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10 hours ago, Othin said:

Mixed feelings about the pirates. It's a cool theme, but also takes up a New Heroes slot, since the fact that this one isn't the dancer banner means we'll probably be getting that one in September. Unless it's in place of the dancer banner? I'd be fine with that, but I'm not sure it's likely. Hopefully we still get at least four regular New Heroes banners in September/October/November, one way or another.

November will probably have 2 New Hero banners, which would get us up to our normal 13 of them before Book 5 in December.

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8 minutes ago, Sentinel07 said:

November will probably have 2 New Hero banners, which would get us up to our normal 13 of them before Book 5 in December.

Yeah. That'd certainly work, it'd just feel a bit odd going straight from the end of Book 4 into Book 5 like that. Last year, we got the FE6 non-story banner between Books 3 and 4, and in previous years, Books 1 and 2 each ended in September and were followed by a few non-story banners. But there's nothing saying they can't do it that way.

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Book 2 units getting Thanos'd is nice but that 31-week cycle is too long as that's over half a year. Guess IS is still being stingy especially given the rather standard fare stuff from the celebrations. And there are several book 2 units that didn't get snapped:
Dream Camilla
Dream MCorrin
Dream FCorrin
Dream Mikoto

And Altena is still the only regular 4-5* summon currently.

Also, HTF did they mess up on the Hero Fest banner? Jeez, they messed up big time.

Arena maps: I'm not feeling too crazy about these since a lot of them just straight up favor having fliers (guess it's a good thing I built Ashnard and Minerva assuming I could even merge Legendaries). One of the desert maps is straight up awful as an enemy ranged cavalier that breaks the wall and then gets danced on can snipe one of the player's units on turn 1. On the other side, if the player is running ranged fliers (such as during Arena Assault) in a flier team, they can try to reach the water tiles and camp if the enemy team consists of only grounded units.

Skipping Pirate banner even if Pirate Tibarn looks to be extremely annoying out of the box -- gotta save for that New Heroes revival next month as well as Lif's rerun.

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So, going to the Hero Fest's "Appearance Rates" button and then "Details", it does list the newly snapped Book 2 units as available on the banner, so it's being honest about that. It also lists all the previously snapped Book 1 units... which aren't mentioned by the error notification, and which I haven't heard about anyone getting. So, ????????????

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6 hours ago, Silent Mercenary said:

"These seas belong to Phoenicis and Kilvas, the kingdoms of the bird tribes. Both nations prey on human vessels for supplies and wealth, and their flying corsairs are feared across the seas." Both nations have pirates; it's just Phoenicis focused on Begnion for their role in the burning of Serenes Forest (along with other crimes against laguz like slavery).

Thanks for the clarification!

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22 minutes ago, Othin said:

So, going to the Hero Fest's "Appearance Rates" button and then "Details", it does list the newly snapped Book 2 units as available on the banner, so it's being honest about that. It also lists all the previously snapped Book 1 units... which aren't mentioned by the error notification, and which I haven't heard about anyone getting. So, ????????????

I think I've heard over in gamefaqs that some players there pulled Book 1 units while pulling on Hero Fest.

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I love how they refer to the Orgahil Pirates as a "motley crew" as if they're endearing or something. Don't most of them end up dead lmao

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5 minutes ago, Dandy Druid said:

I love how they refer to the Orgahil Pirates as a "motley crew" as if they're endearing or something. Don't most of them end up dead lmao

Eh, maybe they actually were at some point. But yeah, they get massacred by Sigurd and friends after making the brilliant move of trying to overthrow the badass sniper who could kick all of their asses even without her holy bow.

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3 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Eh, maybe they actually were at some point. But yeah, they get massacred by Sigurd and friends after making the brilliant move of trying to overthrow the badass sniper who could kick all of their asses even without her holy bow.

who knows. But the player certainly doesn't know them as a "motley crew" lmaoooo

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37 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

I think I've heard over in gamefaqs that some players there pulled Book 1 units while pulling on Hero Fest.

Interesting. In that case, it seems like the banner's behavior matches the banner's own info and also the previous Hero Fest behavior. It also does actually match the error notification, which says it's all of them, not just some like I'd thought.

Rewatching the relevant part of the Feh Channel, Feh says "the summoning pool changes mentioned earlier will take effect from this Hero Fest onward"... except the earlier mention specifically says the change only applies to New Heroes and Special Heroes events, just like the previous one. So... it looks like even the Feh Channel wasn't actually saying the Hero Fest itself would have the change, it just used a poor choice of words that made it sound like that was the case. Except the notification says the Hero Fest not having the change is an error, even though everything else points to that it wasn't supposed to have the change and the only error was the Feh Channel phrasing it confusingly. Which means maybe the notification was mistaken in saying that's what the error was? Seems possible that they panicked, explained the issue wrong, and now they have to decide what the hell they want to do about it.

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I agree they should have droped half of the Book 1 units into the 4 Star pool after this update, so the weekly revival banner cycle isnt that long:
Out of the following the bolded ones, should have imho been demoted now to 4 Star units:
Young Tiki
Brave Lyn
Brave Ike
Brave Roy
Brave Lucina

Yes thats a little bit then over the half, but to be honest, i would even demote more with the exeption of a handfull of good units and CYL1

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8 minutes ago, Hilda said:

I agree they should have droped half of the Book 1 units into the 4 Star pool after this update, so the weekly revival banner cycle isnt that long:
Out of the following the bolded ones, should have imho been demoted now to 4 Star units:
Young Tiki
Brave Lyn
Brave Ike
Brave Roy
Brave Lucina

Yes thats a little bit then over the half, but to be honest, i would even demote more with the exeption of a handfull of good units and CYL1

Unfortunately, they don't seem to want to pick out different units to give different treatment to.

What they could do, though, is make them all available at even better rates through some sort of 4* focus. I think the current 4* focuses are working to demonstrate that they can get players to spend orbs on weak units by offering them at sufficiently high focus rates, and that could be a solution workable for all of these units, to further increase their availability while not completely giving up their ability to monetize them.

In the general thread, I pitched bringing back the 12-character "4* and 5* heroes" banners, having one each month while alternating between main pool and seasonal. The problem is that they have to be color-balanced, and early units in the main pool skew towards red while early seasonals skew against red. But the two issues can cancel out by just letting the two groups of units mix. Like, they could kick it off in March by replacing the rerun of the first spring banner with a 4-5* banner containing those 4 spring units alongside 8 regular 5*s from early on, and continue from there. March is even when the current weekly revival schedule will end, so it'd be a perfect time to make the switch.

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Don't really have much of an opinion on the pirate banner, hell if it weren't for Tibarn I'd have been okay with them dedicating a New Hero banner to the theme of pirates. As good a theme as any of the classics.
I do appreciate them coming up with a low-key way to tell people "Hey, CYL is coming up and you're gonna wanna save all these free orbs we're gonna throw at your face!"

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Doing some revival math:

The original Book 1 revival lineup has 20 reds, 11 blues, 8 greens, and 8 colorless. The six Book 1 seasonal banners release over the course of that timeframe have 2 reds, 7 blues, 8 greens, and 7 colorless. Put those lineups together and you've got 22 reds, 18 blues, 16 greens, and 15 colorless. They could condense all those revivals into a set of eight 12-character 4-5* banners, since that'd mean featuring each color 24 times.

This leaves the question of what to do with the seasonal banners following those, since those are getting pretty outdated but not to that level. But this would also open up a bunch of room in the weekly revival lineup. The seasonal banners from the start of Book 2 to CYL2, the range where they just snapped the regular 5* heroes, span 6 reds, 7 blues, 10 greens, and 7 colorless, for a total of 30 units. So they could take those and make 10 new weekly revival banners to add to the rotation.

I don't know if this is a solution they'd actually go for or when, but it seems like a pretty elegant approach that both the players and IS would find beneficial.


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I decided to go for the Leif project. Gave him a DC from a Nagi I rolled from Hero Fest. Sparked a M Kris that I'll be using to give him Spurn 3 and upgrade his Drive Atk to Joint Drive Atk.


He should make a damn good speed tank with the synergy between Light Brand + Eff and Spurn.

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2 hours ago, Othin said:

Doing some revival math:

The original Book 1 revival lineup has 20 reds, 11 blues, 8 greens, and 8 colorless. The six Book 1 seasonal banners release over the course of that timeframe have 2 reds, 7 blues, 8 greens, and 7 colorless. Put those lineups together and you've got 22 reds, 18 blues, 16 greens, and 15 colorless. They could condense all those revivals into a set of eight 12-character 4-5* banners, since that'd mean featuring each color 24 times.

This leaves the question of what to do with the seasonal banners following those, since those are getting pretty outdated but not to that level. But this would also open up a bunch of room in the weekly revival lineup. The seasonal banners from the start of Book 2 to CYL2, the range where they just snapped the regular 5* heroes, span 6 reds, 7 blues, 10 greens, and 7 colorless, for a total of 30 units. So they could take those and make 10 new weekly revival banners to add to the rotation.

I don't know if this is a solution they'd actually go for or when, but it seems like a pretty elegant approach that both the players and IS would find beneficial.

Although I guess an even more future-proof approach would be to just cut the middleman and make a shop for units old enough that they're happy to hand them out for that cheap. Maybe an orb version of the grail shop - say, 50 orbs for the first copy, then go to 75 for the second, 100 for the third, etc.? That'd start out pretty similar to the cost of summoning them from one of those 4-5* banners, but without making it so easy to just load up, particularly for units with important fodder like Hector. Like with grails, it'd presumably mean neutral natures and a limit of 20 copies, but even without the weekly revivals, main pool units in this state could still be available for proper summoning from either regular rerun banners or the rerun pitybreaker pool, so there'd at least be some way around those limits. Seasonals would be more complicated if they wanted to replace their yearly special heroes revival banners, but they could take all the seasonals in this state and add them to the seasonal revival pitybreaker pool? Although they'd be really hard to get that way, especially specific natures, so maybe something a bit more than that.

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On 8/2/2020 at 2:24 PM, Othin said:

Yeah. That'd certainly work, it'd just feel a bit odd going straight from the end of Book 4 into Book 5 like that. Last year, we got the FE6 non-story banner between Books 3 and 4, and in previous years, Books 1 and 2 each ended in September and were followed by a few non-story banners. But there's nothing saying they can't do it that way.

Who knows. Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll skip having any seasonals in September and give us 2 New Hero banners then. 😄

Yeah probably not happening but a man can dream. 

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4 hours ago, Sentinel07 said:

Who knows. Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll skip having any seasonals in September and give us 2 New Hero banners then. 😄

Yeah probably not happening but a man can dream. 

Yeah, it's certainly a possibility.

We should find out more when the next event calendar releases in about a week, since that'll tell us whether or not the early September banner is seasonals. If there's a September seasonal banner, it's probably that one.

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I'd much rather have only new heroes banners for September. We're going to get special heroes in October because Halloween, so if we also got some in September, we'd be having six straight months with special heroes banners. May (brides and grooms), June (summer round 1), July (summer round 2), August (pirates), September (whatever this seasonal theme would be), and October (Halloween). That's too many.

Tellius is way overdue for a proper new heroes banner with some beorc, and I don't want the chances of that to be low.

Edited by Anacybele
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1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

I'd much rather have only new heroes banners for September. We're going to get special heroes in October because Halloween, so if we also got some in September, we'd be having six straight months with special heroes banners. May (brides and grooms), June (summer round 1), July (summer round 2), August (pirates), September (whatever this seasonal theme would be), and October (Halloween). That's too many.

Tellius is way overdue for a proper new heroes banner with some beorc, and I don't want the chances of that to be low.

I'd prefer that, but it'd mean the first year without a dancer banner in August/September, which seems like a longshot. Although I guess they could move it to the end of November? That'd let it serve as a sort of buffer between the end of Book 4 and the start of Book 5, and it could let it be a better fit for the White Heron Cup by being closer to the end of the year.

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2 minutes ago, Othin said:

I'd prefer that, but it'd mean the first year without a dancer banner in August/September, which seems like a longshot. Although I guess they could move it to the end of November? That'd let it serve as a sort of buffer between the end of Book 4 and the start of Book 5, and it could let it be a better fit for the White Heron Cup by being closer to the end of the year.

True, but regardless, I'd rather have double the chance of new Tellius beorc.

And yeah, moving the next refresher banner to the end of November sounds like a good idea, especially if it's themed to the White Heron Cup as you say.

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21 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

True, but regardless, I'd rather have double the chance of new Tellius beorc.

And yeah, moving the next refresher banner to the end of November sounds like a good idea, especially if it's themed to the White Heron Cup as you say.

Yeah, you're preaching to the choir here. Tellius is so overdue.

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3 minutes ago, Othin said:

Yeah, you're preaching to the choir here. Tellius is so overdue.

It is and even when it does get another banner, it'll still be missing numerous notable characters. If it's Geoffrey, Lucia, Kieran, and Bastian, we're still missing Marcia, Jill, other Daein peeps, and the remaining Greil Mercs as well as the Dawn Brigade. If it's Greil Mercs, we're missing Elincia's retainers, Marcia, the Daein peeps, and the Dawn Brigade. And so on.

My most preferred Tellius banners right now would be Greil Mercs, Daein with Jill, Tauroneo, and Zihark, or anything that has Kieran and/or Marcia. But the Dawn Brigade would still be SOMETHING, and it could have Jill or Aran, actually, whom I would go for.

I just can't believe how long Tellius has generally been ignored in terms of actual new additions when it's missing so many compared to other games.

Edited by Anacybele
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