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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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20 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I kept telling you it's an emulator thing and you didn't believe me xD

I can only admit when I'm wrong. Of course, my initial issue was that I'd have to choose between the convenience and mods of emu and not dying of old age waiting for the game to load.

...I may have underestimated how well I can get Ryujinx to work with some sacrifices, though. Will have to see about it when I go back home.

20 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Now you can do it

Not yet, I never did beat the run. Got three chapters left. And then I'm free to pump the game full of mods, DLC and whatever else without fear of anything. Who knows, maybe Engage will climb back up to first place lol

If I can get Ryujinx to run reasonably, perhaps I'll see if I can knock those three chapters as I play Vestaria. Finally get the Vandad video done. Better late than never.

20 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Or you can just play whoever you want and have fun?

If only. Would've been for the best. But my stupid pride won't let me. I need to know I have nothing to prove before I can start actually having fun. Goddamned human nature.

26 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

yeah, that i read. Ryujinx is generally seen more favorably, people also like it's team more or something

Yuzu is faster but good lord I really should've been more thorough in my checks. It was not worth it.

27 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

You'd make me use old men

Hah! Too true. Old People Squad would be an assurance.

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There's also that mod now that skips all the useless parts of the arena and makes it what it should've been - a menu to get skills.

Modding in general has advanced so much in this time. Perhaps sitting on this game for a few months was for the best. Only issue is the same one I've always had - Ryujinx's performance.

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26 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

Hey, its my argument about CS gameplay that put everyone in a tissy! Lmao

Obviously I agree with this. 


I really dislike the "don't use mechanic/gimp yourself" argument because it leads to sacrificing a part of the game you (might) enjoy.

I can understand when it comes to DLC, especially in the last Decade when every game's (not just FE) DLC is just "yh go break it", or mechanics the devs clearly communicated it's as "crutch for beginners" or w/e, but not base game mechanics

15 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

my initial issue was that I'd have to choose between the convenience and mods of emu


Especially mods i want so i can use DLC stuff without going through FX again

15 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

But my stupid pride won't let me


15 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Finally get the Vandad video done.

someone gave me this Vandad for the PMU

8- Vander. Class: Sage, Emblem: Miccy, Skills: Starsphere, DP+, PRF: Excalibur/? Engrave

3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

nly issue is the same one I've always had - Ryujinx's performance.



Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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13 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


I really dislike the "don't use mechanic/gimp yourself" argument because it leads to sacrificing a part of the game you (might) enjoy.

I can understand when it comes to DLC, especially in the last Decade when every game's (not just FE) DLC is just "yh go break it", or mechanics the devs clearly communicated it's as "crutch for beginners" or w/e, but not base game mechanics

I agree, and even if what you are saying isn't true from an enjoyment PoV, thinking about using the same option ALL of the time just sounds... ungodly boring. 

Now when things get broken because of bugs, it's difficult to place how those should be viewed/handled. It isn't really the fault of the player that the dev didn't do their job right, though. XD

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Like, most CS players know that this:


Delay+3 seems like little at base but when setup together with:


The Delay+40, now anytime this craft is used, the game checks and tries to activate "Delay+40" both times rather than doing the math seperately. This really breaks the game to hell, but it isn't really the players fault.

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31 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Especially mods i want so i can use DLC stuff without going through FX again

I want the DLC mods, the battle outfits mod, the mod that makes your equipped outfit show up in supports, the one that skips all the arena fluff, RR perhaps...

We shall see. It's all too premature. First I should see how Ryujinx works on my less powerful laptop. How many sacrifices it'd take, because I'm NOT going back to Yuzu. 77 fucking hours recorded on file from the loading...

33 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

someone gave me this Vandad for the PMU

8- Vander. Class: Sage, Emblem: Miccy, Skills: Starsphere, DP+, PRF: Excalibur/? Engrave

Honestly, they weren't too cruel, as far as Vandad goes. Could've made you use Knight Vandad lol

33 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Hey, thanks. Here's hoping Engage comes back with a vengeance and reclaims the throne. Honestly, might. The horrible loading was a big part of what hurt the game for me, and after this revelation...

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In just about three hours, The Doctor will legally be allowed to say the N-word.

7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Again, I write that as someone who almost never watches movies. My holistic appreciative faculties for film are underdeveloped as a non-gamer would possibly say my appreciative faculties for gaming are overdeveloped.😅 Outside of the big moments -IMO (and my opinion should not be taken seriously on this matter)- movies are largely quiet or a few ambient notes. Whereas with video games, even if you don't notice the music, there is pretty much always a full composition in even the most mundane of scenes.

Thing with movies and TV is that the soundtrack is generally not supposed to like, stick with you. Sure, there's exceptions, there are some bangers, it's not like every movie or tv show out there has what is just elevator music. But 9 times out of 10, the song in a movie is not sticking with you. Maybe like a 20 second segment.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Lol these are Kaga's exact thoughts  when he made the games. Verbatim, pretty much. Congratulations, you really are a Kaga fan at heart.

Of course Kaga takes it a step further and just doesn't play test his games, or rather, just ironmans the whole way through to test it. So you get funny moments like Vestaria Saga Ch.13 or TearRing's "if Attrom dies, you lose half your healers cause fuck you".

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well... There's Advance Wars.


And Xcom.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

And then I'm free to pump the game full of mods, DLC and whatever else without fear of anything.

Better yet, make your own mod. It's Unity. Remake one of your mods through Engage. I know there's people making custom characters and supports without having to replace something.

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2 hours ago, Lightcosmo said:

Like, most CS players know that this:


Delay+3 seems like little at base but when setup together with:


The Delay+40, now anytime this craft is used, the game checks and tries to activate "Delay+40" both times rather than doing the math seperately. This really breaks the game to hell, but it isn't really the players fault.

is it a bug tho or intended? It stayed there for multiple games, so i am not sure if it's a bug.

6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

etter yet, make your own mod. I

I wanna try making one tbh.

Maybe, dunno.


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Okay, what to do first. Some more Clannad... always ready to go through the emotional wringer, maybe first do more of the Octo collab in AE... Xeno time is definitely for a little later.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Of course Kaga takes it a step further and just doesn't play test his games, or rather, just ironmans the whole way through to test it. So you get funny moments like Vestaria Saga Ch.13 or TearRing's "if Attrom dies, you lose half your healers cause fuck you".

Kaga is a mad genius. Sometimes mad, sometimes genius.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Better yet, make your own mod. It's Unity. Remake one of your mods through Engage. I know there's people making custom characters and supports without having to replace something.

A bossman mod for Engage would be incredibly pathetic. There's so little bossman material in that game. I'd have to deeprealm half the cast lol

Still, something to think about, I suppose.

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4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Holy fucking shit.

What a fool I have been. What an absolute fool I've been.

I just did a quick Engage test on Ryujinx instead of Yuzu. Just on a whim. Ryujinx is slower, which is the reason I used Yuzu in my previous run, so I compromised and lowered a bunch of graphical settings.

...The loading times. They're SO MUCH BETTER. It's insane. Somniel loads in 10 seconds. It truly never was the game's fault. It was all fucking Yuzu. Yuzu ruined the game for me on my second run.

(Well it was that and my pride. "Waah I wanna beat the game on maddening without DLC for bragging rights waah")

I'm actually so upset right now. After all the championing I did against the loading times. Wow.

If any of you intend on emulating Engage (@Shrimpy -Limited Edition-), learn from my example - do NOT use Yuzu. Holy shit I had heard tales of how bad Yuzu was but I can't believe just how horrible it really is.


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19 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

doesn't one already exist

Yeah but not in the style of my bossman mode, it just gives you the units to play around.

18 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:



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2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Better yet, make your own mod. It's Unity. Remake one of your mods through Engage. I know there's people making custom characters and supports without having to replace something.


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5 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Difficulty options

But in that case it doesn't allow enjoyment for those who want a challenge while using everything.  Why is that not a valid option to play as well?

I never said it wasn't. Believe me when I say I'm not trying to start some basic internet discourse with you where "I'm right and your wrong"

Your way is just as valid, but it is not the only way.

Difficultly options are a good way to go about it but only if the Devs can balance it correctly. I personally think Fates did an amazing job at separating the games, by having Conquest be the traditional hard one and Birthright and Rev being the sandbox fuck around and find out one.

5 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I can say the same thing but replace easy with hard.

I did.

"And just in case it needs to be said, I don't think Conquest is a bad game at all but compared to other Fire Emblem games it's just not my thing. I don't disagree with it's gameplay philosophy, I just disagree that said philosophy is the end all be all of Fire Emblem."

I'm not here arguing that games like Conquest should never be made. In fact, they should always be around since many people love that kind of game philosophy. Even if I find it more tiring than difficult that doesn't mean it should be ignored going forward in the series and only my way should be the focus.

5 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

If the story focus comes at the expanse of gameplay, then it's hard to argue for favour of stories 

No matter how good a story is, if the gameplay is boring the story can't save it. Many games with supposed good stories i dropped or put on hold thanks to *yawn* gameplay  

If you have a view on gameplay as this singular isolated thing than sure, but for many it's not so simple. For thousands of Fire Emblem fans, using units you like or because you want to hear their story is the gameplay, that is why the game is fun. They aren't any more wrong for enjoying that in the games just as you aren't any more wrong for preferring gameplay at the purely technical level.

5 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Hard disagree. If anything, the way FE stories are structured (not to mention how mediocre/bad all of them are), makes the gameplay pay for it 90% of the time. Map challenges are much better at creating atmosphere and narrative then whatever is written. 

Let's take a look at 2 games on the opposite end of the spectrum:

Echoes - the game at the beginning keeps praising whatever Alm did, however gameplay wise he didn't do anything praiseworthy thanks to the gameplay being a snoozefest. If anything, the gameplay and narrative work against each other, weakening both of them. 

Engage - early as ch. 4, the game makes you hurry up and tries to throw twists at you, creating an exciting early game challenge that actually makes you feel like you are fighting for something while learning the game at the same time. The challenge creates the atmosphere and narrative, and not whatever the story wanted to tell. 

I can even point out a few other examples: 

FE4 - A game whose gameplay suffers massively for the sake of narrative and gameplay story integration. And at the end the story is nothing to write home about after the midgame twist anyway. 

Fates - lates take a look at the hoshido invasion chapters. The writing is trash, the reason for invading should make whoever wrote this get fired - yet, thanks to the difficulty and the challenge, the atmosphere created makes it really feel like the player controlled army is invading a country that's giving it's all to defend itself.  Trash story, but the challenge itself creates something amazing. 

Challenges, gamplay, fun, atmosphere and difficulty should make the "stories" in games, and not supbar writing at the cost of gameplay. 

And the same applies outside FE as well and i could even point even out a few examples.

Mhm, that's example of story integration. Using atmosphere of the maps. Did you think by "story" I meant only the cutscenes that happen in between maps?

The story comes in many forms. The following of the plot, the atmosphere of the game, the music, the personal narratives you create, the crazy challenge runs that make you go through the five stages of grief. All of those are examples of little narratives.

And as I've said, gameplay only suffers if you have this specific view of what gameplay should be, and that view is fine. Conquest and Engage are great modern games that fit your preferred type of gameplay style so it's clear that kind of approach isn't being left behind. But it is again only one kind of preference, and in a series as massive as this I expect them to go back and fourth on the spectrum going forward, which is great.




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3 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

and in a series as massive as this I expect them to go back and fourth on the spectrum going forward, which is great.

It's one of the things i really love about FE, that they keep changing.

And i don't want every FE to be CQ or Engage either - I just want the gameplay to be in the same quality and to take priority, and not to sacrifice it for stories that always turn out to be mediocre at best.

Funny enough, i think RD came the closest to a balance, but so many big red signs bring it all down again. Still one of my fav. FE

7 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

the atmosphere of the game, the music, the personal narratives you create, the crazy challenge runs that make you go through the five stages of grief. All of those are examples of little narratives.

but that's all part of the gameplay experience - you can have all that with 0 story writing - hence why it isn't "Story"

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2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

is it a bug tho or intended? It stayed there for multiple games, so i am not sure if it's a bug.

This IS Falcom, I doubt they had the means to fix it. Xd

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Recently the Russian supreme court has gone on another wave of criminalizing gay people within the country. The specifics of this ruling are...well unspecific and secretive which considering previous times this has happened, is very intentional. By declaring the LGBTQ community an "extremist organization" gay people, by virtue of existing, will face jailtime of up to 12 years.

A petition started by a queer non-profit organization in Germany is urging the German government to allow ease of asylum for gay people fleeing the country, particularly trans people as the Russian supreme court has put focus on them this time, some blaming them for the why they are losing the war in Ukraine.



Here's the petition as well as English instructions on how to navigate it. I believe anyone regardless of nationality can sign it. It has 9K signatures and requires 50K within the next 9 days to be considered by the government.

14 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

It's one of the things i really love about FE, that they keep changing.

And i don't want every FE to be CQ or Engage either - I just want the gameplay to be in the same quality and to take priority, and not to sacrifice it for stories that always turn out to be mediocre at best.

Funny enough, i think RD came the closest to a balance, but so many big red signs bring it all down again. Still one of my fav. FE

Personally I think story and gameplay should kiss sloppy.




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59 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Difficultly options are a good way to go about it but only if the Devs can balance it correctly

Yeah, the odds of this happening? Pretty much as low as possible. Lmao

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9 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Here's the petition as well as English instructions on how to navigate it. I believe anyone regardless of nationality can sign it. It has 9K signatures and requires 50K within the next 9 days to be considered by the government.

That's just inhumane. I'll check it out when I get home.

10 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Personally I think story and gameplay should kiss sloppy.


Oh yeah, I saw this one. It was very wholesome.

...That spike is pointed straight towards Edie's neck though.

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12 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Recently the Russian supreme court has gone on another wave of criminalizing gay people within the country. The specifics of this ruling are...well unspecific and secretive which considering previous times this has happened, is very intentional. By declaring the LGBTQ community an "extremist organization" gay people, by virtue of existing, will face jailtime of up to 12 years.

A petition started by a queer non-profit organization in Germany is urging the German government to allow ease of asylum for gay people fleeing the country, particularly trans people as the Russian supreme court has put focus on them this time, some blaming them for the why they are losing the war in Ukraine.



Here's the petition as well as English instructions on how to navigate it. I believe anyone regardless of nationality can sign it. It has 9K signatures and requires 50K within the next 9 days to be considered by the government.

1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's just inhumane. I'll check it out when I get home.

I'm not surprised. It's the typical "must solve the population drop" issue those kind of countries suffer. Between the soldiers dying and countless others fleeing, Russia has in its hands a population crisis. They still haven't recovered fully from WWII either. That's why they kidnapped thousands of Ukranian children. Arresting the LGBTQ people is just the next step. Specially since, by their already existing laws, they can send them to the front-lines to get killed once they're officially convicts.

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As I suspected, the Somniel chugs horribly on my less powerful computer. Selecting units on the map also slows the game down, though not as much. There's stuttering in a few places too.

This is hardly ideal but it's probably as good as it's going to get. Honestly, I'll take it. Engage is my personal GOTY, anything to be able to play it semi-comfortably again. 30 second loading times is not comfortable.

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This is such a funny image. First, Gyskhal says Zade is "struggling" even though he's pushed so far into the frontlines that nearly his entire army is offscreen. Then Aynellia says it's Cyltan he's worried about, even though Cyltan is sitting on a tree right next to the starting point and never entered combat at any point.

...That is, until a bunch of reinforcements spawned and half of them headed towards Cyltan. I was worried, but then I sent Aynellia to reinforce him and the enemies went after her because of her lower defenses. Then proceeded to die horribly because holy shit I forgot how epic Aynellia was

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