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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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2 hours ago, Armagon said:


This one popped off

Hey man, here in Florida we're trying to take away workers rights for minors. That's right Johnny, you'll be working 8 hours on a school night.

School was prison IMHO and I couldn’t get the hell up outta there fast enough. Woulda dropped out and went to work full time if I could. At least then I coulda been learnin stuff that actually interests me and can make money with, like welding or something like that

7 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Celebrity culture/worship is one of the worst things humanity ever invented

Ugh... you aint kiddin

Theres this football game comin up that all the drones at work are constantly yammerin about. Somebody actually tried to include me in that conversation. I said “Taylor who”

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1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

yh but it's FE6

it's my least fav. game in the series, so it needs be quite a bit more than FE6 but better

Fair, fair.

1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

That said, i do see your hack receiving a lot of Praise, so Kudos!


16 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

Of course those aren't the same thing. But if someone says they can be a better person, I want to believe in them. If they can't prove themselves to be better, thats something else.

Nothing to do with their reputation.

Fair enough, I suppose. I find it hard to believe when the promise is included in the same post where he lied to make the accuser look bad. And I think people don't take victims of this kind of thing nearly seriously enough, much less on the internet, so I'd first worry about them than the perpetrator's quest for redemption. But I can understand where you're coming from.

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30 minutes ago, Capt. Fargus said:

School was prison IMHO and I couldn’t get the hell up outta there fast enough. Woulda dropped out and went to work full time if I could. At least then I coulda been learnin stuff that actually interests me and can make money with, like welding or something like that

I hated school too but that's not really the point. Removing minor protections from jobs is objectively a bad thing, they were there for a good reason. Now we have had a few stories of kids getting injured or even killed working at factories in states that rolled these protections away. Like what is this the 1890s? These kids can't even vote yet so they have no say in it but the fatass Republican in office wants money (notice how these rollbacks have only happened in red states).

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Episode 37-

  • Opens with the Muge group + Regianne discussing the events following the activation of the Seal of Grados. Deathgaia yet again complains about Shapiro's strategy, which Shap then explains, and Gildorome praises Shapiro's genius. They're abandoning the Earth's surface to attack the shaken Interstellar Alliance on the Moon and in the space colonies. Shapiro clarifies that he let the Seal of Grados be activated, since the Seal uses C.U.B.E. Gadisword was able to provide some general information about it, and Gadisword can keep the supply and communication lines open to the Muge Empire itself. However, Shapiro orders the that the surface withdrawal be given the false appearance of disorder, so as to conceal the reality that they know things and aren't worried about the Seal.
  • Meanwhile, Emperor Gore has discovered a UFO saucer and is flying towards Tokyo, annihilating everything in his way, the heroes now realizing why he had waited to attack, for the Alliance and Union to leave. The heroes hurry towards Japan. Getter, Akimi, and Watta are told to deploy first, since they can resupply once they reach Japan (Kouji can't fly yet, IDK why no Raijin-Oh).
  • Turn 1 gives me just Getter and Texas Mack, which is nice since it was optional, fighting a few Mechasaurus and Galileli around the invincible barrier flying saucer. On turn 2 or 3, Akimi and Watta reach the battlefield. Another turn or two later, Judau appears, along with Elle in the Super Gundam (a little late to be getting the boost for a still-underwhelming machine), Roux in the Zeta (in Waverider form), and Sayla and Sleggar in their G-Fighters (repairbots are good). Weird, but Judau without authorization rushed to help, Roux not happy. Then Puru is randomly watching the fight, Newtype-senses Judau and feels attraction, and like a turn later deploys to help, she admits to being Zeon, but despite the complaints, Judau lets her help and even sets up a "see who can destroy the most Mechasauruses" contest with her.
    • This was very weird, the presumed final battle of SGR v. NGR, and ZZG shenanies are unfolding.
  • The White Base and Gandor still haven't arrived when I smash through Galleli's machine, which surprised me with its second form. Whenever the battleships do (with Kamille scolding Judau), I finish off Galleli, I think, and deal with the modest Mechasaurus reinforcements. The heroes can't find a way to break the barrier, the mad Getter scientist shows up and invents a way to weaken it, Shin Getter-2 and Tryder shatter the barrier.
  • Emperor Gore emerges gigantic atop the UFO. He sits on damage-reducing and 20% HP Regen terrain, atop 50k HP, HP Regen S, Potential 9, with four 30k henchmen, two of which have Support 1 and refuse to leave his side. Uniquely annoying to GC, Gore is LL-sized, meaning S/M-sized units without Sniper, have to break his three 30k HP limbs before they hit his Body. Judau is fine because I just so happened to have given him the lone Sniping skill part, but Roux and Elle are now useless, as is Kouji who I wasted a limited deployment slot (of like 5) on because I thought it thematic.
  • Nonetheless, despite having wasted several units' SP reserves earlier, and forgetting Sasuraigar is M-sized despite its J9-III form being an L and thus wasting 90 EN on a J9 Special to a limb, I managed just barely to one-turn Gore. He revives, Getter Team wrecked by Gore, then consumed by the white darkness of the Getter Rays, but Gou snaps his comrades back into it and using the full power of Getter kill Gore.
    • After the battle I see the true ultimate attack of Getter is unlocked. 5000 Attack 1 Range is fine. -But still, Aphrodite/Diana and Boss Borot aside, Getter has been one of the worst Super Robots in GC gameplay-wise. A bad Super is still much better than a bad Real, Neo Getter Robo until this moment, was inferior to pretty much every other Super, barring Tryder -but only after a certain point.
    • Given the fact that Getter Team was on the verge of death when they defeated Gore, I can see why SRW R demand you finish Gore with Shin Getter below 30% HP to permanently keep the ultimate attacks.
  • The post-battle chatter is short. Getter Team takes in their victory but know other evils are still out there, Ryoma -who really hasn't said much, agrees to go defend the lab and Hayato remains with the heroes. They also mentioned that the Getter Rays were on their side -this time, no guarantee for the future.
    • One thing that still bothers me- why is it called Shin Getter Robo vs. Neo Getter Robo?😕
      • "vs." implies either a rivalry or outright conflict between two things. That didn't happen. Neo Getter Robo can't compare to the real deal, plasma generators are garbage against the much more dangerous Black Hole Engines Getter Rays. So not only was there no contest, if had been NGR would've lost massively as long as long the pilots maintained mastery over the Rays and didn't succumb to them.

The one other bit of post-battle plot was Dr. Hell. The Dinosaur Empire weakened Japan/the heroes, now he'll go all out them for his plans of world domination. -Never mind Emperor Gore attacked using the very same logic and lost badly -to a team of almost entirely un-upgraded units even, I have over 2 million in unspent funds. So, Mazinkaiser finale be next, I think.

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So somehow I got into the habit of pressing the wrong hotkey for screenshots and ended up losing all the images I was going to have things to say on.

But really all that matters is that Noise has been written as an acceptable loss and Agustria unfortunately still has a couple hundred years to go before the nation state eclipses the monarchy in idea so Eldigan remains fiercely loyal to the king but still wants to reason with him but instead was executed by that same king for being too much of a centrist.

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45 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

But really all that matters is that Noise has been written as an acceptable loss

Dawg this is the game where you can save every turn 💀

Well.....Noise doesn't matter but I hope he wasn't paired up with anyone or you ain't getting the child.

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48 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

but still wants to reason with him but instead was executed by that same king for being too much of a centrist.

one of the many facepalms i had through the game

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52 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

So somehow I got into the habit of pressing the wrong hotkey for screenshots and ended up losing all the images I was going to have things to say on.

Oof. I feel ya.


3 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

one of the many facepalms i had through the game

I mean, it is realistic. Monarchs, be it rightfully or the result of paranoia, did sometimes arrest talented generals and bureaucrats serving them. And in Eldigan's case, he even had a certain legitimacy to the throne in his lineage.

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1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I mean, it is realistic.

i have less of a problem with the King doing it and more with Eldigan being a complete moron - then again, i was never fond of that archetype in FE anyway

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20 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

i have less of a problem with the King doing it and more with Eldigan being a complete moron - then again, i was never fond of that archetype in FE anyway

Idr if Eldigan was aware Chagall usurped the throne but he's an extra dumbass if he knew.

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8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Julia then deeper in the ruins hacks into global transmission networks and states the hidden truth of Grados and that use of the Seal of Grados will create a barrier separating the Solar System from the rest of the universe. Anyone who wishes to return home must do so now. This catches even the heroes off guard, she didn't tell them that in advance.

Not as extreme in the original OVA's... I think. It certainly blocked whatever instant passages existed between Grados and Earth, since separating the two until they "matured enough to get along" is the point of the seal.

8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:
  • Meanwhile, some distance away from the battlefield ...was Roanne really doing a "fool my friends to fool my enemies" schtick this entire time? SRW must've invented that.🤨 With Gradosians bewildered by what Julia said and the battleship he's on rigged with explosives, Roanne declares for the Liberation Front. This sends the Gradosian forces into disarray and General Nesia is angry that half the encirclement is collapsing, but tells her soldiers to aggressively push on anyhow. Le Caine in this clusterduck has no choice but to fight on as well.

Nope. He was also a fake traitor in the OVA's.

8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:
  • I defeat Le Caine, ceremonially giving the final blow, as I did with Gosterro, to Eiji via a V-Maximum. Even though he betrayed him, Le Caine tells Roanne he still entrusts him with his ideals and everything. Le Caine also swears that he'll return, even if it sounded like he was totally dying. Given J's "Yurika & Akito sent him back in time on Mars, traveled back to the present with the ancient Martians' help just in time to rush Genesis with his remnant forces", I will not rule out the possibility that Le Caine will indeed, return. General Nesia's defeat dialogue also suggests that she in fact, died. Voider and Kabuto were jealous of her replacing them, not so much now methinks. 

Well, in the OVA's, he returns to Grados with Julia, then the seal activates. He intends to change Grados culture for the better, until the time both planets can meet up again. Do remember what I once told you, in the sequel he does go through some character development. In the original he doesn't, hence why J kills him off, but now that you're seeing the events of the sequel...

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


This was very weird, the presumed final battle of SGR v. NGR, and ZZG shenanies are unfolding.

I think in R it was also wrapping up around this point, relatively speaking. Granted, R has less stages than GC, but I think proportion-wise, it's around the same spot.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


  • One thing that still bothers me- why is it called Shin Getter Robo vs. Neo Getter Robo?😕
    • "vs." implies either a rivalry or outright conflict between two things. That didn't happen. Neo Getter Robo can't compare to the real deal, plasma generators are garbage against the much more dangerous Black Hole Engines Getter Rays. So not only was there no contest, if had been NGR would've lost massively as long as long the pilots maintained mastery over the Rays and didn't succumb to them.


For its worth, the Japanese title uses 対 for the Vs. It seems it can be translated as both to refer opposition but also pairing/complementary. Something like that. So it might not be actually versus as in opposition, but the other meaning. Still... yeah, it's not like both Getters stand side by side or against each other to begin with.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The one other bit of post-battle plot was Dr. Hell. The Dinosaur Empire weakened Japan/the heroes, now he'll go all out them for his plans of world domination. -Never mind Emperor Gore attacked using the very same logic and lost badly -to a team of almost entirely un-upgraded units even, I have over 2 million in unspent funds. So, Mazinkaiser finale be next, I think.

Well, the game did told you you'd be wrapping up the Earth-based plots now, heh.

6 hours ago, Armagon said:

Hey man, here in Florida we're trying to take away workers rights for minors. That's right Johnny, you'll be working 8 hours on a school night.

I got reminded they're also banning dictionaries and encyclopedias.

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4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Fair enough, I suppose. I find it hard to believe when the promise is included in the same post where he lied to make the accuser look bad. And I think people don't take victims of this kind of thing nearly seriously enough, much less on the internet, so I'd first worry about them than the perpetrator's quest for redemption. But I can understand where you're coming from.

Someone doing wrong by someone else isnt okay, I agree. But I feel its also important to believe others can clean themselves up for the better, elsewise we would always be full of doubt and expecting disappointment.

Edited by Lightcosmo
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I gotta give Greg Abbot credit: he's quite possibly the stupidest Republican in the entire country, which, counting the likes of Trump, DeSantis, Ramaswamy, is saying quite a lot.

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21 minutes ago, Armagon said:
I gotta give Greg Abbot credit: he's quite possibly the stupidest Republican in the entire country, which, counting the likes of Trump, DeSantis, Ramaswamy, is saying quite a lot.

I mean, is it really that stupid? They know that right now with the state of things, specially being a Presidential Election year, they know that Biden can't do something without being presented as him being the aggressor, and you know lots of people will buy it. Abbot knows he can kinda get away with it, by presenting Biden as incomptenent the more this goes on without something happening, and if it does... well, time to pull the "victim from eViL bIg GoVeRnEnT, MuH sTaTe RiGhTs" card.

Simply put, it's mostly a bluff, a provocation.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Episode 38-

  • Not much to kick this off narratively, it's pure Mazinkaiser, nothing else in the way.
    • Minus one little moment before anyone has deployed where Bright has an officer take Puru to safety or something, so I can't deploy her here for some reason. (The Qubeley Mk. II begins with three upgrades in everything as an aside.)
  • Dr. Hell's artificial island moves to invade Japan and the heroes are forced to respond. This is unlike J, where the heroes chose to assault Hell Island. The conversation where Baron Ashura begs to become a Mechabeast is relocated to mid-fight.
  • A few turns in, Tetsuya arrives with the Shin Great Mazinger, unlike J where he threw himself in harm's way and Shin Great was found afterwards. Jun found the secret hangar with the Shin Great.
  • When the heroes destroy the gate on the island (50k HP, but it's very weak and harmless), Hell King Gordon shows up. Kouji still shows a lack of mastery over Mazinkaiser while Hell King Gordon viciously attacks, but then hears a voice as he gets falls into some unconscious, the Kaiser Scrander arrives, and Mazinkaiser gets its full power. The ultimate attack this time is Kaiser Blade, not Final Kaiser Blade as in J. And of course, the Million Alpha doesn't show up here since Lori and Loru don't exist in GC.
    • Mazinkaiser now gets a bgm that isn't Fire Wars, decidedly more triumphantly heroic than the "I'm gonna kick your a***s! Final Kaiser Blade!" music of J.
  • When Hell King Gordon is defeated, he revives, but this time it's purely for cinematic where Kouji takes a hit, dodges another, and Kaiser Blades the finishing blow. A few story lines here were voiced. As in J, Dr. Hell tries getting the heroes to work with him after Gordon is destroyed. But this time, Kouji seemingly falls for a trap by Dr. Hell, enters the island on foot, but luckily escape despite worries as Dr. Hell blows himself up. Hell Island itself however doesn't detonate up this time, the post-battle dialogue back on the White Base indicates the Iron Masks have surrendered and all remaining Mechabeasts are being destroyed.
  • Gameplay-wise, compared to J.
    • Hell Island is much smaller, and you have to traverse some open water from the Japanese coast to reach it.
    • The enemy count is lower, even if Mechabeasts are on the bulkier side.
    • Much more freedom of deployable units, since Kouji and Tetsuya are the only characters who are mandatory/reinforce.
    • J's version of Hell Island is looooooooooooooooooong. It's like the end of the mid-midgame, and bejesus it's too much! You've got Gauron (use most of your SP on him), the other, lesser Full Metal Panic guy, plus HP sponge Behemoths. Then it's Rose C'est La Vie of the Moon. And afterwards the random Medusa'ed Diana A, which has to be destroyed twice. And lastly Hell King Gordon, who upon defeat, resurrects at like 35k HP and has to be slain again. 
    • By contrast, all you have to do in GC is slay HKG and his 50k L Regen HP once.
      • However, there is one little problem with this. As I feared might be the case, HKG is LL-sized. Mazinkaiser and Shin Great Mazinger are only M, they can't actually target HKG's Body and have to break those three 30k HP limbs before they can, it greatly diminished their value here.
      • Luckily, I was still veeeeery easily able to one-turn HKG. And, a rather lonesome two-unit version of Final Dynamic Special exists in GC. Shin Getter Robo is L-sized, so I have Gou use FDS for the gameplay kill on HKG. It's the closest, fastest thing I could do.
  • Following the battle, matters on Earth are now resolved. The only enemies left on the surface are some Zeon and Giganos soldiers that got left behind.
    • -But what of Belzeb? Nobody talks about this. Or is Raijin-Oh's bad guy not important enough to get some resolution?
  • The ZZ characters are talking amongst each other and that the Federation is amassing forces at Luna II. Linda is saddened to hear they're going back into space, since she now reveals Meio is her brother and she obviously doesn't want her lover and sibling to fight each other. Then, an alarm goes off.
  • Giganos is using its Mass Driver now, which explains why most of their ground forces evacuated. The scene shifts then from the White Base to A Baoa Qu, where Dorchenov thanks Gihren for his help with supplying the Mass Driver with rocks. Besides hammering the Earth Federation, the Mass Driver is intended to force the Federation to send its forces hastily into space, where having foolishly rushed in, the Zeon-Giganos forces will destroy them.

To think matters would be proceeding so quickly.

3 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Nope. He was also a fake traitor in the OVA's.

I guess I overestimated SRW's likings for brightening things up/overstated Layzner's grit.😅

I may have also had a bespectacled character in mind from a different sci-fi work. Ends up joining the evil empire, though I wouldn't call it a betrayal, since he got separated from the main hero and stuck in the occupied star systems for ten years while the hero wasn't. They do eventually work together again, but the guy never denied/regretted his choice.

3 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Not as extreme in the original OVA's... I think. It certainly blocked whatever instant passages existed between Grados and Earth, since separating the two until they "matured enough to get along" is the point of the seal.

The choice of SRW to extreme the Seal was interesting though. And methinks would pair well with SRW featuring Xenosaga, kinda.

3 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Well, in the OVA's, he returns to Grados with Julia, then the seal activates. He intends to change Grados culture for the better, until the time both planets can meet up again. Do remember what I once told you, in the sequel he does go through some character development.

Sounds like a nice, somber yet hopeful ending.😀

3 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:


For its worth, the Japanese title uses 対 for the Vs. It seems it can be translated as both to refer opposition but also pairing/complementary. Something like that. So it might not be actually versus as in opposition, but the other meaning. Still... yeah, it's not like both Getters stand side by side or against each other to begin with.

Thank you for the clarification. Shame it remains a puzzling choice of a title. Not sure if SGR v. NGR should've even had Shin Getter in it then. Why didn't they ditch old Red Goblin Bat and focus on making Neo Getter cool? Move entirely past the aging Getter Team including its machines and focus solely on new ones? Or set up a sort of rivalry thing(?) like in Armageddon?  -Just pondering in print, not looking for an actual answer. 


...Storm is good. Not sure how to describe it in terms of what genre/style it is. But the "Get-TAH!" interjections deserve to be reacted to with a sharp right-left swaying of the hips.😄

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23 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


  • Mazinkaiser now gets a bgm that isn't Fire Wars, decidedly more triumphantly heroic than the "I'm gonna kick your a***s! Final Kaiser Blade!" music of J.

Oh, GC doesn't go for Mazin Kenzan? Interesting. 

23 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:
  • Gameplay-wise, compared to J.
    • Hell Island is much smaller, and you have to traverse some open water from the Japanese coast to reach it.
    • The enemy count is lower, even if Mechabeasts are on the bulkier side.
    • Much more freedom of deployable units, since Kouji and Tetsuya are the only characters who are mandatory/reinforce.
    • J's version of Hell Island is looooooooooooooooooong. It's like the end of the mid-midgame, and bejesus it's too much! You've got Gauron (use most of your SP on him), the other, lesser Full Metal Panic guy, plus HP sponge Behemoths. Then it's Rose C'est La Vie of the Moon. And afterwards the random Medusa'ed Diana A, which has to be destroyed twice. And lastly Hell King Gordon, who upon defeat, resurrects at like 35k HP and has to be slain again. 
    • By contrast, all you have to do in GC is slay HKG and his 50k L Regen HP once.
      • However, there is one little problem with this. As I feared might be the case, HKG is LL-sized. Mazinkaiser and Shin Great Mazinger are only M, they can't actually target HKG's Body and have to break those three 30k HP limbs before they can, it greatly diminished their value here.
      • Luckily, I was still veeeeery easily able to one-turn HKG. And, a rather lonesome two-unit version of Final Dynamic Special exists in GC. Shin Getter Robo is L-sized, so I have Gou use FDS for the gameplay kill on HKG. It's the closest, fastest thing I could do.

I suppose it's the difference from J using it for two other series to play roles in the battle (and in J I think it was also the FMP finale? I don't remember if you fought Gauron again after that), while GC just lets is be on its own.

As a side note, I still can't get over the fact DD had a stage with playable Hell King Gordon.

23 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:
  • Linda is saddened to hear they're going back into space, since she now reveals Meio is her brother and she obviously doesn't want her lover and sibling to fight each other.

It just hits me. Shame A didn't had Linda and Erika talk about how similar their situations were there. Though I guess since Erika leaves the heroes' side and pretty much doesn't rejoin (she stays behind in Small Balm, wasn't it?), so she and Linda didn't had much chances to talk.

Actually... Aina was also in the same boat, though I guess Shiro and Guinneas hostility isn't as personal as it is for Ken-Meio and Kazuya-Richter.

23 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:
  • The scene shifts then from the White Base to A Baoa Qu, where Dorchenov thanks Gihren for his help with supplying the Mass Driver with rocks.

TotallyNotChar: Where can you get an Axis-sized one? Asking for a friend...

23 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I guess I overestimated SRW's likings for brightening things up/overstated Layzner's grit.😅

I may have also had a bespectacled character in mind from a different sci-fi work. Ends up joining the evil empire, though I wouldn't call it a betrayal, since he got separated from the main hero and stuck in the occupied star systems for ten years while the hero wasn't. They do eventually work together again, but the guy never denied/regretted his choice.

I guess it was too important of a plot point for Roanne to do that, so the game had to keep it. It is a fake betrayal to begin with, so it's not like it's that gritty... maybe. If he had betrayed them for real, then maybe, but...

23 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Sounds like a nice, somber yet hopeful ending.😀

Yeah, pretty much.

23 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Thank you for the clarification. Shame it remains a puzzling choice of a title. Not sure if SGR v. NGR should've even had Shin Getter in it then. Why didn't they ditch old Red Goblin Bat and focus on making Neo Getter cool? Move entirely past the aging Getter Team including its machines and focus solely on new ones? Or set up a sort of rivalry thing(?) like in Armageddon?  -Just pondering in print, not looking for an actual answer. 

I suppose. Neo Getter is certainly a very distinct-looking Getter, so having Shin Getter replace it does feel like a waste.

23 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


...Storm is good. Not sure how to describe it in terms of what genre/style it is. But the "Get-TAH!" interjections deserve to be reacted to with a sharp right-left swaying of the hips.😄

Oh, yes. Storm is good.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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5 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Tbh tho, i am more pissed off about 3 stacking instances of damage mitigation  + 1 instance of straight up nullification

How is that any fun??

Fair enough, the fact that they all stack is really stupid.


4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Oh, no.

His model changes based on the armor he wears.

...Welp, guess I'm inevitably foregoing stats when I find something whose look I actually like.

Ah the statistical price of fashion. Well as they say, fashion souls is end game.


4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


In other news, this game doesn't have an ingame quest tracker. By this I mean, you don't get a "GET X FOR Y GUY" thing to remind you of all the recruitments you got going on. So, I'm doing it the old fashioned way and keeping track of stuff with a text file.

(read in old person voice) Back in my day we had to make do with pencil, and paper.


3 hours ago, Armagon said:

"But my loyalty" mfers when I show them that following orders is not a valid defense.

Eh... Judgral shows a bit of a complicated side to the old trope overall. Reinhardt certainly deserves the critique, and he even gets called out for that in game by August (and Dryas's opposing opinion makes for an interesting insight to the differences between their owns clashing systems of morality...but I digress, no reason to start ranting about Thracia's story early). Eldigan is a lot more conflicted with his role, and can be talked down into trying to oppose his king, just not with swords, only with words. Ishtar is a bit more complicated, using her role as villain to save people from within, kind of reminiscent of the Pope's relationship with the Nazi's during WWII, where he was able to save people from the holocaust by playing nice with the monsters. Its also important to note that before we even see Ishtar, the heroes have already killed her brother, and sister-in-law, and before her decision to ride out and face your forces in the end you have also added her father and mother to the kill count, and even Julius opines that she is riding out as a form of assisted suicide. Really I can't judge Ishtar too harshly for refusing to side with people that murdered her family.


5 hours ago, Armagon said:

Idr if Eldigan was aware Chagall usurped the throne but he's an extra dumbass if he knew.

From what I remember Eldigan believed that rumors about Chagall usurping the old king were slanderous lies, which isn't the most unreasonable assumption given the pit of vipers that the Lords of Augustria are.


1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:

So somehow I got into the habit of pressing the wrong hotkey for screenshots and ended up losing all the images I was going to have things to say on.

Oof. As someone that has done a few screen shot LPs, I felt that viscerally. Reminds me of the time I was transferring images from phone to computer for the last linked ironman, and didn't notice there was an error until I already started deleting images from the phone...


1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:


But really all that matters is that Noise has been written as an acceptable loss

Oh wow, a death you are keeping...for now...


1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:

Agustria unfortunately still has a couple hundred years to go before the nation state eclipses the monarchy in idea so Eldigan remains fiercely loyal to the king but still wants to reason with him but instead was executed by that same king for being too much of a centrist.

Lol, Eldgian dies for being a centrist. I guess in a sense its true, as he was stuck between a rock and a hard place, between his love of his friends, and love of his homeland and couldn't decide which side to truly stand with. I am strangely reminded of a commentary on the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, that what kills them is that they are torn between too many obligation, to their feuding families to keep it secret, to the church to marry eachother, and their own love to do so with no other, and like Eldigan they are trapped in this middle until their untimely end.


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8 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

So somehow I got into the habit of pressing the wrong hotkey for screenshots and ended up losing all the images I was going to have things to say on.


8 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

But really all that matters is that Noise has been written as an acceptable loss

Double F

8 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

and Agustria unfortunately still has a couple hundred years to go before the nation state eclipses the monarchy in idea so Eldigan remains fiercely loyal to the king but still wants to reason with him but instead was executed by that same king for being too much of a centrist.

And triple F

Alas, poor Eldigan. Brought down by obligatory archetypes.

7 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


3 Rubens

None of them have a beard. Case closed, try harder Shrimp.

54 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Ah the statistical price of fashion. Well as they say, fashion souls is end game.

Now all I need is fashion, because he looks extra dumb in that outfit.

54 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

read in old person voice) Back in my day we had to make do with pencil, and paper.

Kids these days and their auto saves... Back in my day we lost an hour of progress per death!

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Oh my God-- That wasn't Pooch either?! Where the hell is Pooch then? I've found three cats and none of them were Pooch! That cat's ran from this girl to another continent!

At least I was able to get Aldo the Book of Fairies, which I found under a skull somewhere. Which means I now have Pink Derrick.


There's actually three Derricks in the game, for a full Derrick party. But he's the coolest because he's pink.

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There are balls in this game.

Anyway, I really don't understand why people kept whining online about how they had to follow a walkthrough at all times to know how to recruit people in this game. So far it feels pretty damn intuitive to me, if you just pay attention to the dialogue. I don't imagine I'll be able to recruit everyone, but so far I seem to be keeping a pretty good pace.

The latest recruit said something about how he goes "crazy" whenever he sees someone who is injured. So I kicked him into a fight, let him beat the shit out of me until I was very low on health, then sent him flying and spoke to him again. As expected, my shiny new injuries prompted him to join the squad. As if he hadn't inflicted them himself lol

Only one I'm rather puzzled by so far is this guy who wants me to buy liquor at the dwarf city. But then the owner of the liquor shop there tells me to come back when I'm 21. I can't imagine there's going to be a 4 year timeskip at any point of this game, so... Not quite sure how I'm supposed to go about obtaining that liquor. Perhaps the pub will be willing to give me a bottle? We'll see.

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8 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Oh, GC doesn't go for Mazin Kenzan? Interesting. 

I don't think is it by another name?:

I'm willing to doubt myself juuuuust in case this is a really slow rendition.😆

8 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I suppose it's the difference from J using it for two other series to play roles in the battle (and in J I think it was also the FMP finale? I don't remember if you fought Gauron again after that), while GC just lets is be on its own.

Oh, you did.

Next battle, now held captive inside it, Gauron hijacks the Tuatha De Danaan, and leads it into a pack of ZAFT troops to suicide the sub and everyone on it. Then Teletha tells Chidori via Whispered mind link how to reclaim the ship (and Sousuke infiltrates the ship too IIRC), they do. Gauron gets forced out in the Venom. The Tekkoryu show up with Arm Slaves for grunts, Masaki gives his trash talk of his three clones present -but they retreat on this map (next is the one-chapter split where on one side you do the HPZ final battle). Gauron when defeated turns out to have a big bomb on the Venom, you must retreat within like 3 turns after this. Oh, and Sousuke finally acquires the Lambda Driver mech ability, disliking this incomprehensible power no more.

8 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

As a side note, I still can't get over the fact DD had a stage with playable Hell King Gordon.

He might be pure irredeemable evil -but then what's the problem with that? If it's only temporary... 

-And who doesn't have a bad guy whose awesome power they wish could control for a minute?

Moon Dwellers I've read has Dark Brain's Skull Knight, another cartoonish evil, entering one-battle agreement with the heroes because the final boss is a bigger threat. And while a tragic figure and thus not pure evil, OGs did make Wodan controllable for like two turns during the Dygenguar-acquisition battle.

8 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

It just hits me. Shame A didn't had Linda and Erika talk about how similar their situations were there. Though I guess since Erika leaves the heroes' side and pretty much doesn't rejoin (she stays behind in Small Balm, wasn't it?), so she and Linda didn't had much chances to talk.

She does. IIRC, Erika does gets recruited as a leading figure for the underground pacifist faction among the Bharmians (b/c peace is the opposite of chaos and SM is the OG villain). So she still manages to do something off-screen.

8 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Actually... Aina was also in the same boat, though I guess Shiro and Guinneas hostility isn't as personal as it is for Ken-Meio and Kazuya-Richter.

Aina's brother can't build up a rivalry with Shiro if they can't fight frequently. And he can't, given his *cough* terminal health issues that make piloting dangerously strenuous on him. Would require cooperating with a license that had life-extension technology that could keep him afloat long enough for a battle or where he deploys in an Apsalus II before the final encounter in the Ap III.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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I could legit just listen to Crow yell this for quite some time:

I love the effort into this S Craft! The use of camera movement/graphics/blurs... and god, that cut-in pose is so fucking awesome!!!

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3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I don't think is it by another name?:

I'm willing to doubt myself juuuuust in case this is a really slow rendition.😆

No, it's a different track from Mazin Kenzan.

Or rather, since GC is the Mazinkaiser OVA's debut, then it's more to say this one got replaced with Mazin Kenzan.

3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Oh, you did.

Next battle, now held captive inside it, Gauron hijacks the Tuatha De Danaan, and leads it into a pack of ZAFT troops to suicide the sub and everyone on it. Then Teletha tells Chidori via Whispered mind link how to reclaim the ship (and Sousuke infiltrates the ship too IIRC), they do. Gauron gets forced out in the Venom. The Tekkoryu show up with Arm Slaves for grunts, Masaki gives his trash talk of his three clones present -but they retreat on this map (next is the one-chapter split where on one side you do the HPZ final battle). Gauron when defeated turns out to have a big bomb on the Venom, you must retreat within like 3 turns after this. Oh, and Sousuke finally acquires the Lambda Driver mech ability, disliking this incomprehensible power no more.

Ah, okay, the FMP finale was right after the Mazinkaizer one.

3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

She does. IIRC, Erika does gets recruited as a leading figure for the underground pacifist faction among the Bharmians (b/c peace is the opposite of chaos and SM is the OG villain). So she still manages to do something off-screen.

Sounds a bit weird to remain underground when Olban is dead.

3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Aina's brother can't build up a rivalry with Shiro if they can't fight frequently. And he can't, given his *cough* terminal health issues that make piloting dangerously strenuous on him. Would require cooperating with a license that had life-extension technology that could keep him afloat long enough for a battle or where he deploys in an Apsalus II before the final encounter in the Ap III.

For its worth, a game or two has allowed Guinneas to live past what is considered the "final" battle. However, this usually means he drops out of the plot, and only comes back way later for just one more battle. Well, I think only Compact 2 / Impact did this, in fact. Still, yeah, still not enough to cement a Shiro-Guinneas rivalry.

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