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Remixed Legendary Heroes: New Skills Speculation!

Diovani Bressan

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1 minute ago, Tybrosion said:

Based on when they said who is coming back when, this should be the tentative schedule for the next couple of Remixes:

March: Azura and Alm
May: Duma and probably Yune
July: Roy and maybe Leif (I know he isn't the remix rotation yet, but he could be by this point in time)

Naga instead of Leif, she's already confirmed for Remix.

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Just now, Florete said:

Naga instead of Leif, she's already confirmed for Remix.

Unless they expand these banners to have three units per color (like the 8% banners), it can't be Naga because both Blue spots are already filled (Lucina and Y!Tiki).

Naga can't be in May either since Blue is also full there (Fjorm and Ephraim)

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Just now, Tybrosion said:

Unless they expand these banners to have three units per color (like the 8% banners), it can't be Naga because both Blue spots are already filled (Lucina and Y!Tiki).

Naga can't be in May either since Blue is also full there (Fjorm and Ephraim)

Oh right, I forgot that.

With that in mind, it seems like it can only realistically be Leif or Sothis. Sothis is red like Roy (and May already has two reds) and I don't think there's precedent for remixing two of the same color, but I also don't see any reason not to. Just saying this because Sothis is older than Leif and currently far less powerful than him, so it feels like she should sooner be in line for a remix.

The next scheduling will probably confirm it regardless.

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11 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Unless they expand these banners to have three units per color (like the 8% banners), it can't be Naga because both Blue spots are already filled (Lucina and Y!Tiki).

Naga can't be in May either since Blue is also full there (Fjorm and Ephraim)

Maybe they'll announce a schedule change?

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30 minutes ago, Florete said:

Oh right, I forgot that.

With that in mind, it seems like it can only realistically be Leif or Sothis. Sothis is red like Roy (and May already has two reds) and I don't think there's precedent for remixing two of the same color, but I also don't see any reason not to. Just saying this because Sothis is older than Leif and currently far less powerful than him, so it feels like she should sooner be in line for a remix.

The next scheduling will probably confirm it regardless.

Sothis and Leif will both be on the Legendary banner at the end of this month, so we don't have too long to wait on their next scheduling.

Meanwhile, Naga and Yune should both be on the Remix banner this month (they were scheduled for February as of Otr's banner and Ullr's banner respectively) so we should know their next scheduling even sooner than Sothis's and Leif's.

29 minutes ago, Othin said:

Maybe they'll announce a schedule change?

That could always happen too, but as the schedule currently stands there isn't room for Naga in either May or July.

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1 hour ago, Tybrosion said:

Based on when they said who is coming back when, this should be the tentative schedule for the next couple of Remixes:

March: Azura and Alm
May: Duma and probably Yune
July: Roy and maybe Leif (I know he isn't the remix rotation yet, but he could be by this point in time)

I expect new additions to the remix banners to be informed in the Feh Channel 6-months Anniversary. I dont believe we will get Leif before that.

I confess I am kinda confused about Naga's situation. My guesses are: 

1- Even though Naga is in this month's banner, she will be next month as well, and she will get remix alongside Azura. Alm will appear in next month's banner, but his remix will be in a different month (in May, with Duma, or in July, with Roy).

2- They will move a Blue hero from May or July to a different banner, and put Naga in their place.

Edited by Diovani Bressan
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  • 4 weeks later...

We only get one Remix this time. Disappointment.

Legendary Azura:

Gray Waves II: Adds Null Panic to the list of effects granted to infantry and flying units.

Atk/Spd Push 4


Gray Waves II is pretty good, though the new Null Panic effect doesn't apply to cavalry or armors.

Atk/Spd Push 4 is more disappointing because there are already 21 units with the skill, one of which is also a Mythic Hero, and the skill itself is not great.

We'll have to wait and see what her refine does.

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24 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

We only get one Remix this time. Disappointment.

Yeah, but it's for:

24 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Legendary Azura

They probably wanted to spare us this time because Azura will be cancerous as hell after getting refined.

I suppose this also means only Duma is getting a Remix in May, unless if Alm ends up there for his next re-run.

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  • 2 months later...

As expected, Duma is next.

He's getting Fury 4 to replace Def/Res Solo 3.

Upheaval's first turn damage is getting upgraded from 7 damage to 10 damage, and its Catapult effect is upgraded from the structure in the same column to the nearest structure. It's also gaining Dull All if Duma's Atk is higher than the opponent's at the start of combat (hence why he's getting Fury 4) or if the opponent's HP is not max at the start of combat.

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The fact that Duma has a chance to destroy the Safety Fence even if its not in the same column as his column, it's pretty nice. He is still weak to False Start, but oh well.

Fury 4 was unnexpected... But that's a skill that can improve his Atk for the remixed skill but also his defenses. Maybe his refinement will have something to do with the self damage that Fury inflict. He could activate an effect when below 100% HP, or his weapon will grant En Gard to himself. 

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6 hours ago, Hilda said:

So Duma just got infinitly better. His C skill will destroy a building guaranteed and in the best case scenario even destroy 2 of them.

I would not necessarily say better, as it depends on how much the offensive player relies on their Structures (O). For offensive players who are extremely reliant on them, they are going to have a bad day for sure. For offensive players who do not rely on them, or players like me who actually want them destroyed to have more space to move around, Duma is irrelevant at best or is bad for defense at worst.

Unless the player is experienced and knows exactly what they are doing, I do not think they should slap Duma onto their team wily-nily, just like how players generally should not upgrade their Bolt Traps and just replace them with Hex Traps instead.

5 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

The fact that Duma has a chance to destroy the Safety Fence even if its not in the same column as his column, it's pretty nice. He is still weak to False Start, but oh well.

He is pretty weak to player phase teams, especially Galeforce teams, due to that out of combat damage contributing to Desperation and Wings of Mercy thresholds. Defense might be better off not using Upheaval II at all depending on the team set up.

Edited by XRay
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  • 1 month later...

Roy is the next unit getting a remix. He's getting Spurn to replace Renewal in his B slot.

Human Virtue is being upgraded from

  • +6 Atk/Spd to self and adjacent non-dragon, non-beast allies if there is at least 1 non-dragon, non-beast ally adjacent to unit at start of turn


  • +6 Atk/Spd to self and non-dragon, non-beast allies within 2 spaces if there is at least 1 non-dragon, non-beast ally within 2 spaces of unit at start of turn
  • in-combat bonus to all stats equal to the highest bonus to the corresponding stat on non-dragon, non-beast allies within 2 spaces
  • damage reduction on the opponent's first attack with percentage equal to the total bonuses of the 3 non-dragon, non-beast allies within 2 spaces with the highest total bonuses, maximum 40
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I was hopis that Yune would also get a remix this month... sadly, it's not the case.

About Roy's remix... that's not a bad one. Spurn on him is good. He has 38 Spd, which is workable, and having another damage reduction with his C skill combo well with this. If my math is not wrong, that's a possible 64% damage reduction on the first hit? 

I also liked the Sieglinde effect on him. So even if foe has a Lull kill or Dull effect, Roy can still get buffed in combat from his allies. Too bad Kaden is not a good ally to have with him. Kaden will provide buffs with his Kitsune Fang but since Roy is racist, Human Virtue will not work on and with Kaden.

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Why not both Yune and Roy? What, is giving two outdated units a remix at the same time suddenly too generous?

That said, glad for Roy. He really needed an upgrade. And I really need a Roy.

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13 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Why not both Yune and Roy? What, is giving two outdated units a remix at the same time suddenly too generous?

I think they're worried that they're going to run out of outdated units to give remixes to.

There are only about 10 units that I think are really outdated at this point (Yune, Alm, Naga, Eliwood, Sothis, Thrasir, Altina, Celica, Lif, Seliph) plus Julia, Leaf, Chrom, and Corrin if I'm being a bit more generous. In a vacuum, I'd also say that the alfar are outdated, but due to the mechanics of Aether Raids, they don't actually need any buffs to function at the level expected of their role.

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2 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

I think they're worried that they're going to run out of outdated units to give remixes to.

There are only about 10 units that I think are really outdated at this point (Yune, Alm, Naga, Eliwood, Sothis, Thrasir, Altina, Celica, Lif, Seliph) plus Julia, Leaf, Chrom, and Corrin if I'm being a bit more generous. In a vacuum, I'd also say that the alfar are outdated, but due to the mechanics of Aether Raids, they don't actually need any buffs to function at the level expected of their role.

Hey, question that's tangentially related to just refines in general. Do you believe that they'll ever actually stop giving refines to units, deciding at one point that "okay everyone else is strong enough"? Or do you think they'll just continue giving (almost) every character eventually until characters like launch day Takumi get stuck with shitty things that don't help them out at all (and sucked even when they got them) while "Ascended Ishtar needs a refine because her weapon is outdated now!"

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54 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Hey, question that's tangentially related to just refines in general. Do you believe that they'll ever actually stop giving refines to units, deciding at one point that "okay everyone else is strong enough"? Or do you think they'll just continue giving (almost) every character eventually until characters like launch day Takumi get stuck with shitty things that don't help them out at all (and sucked even when they got them) while "Ascended Ishtar needs a refine because her weapon is outdated now!"

CYL 4 is where I consider the line to be for when we started consistently getting "modern" weapons. Even if we get no power creep at all, it'll take about 20 months just for refines to reach that point. After that, we can fill another 8 months with post-CYL-4 units that didn't get an exclusive weapon (only counting the ones that are released as of today). So we're looking at 28 months just to reach what we currently have released right now.

I personally think they're going to go back and give weapons with outdated refines a new refine because they can buy a huge amount of time doing that.

It'll take about 2 and a half years to give a new refine to every weapon that has an outdated refine. After that, it'll take a bit under 2 years to then catch up on all of the units that didn't get an exclusive weapon, but was released after today and wasn't previously counted. This gives them about 7 years before they ever have to touch post-CYL-4 weapons.


It is worth noting that power creep in the form of the number of weapon effects and the size of stat boosts basically stopped after CYL 4. For weapons, we've mostly been getting new effects instead of more effects and a greater distribution of effects that were once unique to only a small number of units.

Power creep has largely only progressed through stronger non-weapon exclusive skills and stronger inheritable skills, and the former seems to have also begun to plateau.

In terms of game longevity, I think focusing on power creep through inheritable skills (which can be given to older units, but still forces pulling newer units), base stats (which can be made up for by spending Dragonflowers, which are of limited supply), and new effects is the correct way to go about it, and I hope this is how they do things moving forward.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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I thought they were doing legendary/Mythic from whole one book. Like when we were on book 5, all book 2 legendaries got remixed from Fjorm to Eirika, in total 12. And with that this year (book 6). all legendary and Mythic from book 6 to Eir + Azura to Altina + Leif  making again 12 in total but the fact they skipped Yune makes me think I was wrong the whole time or they just decided to slow down things.

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On 7/1/2022 at 4:55 PM, Ice Dragon said:

I personally think they're going to go back and give weapons with outdated refines a new refine because they can buy a huge amount of time doing that.

I hope they do not make us farm another resource. Or they can just update old Weapon Refines directly like how they updated area of effect Specials.

And for units with original effects that were replaced, they might as well just throw them in, like Leo's Gravity and Takumi's Pass. Some of the requirements are super annoying too, and it is not like the benefits are amazing either, so might as well get rid of the requirements.

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4 hours ago, XRay said:

I hope they do not make us farm another resource. Or they can just update old Weapon Refines directly like how they updated area of effect Specials.

And for units with original effects that were replaced, they might as well just throw them in, like Leo's Gravity and Takumi's Pass. Some of the requirements are super annoying too, and it is not like the benefits are amazing either, so might as well get rid of the requirements.

Why would a second refine behave any differently than the first?

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4 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Why would a second refine behave any differently than the first?

We already have to farm two resources, and which one we use is dependent on whether the Weapon is exclusive, so I am hoping they do not make us farm another resource to get super Refines or whatever they call it.

And I do not want to have to spend another 200 Dew just to fix the fix the first 200 Dew.

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8 hours ago, XRay said:

We already have to farm two resources, and which one we use is dependent on whether the Weapon is exclusive, so I am hoping they do not make us farm another resource to get super Refines or whatever they call it.

And I do not want to have to spend another 200 Dew just to fix the fix the first 200 Dew.

Because the most likely purpose of releasing second refines is to pad out time for newer weapons to become outdated, releasing a new resource makes no sense. If the rate of first refines slows down, the acquisition of Divine Dew will eventually catch up to the release of first refines, which will cause the value of Divine Dew to plummet.

Additionally, even if they make a new resource, there is no way its acquisition will be tied to the usage of Divine Dew because that would screw over every player that used Divine Dew prior to the release of the new resource. Unlike some other games that actually have means to keep track of a player's resource acquisition and usage history and can actually account for resources used prior to the introduction of a new mechanic, it doesn't look like Heroes has anything of the sort.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Despite my previous expectations, we're once again getting two remixes this month.


Alm gets Time's Pulse as a new skill to replace the mostly useless Odd Atk Wave. Lunar Flash II keeps its base effect and gains percentage damage reduction nullification like Deadeye and Lethality.

Naga gets Dive-Bomb as a new skill to replace the mostly useless Chill Spd. Divine Fang+ keeps its base effect and also grants +6 Atk/Spd as a Bonus and a guaranteed follow-up on player phase as a status effect to herself and allies within 2 spaces as long as there is at least one ally in range.

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I am glad Alm didn't get Swift Sparrow 3, since I gave him that long ago. Although, I already didn't expect that on him considering Lucina got that skill and they didn't repeat any skill in remixes yet. Alm getting Time's Pulse makes me think that he could get Slaying effect or any type of special charge in his refinement. If he gets Slaying, Lunar Flash would become a 1CD special, and it would be ready with Time's Pulse.

Naga got a very good boost. Now if you run Elimine and Naga, you can buff allies with Atk/Spd/Def/Res+6 very easily. The Player Phase Follow-Up Effect is also welcomed, for sure.


It was also announced more legendaries/mythics being added to these banners, from Eliwood to Altina. So the future remix banners look like this:


  • August: Hríd, Eirika, Naga, Gunnthrá, Thrasir, Alm.
  • September: Sothis, Julia, Lyn, Hector, Robin, Duma.
  • October: No Remix Banner scheduled for this month.
  • November: Ike, Eliwood, Ephraim, Azura, Yune, Eir.
  • December: No Remix Banner scheduled for this month.


  • January: Marth, Altina, Fjorm, Tiki, Leif.
  • February: Ryoma, Roy.
  • March: Lucina.

If we keep the 2 remixes per month: September can be Julia & Sothis, November ccan be Eliwood & Yune and January can be Altina & Leif (unless Thrasir ends in January, so she could take Altina's spot for the remix).

Peony is scheduled for Legendary Hero banner in February... I wonder if she could get her remix in that month. Celica is scheduled for March, and I expect her to be in remixes already there.

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