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4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I just sort of sent Accorte, Cezar and a grievously injured, underleveled, unpromoted Troy through the grave. Then I got Slayne killed by a thief and decided to call it a night.

Unpromoted Troy in endgame? What madness is this?

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Ah, yes, I remember. I also started playing Omori the first time around this part of the year (well, weeks/months earlier). When it's already dark after work so it makes for a great atmosphere!

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I  think a lot of the Thracia defenders covered a lot of what I would point out, but there was one of two extra things to add


10 hours ago, Armagon said:



Not only is it rather unlikely to even be in this situation, but even then it still wouldn't necessarily be a softlock. Thrones and Gates like that seize point restore a units status condition, so getting Leif onto the seize point via rescue and drop would wake him up and let him seize.


10 hours ago, Armagon said:

Went into 24x and you're all out of Rescue staffs and a unit got sent to the void dimension? They're effectively dead, reset.

Or you could use a rewarp and a warp staff to save them, both of which are available to be stolen/captured from that very map...


9 hours ago, Armagon said:

Yeah, there's Finn but you'll be spending a longer time than usual that first map if he's the only one who can reliably capture.

And I find this complaint very similar to if someone complained that the arena wastes so much time if you grind for money. It is a common trap that people can fall into of trying to capture way too much gear.


9 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Here's the thing: If you are playing for the first time and not using an extensive guide, you don't know what's coming. And unless you trust the dev (which in the case of Kaga....lol), you will just want to have and hoard everything shiny you see

Funny, as Kaga games are the ones I feel you really, really shouldn't hoard in. When that mad lad gives you some  powerful shit, he intends you to use them.


9 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Honestly tho, the worst thing in Thracia ain't anything we talking about there. It's those damn X chapters.

They either boring, bad, terrible or all of those. Every time i try to replay Thracia i just doze off at 2x and don't pick the run up again lmao

I almost commented on how the silly complaints tend to drown out far more valid critiques, and this is definitely one of them. Given the kind of things you get in the x chapters they really shouldn't be optional like that. Way too many of your healers, magic units, thieves, and crusader scrolls are tied to those x chapters, they are a vast majority of the Fog of War maps...


8 hours ago, GuardianSing said:



Pretty sure when I started this it was 5 PM in the afternoon

...I finished it at 1 in the morning.

Damn, that must have been an intense gaming session.


8 hours ago, GuardianSing said:



"Few spellcaster can master these powerful dark spells, also here are the test answers for learning how to master these powerful dark spells."

Also am I going insane, because I swear to god I checked every unit and not a single one can even use dark magic.

Only Pelleas and Lehran are able to use dark magic, and both can only be recruited on a second playthrough.


8 hours ago, GuardianSing said:


Okay I went into the tower forgetting that I only had 15 out of 16 units so I reloaded the save and grabbed Nailah in which case I had to bring Rafiel as well. She needs something to play with in the long road ahead.

Bringing along some (or at least one) of the Royal Laguz like Nailah is always a good idea, as they are real combat beasts, and you need a few of those for things like Dheginsea


8 hours ago, GuardianSing said:



That was a lot more romantic than I expected from these two.


8 hours ago, GuardianSing said:



Welp, everyone pack your bags. Guy is using light magic, he's clearly on the right side of history.

Lol, letting this monster wield a light tome really gives away the lie about light magic being for the "good" guys.


8 hours ago, GuardianSing said:


I'm sure there's some insightful conversation to be had between this guy and Rafiel.

...Shame he died before Rafiel could reach 'em.



Rafiel vs Hetzel

Hetzel: Rafiel… Rafiel, I’m sorry.
Rafiel: …
Hetzel: I did a horrible thing. I have lived in the shadow of my regret for many years now. Please tell me that you can find it in yourself to forgive me! Please…
Rafiel: I…
Hetzel: Rafiel… I was kind to you, was I not? I didn’t treat you like a slave! I always watched over you so kindly. Be kind in return and forgive me, Rafiel.
Rafiel: …I’m sorry, I… I don’t have anything to say to you.
Hetzel: No! Rafiel…


8 hours ago, GuardianSing said:


The true enemy to racism is lesbians

Lol, you brought Heather into the tower. You really had fun with this team.


8 hours ago, GuardianSing said:


Oh fuck you.

That really was the worst, and most hamfisted retcon of Path of Radiance in this game.


8 hours ago, GuardianSing said:



Okay I see why Nihil is a useful skill now.


A battle won from pure skill

...And Ike's collection of Elixer's.

You made things so much harder on yourself by being aggressive. The tower is really stupid, in that the differently patterned tiles are actually different terrain, and the two tiles Ike and the BK start on are some nonsense tiles that give +10 defense for unknown reasons, so if you had waited for him to come to you, instead of going to attack him yourself it would have been far easier...


8 hours ago, GuardianSing said:



So just in case Ike didn't have enough cool weapons all for himself.

It is just a normal SS sword. I let Mist use it on my all SS rank weapons in the tower run because it was funny.


8 hours ago, GuardianSing said:



I forgot that Micaiah ages differently because of the-

This makes it slightly weirder, I retract all my previous jokes.

Yeah, IS really went out of their way to make a sweet romance like this a little creepy with that addition.


8 hours ago, GuardianSing said:



"Dueling at Dawn" huh? Is that what they call it here?

Oh wow, Mia is a lot more receptive to Heather's charms than I remember Nephene being on my first RD run...god I feel old, I was so young back then, and Radiant Dawn brand new...


8 hours ago, GuardianSing said:


Still hot though


Time for me to drop the uncensored funny Oliver battle quote


Oliver vs Sephiran

Sephiran: Duke of Tanas, imagine seeing you here!
Oliver: Lord Sephiran, as lovely as always. But has it come to this? Must we fight to the death, and deprive the world of one of our beautiful countenances? Can other lovers of beauty endure such a loss?
Sephiran: I confess that your presence has me bewildered. Could this be part of Yune’s plan? I simply never would have imagined you here. Your presence proves that Tellius is unravelling at the seams. Judgement cannot come soon enough.

I guess I can add a few others that are amusing


Oliver vs Levail

Levail: Duke Tanas! I thought you were executed as a slave trader three years ago.
Oliver: True beauty is immortal. Look at me. Right now, I am flawless. You are not without potential. With education, you could aspire to be me.
Levail: …No, thank you.


Oliver vs Lekain

Lekain: Duke of Tanas… What’s gotten into you? Why are you fighting with these mercenary scum?
Oliver: I am Oliver, champion of beauty! You would harm my precious feathered angels! That makes you my enemy! Unsightly man… Prepare yourself!
Lekain: Have you finally gone stark mad? Who, exactly, do you think you’re blathering at?

Add to that the funniest one from his join chapter


Muarim vs Oliver

Oliver: Sub…sub…sub-human! Tiger! Tiger! Eyes burning bright! In my foyer late at night! Oh, my poetic soul! I’m much too delicate for this!
Muarim: Oh boy…

And that is all before getting to his multiple very specific supports, which can be really gay...for example


Duke Renning, my irresistible hunk of handsome perfection. I mean… you just can’t up and die on me!


8 hours ago, GuardianSing said:



Oh Fiona, I wanted you to be the one to kill her, but your lack of hit chance remained your most terrible flaw till the very end...

I didn't think she would ever make it here. Well done, but alas the game is too busy sucking off Ike to let you have such a cool ending.


8 hours ago, GuardianSing said:



Swear to god, if he gets booted from the records because of this...

...Big Oofs, another fallen Heron, and right at the very end.


8 hours ago, GuardianSing said:



Okay after killing Ashera over an over again I apparently had to do with Ike, which I swear I already did and thought that wasn't the solution but whatever.

The fact that it has to be Ike is very stupid, and pointless.


8 hours ago, GuardianSing said:



And they were lovers. No ifs or buts.

They hated GuardianSing because ~ told them the truth.


8 hours ago, GuardianSing said:


As for the next Fire Emblem game I'll play? Well, I imagine it'll be quite the...genealogy.

Have fun. I get the funny feeling you will end up liking Thracia's story better, but Genealogy of the Holy War is listed as my fav for a reason.


8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Dune's not even promoted!

Dune is such a hero, rising up from near insignificance, being the best at defeating a deadly nether dragon, and then into the man that can prevent the terrifying reality of Lyttia inheriting a throne.


5 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Apple Ghidorah

The next DLC adds another apple dragon? I love that far more than I should.


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Hmmmmmm I wonder what could've happened in May guys.



My desire to stretch Ryza 3 as long as possible has made it my third most played Switch game of the year lmao.



2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

...Although I do think Alain looks a little too generic for the main character. Needs a story promotion that adds a pop of color, something less blue and steel gray. I was thinking some bright white, maybe with gold accents.

Interestingly, we haven't actually seen if FE-style promotions will be a thing yet. Presumably they will but...

1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Thrones and Gates like that seize point restore a units status condition, so getting Leif onto the seize point via rescue and drop would wake him up and let him seize.

None of these words are in the Bible. 

Like the average joe wouldn't think to do that. Again, stuff you get punished for because you didn't know about it.

1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Funny, as Kaga games are the ones I feel you really, really shouldn't hoard in. When that mad lad gives you some  powerful shit, he intends you to use them.

This suggests putting your trust in Kaga. Even with FE3 and TRS being ok in my books, i still think Kaga's game design card should've been revoked a long time ago. Even his staunchest defenders seem to admit that Kaga doesn't actually know what the hell he's doing.

Edited by Armagon
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5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

None of these words are in the Bible. 

Like the average joe wouldn't think to do that. Again, stuff you get punished for because you didn't know about it.

Wait, are we sure about that? Maybe the manual does say it...

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1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Wait, are we sure about that? Maybe the manual does say it...

feel that "putting a character on the throne reverts statuses" is more of an exploit rather than like a thing that's supposed to happen. Maybe it's in the manual but like who has access to the manual?

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Just now, Armagon said:

feel that "putting a character on the throne reverts statuses" is more of an exploit rather than like a thing that's supposed to happen. Maybe it's in the manual but like who has access to the manual?

The people who buy the game?

Do remember Nintendo PC is... a special case, and not what the developers intended...

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2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Do remember Nintendo PC is... a special case, and not what the developers intended...

Yeah yeah, that's true. If it was in the manual, then there's not really anything i can do about that.

But like i have no way of confirming lmao.

But also, Thracia did come out in 2000. The GameCube was about to come out. By this point in time, it was largely expected that the tutorials were in the game and not outside of it. Manuals just taught you the superficial stuff.

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>Farewell o Zemuria

Oh it's the fucking end, isn't it?

"As “X Day” approaches, a massive orbal rocket is about to be launched from a large military base built in the Kunlun Range. “Can man make it past the planet’s atmosphere?” “What lies at the end of the continent?” “Will mankind be able to uncover the true nature of the ‘world’?”

Oh they're going into space.


Like it's just NASA (she's cute).

"Will the single trail toward the distant heavens ultimately shape the future of Zemuria, or…"

Like it's not even Kuro no Kiseki 3, they straight up changed the title. Are we actually at the end? 

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Okay, this is hilarious...


That text in the box on the bottom right?


In maps where the "leave" is a clear condition, the scenario ends when the main character "LEAF" leaves the map. If you want to let your own units leave, you must let them leave before LEAF. When LEAF leaves the game, the remaining units of your army will be taken prisoner by the enemy from the next chapter onward.

So you ARE warned that Lief must leave last... in the manual.

I bring this up because I remember this was a particular bit a lot of people complained the game didn't warned you about...

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Ok they're probably not ending the series there but it's still wild you wanna call your anniversary title a name that serious.

5 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

So you ARE warned that Lief must leave last... in the manual.

I bring this up because I remember this was a particular bit a lot of people complained the game didn't warned you about...

Ok I will give points for this then. Probably should've still been a point made in-game as well but they at least officially warned you somewhere. 

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So... they gonna start trekking through the trail of stars...?


Hm? Gotta check my own Switch statistics...

Ahahaha, SRW T is not showing up at all. It says I played six games, but only shows five.

Smash Ultimate
Three Houses
Xenoblade 2

SRW T should be the last game, but it's not displayed anywhere. Man, this is so hilariously sad...

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17 minutes ago, Armagon said:


Like the average joe wouldn't think to do that. Again, stuff you get punished for because you didn't know about it.

The average Joe is not even getting into a situation where Lief is actually targetable by a status staff, to the point that it is a common misconception that Lief is immune to them. As was stated earlier Lief is the lowest priority for staff targeting (really its that, like many Fire Emblem games, enemy's staff targeting involves the deployment order, and with how Thracia's deployment order works Lief is always the lowest priority). Plus this is the most natural solution you would stumble upon, as long as you didn't just assume you were softlocked, and had to reset.


22 minutes ago, Armagon said:

This suggests putting your trust in Kaga. Even with FE3 and TRS being ok in my books, i still think Kaga's game design card should've been revoked a long time ago. Even his staunchest defenders seem to admit that Kaga doesn't actually know what the hell he's doing.

Bah, Kaga has a lot of interesting game design principles, and a big one is that the player getting to use something brokenly good is balanced out by the enemy getting to use something brokenly good, and vice versa. Although gameplay-story integration is king is an even more prominent design principle of his.


3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Ok I will give points for this then. Probably should've still been a point made in-game as well but they at least officially warned you somewhere. 

It is in the Japanese, the old translation just failed to get it across. I remember one of the old interviews with the translators of project exile talking about it during an FEE3, pointing out even in the Japanese they were explicit enough to put escape in brackets to emphasize the fact that the characters are explaining actual game mechanics in this talk.


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You know, I think it's more likely someone playing blind would long have tried to inflict a status on the throne/gate holder, then watch them recover.

For its worth, the manual has a Q&A section, and this is brought up. However, it seems the answer only says about status effects not working, not because they get healed. If it's anywhere else on the manual... well, it's too late to keep doing this. Might continue tomorrow if I can... or if it still matters.

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8 hours ago, Armagon said:

The real issue with Support Convos in FE is how character development exists in a vacuum so as long as Unicorn avoids that, it should be fine. H

And the fact that it limits interactions to 1 on 1

Also boring stat bonuses in gameplay - only really fates does something a bit different with some skills, but even there pretty minimal non stat bonuses

5 hours ago, Armagon said:

Like it's not even Kuro no Kiseki 3, they straight up changed the title. Are we actually at the end? 

Inb4 Axe...Kuro seems to have really fucked up atleast (especially 2) and Kondo did say "No good Numbers, No more Trails"

Also Kevin was spotted in one of the pics

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8 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Okay, I've decided. HikkikOmori it is. Let's see if I can finish before the year ends...

Then again, I took the last days of the year off so I will have plenty of time...

Good luck getting those... bad endings.

8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I played the first two Suikos, and from what I've read/seen of the others, they were all pretty easy. Sorry to be a wet blanket, but I'll caution ye now.

...And now I see you bring up the sliders. I think that's the third game I've seen that does this. Hopefully that helps ya.😀

Yeah, I'm aware. Thanks anyway. We shall see how much of a difference the sliders and the settings make.

8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I have two suggestions:

  1. The classic valuable object stolen from an ancient tomb, which later turns out to be cursed.
  2. A crystal or bottle of something which the player isn't exactly certain of what it is. It turns out to be extremely sensitive to sudden shocks, and during a such a disturbance, goes kaboom! Like nitroglycerin.

Good ideas.

8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And only Chrom or Robin can kill Grima.

-The difference is that IS learned, and separated the gameplay final blow, from the narrative final blow.

That moment when Awakening is better than Tellius

8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Cool big spiked shield, and nice axe too.

As always, it'd be cool if her arms looked like they could actually lift those things without shattering to pieces, but hey. Japan be Japan.

7 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

FE should just do it like SRW for at least one game and just remove permadead. Now have fun when each cutscene has like 15 to 20 people in it. lol

I mean, they've basically already done that. In Fates and Awakening you'd have better luck counting the characters that could actually die than the other way around. If they haven't tiched the entire concept altogether and started using more characters in cutscenes, it's because they're lazy.

...I mean, I would hope they only ditch the concept in story. In gameplay, my brief taste of casual mode showed me that, hey, I appreciate the option for those who want it, but for me it just kills the entire game because there's no difficulty anymore. FE is not designed with free sacrifices in mind and it shows, when you can accord losing 10 units there's no reason not to just brute-force every challenge.

7 hours ago, BrightBow said:

Unpromoted Troy in endgame? What madness is this?

C'mon, BrightBow. How long have you known me?

6 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Funny, as Kaga games are the ones I feel you really, really shouldn't hoard in. When that mad lad gives you some  powerful shit, he intends you to use them.

Oh yeah, absolutely. Kaga really doesn't want you to hoard.

...And yet there's still people who'll try lol. There's some doofus in the Steam forums of VS2 going "you can't buy generic heal staves after this chapter, so make sure you load up there!" as if the game doesn't shower you with long-range staves for Karajan and the rest, and buying 10 horrible heal staves will cripple your economy.

6 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Dune is such a hero, rising up from near insignificance, being the best at defeating a deadly nether dragon, and then into the man that can prevent the terrifying reality of Lyttia inheriting a throne.

Dune 🤝 Karajan

Saving the world from Kaga's horrible habits

(we'll talk more about it later when I play VS2)

6 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Just dropping this...


The real reason you use Oliver.

...And Naesala. Let's not forget Naesala has the best song in the game.

6 hours ago, Armagon said:

This suggests putting your trust in Kaga. Even with FE3 and TRS being ok in my books, i still think Kaga's game design card should've been revoked a long time ago. Even his staunchest defenders seem to admit that Kaga doesn't actually know what the hell he's doing.

ngl I think the world of videogames would be a lot more boring without mad bastards like Kaga. I'd rather take the game design card from like, the folks making the same game over and over, adding 1 to the number on the title and calling it a new game.

5 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

So you ARE warned that Lief must leave last... in the manual.

5 hours ago, Armagon said:

Ok I will give points for this then. Probably should've still been a point made in-game as well but they at least officially warned you somewhere. 

Guys, I literally said it yesterday. They inform you about it in the manual and ingame, Leif outright says it in the first escape map. Again, the problem was that we filthy gaijins didn't have the manual and our translation patch for like 20 years was complete shit and mistranslated this key hint.

5 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Bah, Kaga has a lot of interesting game design principles, and a big one is that the player getting to use something brokenly good is balanced out by the enemy getting to use something brokenly good, and vice versa.

It doesn't always work out so well, but when it works, it works. And frankly, I value this kind of risk-taking. A less insane gamemaker could never have made a game like VS2.

5 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Although gameplay-story integration is king is an even more prominent design principle of his.

It also doesn't always work out so well (FE4 forcefields...) but he definitely has a lot of attention to detail. You don't see many other games do shit like enemies going to purchase new weaponry at the nearest armory if their stuff is stolen.

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Tbh, as cool as it sounds, i think having gameplay-story-integration be king is one of my problems with his design philosophy as he usually tends to sacrifice gameplay for it.

It's especially bad in FE4 and VS1, but even his magnum opus, Berwick, has quite a few maps where i go "Nah bro".

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