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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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44 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Xelha before Sagi I see

It looks like she did a prank.

16 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

, those weren't the Axis 

Fuck, it didn't even cross my mind. Blaming the Allies for being "the Allies" twice and not changing it up like the other guys.

18 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Anyway... would the war be prevented altogether instead? Perhaps if you had a President Teddy wanting to jump in and mediate, as it happened with the Russo-Japanese war.

Ehhh, Europe pre-WW1 was a powder keg waiting to explode. As it's always been. I think Europe was extremely more prone to war even by historical standards. Idk, @Interdimensional Observer would you say Asia or Europe as a whole fought more wars?

Anyways, if Teddy had been President, the sinking of the Lusitania likely would've been what got us into the war instead, and the Zimmerman Telegram would've never gotten sent out cause, well, we'd be there. Assuming we didn't join the fight even earlier. The whole "we must fight to defend democracy around the world" schtick really picked up with Wilson iirc so no Wilson would fundamentally change America's foreign policy in the present day......but also Poland wouldn't have gained independence (Wilson was a big reason why it happened I think).

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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

It looks like she did a prank.

Fuck, it didn't even cross my mind. Blaming the Allies for being "the Allies" twice and not changing it up like the other guys.

Eh, that wasn't it, either.

WWI was basically "Allies vs Entente", but it was Germany's side who were the Allies, as an extension of "The Triple Alliance" between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy (though due to how the war actually went, the Ottoman Empire replaced Italy as the third). While Entente was... mostly due to the France-Russia Entente? Probably that.

1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Ehhh, Europe pre-WW1 was a powder keg waiting to explode. As it's always been. I think Europe was extremely more prone to war even by historical standards. Idk, @Interdimensional Observer would you say Asia or Europe as a whole fought more wars?

Anyways, if Teddy had been President, the sinking of the Lusitania likely would've been what got us into the war instead, and the Zimmerman Telegram would've never gotten sent out cause, well, we'd be there. Assuming we didn't join the fight even earlier. The whole "we must fight to defend democracy around the world" schtick really picked up with Wilson iirc so no Wilson would fundamentally change America's foreign policy in the present day......but also Poland wouldn't have gained independence (Wilson was a big reason why it happened I think).

I feel people overblow the whole "WWI was inevitable". It reeks of historical determinism. It's true Europe was a powder keg, but even gunpowder goes stale and can fail to ignite if left long enough. Delay WWI, and you have countries like Austria-Hungary and Russia becoming stronger overtime. In fact, I remember reading that if Russia had the time to strengthen itself unimpeded by the war, Britain would not have sided with them in any future conflict, fearing the French-Russian alliance would become too powerful to support.

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2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

feel people overblow the whole "WWI was inevitable". It reeks of historical determinism. It's true Europe was a powder keg, but even gunpowder goes stale and can fail to ignite if left long enough.

That's true but the system of alliances at the time was pretty binding and it caused what should've been a conflict between two nations spiraled into the whole continent and then the world. Like, NATO has Article 5, sure, but it specifically says that a member state has to be attacked first from the outside for it to trigger. Whereas the alliances of WW1 era Europe was "hey if we declare war you will help us" but like practically everybody was in on it, usually because they hated the other guy. The European Union is like the longest the continent as a whole has been under peace.

Now, if Teddy was President, then an alternate Treaty of Versailles perhaps wouldn't have screwed out the Italians and the Japanese, thereby altering those countries' paths. In our timeline they were promised good stuff (or at least in Japan's case, worldwide recognition) and then the other nations were like "lol jk". I know there's other factors but I'm just saying, Versailles was definitely a major contributer to WW2. Would Germany be as severely punished if Teddy was around? Idk. If the war ends early enough that Lenin isn't sent, the Soviet Union never rises and at this point, it's a completely different Europe.

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5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

That's true but the system of alliances at the time was pretty binding and it caused what should've been a conflict between two nations spiraled into the whole continent and then the world. Like, NATO has Article 5, sure, but it specifically says that a member state has to be attacked first from the outside for it to trigger. Whereas the alliances of WW1 era Europe was "hey if we declare war you will help us" but like practically everybody was in on it, usually because they hated the other guy. The European Union is like the longest the continent as a whole has been under peace.

Again, even with that all in place, there was no guarantee. Even then, it wasn't a static thing. The situation in Europe would change, as it often did. Like I already told you, the more time passes, the less chances Britain would support any French-Russian alliance on the Continent and could actually openly court Germany instead.

Ferdinand's assassination could've easily not led to war. So that's one delay. Delay it enough times, and you can fizzle it out.

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22 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Ferdinand's assassination could've easily not led to war.

Well that is true, if Serbia had accepted all of Austria-Hungary's demands, then WWI as we know it would've been avoided. Although a similar conflict later down the line could've happened.

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Same developer, same composer one year apart. I can indeed hear Golden Sun in this, it'd be a lighter and more upbeat than the norm for the game, it wouldn't be wholly out of place if you edited parts of the OST into journey of the Adepts. Strange to think Motoi Sakuraba would compose for a first-party Nintendo sports game.

*Sigh* Why am I relapsing when I was on the seeming verge of getting out of this dark hole? How much longer am I going to be stuck in it?!😢 I'm back to feeling like a bedridden invalid when physically I'm not at all.


42 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Idk, @Interdimensional Observer would you say Asia or Europe as a whole fought more wars?

Unfortunately, my knowledge base fails me. It's easy in the West to be relatively informed of the history of European conflict, outside of it is more difficult. And of course, there is so much Asia outside of its dinky northwest peninsula, with so many centuries/millennia to consider.😝

I have some understanding of Japan and China, and to a lesser extent Korea, East Asia -thank video games- is something I'm a little better with. Speaking very broadly, long periods of unity, followed by periods of disunity, with the creation of cultural and pseudo-nationalistic identities. Add barbarian issues to those faced by China and Korea. Something of an easy region to sort out.

It is the case with China, that the Qing Dynasty established a lengthy peace (approximately 1681 or 1700-1795) that resulted in China neglecting military innovation and thereby fall victim to European imperialism in the 19th century. Likewise, the Tokugawa Shogunate's ~250 years of peace caused Japan to fail to keep up in military tech. Europe kept making military innovations, because it kept fighting during this time and so it needed them.

Now South Asia and Southeast Asia, my knowledge is at its most limited. The problem with India is that modern India never territorially existed in the past, no empire -the Maurya Empire came the closest, yet it lasted not even 200 years. The Mughal Empire also came very close, except Aurangzeb's conquest of the Deccan Plateau proved to be overextension of the highest mistake and the empire began to crumble not too long after him. With this in mind, plenty of smaller-scale kingdoms makes for plenty of conflict. Southeast Asia I'm very unfamiliar with when it comes to conflict unfortunately, both peninsular and archipelagic.

Central Eurasia- The timeless tale of nomads fighting each other, rising and falling. Some agrarian river valleys in the vast region also fought each other and the nomads. Add in occasional invasion of the sedentary civilizations bordering the region, those sedentary peoples occasionally launching a raid to subdue the annoyances. As well as the rare but militarily powerful migration of an entire people out of Central Eurasia (the Turks for instance), and that superexceptional event known simply as the Mongols (they are NOT the norm in what they achieved as Eurasian nomads!).

Southwest Asia aka the Middle East, it has always had issues of weak central authority. The Cradle of Civilization has been a hotbed of conflict for a long time. Yes Persia/Iran has been a near-constant polity since the Achaemenids, but the rest? Flux. Sumeria, Babylonia, and Assyria aren't on any modern map. Even during the Islamic Golden Age. the great Abbasid Caliphate didn't take too long before it began bleeding centralized authority. Whatever appearance of unity on a map the Abbasids had, the reality was more regionalized and prone to technically internal conflict than it would appear.

..."Fought more wars" is a tricky question I think?🤔 Does the geographic/population size of the countries matter? If size is irrelevant, then which region of the world was more destabilized and had more little kingdoms? If wars only matter at a certain scale, how big do the polities have to be? Does conflict within nominal/real polities count, or only external wars?

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4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Same developer, same composer one year apart. I can indeed hear Golden Sun in this, it'd be a lighter and more upbeat than the norm for the game, it wouldn't be wholly out of place if you edited parts of the OST into journey of the Adepts. Strange to think Motoi Sakuraba would compose for a first-party Nintendo sports game.

Not that Golden Sun couldn't have upbeat music.


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You know, now I'm reminded on how Sakuraba pretty much has a self-insert in Tales of Phantasia, pft.

And the funny thing is, without consulting a walkthrough you actually have to talk to him, in order to open up a dungeon.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Likewise, the Tokugawa Shogunate's ~250 years of peace caused Japan to fail to keep up in military tech.

This is interesting because i do recall that the Japanese kinda rather advanced pretty quickly in tech once they realized how far they were behind. They saw America pull up on those steam boats and said "nah we gotta get this". The Russo-Japanese ending in Japanese victory was a huge upset in the balance of power.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

..."Fought more wars" is a tricky question I think?🤔 Does the geographic/population size of the countries matter? If size is irrelevant, then which region of the world was more destabilized and had more little kingdoms? If wars only matter at a certain scale, how big do the polities have to be? Does conflict within nominal/real polities count, or only external wars?

Hmm. I guess generally. Cause European countries were constantly fighting each other (full wars or otherwise), taking each other's land and generally being assholes to each other. I mean, the Hundred-Years War? The Reconquista, which was a series of several wars over 700 years. Did things in Asia ever get that bad? 

Of course, Asia is huge and there's a lot of focus on the east and the middle but not the south. The south, perhaps, may have gotten away relatively unscathed. But then again Britain ruled it for like three hundred years so who knows.

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18 hours ago, Armagon said:

I have found out about FDR's proposed Second Bill of Rights, which would've added a eight new amendments into the Constitution. 

  • The right to a useful and remunerative job in the industries or shops or farms or mines of the nation;
  • The right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation;
  • The right of every farmer to raise and sell his products at a return which will give him and his family a decent living;
  • The right of every businessman, large and small, to trade in an atmosphere of freedom from unfair competition and domination by monopolies at home or abroad;
  • The right of every family to a decent home;
  • The right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health;
  • The right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment;
  • The right to a good education.

Such a socialist dream there...


18 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:



Speaking of Fire Emblem innovations.

It's not broken, at all. You can't go back to a previous turn to undo a terrible enemy phase. AW has only the teeniest amount of RNG in its combat too, unlike FE where you might be inclined to use the Turnwheel/Pulse until you rig a 45% crit/dodge. Only useful for tiny accidental mistakes like the one in the snowy screenshot actually.

It does sound like you can abuse it a fair bit in Fog of War maps, to intentionally bump-find all the enemies, then reset the turn to setup better vision for player phase assaults.


18 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:



I feel like Grit's stats page image is inferior to his other portraits.

Something about him seems missing without that random revolver of his.


18 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


The choice to ditch the international Russian hat and go back to his Japan-exclusive cowboy one was a choice. Given WayForward's liking for exaggerated detail, the wide brim of the Wild West suits their style better.

Plus the hat is giving me some Curious George's man in the yellow hat vibes.


12 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:



Lyn's bazooka toting sister Sami has arrived. Or rather, "Domino" in Japan, maybe the "ends in "o"" made Nintendo of America think the name too masculine for a lady? But Sami is a gender-neutral name as well.

The "hard mode" CO of AW1's campaign she be. Mech spam is a notoriously cheap and effective strategy, but the campaign's many pre-deployed battles and general map design vs. Versus/War Room maps makes Mech swarms ineffective, and Sami's direct non-infantry firepower penalty ends up hurting her a lot more. A lack of Victory March in AW1 hurts her too.

My favorite CO from AW1. Perhaps she is worse in the story, but the heart of her real power is in that 150% capture rate, it just gives her such an economic edge over enemies when you can finish a full health capture, as long as you survive enemy phase with 4 health (made easier with that +10% defense buff they would quickly drop), and even simply being able to use 7 HP infantry to get the standard capture rate is such a boon. Honestly, I rarely even used Mechs with her (the lower move is too high of cost for the higher power), as the economic benefits I got, and potential for a cheesier HQ seize made up for the reduced power.


12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Best of both worlds, I'd say. Glasses are always cool.

Too true, just look at how many of my troops I put into glasses in the TeeHee madness thread...


10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Chapter 21 was a fucking awesome map. There are a bunch of scattered, panicking allies, and you have to spend the first few turns running around taking command of them by waiting next to them. Then you take your re-assembled army and take on a gauntlet of minibosses as you try to escape the big bad himself coming to fuck you up from behind.

One of the most fun maps in the game so far, in my opinion. Dang, I wasn't expecting this game to turn out quite so good.

That sound very interesting...


7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Same developer, same composer one year apart. I can indeed hear Golden Sun in this, it'd be a lighter and more upbeat than the norm for the game, it wouldn't be wholly out of place if you edited parts of the OST into journey of the Adepts. Strange to think Motoi Sakuraba would compose for a first-party Nintendo sports game.

It reminds me of all the Golden Sun nostalgia I got playing the Mario Golf: Advanced Tour game. Admittedly that was a classic entry in the golf RPG genre, so not that far off from Golden Sun generwise.


7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

*Sigh* Why am I relapsing when I was on the seeming verge of getting out of this dark hole? How much longer am I going to be stuck in it?!😢 I'm back to feeling like a bedridden invalid when physically I'm not at all.

Oof, sorry to hear that. I hope it passes without any more delay...


I really meant to reply this MUCH earlier, but I got far too distracted by this rather intense puzzle...




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13 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

This reminded me of one of Days of Ruin's lesser campaign battles, the one where Will/Ed has to rally every together. More of a story event than much of a real battle, but still, the concept sounds vaguely similar.

Oh yeah, I think I recall that one, vaguely.

13 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The rest of the stuff you describe sounds like one reaaaaaaaaal high point in the narrative. I don't see all that happening in a filler chapter.

Not as high as chapter 16, but definitely one heck of an intense moment. The entirety of Team Bad Guys showed up!

13 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Metacritic puts the game at 75/100 for critic reviews, luckily for you, it sounds like the average is WRONG!.

Damn straight. They are so wrong they call it worse than Three Houses!

3 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

That sound very interesting...

It was.

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*Wakes up* Heart began beating fast within what seemed like seconds.🙁

The unanswerable questions are everywhere in my head. Why am I me? Why am I only me? Why now? Why the universe? Why this universe? Why death? I keeping screaming in futility “I DON’T WANT TO DIE!”. Why am I finite? There are so many possibilities, so few roads one can take. They’re all futile because death, but still, so much I cannot be, cannot do, in the end I’ll be nothing, and for now all I have is the illusion of being so little when I shall be unchangeably nothing. And there is even less that I can do, because I’m only of this time and place, imagine had I been born 500 years from now in a world where humanity had spread into space and has even more to it. Yet I exist only here, why? I can’t get an answer! And to think there have been and will be so many who were even less, lifeforms of far shorter lifespans and lacking the intelligence of humans, lacking all our blessed senses. And all the humans who have died in infancy, in youth, in anything short of natural causes in old age, and of those who were of lesser means and eras than mine. How am I jealous of those who shall come after me! All of existence now, was, and will be weighs upon my mind and it’s crushing me.😭 (I wrote this whole thing out last night.)

What have I done wrong? What is wrong with me that would cause this cascade of thoughts? -Mental status yesterday morning I would've given a 6/10. Mental status last night, 2/10. No official diagnosis -yet- but looking online, I tick most of the boxes to be declared MaDD (Major Depressive Disorder.)

How is it that I still have enough sanity to post here? -Because I know it somehow helps keep me sane.


9 hours ago, Armagon said:

This is interesting because i do recall that the Japanese kinda rather advanced pretty quickly in tech once they realized how far they were behind.

Catching up doesn't take that much time, people are adaptable everywhere. If there is the will, they'll learn. 

If there is anything that prevents countries that are behind from having the equipment of the leaders, it would be money. War is expensive, modern supplies aren't cheap *turns head towards the Dnipro*. Small countries can't necessarily afford it all, especially if they're economically underdeveloped, and catching up in that also requires big 💵.

9 hours ago, Armagon said:

taking each other's land and generally being assholes to each other. I mean, the Hundred-Years War? The Reconquista, which was a series of several wars over 700 years. Did things in Asia ever get that bad?

For China, let's consider that...

  • During the peak of the Song Dynasty, one of China's prosperous yet smaller unified dynasties, the country was 3-million square kilometers.
  • Europe, minus European Russia (almost 4-mil), is 6-million square kilos.
  • Han and Ming Dynasty Chinas at their peaks were 6~6.5-million square kilos.
  • Tang Dynasty- 5.4 mil sq km.

China by itself was its own Europe.

Let's not forget that Napoleon's very short-lived conquest of the entire European continent was ex-cep-tion-al. Most of the time Europe was stable little polities. The Hundred Years' War and Reconquista, some islands vs. one square of land, just a peninsula. I'm sure I could check the never fully-united South Asia and find local prolonged localized warring there that aren't portrayed as so grand in the Western mindset.


10 hours ago, Armagon said:

Of course, Asia is huge and there's a lot of focus on the east and the middle but not the south. The south, perhaps, may have gotten away relatively unscathed. But then again Britain ruled it for like three hundred years so who knows.

South as in South Asia? Nepal-Bhutan-Afghanistan (at next to Persia/Iran the furtherest east of Southwest Asia, and neighbored to the north by Central Asia)-Pakistan-India-Bangladesh? 5.1 million sq km in total size (Afghanistan being 600 sq km to deduct that).

As I said before, a "united "India"" never existed prior to the British. To grab maps of the great Indian empires at their greatest extents from Wikipedia (what?).:


322-184 BC


300s-500s AD






1526-1857, although the orange part above was very short-lived and most of the Mughal Empire was lost by 1760.

Everywhere not painted in above? Every year not between covered by those dates (which do include the years when the empires declined and lost territory)? Local powers inevitably fighting amongst each other. 

...I really want to find a good (no Hindu nationalism) vid or two on Indian history now.😅 Although I'm mixed on wanting a detailed breakdown of the Chola, being a rare maritime empire outside of Europe is cool, but I would like to focus more on the continent of India itself.

Also, I want more Southeast Asia too.😆🤓 I know the mainland, now Laos-Vietnam-Thailand-Cambodia-Myanmar/Burma and part of Malaysia, had prosperous kingdoms rising and falling.


4 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

It does sound like you can abuse it a fair bit in Fog of War maps, to intentionally bump-find all the enemies, then reset the turn to setup better vision for player phase assaults.

I did this exactly once for Sami's Debut.😅

I played that map on GBA on Advanced Campaign, infamous how many aircraft Eagle packs in there.

I swear not to use this for other maps, but I will complain that Re-Boot Camp doesn't give you any way to real quickly restart a map.

4 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

and potential for a cheesier HQ seize made up for the reduced power.

Quick captures on many maps are the strat of the big-brained. Which I'm not.😆 They require exacting planning and risk-taking that I'm not good with.

4 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

It reminds me of all the Golden Sun nostalgia I got playing the Mario Golf: Advanced Tour game. Admittedly that was a classic entry in the golf RPG genre, so not that far off from Golden Sun generwise.

I never played the portable Mario Tennis/Golf RPG games. They do sound charmingly quirky, maybe I should fix that.😆 


51 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Well, now to guess what order they might do. Today's Normal.


Chatot is no surprise, the attire I wouldn't have expected though. Less airy, more painterly.

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...And as soon as I finished posting the above, the calm receded.😐 So short, yet so appreciated.

*Does the morning round of the gaming sites, sees a review for Eternights*

I forgot when it was exactly releasing this month. Well, will it meet my low standards for consideration? Or will it bomb as I feared?

7/10, sees a 7.5 elsewhere. That's what I was hoping it wouldn't drop below. This works for me, the game doesn't have to be amazing.

*Checks Metacritic for more reviews.* Some are daring enough to give an 8, that extra 0.5-1.0 is reassuring to me, even if I tend to put more weight on lower-scored reviews than the the higher ones within one standard deviation of the average.

*Clicks RPGFan's outlier 86/100 review*




...But I'll take this. Right now, now.😍

When another character he’s romantically interested in reveals herself to be ace when turning him down, Chani understands and respects her decision. I romanced Yohan in my playthrough and was worried about how “dudebro” Chani might react. Yet, he completely supports the male protagonist having romantic feelings for another guy, becoming your biggest relationship cheerleader later on.

Will buy on Steam before the year is over.😁

Left the non-bolded sentences in b/c "horny guy who accepts girl is ace and stops pursuing her" sounds excellently modern and consensual too.

If others agree with this assessment, then good first try for a one-person studio who quit their job and made a video game solely b/c they enjoyed Persona 5.


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After last time's hideous defeat, our party has been driven back to the castle of our last ally remaining. Thus begins a defense mission with an interesting little twist: Two sides are covered by our units, while the other is up to the allied lord and his green units. These get decimated in a few turns, leaving the big bad to run to the point he needs to capture. So what you must do is defeat the other sieging teams as fast as possible so you can double your units back and handle the big bad's squad as it plows through the allies.


...Then the big bad made the stupidest move he could have done and overextended himself to whack one of my guys. That's him in between my two units, you can barely see him. He's so dumb, he ran too far away from his allies for his defense buff to apply, so two green archers proceeded to chip away half his health. And that's before we've even had a chance to move. I was worried for him, and I'm the one supposed to kill him!

Of course, that didn't matter much. This game has zero delusions regarding permadeath, the interface even calls units dying in combat "X withdraws." After chapter 16 there has been a very firmly established Team Bad that keeps coming back after getting their noses kicked into their skulls - as has done the big man himself just now.

But still, I find it pretty hilarious how the main villain has been the biggest non-issue in this map. The archer girl behind him is being more of a problem, because her zone of control is keeping me from reaching the one mook buffing her lol


And that's it. Turn 9 of 15 and the only one left is the enemy's healer boss, who has only survived because she hung back and healed. People said that chapter 18 marked a pretty big difficulty spike and that the game held nothing back afterwards - and don't get me wrong, it's not easy, but... I think people may just be bad? This is perfectly fair. Oh right I forgot, this game attracted primarily Three Houses fans, they were faced with a real strategy game and panicked

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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29 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

After last time's hideous defeat, our party has been driven back to the castle of our last ally remaining. Thus begins a defense mission with an interesting little twist: Two sides are covered by our units, while the other is up to the allied lord and his green units. These get decimated in a few turns, leaving the big bad to run to the point he needs to capture. So what you must do is defeat the other sieging teams as fast as possible so you can double your units back and handle the big bad's squad as it plows through the allies.

This reminds me of the final battle of a certain game I've been posting images from for the past two days.😛

-Well, you get to control all three armies, but the middle one is still going to get obliterated, and the sides have to save the day. Not the most difficult final battle imaginable, but there was (and should be when I get to again in new graphics) something dynamically fun in having an enemy helplessly rush you, only then with reinforcements arrived send them scurrying out later. Real ebb and flow in a single battle.

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Oho, well what do you know! My hunch about the last two codex entries was right. I did get the beardman. Super late, but I've had a bald, old beardman the entire game, so I suppose I shouldn't be complaining.

49 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

This reminds me of the final battle of a certain game I've been posting images from for the past two days.😛

-Well, you get to control all three armies, but the middle one is still going to get obliterated, and the sides have to save the day. Not the most difficult final battle imaginable, but there was (and should be when I get to again in new graphics) something dynamically fun in having an enemy helplessly rush you, only then with reinforcements arrived send them scurrying out later. Real ebb and flow in a single battle.

Sounds rather similar, yeah.

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5 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Well, now to guess what order they might do. Today's Normal.


Everybody Gangsta until Miku Gangsta.

5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Wakes up* Heart began beating fast within what seemed like seconds.🙁

Do you wanna get that looked at? If you're feeling the heart (you mentioned shoulder pain too earlier?) when you normally don't, well, most of the time it's nothing but if you really wanna be sure, a quick checkup could remove doubts.

5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Small countries can't necessarily afford it all, especially if they're economically underdeveloped, and catching up in that also requires big 💵.

Yeah they usually need a quick cash grab (oil, tourism, or something that only they can really provide).

5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

China by itself was its own Europe.

And in the current day, geopolitically, China is Asia's America (with caveats, you know, worship the glorious President Xi). Massive borders, lots of production within it, good geography.

China's always been a prized possession it seems.

5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Everywhere not painted in above? Every year not between covered by those dates (which do include the years when the empires declined and lost territory)? Local powers inevitably fighting amongst each other. 

I like how it seems most of the empires didn't care about Sri Lanka.

Maruya is particularly interesting, what nation just leaves large chunks of "unclaimed" land in it like that?


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