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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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I never was an airplane kid

Just now, Acacia Sgt said:

Dammit, I already made plans for that day...


  ooof, we could do with a backup plan, well whoever might still be around by then could.

On the other hand, that one Doctor Who episode at the end of the world just got blown off schedule

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This is it, I've finally reached the point where the storylines are reaching their finales. I think I'm definitely finishing SRW X by early-September.

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Spent basically the whole IRL day on RF5. I'm well immersed in the ingame day-by-day routine now.😄


On 8/24/2024 at 5:40 PM, Armagon said:

It's officially official. October 4th - 15th is my second trip to Europe.

We begin in Paris before taking the Eurostar train to London after two and half days and from there, it's UK exploration time.

Only thing is I don't think I'll be able to make it to the Loch Ness.

Great big Scottish lake does have that natural beauty going for it -but is it necessary?🤔 Or you do like the idea of the visiting the Lair of the Hoax b/c Nessie = mini-kaiju?😜

-I won't wish ya anything until you set off.😉


On 8/24/2024 at 6:08 PM, Acacia Sgt said:

Sheesh, the Forbidden Underground Waterway feels like quite the marathon to go through. If it only had a Warp Room at least halfway through...

Also, swimming (okay, more like propelling through water) obtained from a Directional Shard is... quite the decision.

-A Shard you don't mandatorily obtain, no? That's also an odd choice. Though the Sorrow games had this with the Aria true ending (Succubus and Flame Demon) and non-Dario endings (Paranoia requires you obtain three Souls (one I remember being Killer Clown) to remove barriers blocking access to the boss).


18 hours ago, Dayni said:

Yeah, this is something I could be better on clarifying myself. I wouldn't even know how to start a similar process over there, but there's someone who I'd owe a damm good chunk to on that. Rather not go into it about them, but social workers as a potential avenue (again, knowing as little as I do on how viable that is for IO doesn't make it easy to point to).

-In my multiple searches for psychologists (I've stopped, questioning if I actually need one), the number of MSWs I flipped past is as long as 🎅's NoN lists. It'd be the paradox of choice + a combination of "all these profiles sound similar" and "if only these professions got as many reviews as kitchenware on Amazon, instead of none" that'd hold me back from choosing one.

18 hours ago, Dayni said:

If I had the guts to get all the Picross titles I'd confirm this.

I'd consider doing that -except the (3)DS was the perfect system for Picross, and the Switch couldn't possibly be the same (without buying an otherwise-worthless stylus).

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1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

-A Shard you don't mandatorily obtain, no? That's also an odd choice. Though the Sorrow games had this with the Aria true ending (Succubus and Flame Demon) and non-Dario endings (Paranoia requires you obtain three Souls (one I remember being Killer Clown) to remove barriers blocking access to the boss).

Despite needing it, you do have to get it from a random enemy, yeah. Oh, that was actually a bit neat, I'd say. Those two and Giant Bat, but that last one was mandatory to get, yeah. Still, there's a difference between an ending requirement and story progress.

That said, I do remember reading up there was a boss that could not get implemented in the game. Maybe that one was meant to give the Shard, but since it got scrapped, hey put it on a random enemy instead. Still, feel it should've been of a different type. It's a bit of a problem trying to navigate well with it.

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54 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Great big Scottish lake does have that natural beauty going for it -but is it necessary?🤔 Or you do like the idea of the visiting the Lair of the Hoax b/c Nessie = mini-kaiju?😜


But it's four hours from Edinburgh, which isn't that far except I'm on limited time.

Maybe we can squeeze Manchester and Liverpool. They are like 30 minutes apart.

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19 hours ago, Dayni said:

Pffft Poltergeist getting completely invalidated.

It was one of the funnier moments of the run I must admit.


Time to finish this game, one way or another...



And for once I am risking a rest stop here, but I specifically target the daycare rest stop, as I think I can use the facilities there to cheat Wahey of a bit of his chaos... but he doesn't show up again.


And finally the item stocker has a good shop type, with the hold item shop. I decide that a pair of lefties sounds like a good future investment, but remember I don't get these until the next time I see this fellow...


The mint shop is also finally giving me the good stuff as well, with both Adamints and Modest Mints available, so I take some for immediate use, and a pair for the road, as I have another pokemon to catch to replace my losses, first with a Copperajah in a trained pokemon encounter before the rest stop and


With the honey tree encounter after. Last time I offered up a dragon block, and so the dragon type Tatsugiri is here to catch. Although I was hoping for something a little more potent, like a pseudo-legendary, but Tastugiri will have to do.


And I luckily have the kind of resources available, a solid TM and mint, to get Tatsugiri into shape.


Time for the final Elite Four member


And it immediately starts with a rather bad matchup


Which reveals itself to be even worse as a Speed Boost Life Orb Sharpedo with


With uncomfortably good coverage, but I might be able to stall out some of its moves with potions and prot-


...Oops. I forgot that healing with a potion doesn't reset the protect counter, so I moronically fail a protect in its face losing Bastiodon pointlessly


But for reasons I don't full understand, Lifis here convinces him to switch to his legendary


...and it just got a crit to unexpectedly finish off Lifis. This is going very badly.


And then it lives on the tiniest of slivers of health to then one shot Tatsu too.


And so the Copperajah is just barely able to finish things before


it falls to the following Absol


Although my last remaining mon Jahn can wipe it out


...WHy does this Tyranitar have a Shuca Berry. Not even a Chopple Berry to cover its quad weakness, but a Shuca to protect against ground attacks. Its not a big deal in the end, as he misses on his turn before


I wipe him out with a steel move instead


And the Sableye is no problem either


Although the Sharpedo still outspeeds and hits like a truck before going down


And while I could finish this fight easily, I decide to stall with my weakest healing items, so that


I can use the Sacred Ash instead of trying to cobble together another team before the champion. I don't do much with my opportunity to replay the path here, so I will skip straight to Sydney with my new strategy


And its to open by using sturdy to


Metal Burst one shop that opening Sharpedo.


Use a potion to both scout what the Absol does, and potentially setup on this purely physical mon


This move makes for an interesting conundrum, as it is quad effective, forcing me to live on the study, but it also debuffs its attack, so I think I can just potion sta-


Hmmm... a mixed blessing this, but I go for the defense boost here


And it starts paying off...


Until it switches in Sableye, making the setup a waste of time


So I switch into Jahn, but this time I barely miss a damage range to kill, which


Gets it caught in a healing loop using recover, which I use to try use to fish for the Omniboost using Ancient Power, but alas I don't get it before running out of PP


Unfortunately the Tyranitar hits a Thunder Wave this time around


before it goes down


Which brings in his dangerous Legendary, and unfortunately


Fiery Wrath isn't a fire type move in spite of the name, and with how hard it hits,


I get into a cycle of going for one hit, and then having to potion back up to full health, but with it having a flinch chance this takes a whi-




I try desperately to finish it with Lifis, but I get confused the 30% confusion chance off of the 70% accuracy Hurricane hit, into hitting himself as well


And he pulls off the confusion luck on my next switch as well


Which I just don't want to deal with


...We've got trouble


And then it lives the raw Body Press hit after it buffs itself again


But the greedy fuck maxes out his Special Attack instead of punishing me with an attack, so I get out of that terrifying situation just fine


And with this quad weak to fighting, I go for the raw body press again to kill


And I know I can just potion up on this guy till he debuffs himself


Until I reach the point I can live a second to go for the kill


And the fool tries for a Sucker Punch before


Dying. In the end my intentional wipe made me trade my position of only having my legendary, for only losing my legendary.


In a sense I am glad I did, as I would have to take the route to replace all my lost mon, and would have to take a repeat of species as well, before being unable to avoid a Full Rest Stop at the end


Which is especially dangerous when a random trainer wipes out one of my pokemon, even before


The rando reveals a brutal Legendary at the end as well, so now I need to replace another pokemon...

But it is time to talk about a full Rest Stop, as it has everything available from the three other rest stop types all in one place, but you only really see them near the end of the game like this. Also to my minor disappointment, Wahey isn't here again. After losing my legend I was hoping to roll some of those dice (and see if my cheesing theory works). At least this rest stop lets me really prep my pokemon for the champion fight, and lets me grab those two lefties I ordered


And buy up a nice stock of Full Restores for the final battles


And it has been a little bit before I showed off my team, starting with a new member I picked up as a trained Pokemon with Inigo the Luxray. I actually put a fair bit of money into making sure it is an intimidator, to better utilize some debuff and volt switch strats, and is otherwise a fairly solid physical attacker.


Now for the little Tatsu we picked up, solid on the special end of things, although I don't know how well it will be able to sustain itself if it tries to buff up


I think he is our strongest pokemon on the team right now. He definitely has some notable weaknesses, but being able to buff and use that amazing defense to attack with is very potent.


Fairy is such a fantastic typing, and simply being a very fast pokemon that hits kind of hard was an excellent find. I am also keeping Healing Wish around for desperate situations.


Lifis is fine. Nice enough typing, nice enough moves.


But it is time to face the little nyancat champion.


I must admit, I did not know Cyclizar's stat well enough to realize it would obviously outspeed me, but with both its attacking stats debuffed now


I figured setting up with Bastiodon was a good plan, but she immediately swaps to


Her terrifying legendary here, and with it going for a quad effective special move (thank protect for its scouting potential)


I switch into my Tatsugiri to take special hits, and fi-


Oh it switched to using a very powerful physical move...RIP Tatsugiri


Fortunately Lifis baits it into locking itself into the dragon type outrage, so


I get a free switch into Tana with that dragon immunity, and into an outspeed kill with STAB fairy moves


And she repeats that performance with the incoming Haxorus


And while the incoming Dragonite's Multiscale lets it take the first hit remarkably well


The greedy fool only goes for some dragon dances before his death


And the outspeeding Roaring Moon makes the exact same mistake.


If either of them had bothered attacking, the brutal hit from the outspeeding paradox legendary Walking Wake might have finished poor Tana off, but alas she sweeps through another of Iris's mons with the power of super effective fairy STAB


And thanks to seeing my electric type pokemon be outspeed by this bicycle, I know I need to open with a full restore here instead of attacking


Which lets Tana clear through Iris's entire team. Well done little newbie, you were the perfect pokemon for the job it seems.


But the Champion fight here is not the end, we have one final battle remaining...and so I take another route to replace my one loss,


And I might as well use my masterball for this final catch. Then I make a real mess of things by running into multiple random trainers


Including a close call with a belly drumming foe


An enemy Shedinja


And a nasty Legend...that I end up having a hard enough time that I


End up sacking my new Emboar so I can get my Basitiodon in with it sturdy inta-


...Ok I was expecting this life orbed special attacking Legendary to hit my Bastiodon a lot harder than that. Yeah that was a bit dumb, but at least I am still on the route and can capture another Emboar. I have a lot harder time catching it the second time around, really justifying my use of the master ball in the first place, but I do finally make it out and reach the last rest stop, another full rest stop


And it seems that just before the last fight of the game I am going to need to randomize my team. Although being at a Full Rest Stop, which includes the facilities of the Day Care Rest Stop, means I can see if I can cheese the system just a little


As I drop my excellent Basitiodon, and my Champion sweeping Tana off before making the whole party trade


And so my other three got randomized as such. Lucking into a Ferrothorn is fantastic, and I wouldn't consider either of a Tentacruel or Gumshoos as particularly bad, which is a good sign for this run. Also I am glad we have a Full Rest Stop to work with, as it will take a lot of work to get these three into fighting shape.


Also it seems like my bit of cheese worked, as I get to keep my Bastiodon and Galarian Rapidash.


Solid defense, the potential for extra chip and healing with leech seed, ability to buff physical defense and punish contact moves with its ability iron barbs, this thing is a fantastic pokemon


This thing does have strong jaw, so all these bitey moves are getting a power boost from that, plus I love the very reliable sleep of yawn.


Back in gen 1 this was a fantastic special based pokemon, but power creep has brought it to the point where it is more of a mediocre pokemon at this point. Still has some nice coverage, and it is basically my only special attacker, so she certainly has a place on my final team.


This is still probably my best pokemon, and certainly has been since I lost my legendaries. That Iron Defense and Body Press combo is just so powerful, the scouting potential of protect is always useful, and Metal Burst is a fun surprise to have in my back pocket.


Amazing typing, fantastic speed and some hard hitting physical moves makes for a solid little pony to bring around. If nothing else Tana basically sweeping the champion earned him a place on this team.


Finally I sell every item I have that isn't some kind of healing item to afford even more full restores for the final battle


And in a nod to GSC we clash at such a scenic point


And in a nod to RBY it is a fight with our champion rival


And oddly enough they give Champion Wally continuous psychic terrain.


And I start by setting up some seeds for extra healing when I switch to Bastiodon to setup. He also reveals his Aggron is rock head instead of sturdy, which is nice to know


So it is easy to wipe out the Aggron and be ready to wipe out the rest of his team...


And I play things a bit safer than I probably have to by healing back up to my sturdy


As it goes for a quad super effective earthquake, which my max defense buffed Bastiodon takes rather well. I should be able to take another and ret-


...well there goes my strongest pokemon.


And then the sick bastard exploded to take down a second of my pokemon. Things are really looking bleak at this point...


He then brings out his first legendary, and while I pull off the yawn


This is very clearly the time to start chugging potions...


But before the Entei can either die or wake up he switches to Hitmonlee, so clearly I need to switch in and resi-


...Wally, does your Hitmonlee hot have a fighting move for some reason. Well that puts a bit of a wrinkle in my plans, but Stone Edge has low enough PP that I should be able to stall him out of it


With even more potions (or at the very least I can wait til stone miss is true to its name).


And as soon as he runs our of them he switches into an even scarier legendary.


So I obviously switch into my tanky Ferrothorn to resist the STAB move it is using


And I play things way too safely by potioning up to check if it has an attack I don't resist


And I am immediately punished for my cowardice.


But I am still playing things safer than I have to by putting the Kyogre on a timer


As it dies to a single power whip after finally going on the offensive after its buffs.


But with a quad super effective legendary coming in to replace it I need to switch


And the thing unfortunately wakes before I can finish it with my Gumshoos, so I end up having to use my full restores to stall it out of Sacred Fire PP.


Which does end up working, so I go for another yawn, heal on the wait turn


And he switches out before Entei can fall asleep.


And I take the opportunity to heal my Ferrothorn up in the back before switching


To Tana to go for the outspeed super effective STAB fairy move


Which misses the kill by a tiny margin, so RIP Tana...


Ferrothorn is at least able to clean it up, but that just brings back in the Entei


And it ends up surprising me a fair bit by going for Stone Edge. I have already seen when my Gumshoos was stalling out its Sacred Fire that it also has quad super effective Flame Charge. If I were to guess the AI is going for Stone Edge because it knows Flame Charge isn't strong enough to one shot, and wants to avoid taking Iron Barbs damage, as Stone Edge is a non-contact move, but I don't think this is a particularly smart play from the AI. To be fair going with the Flame Charge strategy only really goes well for the Entei if it crits (as I have enough potions for it to kill itself on the iron barbs damage), but going with Stone Edge


Lets me finish off the Entei with basic moves


Alas the poor Hitmonlee only has contact moves left, so I let him die from the barbs


As it turns out the Hitmonlee does have a fighting type move, its just that it is fighting type flail, which is why it didn't bother to use it at full health even if it was super effective


And so I have won, with the clear MVP of the fighting being my bag full of Full Restores.


It is a little dark how they grey out your fallen pokemon on the Hall of Fame screen


I do also want to emphasize a cute little bit of effort they added to the credit screen, with us walking with the team we used, with pokemon we added to the team joining us, evolving as they went along


And leaving when they fall, or are replaced


Although it is funny how the trade team aspect of this challenge leads to mass exoduses like this.

In the end the challenge was won, and like I kind of expected I was rewarded with


a more concentrated version of the Chaos Novice, involving the curse modifications that make Wahey show up on routes, and whenever its possible for him to show up. Although next run I plan on trying for the diversity challenge, where I can never enter a trainer battle with any pokemon sharing a type (as an example I can't have Bulbasaur and Grimer on the same team as they share a poison typing...)


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So many possible answers!

Pretty sure this applies to at least one TMNT setting

4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'd consider doing that -except the (3)DS was the perfect system for Picross, and the Switch couldn't possibly be the same (without buying an otherwise-worthless stylus).

You say this to the guy who played TWEWY Final Remix with a stylus, totally fine with that. No 3D Picross on Switch far as I know though.

Sure, it was one I'd happened to pick up (just a pen with rubber nubs on the end that had multiple left with it, several of which I wore through), but still.

4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

-In my multiple searches for psychologists (I've stopped, questioning if I actually need one), the number of MSWs I flipped past is as long as 🎅's NoN lists. It'd be the paradox of choice + a combination of "all these profiles sound similar" and "if only these professions got as many reviews as kitchenware on Amazon, instead of none" that'd hold me back from choosing one.

Yep, fair enough that it'd be as daunting.

Looking into how others talk about them might be useful, but don't know how available that'll be for you.

@Eltosian Kadath

6 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

And while I could finish this fight easily, I decide to stall with my weakest healing items, so that


I can use the Sacred Ash instead of trying to cobble together another team before the champion. I don't do much with my opportunity to replay the path here, so I will skip straight to Sydney with my new strategy

  Oh look, the Sacred Ash was useful.

Though it forcing you back to the start of an area is a little unfortunate.

7 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:



RIP Hot Boi

8 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


Which is especially dangerous when a random trainer wipes out one of my pokemon, even before

And also the cubephanze

8 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


And it has been a little bit before I showed off my team, starting with a new member I picked up as a trained Pokemon with Inigo the Luxray. I actually put a fair bit of money into making sure it is an intimidator, to better utilize some debuff and volt switch strats, and is otherwise a fairly solid physical attacker.

Alright, about as well as you'd be doing with Luxray anyways.

8 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


Now for the little Tatsu we picked up, solid on the special end of things, although I don't know how well it will be able to sustain itself if it tries to buff up

Tried this guy in Violet, definitely felt Water types got little rep from the Gen 9 pool and swapped this guy out for Iron Bundle.

(Hell, found the first of shockingly many shinies there too)

9 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


Fairy is such a fantastic typing, and simply being a very fast pokemon that hits kind of hard was an excellent find. I am also keeping Healing Wish around for desperate situations.

Never tried this one before, heard good things but course been a while since I'd seen it. Also, TIL the Fairy boosting item finally exists and it's behind DLC.

Chances it's in Z-A?

10 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


Which lets Tana clear through Iris's entire team. Well done little newbie, you were the perfect pokemon for the job it seems.


10 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


End up sacking my new Emboar so I can get my Basitiodon in with it sturdy inta-

Oh dangit, it was just there.

11 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


Back in gen 1 this was a fantastic special based pokemon, but power creep has brought it to the point where it is more of a mediocre pokemon at this point. Still has some nice coverage, and it is basically my only special attacker, so she certainly has a place on my final team.

Tentacruel went up a good bit after using it in a nuzlocke.

It was part of the near wipe to Lance

12 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


...well there goes my strongest pokemon.


And then the sick bastard exploded to take down a second of my pokemon. Things are really looking bleak at this point...

*sigh, Metagross still OP

Farewell to peak Bastiodon and Tentacruel I guess

13 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


Which misses the kill by a tiny margin, so RIP Tana...

RIP this one too, will the be a fall right at the end-

13 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


And it ends up surprising me a fair bit by going for Stone Edge. I have already seen when my Gumshoos was stalling out its Sacred Fire that it also has quad super effective Flame Charge. If I were to guess the AI is going for Stone Edge because it knows Flame Charge isn't strong enough to one shot, and wants to avoid taking Iron Barbs damage, as Stone Edge is a non-contact move, but I don't think this is a particularly smart play from the AI. To be fair going with the Flame Charge strategy only really goes well for the Entei if it crits (as I have enough potions for it to kill itself on the iron barbs damage), but going with Stone Edge

Guess not.

Yeah, seems like the answer that makes sense fro it to go for, but alas, 'twas a mistake for them.

13 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

And so I have won, with the clear MVP of the fighting being my bag full of Full Restores.


Friggin Gumshoos made it after all that Sacred Fire, what a triumph for stall.

15 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


I do also want to emphasize a cute little bit of effort they added to the credit screen, with us walking with the team we used, with pokemon we added to the team joining us, evolving as they went along

How 'bout that.

That is cute.

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Venezuelan Miku artists making sure there isn't an eighth star, unfathomably based.

46 minutes ago, Dayni said:

So many possible answers!

Xenoblade 3 (2022).


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@Armagon Since you're headed to the UK, I thought I'd share a snippet of today's reading.:


Holme I "Seahenge". Discovered in 1999 on the coast of Norfolk, England. A 4000-year-old Bronze Age timber circle, 55 oak posts surrounding an upside-down tree stump. The original has been relocated inside a museum to preserve it, a modern replica put nearby for visitors. A nearby contemporaneous second timber circle -Holme II- was also discovered, and has been left in place to gradually erode away. Long ago, this site was a salt marsh, not coastline, and Seahenge became buried over time.

In British folklore, the cuckoo bird sings in spring, goes silent by summer. A myth exists that the cuckoo bird (like the Greco-Roman Persephone?) retreats into the underworld, taking the Earth's warmth with it. One new hypothesis asserts that Seahenge has the same shape as what records describe as a cuckoo pen. Seahenge's timbers were carved during a period of prolonged, intense winters, the monument possibly aligned with the summer solstice for the year 2049 BC. Seahenge may have been built to keep the cuckoo birds around a little longer, thus keeping spring around and winter further away. May have also had something to do with worship of the planet Venus, that deification-worthy morning star.

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Thank you Venezuelan Miku for making me find out about Diablo Danzantes.

Cultural dance that celebrates Corpus Christi. The story goes that 400 years ago, a priest did not have the means to celebrate it so he said "if there are no money and believers, then let the devils come" and then after a storm, devils showed up at the church.

4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


Norfolk huh. Sadly that's not on the route I'm taking (save for Edinburgh and Sterling, the British East Coast is essentially being skipped) but it's cool to learn it exists.

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2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Thank you Venezuelan Miku for making me find out about Diablo Danzantes.

Cultural dance that celebrates Corpus Christi. The story goes that 400 years ago, a priest did not have the means to celebrate it so he said "if there are no money and believers, then let the devils come" and then after a storm, devils showed up at the church.

-Well that's an odd way to discover culture. -But I don't mean that in a bad way.😆 Folk religion/traditions are worth celebrating.

2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Norfolk huh. Sadly that's not on the route I'm taking (save for Edinburgh and Sterling, the British East Coast is essentially being skipped) but it's cool to learn it exists.

I was expecting as much. -But I might as well mention it, I thought. It's was more relevant to you than:

  • The discovery that some viking traders (130 male bodies from the 10th to 12th centuries, mostly from a Swedish island) intentionally made abrasions to their teeth. With the reason being marking themselves as belonging to an elite, privileged group of traders, interested in keeping fakers out.🦷
  • King Ghezo (r. 1818-1858) of the West African kingdom of Dahomey. We don't know if King Ghezo really paved the road to his estate with the skulls of his enemies. But, trace protein analysis confirms that King Ghezo really did mix human blood (of 41 sacrifices according to legend) into the mortar of two ceremonial funerary huts in his palace complex.🩸
  • And a sealed glass urn in a lead casing, found in 2019 in Carmona, Spain, containing liquid wine. At 2000 years old, this is the oldest extant liquid wine ever found (usually liquids in containers evaporate over centuries/millennia, leaving only solid residues behind). -It's a funerary urn, as the wine is mixed with a gold ring and the cremated remains of a man. Evidence indicates the deceased chose to spend eternity submerged in a dry white wine.💀🍷


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20 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

At 2000 years old, this is the oldest extant liquid wine ever found (usually liquids in containers evaporate over centuries/millennia, leaving only solid residues behind). -It's a funerary urn, as the wine is mixed with a gold ring and the cremated remains of a man. Evidence indicates the deceased chose to spend eternity submerged in a dry white wine.💀🍷

I was gonna ask what's it taste like but then i read the rest.

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11 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I was gonna ask what's it taste like but then i read the rest.

7 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Talk about exotic spice.

...It was the case historically that some Egyptian mummies, millennia after their souls departed for the afterlife, were ground up and used as medicine -mumia- by Medieval and Early Modern Europeans.

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Man, took a few tries to even reach the Save Room of the Inferno Cave. Wish there was another Save Room at the beginning, at least. Don't even get me started in backtracking to get the Flame Scarf... well, I can put that past me now. For now, perhaps. May need to return for Shard farming, perhaps.

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1. This reads like a scam

2. There's something to making an application form inside a game like this. Point 1 still holds true.

3. The degeneracy........

Meanwhile, that Crash 5 concept that just came out of the woodwork is actually insane. Admirably so, given how much would have to have been done for it.


The insanity of going for a Psychonauts-esque setting where you'd play through a bunch of levels centred on Crash villains, only for it to turn into a Spyro crossover where you freed controlled dragons and could play as Crash and/or Spyro? Yeah, arguably too ambitious.

Love the gumption, fuck Actiblizz.

6 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

@Armagon Since you're headed to the UK, I thought I'd share a snippet of today's reading.:


Holme I "Seahenge". Discovered in 1999 on the coast of Norfolk, England. A 4000-year-old Bronze Age timber circle, 55 oak posts surrounding an upside-down tree stump. The original has been relocated inside a museum to preserve it, a modern replica put nearby for visitors. A nearby contemporaneous second timber circle -Holme II- was also discovered, and has been left in place to gradually erode away. Long ago, this site was a salt marsh, not coastline, and Seahenge became buried over time.

In British folklore, the cuckoo bird sings in spring, goes silent by summer. A myth exists that the cuckoo bird (like the Greco-Roman Persephone?) retreats into the underworld, taking the Earth's warmth with it. One new hypothesis asserts that Seahenge has the same shape as what records describe as a cuckoo pen. Seahenge's timbers were carved during a period of prolonged, intense winters, the monument possibly aligned with the summer solstice for the year 2049 BC. Seahenge may have been built to keep the cuckoo birds around a little longer, thus keeping spring around and winter further away. May have also had something to do with worship of the planet Venus, that deification-worthy morning star.


Surprised it was preserved as well as it was, not surprised where when you hear about King John losing the crown jewels there (There being the Norfolk marshes).

6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

...It was the case historically that some Egyptian mummies, millennia after their souls departed for the afterlife, were ground up and used as medicine -mumia- by Medieval and Early Modern Europeans.

Feel like I read that one as a kid.

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Me and the boys getting seated on December 20th (we can't wait to see the child get shot).

5 hours ago, Dayni said:

1. This reads like a scam

2. There's something to making an application form inside a game like this. Point 1 still holds true.

3. The degeneracy........

I think they actually pulled it out of the Steam store.

That said i think the game is offline and it just gives you the information to put in on the actual IRS sheet (but only for 2022 so it doesn't actually work for current year).

How does this play out if you're already married?

But also the Social Security numbers of quite literally every American were stolen like last week so it really doesn't matter anymore.

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24 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Me and the boys getting seated on December 20th

Oooh, nice.

24 minutes ago, Armagon said:

(we can't wait to see the child get shot).


Could be worse. Could already start seeing the comments/memes. Already saw a comment of someone bringing up the Marias cookies.

Galletas Marias Gamesa 850 gr

Then bringing up how it's full of holes... like bullet holes.


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39 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Me and the boys getting seated on December 20th (we can't wait to see the child get shot).

The climax is going to be glorious when the CGI is finished:


Edited by Emperor_Siegfried
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