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1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

So they've finally gotten to the Norse squirrel?

He was... actually I'm not sure what my feelings are on him.

Emil or Squirrel Girl there in FEH?

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21 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Emil or Squirrel Girl there in FEH?

I have no feelings towards anyone from FEH.

As for the boy, it's a jumble. Pathetic yes, but being pathetic myself, I don't find that inherently annoying. His red-eyes personality... I need to rewatch the end of DotNW, can't make a judgement call without doing so. Mr. Dual Wield and their interactions/history... not sure. Green-eyes does have a decent costume though, and his swordplay I recall being fun. The love story... I don't recall any particular feelings towards it.

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Might be a curious choice or not, but I think I'll skip on doing Akio's mini-ending for now. Curious After Story even has a premature end. Though I can kinda see it, if the explanation I saw in TV Tropes seems reasonable enough.

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1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Clearly, Caeda and NES!Celica hogged all the agency and left scraps for the rest of them to fight for.

Caeda's fascinating when you think about. It would've been so easy for Kaga to make her a damsel but throughout the Archanea saga, she's actually pretty cool the whole time.

Archanea in general isn't too bad about it. Like you have Midea and of course the final chapter of FE2 but compared to Gaiden and certainly compared to FE4 onwards, it's nothing.

46 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

You made me drug a little girl Armagon.

I will exorcise the spirit of Kaga out of you.

46 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Now, as an FP/LP booster... I didn't keep track of that.😅 But I don't think it's super effective. I assume cheap gifts will always win out in practice.

I was always just curious. I never used it myself because I felt that something would just go wrong if I did.

47 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

screenshotted everyone's dialogue if you're curious.

Do please share.

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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Caeda's fascinating when you think about. It would've been so easy for Kaga to make her a damsel but throughout the Archanea saga, she's actually pretty cool the whole time.

Archanea in general isn't too bad about it. Like you have Midea and of course the final chapter of FE2 but compared to Gaiden and certainly compared to FE4 onwards, it's nothing.

Archanea is general is odd.

The first game was nothing to bother with, since it had as many guys in distress too, so it had parity.

Mystery is where it gets a bit eyebrow raising, since in Book 1 Est now speaks about being captured when getting Mercurius, and Camus had to free her. Then again, now Wendel is in a jail cell so I guess it balances out? But then Book 2 had the whole thing with the captured maidens, so it was now big plot point to have women captured than simply be something that happened. Book 2 also had less men in distress, though this already happened in Gaiden already. Also, even for some the circumstances were different. Like, yeah, Midea has to be rescued in both stories, but the first one around she went down fighting, and was captured with a bunch of men. But come Book 2 she's... how exactly did that happened again? Just Hardin called her to his side or something...

Overall, yeah, it is curious Caeda managed to avoid it through it all. Or maybe Kaga was mindful on how he made her to begin with and felt it was fine. Who knows...

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Okay, I can see maybe why this part of Sanae's storyline wouldn't be adapted for the anime, but still... LOLOLOLOL Yoshino showing up...

AHAHAHA It then got better! XD This is... too much...

Ah, it was nice. Shame the anime didn't had this little part. Hmm, that's eight lights now...

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Do please share.


I'll leave out all/most of the "A drink? I'm thirsty right now, so thanks. *Glug, glug, glug*" dialogue that begins the interactions.



Possessive, but no other effects?🤔


If only you and not Cecil.🤨


Boringly yet curiously used to these?


Another 🙂Potion-tolerant.




Well at least she's okay?


The drink of youth.


I know it's nonconsensual drug-giving, but I feel like Misasagi could've been given something "better". Like a sudden surge of cougar energy, such that Ares/Alice feels a little afraid of her.




Lucy but resolved not so "fortunately".


I feel like Julian's should've been more "Oh, what did I just do?" like Hina's. Because, you know, you gave it to a small child.


A whole bunch more.




With what sword this time?😝


He knows? And he accepts.


Yet he -eloquently- can't withstand it.


The lady who talks about her very sexual species inventing love potions doesn't recognize what it is she's getting?🤔 Or maybe she does and doesn't say it? Or maybe she doesn't care what she pours down her throat and is fine with surprise -given her remarks on mushrooms.


She looks sad. I was NOT expecting that.😦 But then, it's because she's soooooooooooooooo filled with joy it causes her pain? So she actually enjoys it?



"I saw in his hand a long spear of gold, and at the iron's point there seemed to be a little fire. He appeared to me to be thrusting it at times into my heart, and to pierce my very entrails; when he drew it out, he seemed to draw them out also, and to leave me all on fire with a great love of God. The pain was so great, that it made me moan; and yet so surpassing was the sweetness of this excessive pain, that I could not wish to be rid of it. The soul is satisfied now with nothing less than God." 

Same feeling?🤔


How did YOU get to be a rare one who openly confesses?!?

Is the purity of a young boy a weakness such that he can't bite his tongue and excuse himself like his brother and the other, older bachelors?




Of course the village doctor would know.


Operation: Eyepatch Waifu has failed.

...And that's the last one.😀 -Though I'd imagine the RF4 duo I don't have in town would also be potential unsuspecting victims?


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27 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


  Hide contents

...And that's the last one.😀 -Though I'd imagine the RF4 duo I don't have in town would also be potential unsuspecting victims?


I am certainly curious about those two.


Specially Margaret's. Mostly since I recall she mentions being already married with kids, so I wonder how that would go, haha.


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Okay, now it's Yoshino's turn...

Oh, more VN only stuf. Ahahaha, ah, man, I was so missing out from only having watched the anime.

BWAHAHAHAHA Man, not again...



They're softening me up for when that happens, isn't it...


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I'm assuming by Gods they mean women. Guys doing their best to help the ladies in their life handle being affiliated with the gods or god-like groups without knowing what the hell is going on seems to be pretty common in this universe.

Portrait_micaiah_light_sage_02_fe10.png?          Portrait_sothe_whisper_fe10.png?20120511




Wait even my benched units?


What the flock


See I like this. Who needs boring thousand year old dragons who don't do anything when I can have the literal concept of anarchy in physical form on our side.


If I had a nickel for every time a god hurt humanity in supposed good faith-


We got freedom, order, now we just need lady autocracy and we can complete the civ 5 trifecta of government organization.


So we're just the beta testers essentially.


Far as I'm aware the only thing that happened was a plot contrived blood pact that forced a conflict to happen and could be resolved in 5 minutes if you talk to each other.

If you couldn't tell I'm trying really fecking hard not to make any political metaphors


Oh thank god Ike can finally level up again.

Also what a coincidence he's called a "Vanguard" fighting for the Goddess of freedom and anarchy and-


I was afraid they were going to mix the armies in this part but I imagine they're saving that for the later chapters. I've honestly grown to this multi-party system.




I think at this point I'm convinced the BK does things just to fuck with people.


Pelleas is fucking dead.


Let the favoritism flow


This is what waking up to go work is like


Sexy as it is, I feel really bad for Sothe's midriff in this snow.




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11 hours ago, Armagon said:

The fan service is what has gotten in the way of noticing but when you compare it to other battle shounen at the time (One Piece, Bleach, Naruto, etc), Fairy Tail's female characters actually matter in like the long run. I mean for starters, it's a battle shounen where the main team isn't a sausage fest and the female characters more often than not end up saving the day more than the guys iirc.

There's something there, at least.

11 hours ago, Armagon said:

Kaga when he sees a woman who has agency

Pretty much. Thank goodness for Penneloupe.

8 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Clearly, Caeda and NES!Celica hogged all the agency and left scraps for the rest of them to fight for.

Gaiden's... really not a good example, considering Celica's basically the only woman in the game that doesn't need rescuing.

Though to be fair, they really weren't the only ones back in the FE era. You can tell they kept him on a short leash, there's some shenanigans but it's less than TRS and nowhere close to what he does in Vestaria, when he's completely free of anybody telling him what to do.

7 hours ago, Armagon said:

Archanea in general isn't too bad about it. Like you have Midea and of course the final chapter of FE2 but compared to Gaiden and certainly compared to FE4 onwards, it's nothing.

I mean, FE5 had Selphina, Machyua, Eda, Linoan, Misha (unless you want to count that you capture her to recruit her and even then you do the same for Salem), Sara and Amalda who never get victimized. You can even count Tanya who's just in a tough spot, but ready to fight by her father's side, and Eyvel who needed the final boss to come and literally turn her to stone to stop her from winning the game in chapter 5.

Really, the FE era wasn't that bad. It's afterwards that he put his newfound creative freedom to, uh... good(?) use. Except in Berwick, where he's at his least creepy since FE1, for some reason. Still some creepiness, but well, let's not forget the whole Linda thing in FE1 lol

7 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

But come Book 2 she's... how exactly did that happened again? Just Hardin called her to his side or something...

She was leading a rebellion against Hardin, was defeated and brought before him.

4 hours ago, GuardianSing said:


Let the favoritism flow

This right here is how I had fun with part 4. It was every bit as easy and tedious as part 3, but at least I had scrubs to bring up to speed.

4 hours ago, GuardianSing said:


Sexy as it is, I feel really bad for Sothe's midriff in this snow.

Why do you think he wants to arm wrestle Skrimir? Gotta heat up somehow

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14 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I completely forgot. That was entirely offscreen, wasn't it? I guess Penneloupe's the only good Vestaria girl, then.

I mean, even Zade got captured and tortured by Lagniel.

Dismissing female characters at all just because they were captured at some point regardless of context is a little silly. The actual cringe cases would be Phoeve, Benette and well Penneloupe.

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17 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

I mean, even Zade got captured and tortured by Lagniel.

Dismissing female characters at all just because they were captured at some point regardless of context is a little silly.

I'm not dismissing them entirely. Orphelia's still one of my favorite Vestaria girls. I just find it rather amusing how difficult it is to find a female character in Vestaria who never gets captured, mind controlled or otherwise victimized.

But yes, Zade got hit by the stick too. He even got his own "victimized" portrait, too. He gets to join the Merida club!

17 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

The actual cringe cases would be Phoeve, Benette and well Penneloupe.

Phoeve and Bennette: Bennette enters a house to save Phoeve and fails miserably. An entire sequence then plays of long, drawn out dialogue where ugly brigands laugh and smugly proclaim their foul intentions with the entirely helpless girls. Bennette weakly responds that she's someone's wife and his people will kill them to death if they don't let them go. All this leads up to a man with a wooden plank's worth of personality coming to save them singlehanded. This is the chapter that's supposed to show that Bennette is a strong woman capable of leading in her husband's stead.

Penneloupe: After confronting and choosing to spare the target of her vengeance thanks to his female friend's insistence and sacrifice (all while the guy brooded in the corner) she gets surrounded, delivers a single line expressing frustration at it and then proceeds to shoot brigands in the head to stay alive until help arrives in the form of the prior pair of man and girl. Transparently nothing more than a gameplay contrivance so Zayid and Sheela have something to do on their half of the map while the main group makes their way to the boss.

I really fail to see how these two cases are comparable.

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3 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

I'm assuming by Gods they mean women.

Funnily enough, the Gods of Tellius are women.

3 hours ago, GuardianSing said:



I was afraid they were going to mix the armies in this part but I imagine they're saving that for the later chapters. I've honestly grown to this multi-party system.

You do get to mix and match them a bit here, but eventually you get to pick of team of the best of the best (or whatever you think is funny to win the game with), for the tower.


3 hours ago, GuardianSing said:




Fun fact, they do have a paired ending if you get them an A support in the end. Although Ike also has a paired ending with Soren to compete with it...


3 hours ago, GuardianSing said:



Let the favoritism flow

What a mad lad.


6 hours ago, GuardianSing said:



This is what waking up to go work is like

"The only good morning is the one you sleep through" - Me


3 hours ago, GuardianSing said:



Sexy as it is, I feel really bad for Sothe's midriff in this snow.

It is a long running joke that Yune gave Sothe's promotion the prominent midriff for Micaiah's viewing pleasure.

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55 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

But yes, Zade got hit by the stick too. He even got his own "victimized" portrait, too. He gets to join the Merida club!

Not unless he fights in some dancer getup.

56 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Phoeve and Bennette: Bennette enters a house to save Phoeve and fails miserably. An entire sequence then plays of long, drawn out dialogue where ugly brigands laugh and smugly proclaim their foul intentions with the entirely helpless girls. Bennette weakly responds that she's someone's wife and his people will kill them to death if they don't let them go. All this leads up to a man with a wooden plank's worth of personality coming to save them singlehanded. This is the chapter that's supposed to show that Bennette is a strong woman capable of leading in her husband's stead.

Penneloupe: After confronting and choosing to spare the target of her vengeance thanks to his female friend's insistence and sacrifice (all while the guy brooded in the corner) she gets surrounded, delivers a single line expressing frustration at it and then proceeds to shoot brigands in the head to stay alive until help arrives in the form of the prior pair of man and girl. Transparently nothing more than a gameplay contrivance so Zayid and Sheela have something to do on their half of the map while the main group makes their way to the boss.

I really fail to see how these two cases are comparable.

A bunch of axe guys just teleport on top of her so she can neither fight back nor run.
It's nice that it adds to the gameplay and all, but boy is it goofy.

10 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Funnily enough, the Gods of Tellius are women.

Except for Haar.

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8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

She looks sad. I was NOT expecting that.😦 But then, it's because she's soooooooooooooooo filled with joy it causes her pain? So she actually enjoys it?

I'm gonna guess that maybe Ludmilla's whole story is that she's never actually properly experienced love on account of being a succubus.

6 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

was afraid they were going to mix the armies in this part but I imagine they're saving that for the later chapters. I've honestly grown to this multi-party system.

They only mix it for the end.

But it's why I did say this is like the worst game to iron man.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Really, the FE era wasn't that bad. It's afterwards that he put his newfound creative freedom to, uh... good(?) use.

As a whole, yeah. But FE4 is when the 🤨 moments begin popping up more consistently. Slowly but surely.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I'm not dismissing them entirely. Orphelia's still one of my favorite Vestaria girls. I just find it rather amusing how difficult it is to find a female character in Vestaria who never gets captured, mind controlled or otherwise victimized.

Yeah the point isn't that it also happens to guys as well, the point is that it consistently happens way more to the girls. And contextually, it's different too. The guys  get.....gentleman'd because they went down fighting or something and they either rescue themselves or the isn't like a specific character that has to rescue them. The girls get damseld because they just happened to be girls in a medieval setting. They rarely rescue themselves and most of the ones who do rescue them are guys.

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Well, this absolutely horseshit crap year has just taken a turn for the worst.

Thanks a fucking lot, Santa.

25 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Not unless he fights in some dancer getup.

Yeah, that's true, but he got Blut! How often do you see Blut in these games?

25 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

A bunch of axe guys just teleport on top of her so she can neither fight back nor run.
It's nice that it adds to the gameplay and all, but boy is it goofy.

Being pedantic, she does get to fight. There's a few brigands she gets to shoot.

I mean, I agree that it's goofy. I just find it to be the least goofy victimization Vestaria has to offer, pretty much. It doesn't feel like there's malice there, like with the rest of them. I mean, c'mon, it's in a series where letting a girl NPC die triggers a whole secret sequence of events that leads to her becoming a slave dancer warrior. And then she gets chained up again later.

Penneloupe is a loose pebble in the cathedral of Kaga's debauchery. And she more than makes up for this one goofy moment by being generally awesome and not being reduced to "the girl in a horribly-written romance."

2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

They only mix it for the end.

But it's why I did say this is like the worst game to iron man.

Honestly, not really. Tibarn can handle things, Ike can handle things and there's enough folks like Haar running around for Elincia if you're that desperate for strength. You need to do REALLY badly to get in trouble at this point of the game. It's nowhere near as bad as Houses softlocking you if you don't use / lose / reclass to the wrong class the starting students, Fates with its super specialized, min-maxed unit building or TRS where you lose half the healers in the game if Attrom dies on turn 1 of his map.

5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

As a whole, yeah. But FE4 is when the 🤨 moments begin popping up more consistently. Slowly but surely.

It basically depends on how much control the guy has. I suppose as the games went on, they gave him more leeway as a proven and tested director. Then TRS happened, someone in Tirnagog begged him to dial it back for BWS, and years later he got to make games for and by himself, and the rest is history.

5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Yeah the point isn't that it also happens to guys as well, the point is that it consistently happens way more to the girls. And contextually, it's different too. The guys  get.....gentleman'd because they went down fighting or something and they either rescue themselves or the isn't like a specific character that has to rescue them. The girls get damseld because they just happened to be girls in a medieval setting. They rarely rescue themselves and most of the ones who do rescue them are guys.

Yeah, this. The closest thing is the example Brightbow brought up earlier. I don't believe you got far enough to see it, but Zade gets bamboozled, chained up and tortured in VS2. Not quite "go down fighting" in his case either, but... It's still another dude that takes up arms with Zade's remaining army to rescue him. And it's also one of the main villains that gets him rather than some generic ugly jerkface.

Meanwhile, the time Kaga tries to do a pseudo-girl power moment in Vestaria is by having Bennette lead a mission of her own after shenanigans happens. She spends half of it fumbling about and getting victimized and needing Fauve to save her. It falls so flat and it breaks my heart because Bennette is genuinely really cool when she's not suffering from all of Kaga's bad habits.

It's also why, goofy as it is, I don't mind the Penneloupe moment. Not only does it happen right after a whole sequence where two women carry the scene while the guy is the plot device, but she also gets to fight while she's in trouble.

tl;dr: I love KagaSaga. That doesn't mean I can't be critical of the parts I really wish weren't there. Still really impressive how IntSys managed to outkaga Kaga with Echoes lolololol

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4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I don't believe you got far enough to see it,

Yeah I only played to like Ch.3 cause Xenoblade came out like a week later.

I might go back to it one day. It hasn't tested my patience like VS1 did.

4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Still really impressive how IntSys managed to outkaga Kaga with Echoes lolololol

Are we sure Echoes' director wasn't Kaga in disguise? He couldn't allow one of his own games to get remade without his damsel fetish being inserted in /s

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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Yeah I only played to like Ch.3 cause Xenoblade came out like a week later.

Oh yeah, I remember that. Was a good time not to be a Xenoblade fan lololol

2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I might go back to it one day. It hasn't tested my patience like VS1 did.

Well, I keep saying it, I felt it blows VS1 completely out of the water. But that's up to you to judge, if ever you return to it.

3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Are we sure Echoes' director wasn't Kaga in disguise? He couldn't allow one of his own games to get remade without his damsel fetish being inserted in /s

He arrived at IntSys wearing half a face mask that only covered his eyes. Nobody could tell it was him even though he had the iconic Kaga Grin the whole time. And was black and white. Oh God is Kaga Garon--

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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Gaiden's... really not a good example, considering Celica's basically the only woman in the game that doesn't need rescuing.

That's what I meant. She hogged the game's share. XD

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

She was leading a rebellion against Hardin, was defeated and brought before him.

Oh, so same situation as the first time, then. Went down fighting.

7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

Wait even my benched units?

Especially the benched units.

7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

See I like this. Who needs boring thousand year old dragons who don't do anything when I can have the literal concept of anarchy in physical form on our side.

I mean, she could be dragon shaped outside Micaiah for all you know...

7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:


Far as I'm aware the only thing that happened was a plot contrived blood pact that forced a conflict to happen and could be resolved in 5 minutes if you talk to each other.

Well, the official timeline had a lot of wars happening. Just not continent-spanning ones. PoR came very close, and that was without a Blood Pact involved.

Hmm... good point. Just what was missing from PoR's war, then? Kurth and Ena was all enough to consider Goldoa being at war as far as the promise was concerned. So was it Hatari's involvement? But they weren't part of the promise... I think.

7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:


Oh thank god Ike can finally level up again.

Also what a coincidence he's called a "Vanguard" fighting for the Goddess of freedom and anarchy and-

Though that means he's now like your average FE Lord. Relying on a powerful being's power.

7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:


I was afraid they were going to mix the armies in this part but I imagine they're saving that for the later chapters. I've honestly grown to this multi-party system.

Probably the only time I like the army splitting, perhaps.

7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:


I think at this point I'm convinced the BK does things just to fuck with people.

Well, he's gotta have it his way!

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9 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

That's what I meant. She hogged the game's share. XD

Ohh of course haha.

9 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Oh, so same situation as the first time, then. Went down fighting.

Pretty much. It's kind of sad that every time Midia tries fighting she goes down fighting, but hey, at least she tries. Sure, an unarmed, unaware Camus just ragdolled her with his bare hands in the Fall chronicle, but at least she still beats her beloved dearest, The Strongest Man In Archanea who joins the wrong side both times and it's more optimal to just kill him in both cases.

8 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Woah! Wasn't expecting this for the next crossover!


Where Osvald? Not marketable enough?

Oh well, you got the superior huntress and Cyrus, that's good enough.

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27 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh well, you got the superior huntress and Cyrus, that's good enough.

Well, showing up is one thing. Actually playable is another.

Looks like it's only one from each Octopath game. Cyrus, Partitio, and Tithi.

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