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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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14 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


And without that daydream, now I'm just left feeling some despair, some frustration at having broken my self-promised "book something" end-of-the-month deadline. I found what seemed like a perfect counselor that'd put me on the assembly line to speedy existential contentment- explicitly expertise in helping autistic people with life transitions, yay!😄 ...But my insurance ended up being a form of Medicare despite the private company name on it. And Medicare being gov't insurance means it ends up rejected by many therapists, including The One.☹️ I only have myself to blame, since if I had a job with private coverage, I likely wouldn't have been rejected ...but would I even be in this situation, then?

🫂 Its a shame to hear how the American medical system screwed you. Hopefully you find the help you need soon.


12 hours ago, Capt. Fargus said:


Daughter checks into the hospital sick. Mom visits every day for about 4 days. Daughter’s friends call mom April 1st and say her condition took a big turn for the worse and daughter died. Mom gets to the hospital and they all appear and say April fools

Mom hasn’t spoken to daughter for 2 years

Little brat needs the shit slapped out of her for that prank IMHO

Some people can just take a joke too far, to the point where it is just plain cruel. It reminds me of a story where a few guys pranked one of their friends who was having enough financial problems that he was on the verge of losing his house, into believing he had won enough prize money to save things...


11 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:


TIL that Lumera also follows the wine/grape naming theme that Lythos has. As her Japanese name, Lumiere, is also a Wine Brand. In Japan, despite the French name.

Château Lumière | Winery (vivino.com)

Now, remember that one-shot I wrote, where I gave Alear a half-Fell half-Divine daughter? Aurora was the name I choose. I chose it for its meaning/ties to light, as Lumera's name is. Well, it turns out...

Aurore (grape) - Wikipedia

Turns out there's a grape also named after Aurora. And get this, it's a hybrid grape.

You couldn't have written it better even if you tried.


10 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


However! Starting in the late 1850s, something nightmarish-yet-fascinating-in-retrospect happened in Europe. A species of aphid called "phylloxera" crossed from North America to Europe, and began devouring the roots of Old World grape vines. In about a decade-and-a-half (into the early 1870s), French vineyards began suffering grapevine casualties upwards of 50%. Since these vile bugs were native to the Americas, European vines had no resistance. It was a crisis threatening the existence of the entire wine industry. While some employed harsh chemicals to stave off the devouring swarms, what proved most successful was something very different. They would graft American grape roots to European grapes. North American grapes had evolved resistance to phylloxera, and phylloxera only attacked the roots. Grafting roots did nothing to affect the flavor of the traditional European wine grapes, so it was a win-win. Though some opposed grafting, it is indisputable that American bottoms + European tops is what saved the global wine industry from extinction.🍷

What a fun little bit of historic information on a topic I had heard nothing about before. It reminds me of why I like video essays so much, they are often filled with such random information.


10 hours ago, Shrimpica said:

it's 17 months, right?


The pandemic so thoroughly broken my sense of time that I am tempted to believe that.

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I see we are still having debates on the usage of the Skill stat in FE. (another thread here)

My opinion? It's not going to be useful because that would require them making the average hit rate so low to make accuracy useful that most players would just complain and drop the game due to "taking too long". It's one of those "lesser of the two evils" that players just come to terms with, sadly making the stat not as self-sufficient as it could have been along the way.

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1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Can't wait until someone just outright says "Every game should play out like FEH".

Do you mean the combat or the entire system? So every time the characters stats would be the same (+3, -3 on boon/bane etc) as well?

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Just now, Lightcosmo said:

Do you mean the combat or the entire system? So every time the characters stats would be the same (+3, -3 on boon/bane etc) as well?

Pretty much "heavily streamlined".

After all, FEH has no natural occuring accuracy or evasion, no Skl/Dex... or even Lck for that matter. Maps are tiny. Etc.

Granted, it is more complex than regular FE in other aspects, but overall, it is more simplified.

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13 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Pretty much "heavily streamlined".

After all, FEH has no natural occuring accuracy or evasion, no Skl/Dex... or even Lck for that matter. Maps are tiny. Etc.

Granted, it is more complex than regular FE in other aspects, but overall, it is more simplified.

Everything is much more simple I agree... except for the calculations. That could stand to be simplified lol

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5 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

You found the secret teaser of XCX2!

This is where Master Kohga ended up after TotK.

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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:


Now why is the Yiga Clan symbol there?

L is the last incarnation, who totally forgot his inherent evilness, of Demise/Ganon? -And literally everyone else on the planet forever died off. After a meteor strike followed by a dust-cloud winter that snowballed into millions of years of total planetary ice coverage before the internal heat of Mira eventually began to melt it and life began anew?


4 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Hopefully you find the help you need soon.


4 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

What a fun little bit of historic information on a topic I had heard nothing about before. It reminds me of why I like video essays so much, they are often filled with such random information.

On grafting, there is also the case of pecans. These "nuts"-not-botanically-nuts have inconsistency issues. The pecans growing on different branches of the same tree can taste very different, very good or very bad, which isn't great if you're trying to sell them. In 1846, an enslaved gardener named Antoine living on Oak Alley Plantation in Louisiana successfully (there had been failures before him) began grafting delicious, easy-to-eat pecan branches on what ended up being 116 trees. And it's the success of this African-African man denied his humanity, that began the commercial production of the earthly, nutty drupe.

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10 hours ago, Lightcosmo said:

I see we are still having debates on the usage of the Skill stat in FE. (another thread here)

My opinion? It's not going to be useful because that would require them making the average hit rate so low to make accuracy useful that most players would just complain and drop the game due to "taking too long". It's one of those "lesser of the two evils" that players just come to terms with, sadly making the stat not as self-sufficient as it could have been along the way.

Wagner and Henning from Binding Blade spring to mind. Lol

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Just now, Capt. Fargus said:

Wagner and Henning from Binding Blade spring to mind. Lol

Is it that bad? I mean, imagine 20% hit rates average against all enemies, not just bosses.

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Just now, Lightcosmo said:

Is it that bad? I mean, imagine 20% hit rates average against all enemies, not just bosses.

I remember one time I put Shanna up against Wagner with a slim lance and that took so long he ran outta flux charges

If somebody wants the whole game to go like that they can just play with knights. Lol 

I know Wendy sure can’t hit the side of a barn 😁

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5 hours ago, Shrimpica said:

>Each console get's it's own character Demo

Pretty cool ig?

It's like Soulcalibur 2.


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7 minutes ago, Armagon said:


I like how Rook is :O, but the party is :l

7 minutes ago, Armagon said:

It's like Soulcalibur 2.

Well, as long it's only restricted to the Demo...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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The fated day has finally come. Freedom Planet 2, the sequel to the hypest video game ever made is finally on the Switch.
Over here, anyway. Seems like it's timezone based. Once the clock strikes midnight, it should be hype o'clock.

Admittedly it's not quite as hype as the first one, but I suppose that would have been impossible. After all, in Freedom Planet 1 every single level was designed to feel like the final stage compared to what came before it. So you have this ridiculous hype slope that keeps reaching new highs all the way until the end credits.

Freedom Planet 2 is simply not structured like this. The sheer number of levels alone would probably have made that impossible. Instead levels are grouped into smaller arcs. It's more standard in that regard, I suppose.

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