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Special Heroes Silhouettes (July 8th)


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Dude on the left could be somebody other than Sylvain, but my tired ass could tell that the girl on the left is Ingrid even without my glasses.

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Oh yes, it looks like that indeed! Sylvain and Ingrid on a BL summer... Dimitri too? My orbs are in danger!

For the sake of throwing more suggestions, I can also see Petra rocking that ponytail. Ashe to the left?

Titania? Who else has the Ariana Grande hair? Lol

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6 minutes ago, SockPuppet said:

Oh yes, it looks like that indeed! Sylvain and Ingrid on a BL summer... Dimitri too? My orbs are in danger!

For the sake of throwing more suggestions, I can also see Petra rocking that ponytail. Ashe to the left?

Titania? Who else has the Ariana Grande hair? Lol

I don't think Petra is likely since IS rarely changes hairstyles for alts.

Actually, when was the last time they did that?

EDIT: I forgot that pre-TS Petra had braided hair. In my defense it's close to 11:30. Either way, that doesn't look like Petra's braid imo

Edited by Espurrhoodie
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New 3H characters on a seasonal? Solid.

Just now, Diovani Bressan said:

Well, that's Ingrid. 


Also... Duo Hero? I expect another Harmonized Hero from this banner.

Hmm. I was thinking they might alternate between Duo vs Harmonized Heroes, but that would make it take a while to get more support for Resonance Battles.

A Harmonized Hero couldn't be 3H exclusive, which would be interesting.

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2 minutes ago, Othin said:

New 3H characters on a seasonal? Solid.

Hmm. I was thinking they might alternate between Duo vs Harmonized Heroes, but that would make it take a while to get more support for Resonance Battles.

A Harmonized Hero couldn't be 3H exclusive, which would be interesting.

Well, Masked Marth is the only Awakening character in the current Summer Banner, so we could have all 3H characters but the 2nd unit in the Harmonized be from a different game.

I prefer a mixed games banner, though.

I will try to skip this banner... But I only ask for Ashe to be the TT unit. And in a good unit type.

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Hmm, I don't know 3H that well, but from my limited knowledge of the characters the person on the right could be Ingrid, perhaps? I can't think of any other characters with a braid that long besides her, Guy, and Titania.

Edited by Sunwoo
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14 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Also... Duo Hero? I expect another Harmonized Hero from this banner.

If it’s Ingrid, that would suggest Dimitri + somebody

I want to watch the world burn, so I’m hoping for Edelgard + Arvis

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Sylvain and Ingrid are my guesses like everyone else.  If I am really lucky Felix or Ashe will be the TT unit so I get them free for my bday.    Were there any in depth interactions in the two FBs that went with the 3Hs banners that scream harmonized hero?  I guess it could be with a Heroes OC since I remember 3Hs characters interacting more with them then people from other games.  

Edited by EricaofRenais
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Alrighty, this seems like an easy one indeed.

Have to agree with everyone. So first 3H seasonals. For units who aren't in the game yet.

I want Luin Ingrid already.

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2 minutes ago, Baldrick said:

If it’s Ingrid, that would suggest Dimitri + somebody

I want to watch the world burn, so I’m hoping for Edelgard + Arvis

I'd be excited for an Edelgard + Arvis Harmonized hero. Mostly because I too enjoy seeing shitstorms.

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4 minutes ago, Baldrick said:

I want to watch the world burn, so I’m hoping for Edelgard + Arvis

Pff... hahaha, yes, this would make it burn... Isn't Genealogy one of the next games as bonus in Resonant Battles? Arvis would be great for it.

But would it be better than see everything in chaos with Edelgard + Camilla? (Camilla already have an Summer alt... But who cares)

Edited by Diovani Bressan
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3 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

Sadness. I wanted Dancer 3H units. 😞 

Nothing stop them from making 3H Summer units and 3H dancer units on the same year... 2017 was almost dominated by Awakening and Fates seasonal units.

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3 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

Bye bye Orbs lol

Was good to know them... Also, did you forget Weekly revival with Elincia is tomorrow, followed by Amelia the week after?  Good luck this month and August as well.

2 minutes ago, SockPuppet said:

I would love house themed seasonal banners, ie BL Summer, BE Dance, GD Halloween, SS Winter (we already have Sothis, anyway). 

This would be nice.

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My guess in the right one is definitely Ingrid and she's probably still a Lance unit for this banner. The left one is most likely Sylvain, I think he could be a mage unit for this banner because I did seen juice glasses in the Silhouette, the drinks are usually used for Anima magic attacks in some of the Special Banners such as Camilla, Ishtar, Reinhardt, Rinea, Selena (TSS), etc. except Gunnthra.

Edited by King Marth 64
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