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1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Yeah, that one kinda does it, but it's not quite the same. Like actually have two units on a mount and let the passenger attack if capable.

Could work in a way that the "combined" unit will have the higher stats of both units in each stat.

You are sacrificing an action for a unit that can have superb stats across the board....

Might be too op tho.

Imagine if you have a speedy Mage on a Great Knight lol

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16 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Could work in a way that the "combined" unit will have the higher stats of both units in each stat.

You are sacrificing an action for a unit that can have superb stats across the board....

Might be too op tho.

Imagine if you have a speedy Mage on a Great Knight lol

Could be. Though in this case they could get targetted as well, and perhaps some things could be AoE on both units. Like, some magic spells.

I remember actually trying to see if this was a viable mechanic for a RP system. Back when I had the interest of making my own...

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It just hit me. When I saw Your Name on theater, it was in Japanese with subtitles. But right now on TV it was dubbed. Well, makes sense it'd get a dub at some point, but then I suppose it was after its theatrical run.

That has happened often enough here, as it were.

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Okay, time to finish Kyou's route. After that, I'll do the final tweaks to Chapter 6. I went back to splitting it up... hopefully this is the last time I change my mind on the matter...

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17 hours ago, GuardianSing said:


Also this is funny because Doctor Who predates One Piece by like 30 years.

3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Damn the finale is pretty epic

Probably better than the game ver.

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15 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Though not with as big of a gap.

Depends. Cause the Classic era episodes where serials where each episode was multiple parts. Serial format. So if you don't count the individual parts, then yes One Piece does have the more episodes. But counting the individual parts, it's the other way around I think.

And even in the Wilderness Years (1989-2004, not counting the 96 movie) there was still content being put out. Books, comics, audio dramas. Whereas One Piece is just the manga and the anime with the occasional movie and the rare game here and there.

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Deep Mario lore

On 11/10/2023 at 2:13 AM, Interdimensional Observer said:

This was the general consensus I think. They need more time for the next Calvard game so next year Falcom will release a fishing simulator, Trails of Cold Reels. Relatedly, Falcom is also releasing two Switch games next year.

19 hours ago, GuardianSing said:


The design and actor of the main character changes every so often, as does the supporting cast, so it feels more like British people's JoJo to me.

Edited by Lightchao42
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Trying the Sacae route on Project Ember

Wasnt real easy to trigger. If your a chronic arena abuser like I am you gotta work your nomads pretty hard to get it. Well, coulda benched both peggies but I needed a flyer promoted to keep Douglas busy outside in ch 16 while I was stocking up at the secret shop. Couldn’t be Melady either because she’s gotta recruit Zeiss

The Bishop’s Teachings was pretty easy, but Im too tired to attempt The Law of Sacae tonight 

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6 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Project Ember? Is it one of those rebalance hacks?

I guess you could call it that. I know its a redo of Binding Blade

Tell you the truth, I like it better than the original. @Saint Rubenio once called it FE6 for those who hate FE6. Lol

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2 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

The design and actor of the main character changes every so often, as does the supporting cast, so it feels more like British people's JoJo to me.

British people's James Bon-wait....

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@ping I was still in the Civ5 mood.😆 So I did more matches.

The first was an Immortal Frontier pangaea-type with Siam …and 41 City-States. I could’ve been faster I admit. Ended up starting on the northwestern end of the continent, and was able to expand to five cities going south.

For Social Policies- Tradition, Patronage, 5/6ths Rationalism, three in Piety (Temple money), and full Commerce. I took Autocracy instead of Freedom for a change and put six in there. I didn’t make full use of Gunboat Diplomacy, but it’s actually rather effective. Several City-States clustered near each other can be intimidated at the same time. Unless you’re Venice, you’ll only have eight, maybe ten trade routes. Provided you can reach the City-States, Gunboat Diplomacy can exert constant Influence over potentially more City-States.

AI ended up rolling Shoshone, Sweden, Maya, Poland, Zulu, India, and Polynesia. None of whom seriously contested my City-State sweep. They didn’t like me that much, but they never declared war on me (TBF, Gandhi was one of my two neighbors), and seemed content fighting meaningless wars with each other. Mombasa somehow conquered and puppeted one unusual Polynesian exclave city though. I even got to build the Forbidden Palace, the AI usually loves that.

Also, looks like the maximum number of delegates one can have in the World Congress -without failed World Leader votes beforehand- is 100. The bare minimum of 4, 82 provided from 41 City-State allies, 2 for Forbidden Palace, 2 for World Ideology, 2 for World Religion, and 8 for Globalization Spies serving as Diplomats -requires playing as England for the last Diplomat. I managed to reach 97 (I only needed 55 to win the vote).

...Afterwards I wanted to go for a Cultural victory, and wanted to try making Sacred Sites work with Byzantium. Low-water Frontier on Emperor with Raging Barbarians to further hinder the AI and generate lots of extra Culture. -Oiiiiiii. I had room for nine good cities, but relatively few luxes. I got my religion with Pagodas, Mosques, and Cathedrals (yay Byzantium! also a thousand rerolls for a good desert start with Mt. Kailash as a bonus) ...but the base per-city 3 Unhappiness can't be negated via buildings.

Yet as problematic as 😡 was, the reaaaaaal problem was Gold. I couldn't escape a deficit that ran as high as 30 before I dipped into FireTuner for the first time to edit the game and give myself 9500 Gold. Although the primary reason I did that was because as soon as I planted my seventh city, Harald and Pachacuti would instantly declare war on me every single time. Pacha would do nothing at all, but Harald sent a serious force my way, two actually counting a fleet of triremes aiming for a second city of mine. Why does the AI suddenly have to snap on you if expand a lot? It's total BS given how they sprawl out everywhere. I then bought a lot of Comp Bows, and it seems the military might was enough to induce Denmark and the Inca to back down from a war declaration. ...But the extra units only increased my deficit further. It was enough that I decided to drop the game, I didn't meet & greet with the other civs soon enough to win via Sacred Sites anyhow.

-Long story short, going wide seems like one heckuva herculean effort in CiV. Each time I intentionally try, something goes wrong. Sticking with Tradition is infinitely more viable in the short-term. And it's not like you couldn't nab a 5th/6th city spot if you saw one with Trad.

Also, I get removing riverine tile Gold, but whyyyyy did the Brave New World expansion have to remove it from Coast (and Lakes)? I get coastal trade routes generate like double Food/Production/Gold, and naval City Connections don't cost as much Gold/Worker time, but a city with only three coastal tiles gets exact the same trade bonuses as one with a dozen. Even with a Lighthouse, Coast is only 2 Food, the same as unimproved Grassland, junk! Sea resources are stronger than land ones true, but it's entirely possible to roll a coastal start with zero sea resources, leaving about half of the city's radius useless tiles. Civ6 did slightly better by allowing via Shipyards and Seaports for coast tiles to gain 1 Production and 2 more Gold, though they're still crappy, being merely unimproved grassland hills with a little money. You can't improve no-resource water tiles in Civ5 either. 2 Food 1 Gold would at least make Coast a pre-Economics Grassland Trading Post in strength, not great, but more viable and even valuable early on.


1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

... Hmm...

That's not the first time I see Spica being mentioned with those kind of subjects. Does the star has some meaning I'm not privy to, I wonder...


It's just one of the three stars in the Spring Triangle asterism (Which is NOT scientifically called "Triangulum"! That's a constellation of wholly-unrelated stars. Summer and Winter Triangle asterisms also exist.). Denebola and Arcturus (or sometimes Regulus) are the other two in the Spring Triangle, add Cor Caroli for the Great Diamond asterism.

(Note- an asterism is not the same as a constellation. Scientifically-officially, the entirety of the celestial cosmos as seen from Earth is divided into 88 constellations. Asterisms are lesser, officially-informal (even if longstanding) groupings that can combine stars from different constellations.)

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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Looking up, it doesn't look like there is something related to relationships or love. Except perhaps the fact Spica is a binary system. If anything, the star has some relation to Demeter and/or wheat, representing wheat held by Virgo.

Still... if I had a nickle... then weird it happened twice.

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8 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Okay, who let her ride the Wing Zero Gundam?



She’s shootin blanks

”Captain how do you know that?”

Simple. I’ve fired MGs before, and they aint that easy to control because of a thing called muzzle rise

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13 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Deep Mario lore


I had no idea you could do that.

That's actually fucking insane.

12 hours ago, Capt. Fargus said:

@Saint Rubenio once called it FE6 for those who hate FE6. Lol

I borrowed the words from other people, in turn. It's just an apt description. For better or worse, it takes FE6 and goes directly against everything about it.

1 hour ago, Capt. Fargus said:

She’s shootin blanks

”Captain how do you know that?”

Simple. I’ve fired MGs before, and they aint that easy to control because of a thing called muzzle rise

Fiction and poorly depicting gun usage. Name a more iconic duo.

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