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I wanna try a FE3H PMU - Pick My Units & Their Classes!!

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Your fellow Chosen One needs his sword hand (you guys) to accomplish this task!!

I never tried a PMU and it sounds like a lot of fun honestly!!!

I thought I was done with Three Houses and was gonna take a break from it after my Maddening Iron Man I streamed on Youtube....

But now I wanna stream a PMU of Three Houses next!! I want to make it more interactive and get you guys more involved in one of my playthroughs.❤

Let's make it REALLY fun!!


- Comment a unit you want me to use. And the end class or class path line you want them to be in. (Has to be a master class, advanced class, or DLC class that you want me to get them towards by the endgame) Feel free to meme. 😉 (ex: Ignatz=Mage>Warlock>Dark Knight)

- If someone else says a unit you want to vote for as well, mention that comment in yours and let me know you vote for it as well to add to the vote for that character for me to use. That will count as your pick and will add to the chance of me using that character.

- This will be an Maddening Iron Man on Crimson Flower (Hilda, Catherine, Alois, Cyril, Flayn, Seteth, Gilbert, & Dedue won't be available in this route. But Hubie will 😉)

- You guys get to pick the class for Female Byleth and Edelgard. Meme away. (Include this in your comment)

- Hapi & Jeritza have to be 2 of the picks. You guys are allowed to pick their classes tho 😏 (Include this in your comment)

- New Game+ (obviously, so we can recruit the guys you want me to use haha)

- You guys are allowed to handicap my units as much as possible, so if you want them to be in a class that's REALLY unviable for them. Go ahead. However, I am allowed to use any New Game+ or dlc feature to compromise. I will try not to, depending on the severity of the handicap. If it's not that difficult, then I won't use anything, but I will adjust accordingly if things get TOO difficult lol Don't want things to get too unfair

- Until we get 12 characters, I will then start the PMU Iron Man and stream it on Youtube. (If they're are more than 12, whichever 12 gets the highest votes are the ones I pick)

-If a unit dies during the playthrough pre timeskip, the units who had less votes than the selected 12 will be the backup units I pick.

-If there is no more than 12 or the remaining choices die. You guys get to vote for who I get to replace them with when and if that time comes. (Will update this forum constantly so you guys can be made aware when to vote during the playthrough if this happens. So if you want to be notified for when that happens, follow this forum)

- Before I reach timeskip I will recruit every single student I can and you guys can vote for the 3 backup units we use if a unit dies during timeskip when that time comes. (They will serve as an adjutant until a unit dies)

- Iron Man begins after the Mock Battle (no one dies permanently until afterwards). The Battle of the Eagle and Lion however, will be counted as an Iron Man map tho.

Shoutout to my good friend Dr. @Shaky Jones and another amazing FE content creator @Atano, for inspiring me to try this out. Seen them into these type of playthroughs and thought, hey, I have to try this out for the first time on stream!! XD Seems super fun!! Go support their respective PMUs as well!! Shaky Jones is doing Shadow Dragon on the forums and according to him, that's based, so go give DSFE some love!! Atano is also doing FE3H on youtube, so go show him some love as well!! They are great!!

I look forward to your guys' submissions, you have NO idea!! I am so excited for this!! The FE3H hype continues on my channel I suppose....

This been your fellow Hapi birthday cake lover.... and I hope to have a lot of fun doing this PMU with you guys and meet lots of new friends along the way on here and the stream!!  🥰

Edited by TheChoZenOne
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Well, let's start with a forced unit.

Jeritza should become a Trickster. You're open to take whatever from class masteries and ranks (like his budding talent or even DK's mastery), but ultimately he will be a Trickster.

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8 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Well, let's start with a forced unit.

Jeritza should become a Trickster. You're open to take whatever from class masteries and ranks (like his budding talent or even DK's mastery), but ultimately he will be a Trickster.

Ooooooooo I like that!! Sounds hilarious and fun!! Let me know your choices for the classes for Byleth, Edelgard and Hapi as well if you can 😁

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The Emperor of the Shrimps rises to the occassion and suggests that's the chosen one shall go Swordmaster Hapi! 

For she shall follow on the steps of the chosen one!

If needed the chosen Heroine can be a Mortal Savant to access her Magic Prowess as well, even if a Levin Sword should suffice!

Edited by Father Shrimpas
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3 minutes ago, TheChoZenOne said:

You must have read my mind cuz I was thinking the same thing!! You got it!! 😉

Well, I am a fan of a good meme, and Hanneman. It was obvious, really.

You better kill the final boss with him or I will be mildly upset

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12 minutes ago, Father Shrimpas said:

The Emperor of the Shrimps rises to the occassion and suggests that's the chosen one shall go Swordmaster Hapi! 

For she shall follow on the steps of the chosen one!

If needed the chosen Heroine can be a Mortal Savant to access her Magic Prowess as well, even if a Levin Sword should suffice!

OMG THAT IS A FANTASTIC IDEA!! How could I not see the signs of the chosen ones?! Thank you fellow one who must also be chosen. Hapi will wield thy Missletainn and strike down any enemies in thy path!!


(Also if possible, give me your choice for Byleth & Edelgard's class)


10 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, I am a fan of a good meme, and Hanneman. It was obvious, really.

You better kill the final boss with him or I will be mildly upset

I will try!! I will do it just for you if I can!! 😁👍 (If possible give me your choice for Byleth & Edelgard's class)

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3 hours ago, TheChoZenOne said:

This will be an Maddening Iron Man on Crimson Flower

You must be a masochist of the highest order to entertain the thought of ironmanning Maddening AGAIN. . .

Also, Alois is available.

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5 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

You must be a masochist of the highest order to entertain the thought of ironmanning Maddening AGAIN. . .

Also, Alois is available.

Oh cool what should Alois be 👀 And eh, maybe, maybe not. I just feel ready for it hehe 😁 Bring on the challenge!!

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1 minute ago, Ether said:

I guess I'll get the ball rolling and suggest War Cleric Edelgard, and as for a non-forced pick, Valkyrie Lysithea. Bonus points for their paired ending.

As for Byleth... falcoknight?

War cleric Edelgard sounds really cool!! Sure!! I will keep the other two in mind. They dont seem too unorthodox so I want to see if anyone has any other ideas!! But the Edel idea I think imma choose 😁

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Wyvern lord Annette what’s dark flier? for bolt axe and lightning axe fun. I recommend monk -> mage until fiendish blow -> wyvern rider -> wyvern lord for this but you don’t have to do that. Wyvern Annette can be tricky to pull off, but a lot of fun.

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In the interest of making you not suffer TOO much on maddening, I will refrain from requesting Mage/Warlock Raphael. Instead, I will be still rather evil and say Swordmaster Raphael!

Edited by Benice
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4 hours ago, TheChoZenOne said:

Shoutout to my good friend Dr. @Shaky Jones

What have I done?

Glad I got to motivate someone to try the pmu stuff, even though I only did one myself so far. 

As for the unit, let's go for Warrior Constance. Sounds like it'd be fun, and I'm sure Jeritza would enjoy seeing her get wrath.

You can do whichever intermediate class. Mage, fighter, maybe mercenary to get vantage. Good luck ChoZo.

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2 hours ago, TheChoZenOne said:

I just feel ready for it hehe 😁 Bring on the challenge!!

Famous last words. I mean, Maddening stacks the deck against the player enough without the need to make it an ironman. . .

Anyways, you can has Gremory Mercedes. *disappears*

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3 hours ago, Sooks said:

Wyvern lord Annette what’s dark flier? for bolt axe and lightning axe fun. I recommend monk -> mage until fiendish blow -> wyvern rider -> wyvern lord for this but you don’t have to do that. Wyvern Annette can be tricky to pull off, but a lot of fun.

Ooooooo sounds cool. I'm experienced with Wyvern Hapi so this can work 😁

2 hours ago, Benice said:

In the interest of making you not suffer TOO much on maddening, I will refrain from requesting Mage/Warlock Raphael. Instead, I will be still rather evil and say Swordmaster Raphael!

Oooooooo mah Boi Raph in the path of the sword. Let's do it!!

2 hours ago, LoneStar said:

Sure how about Soldier>Cavalier>Paladin>Holy Knight Ingrid. She could pick up Fiendish Blow along the way.

That sounds really cute!! I love the Holy knight attire so let's go for it!!

2 hours ago, Shaky Jones said:

What have I done?

Glad I got to motivate someone to try the pmu stuff, even though I only did one myself so far. 

As for the unit, let's go for Warrior Constance. Sounds like it'd be fun, and I'm sure Jeritza would enjoy seeing her get wrath.

You can do whichever intermediate class. Mage, fighter, maybe mercenary to get vantage. Good luck ChoZo.

Warrior Constance?! 💀 LMAO Okay fine, let's do it!!

1 hour ago, Shadow Mir said:

Famous last words. I mean, Maddening stacks the deck against the player enough without the need to make it an ironman. . .

Anyways, you can has Gremory Mercedes. *disappears*

I'm aware I did it multiple times lol.... I'm okay with it. Also Gremory Mercedes? I literally have that exact build in my current run and that's not very unorthodox? Are you sure you don't want to choose a more fun option? 🤣 I mean I wouldn't MIND it, since Mercedes as a Gremory is great, but, if you want to choose a wierder one, go ahead haha

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So far we got:

Mortal Savant Hapi

Warmaster Hanneman

War Cleric Edelgard

Swordmaster Raphael

Holy Knight Ingrid

Trickster Jeritza

Wyvern Lord Annette

Warrior Constance

Valkyrie Lysithea

Gremory Mercedes

Falcon Knight Byleth

Need more class recommendations for Mercedes, and Byleth. (If I get unorthodox ones I like I might choose them haha) 

Also feel free to give more character options. Even tho we have almost 12. I will maybe do a poll to decide which ones get in if it surpasses 12!! I want to hear more ideas haha

(Ps: Please pick Hubert, I still have never used him to this day xD)

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You want Hubert?

Heh.... Great Knight Hubert it is.

He'll have to enter Fighter and Paladin on the way, but take what you can from there.


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16 minutes ago, Dayni said:

You want Hubert?

Heh.... Great Knight Hubert it is.

He'll have to enter Fighter and Paladin on the way, but take what you can from there.


Omg 💀 Help me lmao

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5 hours ago, TheChoZenOne said:

Gremory Mercedes

Oh, might I make a suggestions? This seems almost like an optimal choice, we can´t have that can we?

Fortress Knight Mercedes, with a dash of Brigand for Death Blow and otherwise only Armored Knight. So that you can really get all the Str/Def you´ll be needing.

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If you’re doing Gremory Mercedes, I don’t mind you borrowing a magic bow gremory build I did for my maddening run. It gives her a 3-4 ranged option without needing to use Thrysus or Cadesus on her whereas you can give them to someone else. I’m currently doing Mortal Savant Lysithea on my Black Eagles run. She’s doing 55+ damage with a Levin Sword. 

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3 hours ago, Imuabicus said:

Oh, might I make a suggestions? This seems almost like an optimal choice, we can´t have that can we?

1 hour ago, Barren said:

If you’re doing Gremory Mercedes, I don’t mind you borrowing a magic bow gremory build I did for my maddening run.

Sniper Mercedes. Hunters Volley Shining Bow forge.

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