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The Best Video Game Competition: Winners: Fire Emblem: Three Houses and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn


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32 minutes ago, Benice said:

Hey, at least PoR's gonna curbstomp my two favorite games if they match up!

I can think of quite a few games on here that will curbstomp your favs

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although every cell, every proton, neutron and electron of my body, my guardian angel and my potential doppelgängers refuse to see 3H placing higher than Xeno2, Automata and Final Fantasy X, what is left for me to do is simply suggest those who haven't played these games to seriously reconsider their life choices give them a try, they're damn good games

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5 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

And I haven't played Chrono Trigger, but seeing what it is up against I'll vote for it anyway.

It's not bad for its era. The quintessential peppy 16-bit JRPG, with a cast of characters that tries to be charming despite the era's usual shortage of wordy character interactions. Throw in some time traveling, visible enemy encounters (unusual for the time), ATB, and Dual and Triple Techs for some mid-battle teamwork. It most likely won't live up to the IT'S A CLASSIC! hype it's been given over the years, but I think it's fairly good if you don't let that get in the way. A few obscure secrets later in the game, but if you played it, I'd be willing to tell you them.

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9 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

And I haven't played Chrono Trigger, but seeing what it is up against I'll vote for it anyway.

Figured I would add onto what @Interdimensional Observer said, and add that it was highly influential as well, being the first game with a New Game +. It was also a game with the guts to kill off the mostly silent protagonist in the story, and making his revival optional; had a key moment early in the game where it made you think about the consequences of your action in the game's world, and not just the game's mechanics; and finally having scenes which in other games would be scripted losing battles, but here if you did grind up enough to be able to win it, you do. Plus Akira Toriyama's work as a character designer gives it a distinctive look. Now it is still a SNES game, with all the trapping involved with that, but it earned its status as a classic JRPG.

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17 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

It's not bad for its era. The quintessential peppy 16-bit JRPG, with a cast of characters that tries to be charming despite the era's usual shortage of wordy character interactions. Throw in some time traveling, visible enemy encounters (unusual for the time), ATB, and Dual and Triple Techs for some mid-battle teamwork. It most likely won't live up to the IT'S A CLASSIC! hype it's been given over the years, but I think it's fairly good if you don't let that get in the way. A few obscure secrets later in the game, but if you played it, I'd be willing to tell you them.

13 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Figured I would add onto what @Interdimensional Observer said, and add that it was highly influential as well, being the first game with a New Game +. It was also a game with the guts to kill off the mostly silent protagonist in the story, and making his revival optional; had a key moment early in the game where it made you think about the consequences of your action in the game's world, and not just the game's mechanics; and finally having scenes which in other games would be scripted losing battles, but here if you did grind up enough to be able to win it, you do. Plus Akira Toriyama's work as a character designer gives it a distinctive look. Now it is still a SNES game, with all the trapping involved with that, but it earned its status as a classic JRPG.

Thanks for the detailed explanations, but in all honesty, after not really liking what I got in Dragon Quest V, the label "classic JRPG" is one that immediately makes me wary of it.
ATB battle systems I am not really a fan of in general (exceptions exist, but that's less the ATB system on its own and more the execution of it), and Akira Toriyama's character designs aren't exactly something I'm entirely a fan of, either.
Not that I doubt that the game is good, but I'm convinced that it's not something I would enjoy, based off of past experiences.

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Radianto Dawn gets the top pick from me. But which to choose of the lower two? CT is good, but Ys VIII is a much more recent experience for me, one that did touch me enough to trigger my depression and make me not want to return to it again. CT because I wanted to get every ending I think I played to the point of burnout as well. Rather than abstain, I think I'll pick Dana.

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Ah, heck. I'm going Radiant Dawn. BotW is great, but nothing beats the satisfying difficulty of making my way through the game chapter-by-chapter. That and the presence of an actual, quality story make it the better game.

Edited by twilitfalchion
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Yeesh...RD was quite good, but bits of it were very weak...The same can be said for BotW, though...

Mmm...BotW it is!

And I've never heard of the other two, so no opinion.

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I'mma go with Ys 8 and RD.
While I couldn't get into the gameplay of Ys 8, that was due to my own incompetence and less the game being bad. And RD is the obvious choice since I never played BotW.
I never played Chrono Trigger either, for that matter.

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Breath of the wild has to pull through!! It’s a massive, open world Zelda adventure :0 you can do it botw!! I mean intel tons of awards in 2017 for a reason.

Edit: botw is losing by two, this is not good. People need to vote botw!

Edited by Sooks1016
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