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Ascendant Floret Discussion and Advice Thread

Some Jerk

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Welcome to the Ascendant Floret Thread!


This is an Ascendant Floret. Give it to someone you love.

It's occurred to me that this new crystal flower thing is both a very awesome thing and a very easy thing to screw up, so I thought it warranted its own thread.

What is an Ascendant Floret?

Ascendant Florets are a new item introduced with Ascended Heroes. Upon being given to a Hero, that Hero will gain a second Asset in a stat of your choice. Have you ever pulled your hair out agonizing over Asset selection because a certain Hero has two optimal stat choices? Fear baldness no longer! (But if it's more than two, then I'm sorry, there's no saving your follicles.)

How do I use it?

The appropriate menu is located under Allies > Traits/Equipment > Ascend Traits. You may have to scroll the menu to to click the button.

I think this is the first time anything in the Allies screen has been scrollable...

Once there, you'll see the long list of all the Heroes you own. Find the Hero you want to give the Floret to, and you'll be sent to the Trait selection screen.


The Asset granted by the Floret works just like a regular Asset: normal Assets boost the Trait by 3, and a Hero having a Superasset in a particular Trait will boost it by 4.

If the Floret is dropped into a Trait that is currently a Flaw (subtracting stats rather than adding), then the Flaw will be cancelled out. If the Hero gains a merge that cancels that Flaw, then the Floret Trait will become a proper Asset.

Conversely, if the Ascended unit is used as merge material themselves, then the inheritor will gain the Floret in the stat it was previously boosting. Bare in mind that this can lead to a problem if the Ascended Asset is already an Asset on the inheritor, which means the Floret will have no effect. This will have to be corrected in the "Change Traits" menu -- more on that below.

For those having seen my videos, I'm sure my first choice of who to Ascend will surprise exactly no one.

If a Hero has had a Floret used on them, it will be reflected in their stat screen -- a little Floret will be displayed beside their Rarity, and tapping the boosted Trait will show it as an "Ascended Asset" rather than just "Asset".

How many Florets can be used on a Hero?

One and only one. Once a Hero eats a Floret, they'll be shoved down to the bottom of the unit list with a red X to denote that you can't feed them again.

How does this change Arena scoring?

It doesn't. The Ascended Asset is not factored into score calculation; it's for performance only. This means if you need a Superasset to go up a BST bin, it must be done with the regular Asset and not the Ascended one. Know the difference in case scoring is a concern!

Wait, my Ascended Hero says it costs no Florets to boost! What gives?

That's unique to Ascended Heroes. They've already got that sweet, sweet Ascension juice, so they don't need a Floret -- just pick a Trait and go. Ascended Heroes who have already ascended a Trait will also be grouped at the bottom of the unit list.

I screwed up and picked the wrong Trait! / I merged the Ascended unit into a different unit, and the Asset and Ascended Asset are overlapping!

Don't panic, there's a way to fix it. Go to "Change Traits" in the Traits/Equipment menu (it's right above "Ascend Traits"). When you change the Hero's regular Asset there, you'll also be able to change their Ascended Asset at the same time.

Be aware, however, that this will still cost you 100 Trait Fruits. Try not to mess up the first time -- ask for advice if you're unsure, that's why this thread is here! (Unless your merge target's Asset was the preferred one and there was no chance to fix it beforehand, in which case you'll have to pony up the fruits and suffer in silence.)

Oh no, a Hero I gave a Floret to was manual'd/sent home/lost through Skill Inheritance!

You absolute goddamned fool. There's no fixing that -- the Floret is as gone as the extra Skills and Dragonflowers that the unit took with them.

Don't let this be you! Remember to Favorite your most used Heroes, especially ones you Ascend! For the uninitiated, "Favoriting" is done by tapping the Heart icon on the unit's stat screen. Favorited units can't be lost under any circumstances unless you manually remove their Favorite status.

Where do I get Ascendant Florets?

One Floret is given to you for free just for accessing the Ascend Traits menu for the first time. Treasure it!

As for where to get extras... that's where things get messy. To add to your Ascendant Floret count, you must summon an Ascended Hero. They (usually) debut in New Heroes banners that otherwise lack a theme or special unit. Similar to Legendary Heroes giving you their appropriate Blessing when they join your barracks, an Ascended Hero will give you a Floret for pulling them. Unlike Legendary Heroes though, a particular Ascended Hero only supplies the Floret the first time you summon that specific Ascended Hero. Extra copies of the same Ascended Hero will not give you more Florets -- whether you Spark them, summon them from a different banner, or obtain them from some kind of event, only the very first summon of that Ascended Hero counts.

What this means is that outside of the freebie or whatever cockamamie events IntSys hosts, there will never be more Florets than there are Ascended Heroes. Florets are not just rare -- they are finite, and you don't get them back once they're used. They are also the only resource in the game that outright require Orbs to obtain outside of gifts.


Seriously, this cannot be stressed enough. You don't get enough Florets to hand them out like Dragonflowers; Florets are absolutely the sort of thing you give to your most favorite Heroes and only your most favorite Heroes. And again, Favorite the Heroes you Ascend!

From accessing the Ascend Traits menu: 1
From summoning each Ascended Hero: 16
From events: 2
From paid promotions: 2

...Well, that sucks. What's the best way to get Florets without gutting my wallet then?

There is thankfully one cool thing about summoning Ascended Heroes: New Heroes banners feature Sparking (that doesn't require Feh Pass!) as well as Summon Tickets. "Sparking" (I forget if Fire Emblem Heroes has its own term) is a free Focus Hero summon of your choice after a certain number of summons on a specific banner that features it (denoted by the banner having a "# / #" number on the bottom-left of the screen, usually 40 summons). Summon Tickets give you a free random pull from their featured banner and are usually found from Quests or Events (usually Forging Bonds, which is commonly paired with a New Heroes banner and comes in a set of 4 tickets).

Putting Sparking and Summon Tickets together, you can drastically reduce the required Orbs to pull the featured Ascended Hero if your luck doesn't let you summon them normally. You usually need 200 Orbs for 40 summons in a worst case scenario -- the usual banner free pull and 4 tickets subtracts that by 25, and pulling multiple Heroes in one session costs gradually less. A Spark typically takes anywhere between 175 to 135 Orbs, depending on your willingness to snipe specific colors or pull full wheels.

So who are the Ascended Heroes anyway?

MRnnX6f.png Fjorm: Ice Ascendant   XSv1bYf.png t3Ee3Is.png          LvzAj0O.png Laegjarn: Flame Ascendant   sziBzZF.png wdAkbrO.png

DSHjJpf.png Joshua: Resolute Tempest   87G5FEC.png GOViJuO.png          WlyR6XI.png Idunn: Divine Demon   XSv1bYf.png oAYLIDs.png

G69PLed.png Mareeta: Astra Awakened   87G5FEC.png QqSnPcd.png          PRkYmrX.png Ishtar: Echoing Thunder   87G5FEC.png IXv2afb.png

Htjyawl.png Florina: Azure-Sky Knight   fbzFNkQ.png wdAkbrO.png          H8hhYH2.png Celica: Valentia's Hope   87G5FEC.png hDW4Lxd.png

G2y2AJa.png Hilda: Helping Hand   87G5FEC.png t3Ee3Is.png          MtwUPEF.png Eir: Life Ascendant   87G5FEC.png fBYdYTG.png

OfuFbH4.png Tiki: Awakened Blood   87G5FEC.png XE3q5v7.png          oE9Wn3i.png Elincia: Devoted Queen   fbzFNkQ.png EZ23Ime.png

FDTTP7k.png Fir: Swordmaiden   87G5FEC.png QqSnPcd.png          JJF7T4i.png Ced: Sage of the Wind   87G5FEC.png WcyfysC.png

cwYoduc.png Merric: Wind Pontifex   sziBzZF.png WcyfysC.png          eJPMv6b.png Amelia: Blossoming Talent   XSv1bYf.png UhpuyHk.png

Is dumping the Orbs worth it?

That's up to you. Bare in mind though that you're not just going for the Ascendant Floret. The Ascended Hero that gives you the Floret is a very strong unit in their own right, and they may or may not have some Skill Inheritance that your other Heroes could want.

That being said, you don't have to go for the Ascended Hero and their Floret right away. While I advocate Sparking as the easiest method simply because it subverts the RNG entirely, you and your wallet might not (or cannot) appreciate the Orb investment with IntSys's sporadic banner schedule, in which case there's always next time -- as New Heroes, Ascended Heroes are moved to the general summoning pool after their introductory banner ends which means they can pitybreak you later, and God only knows what Events they could show up in.



Now that all of that's out of the way...

Now comes the fun part: discourse and showing off! I will now open up the floor for showcasing what you've done with your Ascendant Florets, as well as questions on how to best use your Florets if you're unsure. I look forward to seeing what abominations we create!

Edited by Some Jerk
Updated Floret Count due to paid promo.
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Thanks for making this tutorial - very well written and probably the best writeup on these flowers that I've seen yet. I actually really appreciate IS for making these so useful for older units while not breaking the games by making these whale-able. or abuseable beyond a def/res ascended f!edelgard.

57/58 attack/speed ascended nin!hark is a sight to behold. :D  his attack's been lagging recently so it's nice to get some punch back in it.

tho it makes me wonder which new heroes are going to be ascended ones.  hopefully will also breathe some life into some gen1 fan-favorites that have gone stale lately.


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Dang, thanks for the detailed breakdown! This answered all of my questions, and the format was easy to follow! Man, I didn't realize how rare florets were. I'll have to be really careful with who I give them to...

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This is super duper extremely helpful, thank you so much!

I didn't know that florets were finite, but I think it's actually a good thing that they are; it'll make you really consider who you wanna boost in what stat, and you don't have to break open the bank for more than one copy of an ascended hero (thank goodness). 

I'm kind of interested in seeing what asset combinations people come up with, actually. I've already used mine on Altena for +Def/Spd, but I'd like to get another one to use on Kana for +Spd/Res.

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I'm curious what would happen if you fixed a flaw with a Floret, then subsequently merged that unit? Would the neutralized flaw become a second asset?

Very well written guide btw! Thank you! 

Edited by zoologicwoo
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4 minutes ago, zoologicwoo said:

I'm curious what would happen if you fixed a flaw with a Floret, then subsequently merged that unit? Would the neutralized flaw become a second asset?

Very well written guide btw! Thank you! 

Yes. It would be neutral while unmerged, then become an asset upon merging them.

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3 hours ago, Othin said:

Yes. It would be neutral while unmerged, then become an asset upon merging them.

Ah gotcha, that makes sense. 

Seeing as these things are the rarest items in the game, for me it only makes sense to use them on the most heavily invested/used units. I've used my first on Leonie since she's +9 merges and +10df as my go-to Firesweep-Poison-Strike-Fatal-Smoke archer. +Atk and +Spd now. The second floret I might save for my first 5*-exclusive +10, who might either be Brave Marianne (+5) or Fallen Celica (+4) by the end of the year hopefully. 

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In case anyone was curious and hasn't already tried it out yet,

If you give an Ascendant Floret to a merged unit with no Asset or Flaw, the three additional points of stats from the first merge are redistributed to the unit's three highest stats at level 1 excluding the stat that has the Ascended Asset. (This means you can't cheese out a super-super Asset of 5 points by using a unit with no Asset or Flaw as the base.)

For example, Michalis's level 1 stats from highest to lowest are HP, Def, Atk, Spd, and Res in that order, meaning he normally gets an additional 1 point each in HP, Def, and Atk on his first merge if he has no Asset or Flaw. If you give him an Ascended Asset in any of those three stats, the stat will gain the usual Asset stats, but will lose the 1 additional point from the first merge, and that point will instead be given to Spd, which is his fourth highest stat at level 1.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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I'm wondering if Valentia Catria would want a boon in Speed or Defense. Speed seems like the obvious choice, but she actually has a superboon in Defense, which means her Defense would be 40. However, if I give her the Speed boon, it would hit 50. She certainly needs to keep up with the powercreep since she's not that fast.

I still haven't decided!

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18 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

I'm wondering if Valentia Catria would want a boon in Speed or Defense. Speed seems like the obvious choice, but she actually has a superboon in Defense, which means her Defense would be 40. However, if I give her the Speed boon, it would hit 50. She certainly needs to keep up with the powercreep since she's not that fast.

I still haven't decided!

It's not worth getting the extra 1 point from a superboon unless it was already worth getting the 3 points from a regular Asset.

All fast units that don't rely on one-hit kill strategies want more Spd. Spd is easily the most valuable stat to creep if a unit is in a position to do so because its primary effect is both significant and binary.

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32 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

I'm wondering if Valentia Catria would want a boon in Speed or Defense. Speed seems like the obvious choice, but she actually has a superboon in Defense, which means her Defense would be 40. However, if I give her the Speed boon, it would hit 50. She certainly needs to keep up with the powercreep since she's not that fast.

I still haven't decided!

In addition to what Ice Dragon said, having 36 Def currently tells me you've got her at +10+15 with an S-Support, which means she's loaded with 50+ HP too. A physical bulk of 90-ish is already enough to make her not a glass cannon, and 90 or 94 wouldn't make much difference against the metagame's current nukes that do 100+ damage.

Spd is the clear winner here. If she desperately needs to take less damage for one of those "edge cases", she could slot in an Atk Trace.

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It was a super easy decision for me. Brave Marth, easily the strongest unit in my army even before the Floret, has superassets in both Atk and Spd. Mine, at +10 merge +5 dragonflower and with summoner support, now sits at 68 Atk and 54 Spd.

I have to assume that they'll at least begin distributing these things in special orb packs. Assuming they release a new Ascended Hero once a month, that'd only lead to one Floret a month, and knowing the whales who dip half their salary into this game they would absolutely eat up every opportunity to power their units up even that one little extra bit.

Edited by Xenomata
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6 minutes ago, Jave said:

My only Ascended Fjorm was sparked so she’s neutral. Is Atk or Spd a better choice for the Floret?

And thanks for the great guide!

Atk is probably better if you're going to give her the Quick Riposte Sacred Seal (or replace Hardy Fighter for whatever reason), but Spd is better generally since she doesn't have a guaranteed follow-up on her base kit, and it gives you more options for her Sacred Seal.

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Ascended Laegjarn is now available, thus the max Floret count is now 3. I suppose that warrants poking the thread.

Now that we've got more than one Ascended Hero to talk about and a third Ascendant Floret to play with, I've updated the OP with a list of Ascended Heroes and plan to maintain the list going forward. It'll give me something constructive to do.

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1 hour ago, Dylan Corona said:

Should I ascend her Spd +4 or ger Atk +3?

It feels like a dumb question, cause one is +4, but 59 attack is good too? I feel like the answer is Spd, but just want to make sure I'm doing this right. Can't reverse it haha.

Unless it has a Brave weapon, is built around one-hit-kill strategies, has a unique mechanic requiring a different stat, or has abysmally low Atk, fast units should generally always prioritize Spd to creep against other fast units.

I personally find it a bit odd that you've put zero investment in Spd at all and have so much investment into player-phase in-combat Res, which only helps against dragons and the rare Close Counter tome unit.

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1 hour ago, Dylan Corona said:

Should I ascend her Spd +4 or ger Atk +3?

It feels like a dumb question, cause one is +4, but 59 attack is good too? I feel like the answer is Spd, but just want to make sure I'm doing this right. Can't reverse it haha.


If you are using her as a combat unit, I would use Fruits and Florets to give her +Atk/Spd, and build a seperate copy with +Res for support builds.

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OP has been updated to include Ascended Joshua. We're now up to 4 available florets.

I'm embarrassed to admit it took me a while to remember where I found the bigger versions of the sprites for the Ascended characters (it was just from the Fandom wiki), so Joshua in the post was half the size of the others for a little while.

Edited by Some Jerk
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3 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Since I summoned Ascended Joshua, I have an extra Floret to use. I'm gonna use it on Brave Ike, I use him frequently. But what would stat should I use it for? He's already +Atk.

If you're running a Dodge build, go +Spd. Otherwise, if you're running Distant Counter, go +Res. If you're not running either, go +Def unless dragons are a problem.

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