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6 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


If FE4R still has the piss walls i will be pissed off honestly

Plot forcefields my beloved.

So beloved in fact I put them in my hack.


They lift when you murder Tethys, they're just there so you can't spare her because I am a cruel human being

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7 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Okay, should I go explore the East/North Sewers now, or wait... hmm...

Well, I think that's enough for tonight. Will continue next time.

If you selected to go with Agate, he disappears. Not with Schera though.

Edit: I quoted the wrong thing, thats what happens when you do this after just wakinh up. Lol will fix later. I was referring to Campy disappearing.

Edited by Lightcosmo
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44 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


If FE4R still has the piss walls i will be pissed off honestly

Shrimp-kun you’re drunk, go home.

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36 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

They lift when you murder Tethys, they're just there so you can't spare her because I am a cruel human being.

Damn you Rubenio, you’re not god! This act of murder is unconscionable.

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10 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog is the most Ace Attorney non-Ace Attorney game I've ever played.

I should get around to playing that one of these days...


4 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

And how they are more involved in the story in general, but that's thanks to the lack of Perma death

What does the game do to discourage suicide tactics?


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Plot forcefields my beloved.

So beloved in fact I put them in my hack.


They lift when you murder Tethys, they're just there so you can't spare her because I am a cruel human being

Lol, I respect the villainy of not letting the simps save her.

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18 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

What does the game do to discourage suicide tactics?

Fatigue and a time-limit.

Fatigue isn't like Thracia fatigue or even SoV. It simply determines how many rounds of combat a unit can do. This can be increased and replenished, and being stationed at garrisons, forts and bridges allows you to fight without losing stamina.

Time-limit is self-explanatory.

Additionally, squad comp and tactics (if you're familiar with FF12 Gambits, it's that) matter way more than individual strength. The strongest individual unit is nothing without a good team setup.

On the hardest difficulty, items can be used a max of 10 times.

Since you don't always defeat a squad in one round, the winner is determined by which squad lost the least HP. The loser of the round is then unable to move for a few seconds.

Also, it's real time, so even if one squad can beat another, they can always be intercepted by one that has the advantage. When two squads meet, they must fight. If another ally is present, you can substitute for better results maybe but it's not like Fire Emblem where you don't have to commit.

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19 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Additionally, squad comp and tactics (if you're familiar with FF12 Gambits, it's that

So... An unreliable A.I? Lol

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1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

What does the game do to discourage suicide tactics?

To add to what Armagon said, if you lose a Squad, you lose Valor, which is a reaource used for deployment and skills

(Also there's a perma death mode....after you clear the game once that is)

41 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Since you don't always defeat a squad in one round, the winner is determined by which squad lost the least HP.


41 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Time-limit is self-explanatory.

Time limit is pretty forgiving tho. Fatigue however there's no escape from

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Yesterday reminded me why I drift through life. Despite the occasional internalized outburst of a whole variety of emotions, I lack for real willpower, or at least for anything daunting/big/long-term. It's this which combined with: my excessive humility; introversion; ability to keep everything internalized; my gratefulness and acceptance towards the cozy life others have provided me with, which is devoid of things that mandatorily push me into having to do things that might make me feel existentially better in the long-term. It's not simple laziness I think, or at least, not all the time, I hope.😅 I feel like there's a difference between playing video games because "I want enjoyment, not tedium!", and playing video games because I get the nerves merely sending off short emails asking about whether they accept my insurance.

...Might not get UO until Thursday, not really sure, no idea. And I'm sorry to type all that here again.😐  

I think I'll just play more Endless Space 2 until UO arrives. Took like two lengthy tries to understand how they work (because 4X games can be so laden with overwhelming complexities), and some really good luck, but the relic-crazy Nakalim were pretty fun. I'll move on to trying the Hissho again, I've been wanting to get a good grasp on how to play the sci-fi bird samurai who live for war -but only to pillage, not for conquest. The gameplay design choice that a vast galactic empire actually severely weakens this bellicose faction, and that they're better off owning only as many star systems as you count on one hand, relying on mining probes to extract additional wealth from unclaimed systems (and if anyone tries to colonize them, you simply kill the intruders), is an interesting one. I just need to learn how to actualize it.

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2 hours ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

Damn you Rubenio, you’re not god! This act of murder is unconscionable.

Hahahaha... Hahaha! AHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!


1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Lol, I respect the villainy of not letting the simps save her.

I mean, I understand the sentiment. I do like her, she's one of my favorite dancers (not that the competition is exactly stellar, considering it's basically her, Seadall, Ninian and the rest are all the same godawful archetype).

However I must commit to the bit. I have a duty to concoct a true evil timeline, and to that end I must discard any personal feelings for the characters. Why, Moulder is a one-off boss, that's how you know I'm trying not to show too much bias! Not too much. Knoll and Duessel have had rather massive roles so far and Seth has said three lines and hasn't even appeared since chapter 1.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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4 hours ago, Lightcosmo said:

If you selected to go with Agate, he disappears. Not with Schera though.

Edit: I quoted the wrong thing, thats what happens when you do this after just wakinh up. Lol will fix later. I was referring to Campy disappearing.

Yeah, I saw when I looked it up. Hence the amusing thing, since from comments I saw of over eight years ago, they mentioned this is something they had fixed. Apparently not.

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hahahaha... Hahaha! AHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!


Tell him...

”Conscience?? You DARE speak to me of conscience??” 🤣

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Time for SRW V Scenario 47

The scenario opens at a Gamillas prison in planet Leptaporda, doubling as a mine... ah, prison labor. Anyway, this is where the group that kidnapped Mori traveled at, who for now is playing along with pretending to be the Iscandar they thought nabbed. Curiously, this is also where Domel's wife and former Admiral Dietz are being detained at...

Back with the heroes, they have no choice but continue onward. They suddenly receive a transmission from Melda. Despite her intentions to report on Goer, she got caught up in the whole drama behind the attempted assassination of Dessler. She's Dietz's daughter, after all. Also troubles with the Gardim, it seems. Anyway, she brings up about Leptaporda and sends the coordinates. As Yurisha confirms that's where Mori is, seems we be mounting a rescue mission now.

As it were, the planet is being attacked by the Invaders. The group arrive to relieve the Gamillas forces fighting them, who descend to the planet, though Melda stays behind to help. This is where she joins for real, regardless if she was or not recruited earlier. Okay, let's go!

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So Corneria was always the training wheels. The first major battle of Drakenhold is way more complex than anything before.

That said, I may turn the difficulty back down to the one below Expert. Time-limit went from being a non-issue to very unforgiving. Get those Hallowed Cone Ashes guys.

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6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Time-limit went from being a non-issue to very unforgiving. Get those Hallowed Cone Ashes guys.


I rarely pass the half way mark (on expert as well)

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I am begging Western game developers to find out what compression is.


Why the fuck is a remaster of two 20 year old games fucking 50 GB?

5 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I rarely pass the half way mark (on expert as well

Might need to do some more menuing but Drakenhold immediately starts throwing promotes at you.

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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Drakenhold immediately starts throwing promotes at you.


Are you sure you didn't accidently enter elf land? Because i did as well for a quest xD

Drakenhold (atleast first part of it) doesn't have promotes outside bosses

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4 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Are you sure you didn't accidently enter elf land? Because i did as well for a quest xD

Drakenhold (atleast first part of it) doesn't have promotes outside bosses

You know, I thought Wyverns were promoted Griffins.

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So, defeating enough Invaders, it causes more to show up, with a very large one that can actually talk without needing to be a Newtype or Innovator to understand them. Woah, it's Cowen and Stinger!

Yeah, we're at the Getter Robo Armageddon finale. Not taking place in Jupiter like in the OVA's, but I guess that's inevitable when the Yamato story takes center stage. The fact the Getter guys can recognize them means they jumped to the NCC Dimension, but at this point it's a given.

The Getter Teams unlock their combination attack, the Shin Shine Spark! Awesome! Alright...

They're going down!

And indeed, the combination attack one-shots it in a cutscene battle. But, they come back to life by absorbing the energy of some of the Invaders. It's what they do. Assimilate everything into themselves, species and power sources alike. That's why they're after Iscandar, Leptaporda's crystals, and the Yamato's Wave Motion Engine. As such, the objective is to not defeat them just yet, but destroy every other Invader on the map first. There's a four turn limit to this, too. This makes Okita to order for the Yamato's WMG to be used. Since Invaders are fair game.

Let's go!

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Dude, the MAP version of the Wave Motion Gun has Infinity Range! That wasn't seen since the Ideon Gun!

Though unlike the Ideon Gun which was an expanding cone shape. This one starts as a 12x3 rectangle, then the middle row is the one that expands to the map edge. Also the raw power is still lower, I believe. So the Ideon Gun still wins, I guess.

Still... at max upgrade the WMG has over 10K power! That's insane. 200 EN requirement even with E Saver x2... wow...

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Oh damn, Cower&Stinger can act twice and have a MAP weapons. Seems they don't use it twice on enemy phase, however.

Alright, routed everyone but them. Time to receive a WMG to the face!

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