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6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Implying that'd be a bad thing

Even the dad would still have a dad.

That's the annoying thing with parents: Everyone has them. So you always have to worry about what they are doing while their kid is off on adventures.

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13 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Even the dad would still have a dad.

That's the annoying thing with parents: Everyone has them. So you always have to worry about what they are doing while their kid is off on adventures.

You get a 40-something year old protagonist, but there's still an 80 year old that dies in chapter 1.

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Heck, Great Grandpa Emblem: The protagonist is 102 years old, but his father defied all known science by living up to 150 just so he could still be alive in time to die at the start of the game.

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26 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, FE6 solves that pretty handily. Eliwood is sick, so Roy takes up arms in his stead. Boom, it's that easy.

It most certainly sets a prime example of why that trope is typically used. Because it's awkward as all hell for Eliwood to permanently exist in a state of near death, but never actually getting acknowledged by anyone. He might as well be dead, with the way he is treated by other characters.

And heck, both Jagen and Eugen did that whole "Knight who can no longer fight" thing before, but that didn't stop them from sticking around.

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11 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

It most certainly sets a prime example of why that trope is typically used. Because it's awkward as all hell for Eliwood to permanently exist in a state of near death, but never actually getting acknowledged by anyone. He might as well be dead, with the way he is treated by other characters.

And heck, both Jagen and Eugen did that whole "Knight who can no longer fight" thing before, but that didn't stop them from sticking around.

Clearly we need a FE where everyone is dead. Then we don't have this problem.

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19 hours ago, Armagon said:

I think they flat out just do not have time to grieve. 

It's not just grief, it's everything a death could give to a story, both to the story and to the plot.

It's like... you know how after Gandalf dies in LOTR they barely have much time to mourn because they need to get the hell out of there and figure out what to do with the ring, and it's exactly for that reason among others that Frodo falls into a mad state of mind as the plot progresses? A typical problem I have with many FE protagonists is just that they remain quite stagnant, for all the shortfalls they may experience it doesn't have much of a mental effect on them and they end up less interesting to me as a result. I WANT to see characters suffer, I WANT to see them struggle and cry and be hopeless but still manage to pull through.

18 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

To be precise:


The 432-478 Begnion vs. Crimea & Daein War being the most prolonged conflict. Though I imagine there was a brief window in 425 when Crimea was fighting Daein and Daein got declared on by Begnion, which would've meant four countries at war at once, prior to Daein presumably rushing a white peace with Crimea.

A 46-year war would perhaps suggest that Begnion could readily match Crimea + Daein in might, otherwise you'd think a clear win would've happened sooner. And if Begnion was able to besiege Nevassa (perhaps because its army was off in Crimea), then they could've reoccupied easily half of Daein for those decades of war, losing them probably only gradually and holding onto at least a rump until the peace treaty.

Kilvas's surrender earlier might've made things worse for Daein, but perhaps that helped old king Dheg sleep easier. Since a BvCD war was purely Beorc, Phoenicis and Gallia could've told themselves "let those stupid humans kill each other" as to why they should stay out of the nonsense. If Kilvas had accepted Phoenicis's aid, maybe the situation in Daein wouldn't have gotten as bad, and Crimea wouldn't have gotten involved, but then it's also possible they would've ended up with a five-country conflict.

Notable in this timeline I find to be two things. The first being the matter of Laguz-Beorc relations shaping conflict and geopolitical separation. And the other is Begnion the great power trying to cling on to control of the entire continent outside of Goldoa. Nice if simple for IS to have done this.

This is the kind of thing I want to see in Fire Emblem. It's a game about nations, politics, history, and most importantly war. It should be dynamic and nuanced in how it represents those things, I love it when in a fantasy setting I can connect things that are true about the real world into it.

Folks often say they dislike politics in stories because they like the escapism, but me personally the escapism in here is witnessing a world like ours with problems like ours have people rise, try and succeed in solving those problems. It's a power fantasy of being able to help everyone.

18 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

To be fair, Begnion used to control everything sans Goldoa. Crimea and Daein broke off and declared independence, the Laguz left the main population centers in the eastern half of the continent and then took over the sparsely and seldom populated woods and islands far from the core Begnion region. So yeah, it's not surprising some in Begnion would want to return to those good old days...

... man, how... relatable to modern day issues...

OMG, Begnion is Russia!

I've already headcanon Elincia as having a Russian accent and made several Russian Revolution references earlier so this is perfect.

16 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Honestly I like having a grand theme stretching over hundreds of years like this. Begnion's repeated efforts to retain hegemony are... something.😄 Not sure exactly how historical such a thing actually is, but it sounds like it.😆

The idea of the British Empire is definitely sometimes romanticized as this proud nostalgic time in history even if y'know... was pretty evil in real history.

In terms of retaining hegemony I still like the Russia connection.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Anyway, congratulations on joining the proud ranks of Sorike shippers. You will find great opposition. Prepare a counterargument for Priam's existence, it WILL be brought up.



2 hours ago, ping said:

If you ever tire of starting flame wars by edelposting, this is a very effective approach for getting a reaction out of some people, too. :lol:

Although I think "Priam is fucking dumb, so I don't even consider his existence" is still my favourite way to go about it. Canon is a bourgeois concept, etc.pp.

Personally I think it's just a lack of imagination because in a world with blood pacts I have no trouble believing that Ike and Soren could have a beautiful love child together.

8 hours ago, Armagon said:

Tbh if we want to look at it:

Marth's parents died a few years ago before he actually set out. The grieving time has passed.

Alm didn't know his parents. Celica hates her dad.

Erikia and Ephraim.....you can actually make the criticism here. Erikia didn't have time to mourn but Ephraim straight up doesn't know until like later and he just shrugs it off. But also their dad existed for like 1 second lmao. Even Lumera had more screen time.

Ike got a whole chapter about not knowing if he could live up to his dad after he got turned into a statistic by the Black Knight.

It's probably been a few decades since Micaiah's parents died.

Chrom hates his dad, Robin doesn't even know who his dad is until he does then he hates him. Lucina still clearly struggles with her dad's original death.

Corrin.....depends on the route. Not by much but it depends.


Alear goes the angry grief route but has to keep moving.

So really, the only ones who you can really make the argument for are like the Renais twins I guess, Corrin, Byleth and Alear. For everyone else, the time has passed.

That's just the thing isn't it, the deaths are so meaningless to the plot and it's characters that it can happen off screen and give the same effect. So when they do happen on screen it feels very disingenuous when they aren't followed up by much other than quick motivation for the protagonist.

For Alm even if he didn't meet his parents he did see his dad die by his own hand later on, and like Mikoto with Corrin, Alm is unusually yet very strongly upset about the death of a guy he just met because again, it felt as though the writers just defaulted to the usual shonen reaction to the death of mentor figure. Alm's reaction to the father he just met die is the same as the reaction Eirika has to seeing the dad she knew her entire life die.

Ike gets one chapter which is also the thing, he gets ONE chapter, the chapter right after it happens, and it never comes again, Titania was more upset about Greil's death than Ike. And maybe it's just my personal bias but the Black Knight subplot feels so worthless to the development of Ike as a character that I can't see that as counting.

With Chrom I was talking about Emmeryn who fills the same role as the parents in other games do. Awakening I think does it at least a little better. Emmeryn's death does effect the plot in that it was the reason that Gangrel lost the war. Her speech before her sacrifice is what caused the Plegian army to defect en mass. And after her death Chrom does have a teeny bit of struggle in that he feels as though he isn't living up to her peaceful leadership. But ultimately it's not a conflict the game is focusing on and doesn't have a resolution.

I'm not sure what you mean by Corrin since in both routes Mikoto appears as a ghost near the end to reassure him that he's doing alright. You could say this is closure for his moral struggles but it definitely isn't closure for his mom dying because it was not something he ever needed closure for. Rev has Mikoto die...twice, the response is the same both times from all family members. Sad in the moment, quickly forgotten about after.

Mikoto's death effects the plot but only because they basically cheated by having it so she was apparently the only one who could create this massive force field around Hoshido and by killing her that allows Nohr to invade. Some real "You can't say Valla outside of Valla" shit.

52 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Implying that'd be a bad thing

Having an older protagonist with a child sounds just as interesting has having a young prince who doesn't know anything.

52 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, FE6 solves that pretty handily. Eliwood is sick, so Roy takes up arms in his stead. Boom, it's that easy.

Not that I'm saying you can't have the dad death, in the grand scheme of things it's a minor nitpick, but when 10-something deaths are exactly as impactful as Eliwood's nondescript illness, it feels kinda lazy.

Personally I think one of the best ways to make a death impactful is to plant the idea in the player's head what the story could've been like had that character survived. Not in the sense that the narrative would've been better but in that the character's lives would've been better. I've said it before I'll say it again, if Jeralt's suspicions of Rhea actually had him do some private investigations and he dies right before giving crucial information that would've felt like a huge loss when he died.


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5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Clearly we need a FE where everyone is dead. Then we don't have this problem.

Sounds good to me.

Just ignore the part where the skeletons are not actually the heroes.

Honestly, Raphael would have been a good example if he was Runan's dad instead of Sasha's.
But at least there is always Holmes' dad.

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Hi Bootlegphen. I keep seeing you show up.

8 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

This is the kind of thing I want to see in Fire Emblem. It's a game about nations, politics, history, and most importantly war. It should be dynamic and nuanced in how it represents those things, I love it when in a fantasy setting I can connect things that are true about the real world into it.

Folks often say they dislike politics in stories because they like the escapism, but me personally the escapism in here is witnessing a world like ours with problems like ours have people rise, try and succeed in solving those problems. It's a power fantasy of being able to help everyone.

That's a really nice take. And dare I say, you would probably enjoy Kaga's more grounded, sprawling approach to war tales starting with 4. And utterly despise his pervy moments but I think that's all of us to be completely honest.

9 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Personally I think it's just a lack of imagination because in a world with blood pacts I have no trouble believing that Ike and Soren could have a beautiful love child together.

Mpreg Ike?

No that can't be, that's not biological. Biology is very important in my escapist fantasy, you see. Fucking cowards shoulda done it

9 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Ike gets one chapter which is also the thing, he gets ONE chapter, the chapter right after it happens, and it never comes again, Titania was more upset about Greil's death than Ike. And maybe it's just my personal bias but the Black Knight subplot feels so worthless to the development of Ike as a character that I can't see that as counting.

I wasn't expecting you to be even more harsh. I was kind of giving Greil the point by default, and by now you should know how much it hurts me to give PoR anything.

12 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Having an older protagonist with a child sounds just as interesting has having a young prince who doesn't know anything.

B. Saga pulled it off really well. That's Banner Saga. Rook's an older hunter dude with a young daughter. He's one of the main characters of Banner Saga 1, and... Well, I don't want to get more into it in case I ever get anyone other than Sooks to play it (hey I wonder how Sooks's is doing, anyway).

FE just doesn't have the courage in these aspects.

12 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Personally I think one of the best ways to make a death impactful is to plant the idea in the player's head what the story could've been like had that character survived. Not in the sense that the narrative would've been better but in that the character's lives would've been better. I've said it before I'll say it again, if Jeralt's suspicions of Rhea actually had him do some private investigations and he dies right before giving crucial information that would've felt like a huge loss when he died.

That'd been a start to make his character... not entirely worthless, yeah.

1 minute ago, BrightBow said:

But at least there is always Holmes' dad.

Ah yes, Scum.

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1 hour ago, Lightchao42 said:

Pictured: IS rushing to preserve the canon when they see a lord who still has a living parent


"The timelines, the canon, it's rupturing".

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

"They're trying to surround me... They have the numbers, but I have a horse."

Proceeds to ride to a dead end, stand perfectly still and potentially get kidnapped and turned into a sex slave

Thanks a lot, Kaga.

Kaga when


25 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Gandalf dies

Deadass, I never knew he died. Like I knew he fell into the pit and battles the Barlog but like I didn't know he actually died for real.

26 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

A typical problem I have with many FE protagonists is just that they remain quite stagnant, for all the shortfalls they may experience it doesn't have much of a mental effect on them and they end up less interesting to me as a result

I think this is a tell, not show problem tbh.

27 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

The idea of the British Empire is definitely sometimes romanticized as this proud nostalgic time in history even if y'know... was pretty evil in real history.

I think that's generally every era tbh. Look at how much the Three Kingdoms era gets romanticized.

Hell, doesn't even have to be nations. Look at actual pirates during the age of exploration and then look at Pirates of the Caribbean.

6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Mpreg Ike?

No that can't be, that's not biological. Biology is very important in my escapist fantasy, you see.

I'm suddenly reminded of the Doctor Who episode that had mpreg. A species of human look-alikes where both genders give birth, the gender determined by who is giving the birth. If the man gives birth, it's a boy. If a woman gives birth, it's a girl. Do not ask how this makes sense even by sci-fi biology standards.

Completely unrelated but the episode sucked ass.

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9 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

I mean, his mother is alive too. Even managed to get married to a better husband.

In many ways, Holmes is an exceptional protagonist. I mean, how many protagonists can say they got laid out in a single punch by the old guy who can't fight?

5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I'm suddenly reminded of the Doctor Who episode that had mpreg. A species of human look-alikes where both genders give birth, the gender determined by who is giving the birth. If the man gives birth, it's a boy. If a woman gives birth, it's a girl. Do not ask how this makes sense even by sci-fi biology standards.

Completely unrelated but the episode sucked ass.

Well. Interesting. Dr. Who goes places.

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7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well. Interesting. Dr. Who goes places.

The latest episode had the TARDIS appear while playing Wild Blue Yonder. A British police box materialized out of thin air playing the anthem of the US Air Force.

It makes thematic sense contextually but I think it's also just pretty funny it did that.

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Came up for a quick breather from RF5 and went back to Surviving Mars for the past two days. Picked SpaceY as my sponsor (yes it's a parody of his corp) and luckily rolled the breakthrough technology that enables the creation of Biorobots. Proceeded to make a colony of several hundred androids with basically zero humans, which seems like something *cough* would consider doing IRL. Not as fun as I thought it'd be, going 100% on Biorobots makes population growth too slow. Still, I wanted to see how that'd go, so I got it out of me.


4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

There he is. The man, the myth, the legend.



(Roald) Amundsen. Famed late 19th-early 20th century explorer of the Arctic and Antarctic. First to get through the treacherous Northwest Passage (the northern coast of Canada and Alaska, Russia bookending the western side, Greenland the east), first to reach the South Pole.


1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:

Personally I think it's just a lack of imagination because in a world with blood pacts I have no trouble believing that Ike and Soren could have a beautiful love child together.

I haven't gotten to it yet, but I recall hearing RF5 if you s/s wed a trip to some magical tree of life in a distant land happens for the child.

For fantasy s/s child-creation, I've personally imagined something like this landscape instead.😅:


Shrink the terraced pools in half, or even down to an eighth in size but not depth. For men, add body fluids to pool, let the gametes magically merge (successful merger rate is really low, will not accidentally produce a few hundred offspring), wait as the child matures surrounded in a pseudo-fish egg membrane/nutrient sack thingy in said magical water. For women, dip lower halves in, briefly if looking for an external maturation, prolonged if wanting to carry the child in oneself.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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Ahh, here we go. The glorious beginnings of Haldyn jobbing horribly through the series. To think his introduction makes him appear as absurdly edgy and spoOoOoOoky as possible. Then he gets flattened by us, barely recovers and immediately runs headlong at this jerk and gets flattened again. What a lovable goofball who should've died a thousand deaths throughout the series.


Also I had completely forgotten this part of the exchange. Who the fuck is Lucius? She later namedrops some guy named Philip, too. Neither of these figures are seen in either of the currently available games. Just Kaga Things, I guess. I wonder if he has a few spreadsheets with data in them or if he just somehow keeps up with all his lore.

...I don't know why the screenshots are doing weird things. I took a million screenshots in VS2 when playtesting and it didn't do this shit. Just another reason VS2 is superior, I guess.

44 minutes ago, Armagon said:

The latest episode had the TARDIS appear while playing Wild Blue Yonder. A British police box materialized out of thin air playing the anthem of the US Air Force.

It makes thematic sense contextually but I think it's also just pretty funny it did that.

American Doctor.

Just now, Interdimensional Observer said:


(Roald) Amundsen. Famed late 19th-early 20th century explorer of the Arctic and Antarctic. First to get through the treacherous Northwest Passage (the northern coast of Canada and Alaska, Russia bookending the western side, Greenland the east), first to reach the South Pole.

And now he's some guy in a beach. But at least this time Kaga didn't name his goon after a nazi.

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Anyone knows if Wargroove 2 is any good? Holiday shopping starts tomorrow and  I'm just endlessly scrolling through the list of games on GameStop and Amazon.


Idk, I kind of hate most JRPGs in this day and age, and my family is calling me weird for saying stuff like that.

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34 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


(Roald) Amundsen

Idk why I think this guy looked like the Vulture.

31 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

American Doctor.

It's funny because The Master actually was played by an American once. The 1995 movie took place in Los Angeles (this is the movie where The Doctor lands in LA and is immediately shot) and The Master possessed the body of this guy named Bruce, played by Eric Roberts.


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39 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Also I had completely forgotten this part of the exchange. Who the fuck is Lucius? She later namedrops some guy named Philip, too. Neither of these figures are seen in either of the currently available games. Just Kaga Things, I guess. I wonder if he has a few spreadsheets with data in them or if he just somehow keeps up with all his lore.

...I don't know why the screenshots are doing weird things. I took a million screenshots in VS2 when playtesting and it didn't do this shit. Just another reason VS2 is superior, I guess.

Try making screenshots in windowed mode. Seems that if you do it in fullscreen, the Steam screenshot feature will take more from the image then what is meant to be shown on the screen. But it works fine to me in windowed mode.
Just don't switch modes during a battle animation. That always crashes the game for me.

As for Lucius, he is the king of Rivell. And that's about all we know about the place. The two nations in the Northwestern part of Vestaria haven't really played an on-screen role yet. But Rivell has invaded Vesta by the time of the ending of VS2, following the attack of the Netherdrake Qurodor. While Qurodor has been repelled by Eddard, the Rivell forces have not.

Lestia has a bit more going on, being the country Merida is from. So there is quite a bit of exposition about it in the wake of her capture during chapter 16.
This is also where Accorte's dad ended up and helped with a resistance against the Margulite controlled forces. Until he was murdered by his own son. This allowed the moonmaiden Princess Marien he was protecting to get captured and further weakened the seals on the netherdrakes, allowing them to roam free on the overworld by the time of the endgame of VS2.

Edited by BrightBow
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10 minutes ago, Armchair General said:

Anyone knows if Wargroove 2 is any good? Holiday shopping starts tomorrow and  I'm just endlessly scrolling through the list of games on GameStop and Amazon.


Idk, I kind of hate most JRPGs in this day and age, and my family is calling me weird for saying stuff like that.

Wargroove 2 do be good. You can use frogs to pull battleship on land to destroy them instantly.

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Talk about social hierarchy


Me too, sister


You know, I'm starting to think this guy looking like Hitler wasn't entirely a coincidence



I genuinely laughed out loud. I was beyond the point of taking him seriously in the previous game and now it's almost like he's not even of this world or story.

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11 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

You know, I'm starting to think this guy looking like Hitler wasn't entirely a coincidence

I won't be surprised if his soul patch was legally mandated.


12 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:


I genuinely laughed out loud. I was beyond the point of taking him seriously in the previous game and now it's almost like he's not even of this world or story

At this point, I'm genuinely confused on just how useful an armor knight would be on this map.

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Alright, update is on! Time for Another Traveler Octopath Eden... wait...

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Clearly we need a FE where everyone is dead. Then we don't have this problem.

That's just Fell Xenologue with extra steps.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


(Roald) Amundsen. Famed late 19th-early 20th century explorer of the Arctic and Antarctic. First to get through the treacherous Northwest Passage (the northern coast of Canada and Alaska, Russia bookending the western side, Greenland the east), first to reach the South Pole.

¿Quién se acuerda del Capitán Scott?

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I haven't gotten to it yet, but I recall hearing RF5 if you s/s wed a trip to some magical tree of life in a distant land happens for the child.

For fantasy s/s child-creation, I've personally imagined something like this landscape instead.😅:


Shrink the terraced pools in half, or even down to an eighth in size but not depth. For men, add body fluids to pool, let the gametes magically merge (successful merger rate is really low, will not accidentally produce a few hundred offspring), wait as the child matures surrounded in a pseudo-fish egg membrane/nutrient sack thingy in said magical water. For women, dip lower halves in, briefly if looking for an external maturation, prolonged if wanting to carry the child in oneself.

I'd say, I got reminded of this one game I came across where same-sex reproduction was kinda a plot point. Because one(?) of the main antagonistic figures was a hardcore misandryst who wanted to commit gendercide of the Y Chromosome, but knew she first had to solve the reproduction problem first.

8 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:


Talk about social hierarchy

Uncle Ben: "With great power..."

8 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:


You know, I'm starting to think this guy looking like Hitler wasn't entirely a coincidence

The head/supervisor of the Daein Occupation? Yeah, totally.

8 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:



I genuinely laughed out loud. I was beyond the point of taking him seriously in the previous game and now it's almost like he's not even of this world or story.

Ya, Shikkoku... Desert.

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Okay, update done. Phew, a few other stuff also got released. They're planning on synching the Global version with the Japanese one quite soon. I think next year soon in fact.

Okay, will do some of that other stuff, play some Clannad, then finally start the Symphony.

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2 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

I genuinely laughed out loud. I was beyond the point of taking him seriously in the previous game and now it's almost like he's not even of this world or story.

Actually, now that I think about -when was the Black Knight invented?🤔 

The BK's primary feat in PoR was the murder of Greil and thus causing Ike to desire revenge against him. -In Beta Tellius, Greil was already dead years before the start. Presumably not slain on a battlefield, but arms-tied executed, for which they wouldn't have needed the Black Knight. Was he a later addition when the story around Ike's parents got changed?

Stemming from the above, even more impossible to answer question- did Zelgius exist before the Black Knight? The Begnion Central Army existed in Beta Tellius, so, did IS already have a leader for it conceived of? If so, did this leader have any association with Beta Duke Persis?

...Excuse me while I start compiling all my thoughts on Beta Tellius.😅


2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I'd say, I got reminded of this one game I came across where same-sex reproduction was kinda a plot point. Because one(?) of the main antagonistic figures was a hardcore misandryst who wanted to commit gendercide of the Y Chromosome, but knew she first had to solve the reproduction problem first.

That's a plot idea. -I'm not criticizing it though.😀

I suppose worse comes to worse, just throw all the men in a prison and attach milkers to them when the time comes to make more women.

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1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

That's a plot idea. -I'm not criticizing it though.😀

I suppose worse comes to worse, just throw all the men in a prison and attach milkers to them when the time comes to make more women.

Well, from what I remember, there was indeed a way. A magic spell or so that allowed to transplant a woman's egg cell into another woman... and have it merge with one of her egg cells. After that it's just the regular pregnancy process. Since women only have X chromosomes, any resulting kids from the unions would be female only. And thus, you eliminate the males from the reproduction process entirely. The game did had a bad ending where you... I don't remember what you had to do exactly. Either failed to get the spell from its location during your visit there, or avoid going there entirely, but point is that woman gets her hands on the spell first then and can finally enact her plan.

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Ahaha, I so missed the Tomoya-Sunohara banter...

Then again, Akio is kinda the Sunohara of After Story, as it were.


Aw, finally reached the part where Tomoya and Nagisa are now married.


I'm still dreading it...

Need a distraction, need a distraction... oh lol, the VN has the father-son gag happening a second time. XD

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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