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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Nice tune. Animation itself also good. Though it seems it's something fo a template, since there's a few videos with the same overall animation and tune, just swapping out the franchise. Like a Pokémon one, and even an Earthbound one.


Okay, time for Chapter 2.

I wonder, should I just fight everything I come across? I feel I might up over leveling...

Okay, reached Garanti Plain, and stopping for tonight. Will continue tomorrow.


I've been able to do both Nagisa and Fuko routes stuff concurrently... I wonder what is the point to end up doing one or the other exclusively. Well, guess I'll find out tomorrow as well.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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12 hours ago, BrightBow said:


I suppose there is a part of me who would have preferred if he kept the generic garbage bag look throughout the entire game. But him losing his hood due to getting bullied by a child is quite awesome.

He does get the generic garbage bag after a while, fortunately. And the scene really is too awesome, as far as face reveals go they really handled it wonderfully.

11 hours ago, Capt. Fargus said:

Im finding that a shit load of games dont seem to like Windows 10

Funny, even some of the Windows game ones I had running on my Mac are having trouble now

Warlords Battlecry 3 is one of em. It lags and stutters

For Neverwinter Nights 2 I had to find some obscure secret corner of Windows and punch in some this weird shit I got off GOG, restart the computer, and then that one worked

Yeah, older games sometimes have trouble in newer OS. Usually there are ways to get it fixed. Worst case scenario, you can try using a Virtual Machine, though if your computer isn't very powerful it might struggle with that a bit.

9 hours ago, Armagon said:

So Argentina's President has officially decided to close the central bank and just rely exclusively on USD.

.....I feel like I shouldn't have to point out that tying your currency to another country is a bad idea but maybe the situation in Argentina is that fucked anyways.

Milei's a libertarian, and swapping to the dollar has been one of his primary promises in his campaign for the presidency. He also wants to privatize everything. You know, to save the country's economy.

As far as I've gathered, he lacks a majority in both congress and the senate. Everyone in the Argentinan political sphere is in it for the money so they'll likely assist him insofar as it makes it easier for everyone to steal. And then Milei's fanbase will blame his predecessor when the populace becomes even more impoverished. He might also be able to do the USD thing. After all, the US is probably very pleased that one of the Latin American countries that could actually give them a run for their money with their resources is getting slipped firmly under their heel by some douchebag who is unironically insane. They'll support him, if need be.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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9 hours ago, Armagon said:

Also goes without saying but the full versions are on YouTube.

Yeah i am planning to add some of them to my playlist

7 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Okay, so. I like that using Arts is simpler, with just three tied to specific buttons than the eight-size palette and having to move and select. More streamlined.

speaking about Arts (and gameplay in general) i recommend you check out Chugga's guide because the game's tutorials are terribad

33 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

He also wants to privatize everything. You know, to save the country's economy.


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8 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Can't say I'm too fond of salvaging working on reaction presses, though. Too much of a hassle..

Generally speaking, it isnt really needed so you shouldnt have to worry too much unless you plan on 100% completion.

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Got around to watching The Star Beast last night. Doctor Who is back. Very cool how David Tennant and Catherine Tate just slipped back into their performances as if they never left. Also love how Tennant plays the 14th Doctor with a different energy than the 10th, it makes sense.

I will say, I think the episode did stumble towards the end. RTD is a very progressive man but he uh.....he cooked a little too much. "Something a male-presenting Time-Lord wouldn't understand" I don't think we needed this Russell.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Milei's a libertarian,

The only democratically elected libertarian head of state in the world. New record.

2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

speaking about Arts (and gameplay in general) i recommend you check out Chugga's guide because the game's tutorials are terribad

@Acacia Sgt


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1 hour ago, Capt. Fargus said:

Just loaded the first Vestaria Saga game so @Saint Rubenio won’t get mad at me 😁

Nice to see it actually fits the screen now

Hey, hope you enjoy yourself!

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

The only democratically elected libertarian head of state in the world. New record.

Eyup, that's him. I hope this doesn't spread. He has a share of fans here in Spain. The last thing I want is for someone like this to get to power in my country and watch our poor, abused public healthcare be destroyed and replaced by a system where I have to drive myself to the hospital with a gaping wound, then curl into a ball and die at its doors because I can't afford getting healed anyway.

...Then again, like I said, dude doesn't have all the power he'd want. At minority in congress and the senate and without any local governors at all, him being president is pretty much the only thing he has. He needs to negotiate big time to get anything substantial done, and his promises are very substantial. Likely he'll just fill his pockets, fill some friends' pockets, fill a few pockets he needs to make the former pockets full, and all the while make a lot of noise.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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19 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hey, hope you enjoy yourself!

I certainly intend to, once I get through the GOG collection. I’m about 3/5ths of the way through it now

You can’t do it with Steam, but I have the GOG games all installed locally due to a small bit of tin foil hattery on my part. This way you dont need interwebs access to play 😎

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5 minutes ago, Capt. Fargus said:

I certainly intend to, once I get through the GOG collection. I’m about 3/5ths of the way through it now

You can’t do it with Steam, but I have the GOG games all installed locally due to a small bit of tin foil hattery on my part. This way you dont need interwebs access to play 😎

That's fair. Though Steam does let you play games offline.

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Hell yeah, I have now beaten every arena challenge in Sifu.

People really do be whining that this game is too expensive for something you can beat in 2 hours, meanwhile I've put 78 hours into it and counting. Also good fucking luck beating the game in 2 hours lol, it takes some serious skill.

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3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

hope this doesn't spread

Everyone hates libertarians to begin with, he only got there because Argentina's situation is beyond fucked.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

He needs to negotiate big time to get anything substantial done,

He can simply go after Falklands again /s

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Funny how Great Britain only got away with it because of how long ago it happened. Had it tried that today, you'd see the torches and pitchforks instead against them.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Everyone hates libertarians to begin with, he only got there because Argentina's situation is beyond fucked.

Oh yeah. I heard - please take it with a grain of salt as I cannot corroborate it - that a decent chunk of his voterbase later said, when asked, that they did not believe he would accomplish all he promised. They just wanted a change from the broken-ass establishment they had. It's only his most ardent fanbase that believes he's singlehandedly going to save the economy of the country by privatizing everything lol

So yeah, basically, Argentina's fucked and only getting more fucked. Such a shame.

52 minutes ago, Capt. Fargus said:

Symphony of war - the nephilim saga... Is that one from the Fire Emblem creator?

Nope, indie creators. I own that one, it was an impulsive purchase that I still regret because there's something about the game I just don't feel lol

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