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August's Legendary Hero Is: Corrin, Child of Dusk!

daisy jane

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When it comes to barracks I never had any problems as I immediately turn into manuals any units that I don't see myself building up. I still have the original 300 barrack space but I have only 104 units, I am a bad saving F2P player so I don't have that many units to being with especially when compared to most players here. My 3 and 4 stars are dancers that can be helpful regardless of stars or levels, one copy GHBs or TTs in case I want to use them and units whose ordeals I need to complete for flowers. All the rest are manuals, so far never have been disappointed.

20 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Yet I can use OG Reinhardt and Dancer Reinhardt well. So if I can use them effectively, why not other player phase units?

Non ranged player phase units can be hard to get used to, from my experience at least. I got into galeforce type of strategies this month that I got/built Duo Ephraim, Legendary Edelgard and OG.Eliwood. 

Edited by SuperNova125
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1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

But Elincia has all of PoR and parts 2 and 4 of RD where she had her major pseudo-lord role. Both have a couple notable chapters in part 3 too. Now, if you only consider the fact that Micaiah is a lord and Elincia technically isn't, she is, in that way, more important. But if you look at it by comparing Elincia's pseudo-lord role to Micaiah's lord role, you can easily see that Elincia has more importance as a pseudo-lord than Micaiah does as a lord. Though part of that IS also because IS decided to have Yune hijack Micaiah and Ike take over a lot of part 4 in the end, you still have to remember that Elincia has a second game where she played a major role, not just one.

Now this is laughable. Elincia has more of a lord status than Micaiah? Really? I’m sorry but what exactly does Elincia do in the entirety of path of radiance? What exactly does she do except following Ike around and gaining allies here and there, which Ike is the main reason for? Does she make a major decision that changes the flow of the plot? Did she take action and lead a army? Does she do anything besides playing a figure head? No absolutely not. She’s a nyna and that’s all. Just playing a figure head. Now on to Rd, elincias part is completely separate from  The main plot of the tellius game. And is the shortest part and acts more like a filler than anything. Micaiah on the other hand, stays relevant for the entirety of part 1, half of part 3 and most of part 4. Her decisions drive and influence the storyline. She’s the head command and strategist for the the army she controls. Her decisions matter and play a big role in driving the story along. So again? Who’s more of a lord? 

Edited by Jbunzie
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1 hour ago, SockPuppet said:

Caeda with a lance at long last?! Yay!

That's Tsuabsa. teeheeee. 

1 hour ago, Othin said:

We've talked about the reasons, both here and elsewhere. You don't think they're good reasons, and I don't either, but IS does, and that's what ultimately determines who gets picked.

Yeah. I get that @Anacybele is asking for reasons why etc (and/or she won't see how Sothe is one etc etc) - but I personally think (again) anyone in the Lords Banner is seen as a Lord (duh). which means they are eligible to become a Legendary. and honestly why does it matter if they do? it just gives some units another alt, one that you can use for arena etc  which is cool.  for some people - it just gives them (finally) a legendary to invest in (since i know while some people are competitive and will merge the ones who just score the best, some people have them accidentally  +10'ed from summoning, some people don't have any because they just don't LIKE them enough). so having different (unconventional) options is good for those units as well. 


1 hour ago, Othin said:

Personally, I want legendary Mist, as a sword cavalry in her Valkyrie class, but she wasn't even on that banner.

i would love Legendary Valkyrie Mist 👏


1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

You forget that refreshers like legendary Azura, Peony, and Mirabilis exist. I'll add dancer Reinhardt too since he also has good offense. No refreshers are as good as them and they're the only ones I can consistently reliably use.

hmm. well as someone who has a LOT of dancers (I think i'm actually just missing 3 out of all that are available) - rest assured i use all of them in some capacity and they all have their functions. Most of my dancers are built for Combat, and depending on what their original niche are - they can still work within this meta. Yeah. Peony and Azura are crazy with what they can do- but it doesn't take away from the fact that Ninian can give you hone spd and (hone atk/fortify etc) BEFORE combat. no other dancer can do that (because 9x10 you are running the Blue Dance or Yellow Dance in Azura's S slot. to get the mega buffs on your AFTER you dance).  Azura Prime, Olivia Prime, Sylvia can be triple chil bots (and imo have enough bulk to be combat dancers in their own right), Flying Azura (as seen many times) is a great galeforcer/dancer - let's get back to Sylvia and her AMAZING Res and high HP that can allow her to panic people, and soak up magical hits like no ones business. And so on, and so forth.  it just depends on the skills you give them, and the skills they have on the rest of the team. 


1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

Not really. Expanding your barracks costs precious orbs which are obviously better used for summoning. It only costs one orb to expand your barracks, but you only expand it by a measly five slots.

We get a a median of 300 orbs a month. (and you buy orbs). why not just dedicate 5 orbs a month to expanding your barracks? 


38 minutes ago, Vicious Sal said:

Weird, they all suck at this point, so you must only be using them for some easier content. I sure don't use them for much of anything. I only use newer units for the most part. my horse team doesn't even get much use anymore because they've become outdated and unable to handle much newer stuff.

while this is quoting Sal, (Hi Sal) - this is for @Anacybele - 

Gen one units do not suck - and no it's not using them on just the easier stuff.  sometimes you just have to update their skills. (something that I know you tend not to do because when sometimes it's suggested you mention how you don't have it and you don't really want to go summoning just for it) - which is fine, that's your decision. my Elincia is only +3 to your +10 and I don't struggle with her. (and she just has Swift Sparrow 3 i might add). nothing too too fancy. (if i had more merges (why she doesn't come to me more often, i don't know) - there's a brand spanking new unit with heavy blade 4/dive bomb - which will allow her to just rip through people because of her Prf. Claude has Atk/Spd Rein (meaning we're going to get flier only debuffs, so if we get another flier with it - slap that on her, and all of a sudden she's debuffing people in combat for whatever Rein debuffs you for, AND Heavy Blade AND Dive Bomb AND a sacred seal AND whatever flier/team buffs she can... she can be a destroyer of worlds. 

one of my biggest saviours is Sophia. All the Alms, and Leifs, and green bombs etc out there?  Sophia is just ho hum, thank you. Even in Abyssal, Sophia is so freaking tanky. she can just stand there and inflict 0's from a LOT of units.(and legit all she runs right now is Triangle Adapt because i don't have a Stance 3 to give her and i waver on if she wants close foil or close counter. vs. the stance. 

Remember a few months ago on the Legendary Seliph banner when Alexmender did a solo clear with his Eirika and you were like. "i don't even know how a gen 1 could do that, and I can't do it with Fallen Ike?" - it's little things like that. You don't remember all the nuances of units skills etc (which is fair. I don't remember them all either and goodness knows i ask all the time) - but Erika can be stupidly insanely strong  simply because of her mimic ability. (and if those guys also have drives on her even if one is debuffed she can go strong). and a lot of times a lot of people's main carry units have a TONNE of skills to mix and match for different modes

I don't know why Klein "sucks for you." (i would not send him home). but there are plenty of people who have a +10 Klein who can rip through anything. just play with his skills and his team comps. 

and imo. i personally feel the game is going to create a mode where we have to use certain game characters in a more serious sense. (I think limited battles and even RB is just laying ground work for other things) just so you can be incentivized to use units that you don't generally go for. (or build units you wouldn't think to). we all have a gap in our barracks game wise (for me it's Awakening and Eliwoods game). an it's good because it pushes you out of your comfort zone using the go too all the time. 

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29 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Except the boosts that Azura and Peony can provide have been super valuable. I wouldn't have cleared this one abyssal map without them when I was using a strategy revolving around Fallen Ike to clear it. Dancer Elincia wouldn't have ever provided support like that.A

VS!Azura's boost to mobility is helpful but unnecessary for player phase teams, and the boost to Def/Res does not matter unless it is for Blade mages on a player phase team. DB!Ike is a primarily enemy phase unit with some dual phase potential.

50 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I do expand on occasion, of course. Just not a whole lot.

I recommend expanding more. I do not recommend expanding all at once to 1,100, but you absolutely do need to expand your Barracks gradually as you naturally build more units. I strongly recommend keeping at least one of each unit, especially for the current state of the game as you need to tackle modes like Limited Hero Battles and Resonant Battles that limits your selection of units.

50 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Yet I can use OG Reinhardt and Dancer Reinhardt well. So if I can use them effectively, why not other player phase units?

If you actually tried to use slow Brave nukes in Abyssal, they are woefully underwhelming. Two hits simply is not enough damage output, and he is too easily walled by high stats. You can use slow Brave nukes for Abyssal, but they needed to be supplemented by another nuke that can pierce through high stats, and running two nukes means that there are less Dancers/Singers around for mobility. On some maps, using two nukes is definitely easier than one nuke, but in most maps, I find using one nuke easier.

I used to use Reinhardt a lot for PvE, but I retired him a long time ago since he often has to be paired with another nuke to offset his lack of power. Once I made the switch to Celica, I stopped bothering with Reinhardt completely for PvE.

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I've found most units ineffective on Abyssal, even most of my strongest combat units. Now that I have Raudhrblade on my +10 Aversa, I've been tending to just use her backed up by a trio of dancers.

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6 minutes ago, Othin said:

I've found most units ineffective on Abyssal, even most of my strongest combat units. Now that I have Raudhrblade on my +10 Aversa, I've been tending to just use her backed up by a trio of dancers.

Yeah, even Celica had issues lately. Now that I think about it, I have not actually used Celica either lately since I have been mostly using TSOIA!Palla with Galeforce to clear Abyssal.

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1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

Not really. Expanding your barracks costs precious orbs which are obviously better used for summoning. It only costs one orb to expand your barracks, but you only expand it by a measly five slots.

This is quite the statement coming from you, considering in the past you've purposely passed on easy orbs for no other reason than "I don't like any of the units in this Voting Gauntlet".

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6 hours ago, DefyingFates said:

It's possible they'll just release M!Corrin as a regular alt, just like F!M!Robin, but since that trend died in a horrendous blaze of fan-outrage two years ago (save an Echoes!Catria out of nowhere) I guess it's possible he'll be a Legendary. But of course, that means Fates has two Hoshido Legendaries and four in total which would then get people wondering where Xander is.

As for F!Corrin being Nohrian, she's always been depicted as one in marketing and Cipher with M!Corrin as the Hoshidan rep, so there's that too.

Oh, I fully expected f!Corrin to get a Nohrian alt at some point. But making her the Nohr representative on a legendary banner while Ryoma's already the currently existing Hoshidan representative if they never give m!Corrin and Xander legendary alts, just feels like an odd decision. I already didn't think Ryoma should've been a legendary tbh, he's not a lord and is not really important to the plot and is just presented as being important being the big brother of the Hoshidos.

The f!Corrin pick just makes me think more than I already did that Fates should've had m!Corrin, f!Corrin, and Azura as legendaries and Anankos as a mythic and call it a day.

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2 hours ago, Jbunzie said:

Now this is laughable. Elincia has more of a lord status than Micaiah? Really? I’m sorry but what exactly does Elincia do in the entirety of path of radiance? What exactly does she do except following Ike around and gaining allies here and there, which Ike is the main reason for? Does she make a major decision that changes the flow of the plot? Did she take action and lead a army? Does she do anything besides playing a figure head? No absolutely not. She’s a nyna and that’s all. Just playing a figure head. Now on to Rd, elincias part is completely separate from  The main plot of the tellius game. And is the shortest part and acts more like a filler than anything. Micaiah on the other hand, stays relevant for the entirety of part 1, half of part 3 and most of part 4. Her decisions drive and influence the storyline. She’s the head command and strategist for the the army she controls. Her decisions matter and play a big role in driving the story along. So again? Who’s more of a lord? 


If you actually read my post, you'd see that I said Elincia is a PSEUDO-lord. Not an actual lord. There's a difference. Of course Micaiah is more of an actual lord.

And anyway, in PoR, Elincia drives the entire plot. She's the one that makes Ike a lord and helps him command the army. She's the one taking the fight directly to Ashnard later. Ike is her army's commander, but she herself hired Ike and is his superior and appears in many scenes with him, including the final cutscene. I'd say the only thing keeping her from actually being a lord in this game is the fact that she isn't recruited until late. If she was recruited earlier, she'd definitely have more of the plot armor and all that lords usually do have on top of the already unique class she has.

1 hour ago, XRay said:

DB!Ike is a primarily enemy phase unit with some dual phase potential.

Yeah, and the stat boosts and movement helped him out greatly. He didn't survive in that abyssal map without Peony's stat boosts.

1 hour ago, daisy jane said:

hmm. well as someone who has a LOT of dancers (I think i'm actually just missing 3 out of all that are available) - rest assured i use all of them in some capacity and they all have their functions. Most of my dancers are built for Combat, and depending on what their original niche are - they can still work within this meta. Yeah. Peony and Azura are crazy with what they can do- but it doesn't take away from the fact that Ninian can give you hone spd and (hone atk/fortify etc) BEFORE combat. no other dancer can do that (because 9x10 you are running the Blue Dance or Yellow Dance in Azura's S slot. to get the mega buffs on your AFTER you dance).  Azura Prime, Olivia Prime, Sylvia can be triple chil bots (and imo have enough bulk to be combat dancers in their own right), Flying Azura (as seen many times) is a great galeforcer/dancer - let's get back to Sylvia and her AMAZING Res and high HP that can allow her to panic people, and soak up magical hits like no ones business. And so on, and so forth.  it just depends on the skills you give them, and the skills they have on the rest of the team. 

I see. I use other refreshers sometimes too, but not for the tougher infernal and abyssal maps. Those other refreshers only get used for modes like AR and all.

1 hour ago, daisy jane said:

We get a a median of 300 orbs a month. (and you buy orbs). why not just dedicate 5 orbs a month to expanding your barracks? 

That's not a bad idea. I can think about it.

1 hour ago, daisy jane said:

Remember a few months ago on the Legendary Seliph banner when Alexmender did a solo clear with his Eirika and you were like. "i don't even know how a gen 1 could do that, and I can't do it with Fallen Ike?" - it's little things like that. You don't remember all the nuances of units skills etc (which is fair. I don't remember them all either and goodness knows i ask all the time) - but Erika can be stupidly insanely strong  simply because of her mimic ability. (and if those guys also have drives on her even if one is debuffed she can go strong). and a lot of times a lot of people's main carry units have a TONNE of skills to mix and match for different modes

Yes, I do remember. And it turned out that it was possible to do with Fallen Ike, someone showed me. They just did too late after I'd already cleared that map with Fallen Ike in another way. So your point here is kinda moot.

1 hour ago, daisy jane said:

I don't know why Klein "sucks for you." (i would not send him home). but there are plenty of people who have a +10 Klein who can rip through anything. just play with his skills and his team comps. 

Yeah, I don't know either. But for me, he's pretty terrible.

1 hour ago, XRay said:

I recommend expanding more. I do not recommend expanding all at once to 1,100, but you absolutely do need to expand your Barracks gradually as you naturally build more units. I strongly recommend keeping at least one of each unit, especially for the current state of the game as you need to tackle modes like Limited Hero Battles and Resonant Battles that limits your selection of units.

I've said I don't really bother with Limited Hero Battles since I don't need any of the rewards from them except for the feathers and those are on the easiest difficulty. I also don't do much with Resonant battles.

I'm not sure how to respond to anything else that's been said to me right now, sorry for not saying more. >_<

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17 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

And anyway, in PoR, Elincia drives the entire plot. She's the one that makes Ike a lord and helps him command the army. She's the one taking the fight directly to Ashnard later. Ike is her army's commander, but she herself hired Ike and is his superior and appears in many scenes with him, including the final cutscene. I'd say the only thing keeping her from actually being a lord in this game is the fact that she isn't recruited until late. If she was recruited earlier, she'd definitely have more of the plot armor and all that lords usually do have on top of the already unique class she has.

In FE9, Elincia's role seems to me to be pretty similar to that of Nyna in FE1 or Guinivere in FE6, just with the addition of her taking the battlefield eventually.

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Ninian and Nils drive the plot of FE7 as well and I've never heard of anyone considering them lords before FEH's lord video banner thing.

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4 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Ninian and Nils drive the plot of FE7 as well and I've never heard of anyone considering them lords before FEH's lord video banner thing.

They do? Since when? Also, I still didn't call Elincia a lord. Why do people keep saying I am?

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7 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Ninian and Nils drive the plot of FE7 as well and I've never heard of anyone considering them lords before FEH's lord video banner thing.

Hmm. Now that you mention it, Ninian is also a bit of a Nyna archetype, although a non-royalty variant. Pelleas also fits the archetype.

Nyna, Guinevere, and Pelleas are definitely some of my most wanted missing characters from their respective games, since I do think it's good for Heroes to include characters with that kind of story importance, but yeah, there's a difference between that and being a lord. I'd say Elincia only gets lord points for FE10, not FE9.

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6 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

They do? Since when? Also, I still didn't call Elincia a lord. Why do people keep saying I am?

A small part of Lyn's mode and everything coming after it happens because Nergal is chasing Ninian and Nils. Without Ninian and Nils, no plot.

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27 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Yeah, and the stat boosts and movement helped him out greatly. He didn't survive in that abyssal map without Peony's stat boosts.

Most Dancers/Singers are used in player phase teams. I keep highlighting and repeating player phase teams because you keep ignoring player phase teams and keep talking about enemy phase teams for some reason, where Elincia and FIH!Elincia are not as well suited for. It is one thing if you do not like using player phase units and you choose not to use them, but saying certain player phase units are bad when you have not properly built and used them is not right. It would be no different if I bash on BH!Ike for being a shitty player phase unit when compared to Raven when BH!Ike clearly is not meant for player phase combat. 

Despite you statements about how much you like Elinicia, it seems like you just keep ignoring Elincia and bash on her for being "weak" just because she is player phase unit and her alt is a regular Dancer/Singer.

It is completely possible for Elincia to clear Abyssal content. If I can do it with TSOIA!Palla/Cordelia with three Dancers/Singers, then Elincia can definitely clear Abyssals as well. Once Spd/Def Rein becomes a thing, flier nukes would get even more ridiculously powerful because their C slot essentially turns into another A slot.

You cannot run both Peony and VS!Azura if you are using Elincia as your nuke to clear Abyssal content. Elincia needs two infantry Dancers/Singers to fully utilize Tactics. FIH!Elincia also comes in green and got a dragon Effectiveness Weapon to help provide coverage for Elincia.

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1 minute ago, XRay said:

Most Dancers/Singers are used in player phase teams. I keep highlighting and repeating player phase teams because you keep ignoring player phase teams and keep talking about enemy phase teams for some reason, where Elincia and FIH!Elincia are not as well suited for. It is one thing if you do not like using player phase units and you choose not to use them, but saying certain player phase units are bad when you have not properly built and used them is not right. It would be no different if I bash on BH!Ike for being a shitty player phase unit when compared to Raven when BH!Ike clearly is not meant for player phase combat. 

Despite you statements about how much you like Elinicia, it seems like you just keep ignoring Elincia and bash on her for being "weak" just because she is player phase unit and her alt is a regular Dancer/Singer.

It is completely possible for Elincia to clear Abyssal content. If I can do it with TSOIA!Palla/Cordelia with three Dancers/Singers, then Elincia can definitely clear Abyssals as well. Once Spd/Def Rein becomes a thing, flier nukes would get even more ridiculously powerful because their C slot essentially turns into another A slot.

You cannot run both Peony and VS!Azura if you are using Elincia as your nuke to clear Abyssal content. Elincia needs two infantry Dancers/Singers to fully utilize Tactics. FIH!Elincia also comes in green and got a dragon Effectiveness Weapon to help provide coverage for Elincia.

Because I don't really run player phase teams. Enemy phase units have been much better for me in general.

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4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Because I don't really run player phase teams. Enemy phase units have been much better for me in general.

And a few posts ago you said they weren’t working for you anymore either. And you struggle with abyssal maps and similar stuff regularly. Maybe, just maybe, diversifying your roster is actually a good idea.

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4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Because I don't really run player phase teams. Enemy phase units have been much better for me in general.

I strongly recommend dipping your toes into player phase a little more, especially if you have a character you like that can fill that role. You cannot enemy phase every single mode, and learning how to use player phase and dual phase strategies/tactics will make difficult content a lot easier. For some stuff like Aether Raids, then definitely enemy phase it with BH!Ike to make things easier. For other modes like Abyssal, player phase is often a lot easier once you learn how to use those teams.

Just practice with your two Elincias every day in Arena or something. Once your finish your weekly Arena run, you can use the remaining daily Dueling Crests for the rest of the week to knock out the daily quests and practice at the same time.

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58 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Yes, I do remember. And it turned out that it was possible to do with Fallen Ike, someone showed me. They just did too late after I'd already cleared that map with Fallen Ike in another way. So your point here is kinda moot.

well it's not moot. 

you flat out said most Gen 1 units suck. 
Eirika's gen 1 and she doesn't suck (among other units). you just need to know how to make them work.

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23 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

you flat out said most Gen 1 units suck. 
Eirika's gen 1 and she doesn't suck (among other units). you just need to know how to make them work.

I have not done the math, but a pretty significant portion of gen I units are really good, and I would argue that the ratio of meta defining units to non meta defining units is much higher in gen I compared to later gens due to Weapon Refinement improving a lot of them.

By a rough count in my head, Gen I has the most amount of Galeforcers that do not require Heavy Blade/Flashing Blade Sacred Seal. BH!Roy, Eliwood, Claire, Caeda, Ogma, Legion, and Navarre. I do not think any later generations comes close to rivaling that amount of Galeforcers with built in Heavy Blade.

Gen I also has a lot of top tier support units: M!Corrin and BH!Lucina are basically the best right now, and Clive, Mathilda, and maybe Gunther will be just as good once we have more Sacred Seals tailored for cavalry.

Tharja and Nino also have the unique distinction of being able to take a massive dump on enemies twice in one build with a Blazing Special out of combat and the raw nuclear power of Blade tomes in combat. Ophelia is nice and all, but I do not think she can compete with Blazing Blade mages.

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2 minutes ago, XRay said:

I have not done the math, but a pretty significant portion of gen I units are really good, and I would argue that the ratio of meta defining units to non meta defining units is much higher in gen I compared to later gens due to Weapon Refinement improving a lot of them.

By a rough count in my head, Gen I has the most amount of Galeforcers that do not require Heavy Blade/Flashing Blade Sacred Seal. BH!Roy, Eliwood, Claire, Caeda, Ogma, Legion, and Navarre. I do not think any later generations comes close to rivaling that amount of Galeforcers with built in Heavy Blade.

Gen I also has a lot of top tier support units: M!Corrin and BH!Lucina are basically the best right now, and Clive, Mathilda, and maybe Gunther will be just as good once we have more Sacred Seals tailored for cavalry.

Tharja and Nino also have the unique distinction of being able to take a massive dump on enemies twice in one build with a Blazing Special out of combat and the raw nuclear power of Blade tomes in combat. Ophelia is nice and all, but I do not think she can compete with Blazing Blade mages.

honestly.  you can do a tonne of stuff with gen one units. you just have to get them better skills.

Some gen 1 units (or gen 2) have poop refines (or their refines are now just old to what some have). 
but not all gen 1 sucks. 

i think any unit can do what you need them to do. - some can do it better than others but if you like the unit you make it work. I've seen a +10 selena tank an entire AR map full of newer units. and I saw a celica (with her new refine) -(but early gen 2) - face tank a Chrom - who is hands down one of the biggest threats in the game to date and take him out the next turn..

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Three of my frequently-used +10 units are Gen 1 armors: Black Knight, Gwendolyn, and Sheena. I wouldn't call them meta-defining, but if you're in a position like me where you can feasibly merge common units but not premium ones, they can easily get a lot stronger than most of their more recent competition.

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1 hour ago, Vicious Sal said:

And a few posts ago you said they weren’t working for you anymore either. And you struggle with abyssal maps and similar stuff regularly. Maybe, just maybe, diversifying your roster is actually a good idea.

Except I have a preferred play style that I'd like to stick with. Don't we all?

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7 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Except I have a preferred play style that I'd like to stick with. Don't we all?

Not particularly. Player phase, enemy phase, mixed, I'll use whatever works as long as I can feasibly build it. I want as many options as possible so I can tackle anything the game throws at me.

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11 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Except I have a preferred play style that I'd like to stick with. Don't we all?

In this case you have to accept that your enemy phase only schtick will underperform on some maps/modes/areas.
A well balanced Team should allways consist of:
An enemy phase Tank (melee or ranged)
A player phase nuke (melee or ranged)
Support (Dancer or Healer)
And someone who can fill out different spots in tacky situations.

Now this doesnt work for all modes, but as you know i have allways cleared Abyssal maps with the Askrtrio and Veronica:
Alfonse: Enemy phase tank
Anna: Player phase nuke
Sharena: Versatile and can do both of the above roles
Veronica: Support/Magical nuke

Of course i have them loaded with all kind of skills, and the skills push them more into one or the other direction.

I am not even sure why we discussing this, if you have invested properly in your units you like the most, then Abyssal maps shouldnt even be that bad to do. And by properly i mean giving them a wide variety of skills/weapons to choose and adapt to the occasion.

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