

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Shout out to this one guy who managed to single handedly annex (almost) the entirety of Denmark without the Danes or me knowing.

16 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Just want to say again, thank you everyone!😃

Being on SF does help me a bit with what ye olde humoral medicine would call an excess of black bile. Each of you, in one way or another help to numb the agony. And sorry if me saying "thank you" again is unnecessary, but so it is IRL, so it shall be online. My close family says I vocalize too much gratefulness to them. As they did after buying me tickets to a second ballet performance this year today.

It can be really difficult doing almost anything in a state like this. Household chores (and not momentarily freezing midway because of pulsing melancholy), playing video games (even the happier, sillier ones), reading, eating even once a day. I have to force myself to stay out of bed. But browsing the web, coming to the one little site where I'm a participant, that I consistently can do.

So, again, thank you all!🧎‍♂️

I am late on seeing this as I don't visit the forums as much as I would like these days, but just wanted to let you know that I really admire and even envy you sometimes. The fact that you can share so much knowledge on various things is a level of patience, focus, and genuine passion that I wish I had.

So keep doing what you enjoy doing as it's all incredible. You can vent on here anytime as we're always willing to help, and you deserve to be happy.



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Germany beats the US of A to advance to the basketball world cup finals. Huh. Did not expect that. I wonder how the biggest 'murican egos will be able to handle that. :lol:

(I assume that the top NBA players aren't playing for the US team, at least I think that has been the norm in the past, so I suppose that's an excuse right there)

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1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:

I am late on seeing this as I don't visit the forums as much as I would like these days, but just wanted to let you know that I really admire and even envy you sometimes. The fact that you can share so much knowledge on various things is a level of patience, focus, and genuine passion that I wish I had.

I don't consider myself that intelligent. I lack the ardent devotedness to do the hard work of assembling primary source materials and distilling? creating? history out of them.

During graduate studies, I did a comprehensive exam instead of a thesis. There was simply no singular topic which interested me to the point of doing my own original work, and doing so appeared waaaaaay too daunting to me. I consider it that I had taken the easy way out.

There is saying "standing on the shoulders of giants", but those who do so build ever taller the tower of generations of effort. All I can do is give guided tours of the lower floors of these edifices, whose walls and pillars are the holy bones of humans greater than I. And even then, others can do this job much better than me, even those without a history degree.

We live in a world where -blessed be this fact- nobody can possibly claim to have a comprehensive knowledge of everything. The world is simply too big and too interconnected now for that. Go wide, or go deep, into whatever one wishes. None of us can -sad to say it- know more than a grain of sand.

1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:

You can vent on here anytime as we're always willing to help, and you deserve to be happy.

I think I can understand now how someone could waste away from severe depression. I live with others thankfully, and I've still plenty enough of my sanity, but someone without either... I can visualize the results.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

And to top it all off, this "failure" state is arguably the more moral decision, because it doesn't lead to the massacre of all the captives in the prison. The game was yelling at me that I did it wrong, with my characters getting super angry at the setback, but... guys your plan fucking sucked. I am way smarter than the videogame.

Another example for "Why An SRPG Should Have Stealth Baked Into Its Fundamental Design, Or None At All". Do I emulate Codename S.T.E.A.M. now?


22 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Well now, no Pikachu.

Pika is going to find a way in no matter what. Another Electric getting repped is better, even if Rotom is legendary and has all its formes.


8 minutes ago, gnip said:

Germany beats the US of A to advance to the basketball world cup finals. Huh. Did not expect that. I wonder how the biggest 'murican egos will be able to handle that. :lol:

It'll always return to WWII "jokes".

Basketball is a pretty international sport I take it, not Monochrome Hexaball, but still globally popular. I like that in principle.

8 minutes ago, gnip said:

(I assume that the top NBA players aren't playing for the US team, at least I think that has been the norm in the past, so I suppose that's an excuse right there)

No idea I know absolutely nothing of the matte. Though I would be willing to waive in the lesser players (no idea how to define this) of the NBA maybe on gut instinct. At the least, the NBA big names belong out of international sporting events where the other countries don't have $$$ athletes, though.

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4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Pika is going to find a way in no matter what. Another Electric getting repped is better, even if Rotom is legendary and has all its formes.

I suppose Rotom also fits better, considering the nature of Miku's existence. Also fun fact, it seems they actually tried to give her a full-team (almost) in the additional sketches:


Rotom, Electivire, Heliolisk, Jolteon, Mr. Rime... what, that's not even an Electric type! It's probably because of the hat. But yeah, a team of five, still no Pikachu, despite them easily putting it in as the sixth.

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4 hours ago, Lightcosmo said:

I am doing way post game stuff in Kuro II and hit level 89 (highest so far) and CS II endgame is level 110 or so?

ah ok so a better lvl curve then

or a not as bloated game


Never played Kuro and probably never will

If i ever return to Trails it will be the final game to see the ending lmao

4 hours ago, Lightcosmo said:

level 131 with 200 SPD:





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