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So the new continent will have two Plegias then? Elusia and now Gradron as well?

5 hours ago, Metal Flash said:

I get the feeling Marni will be quite popular, with her design combined with her personality. She could be fun. Have no strong feelings on the dragon lady right. I kinda hope she can be a villainous foil to Alear somehow, since they are both dragons.

She reminds me a lot of Alice from Tales of Symphonia and I consider that a very good thing. I can see myself liking her.

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6 hours ago, Ayra said:

And just like Kronya, I'm unfortunately expecting her to die horribly and not be a playable character in her own game... RIP. 

Kronya is prolly the one 3H character who winds up being more relevant in a spin-off than in her original game. Excepting characters not even seen in 3H, that is. 

Edited by Shadow Mir
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8 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

So the new continent will have two Plegias then? Elusia and now Gradron as well?

It's more like an evil cult using an vassal state to wage an proxy war where either somebody beloved in Illusia gets killed or the truth about global annihilation gets out to the two princesses.

I find it interesting that the villains actually aren't confined to one country, for once

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48 minutes ago, Mysterique Sign said:

do Wolf Knights have tails or are they just wearing outfits?)

And now I'm back to asking wtf they were smoking when they were making this?

Not particularly thrilled about how they felt the need to announce that there are thieves in this game. But it also raises the question if there's doors or gates that can be unlocked, as well. Since 3H never really made as big of an deal about them, compared to Fates.

Also saw Blutgang and probably House Gloucester' relic in that vid. I can't make out the lances, the desert prince has Dimitri as lance . Luin is being wielded by the flier, an mage uses Thrsyus (or whatever it's name is). Etie (probably) has Failnaught.  It might be class-specific, but this leaves us with the Lance of Ruin and Crusher when it comes to the actual weapons.


Also, Roy and Lucina make an cameo at 0:46 and that particular map is the one from Alfred's reveal, but without the NPCs that you have to save. And we get an out-of-context battle inside an Illusian palace. But more importantly, fog of war is back.

Edited by Armchair General
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The Relic Byleth gives is dependent on the user's Battle Style.

Etie was a Swordmaster in the video, and the Failnaught user was Yunaka, so I'm guessing:

  • Dragon units get Aymr
  • Backup units get Blutgang
  • Covert units get Failnaught
  • Flying units get Lúin
  • Mystical units get Thyrsus
  • Qi Adepts get Rafail Gem
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Also I think it's Areadbhar on Cavalry based on icons

Meanwhile wrt the Instruct Engage skill, which also depends on type:
Dragon - Spectrum +3
Flier - Res +5
Cavalry - Dex +10
Armor - ? (perhaps Def)
Backup - Str +4
Mystical - Mag +4
Covert - Spd +5 (see Engaging with Emblems)
Qi Adept - Lck +10

Is Byleth's 1st synchro skill literally called 'Divine Pulse' lol but its basically an another RN roll where an attack that would otherwise miss would get to hit 
Swordmaster!Etie interesting, are there choices in promotions or reclassing?
Is that a Caladbolg but a sword and a weird spelling
Steel Blade cannot perform follow-up attacks, also when initiating, always attacks later (as in the first strike always goes to the opponent?) but triggers Smash
"Elsurge": 1-range (not 1-2 range), guaranteed hit rate?
Also Thyrsus: +2 range on magic as expected from Thyrsus (and 'seldomly' halves incoming damage)

lol is Fogato's class here "Cupid" (nonstandard katakana transliteration but still)?



Also FE4 map that enemy density on the minimap tho:





Ch. 10 Light and Dark, near Miletos and Chalphy




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Holy Sothis you are broken Byleth

- Blutgang has innate Dragon/Horse effectiveness, so I guess other Hero's Relics will have the effectiveness of their Combat Art too. (Areadbhar against the world...)


- Seadall's bento :v


- Elthunder already has Sigurd's symbol without needing to be forged

- Chain Guard's description says "Nullify damage taken by adjacent ally"


- Yunaka has 2 "x", while the enemies only has 1. Normally poisoned and badly poisoned?

Also, enemies' uniform doesn't look Elusian. Are they from Solm?

And at 0:37, Rosado is fighting a Firenese soldier

- Alfred's attack against the Wolf Knight doesn't break them for some reason, despite having WTA (EDIT: It can normally break, but looks like Byleth's Divine Pulse disable it). And that Wolf Knight cannot counter attack, despite the battle forecast saying they can (the only possibility I can think of is that they're 2 different fights. The enemy in battle looks broken too)


- Alear's wearing an invisible Emblem (a bug, perhaps)


- A new Thief, a possible Navarre-type Swordmaster, and Jade being an Axe Armor(?)


- Looks like a promoted Alcryst to me

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22 minutes ago, kienquocsi said:

- Alfred's attack against the Wolf Knight doesn't break them for some reason, despite having WTA (EDIT: It can normally break, but looks like Byleth's Divine Pulse disable it). And that Wolf Knight cannot counter attack, despite the battle forecast saying they can (the only possibility I can think of is that they're 2 different fights. The enemy in the second fight looks broken too)

They seem to be separate instances of combat given one of the Alfreds is sync-ed with a Byleth Ring while the other is not

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Just now, Aggro Incarnate said:

They seem to be separate instances of combat given one of the Alfreds is sync-ed with a Byleth Ring while the other is not

Ah no, I mean the battle forecast and the first fight sequence might be 2 different fights

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Ha! Knew those spots would refill the Engage Meter since the beginning! Though I didn't expect them to refill you back up to full! I don't think it's that big of a deal as people are making it, but it is definitely making me raise an eyebrow on how Engage distribution really will be...

Going by leaks, we might know that Solm Thief!


He looks to be Jacoba, the black dude all the way at the bottom of the support list!

More evidence of reclassing is back, with Swordmaster Etie. A better fit than being an archer, but does make me wonder what are the prerequisities and branches. There could Shadow Dragon-styled reclassing back, as I THINK Etie has Lunge on her skill set.

Yunaka seems to be also reclassed as an Archer, as I doubt her Thief class would give her both Daggers and Bows at once. Strangely, using Failnaught seemed to hurt her...

>Caladbolg + 3

That sugar-skull girl we saw with Byleth in the Engaging With Emblems trailer appears again, she appears to be a mage or cleric. If she's a mage, she got staff access from being sync'd with Celica.


Strange cloaked unarmed dude over here...
He's not a green unit, so what gives?

Ivy's Personal Skill seems to be Vengeance? Definitely some familiar flames there.

The Skill upgrading seems pretty interesting and goes to some high numbers... Alear seems to have a skill that goes up to +15.

A Swordmaster or some kind of Backup unit seems to start off with Wrath. Goldmarie? (Also more EDWARD SWWWEEEEEPPPPPP!).


Anyone knows who would have this symbol on Clanne's Elfire here?

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19 minutes ago, KoriCongo said:

Anyone knows who would have this symbol on Clanne's Elfire here?

That symbol seems to be associated with Marth, going off of images posted from the Celica trailer. Maybe Emblems can help when forging or upgrading weapons?

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I'm pretty sure the map a 1:16 is ch 10 of FE4. That happens to be the one where you get the Tyrfing I know I'm simplifying, trying to keep this spoiler free. It's trimmed, specifically only the northwest is there, but FE4 maps being absolutely massive, that doesn't necessarily disprove it.

Edited the lower upload limit thing. I was just being an idiot.

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Is that really a generic enemy thief? https://serenesforest.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/chest2.png

Amongst other things, she has a bustier; that's the kind of distinctive clothing that's always been found on named characters in the past. If that's how the generic Solm (?) enemy thieves looks like, I guess they win my award of "Least generic generics". 

For Yunaka... She is at extremely low HP, with two stacks of poison and with coincidally two poisoned enemies right next to her, and she hasn't taken her turn yet. Is it possible that she was attacked by both enemies in Enemy phase and when counter-attacking them, she puts a poison counter on both the enemies and herself? The other possibility is that both enemies and Yunaka all had poison weapons equipped, which doesn't really seem much more likely to me.

As Aggro Incarnate spotted... Yeah, that enemy density is certainly FE4-like. It's kind of terrifying since from what we've seen so far, the enemies seems to be stronger than the FE4 swarms were... although we didn't have insane AoE attacks and stuff in FE4 either, I suppose.

Don't blade weapons seems really bad at first glance? Lose first strike on player phase, no double attacks, and on enemy phase, you open yourself to the opportunity to get attacked by more enemies since you open a spot.

Edited by Ayra
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1 hour ago, Ayra said:

Is that really a generic enemy thief? https://serenesforest.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/chest2.png

Amongst other things, she has a bustier; that's the kind of distinctive clothing that's always been found on named characters in the past. If that's how the generic Solm (?) enemy thieves looks like, I guess they win my award of "Least generic generics". 

Yeah, I'm reasonably sure that this is somewhat close to being the generic female thief on account of how she fits in with the " brown clothing, with silver armor" highlights that the bandits have.

1 hour ago, Ayra said:

As Aggro Incarnate spotted... Yeah, that enemy density is certainly FE4-like. It's kind of terrifying since from what we've seen so far, the enemies seems to be stronger than the FE4 swarms were... although we didn't have insane AoE attacks and stuff in FE4 either, I suppose.

I'm actually looking forward to this one, I've noticed that there's an stark contrast between the infantry blob on this map to the sporadic enemy placement that we're seeing in the mainline chapters

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- What I thought to be a wind tome because Elwind looked blue to me in the footage we got, seems to indeed be a different kind of magic, Surge, as brought up by others.

- Dagger users are consistently around when someone's poisoned. We also see a debuff on that sword Knight that seems to have fought Yunaka(a dagger user).

- I think Fogato being a Cupid when Timerra (the other Vigilante) was a Picket finally confirms that Nobles/Lords/Vigilantes/Tamers pairs all promote into different things.

- Can confirm that the Wolf Rider Alfred fights at the starts is broken. We've seen a broken enemy in the general Emblem trailer, when they showed Celica's double attack skill. It is suspicious that Alfred's hit rate would be so low with no terrain involved and an Iron Lance, though. Doctored footage, or Wolf riders are going to be a pain.

- Luin seems to be effective against dragons. Rosado might be strong, but 53 Dmg twice on a wyvern rider suggests that. Just like with the Blutgang, its combat art had that effectiveness. Also even when engaged, fliers can fight high up in the air, that's really neat!

- While Byleth giving all this weaponry is well and good... that's only tier one. Though the only example of a three weapons Byleth would be Alear using the Aymr, she also had the Vajra Mushti and the Sword of the Creator. I think it's safe to say the latter is tier 3 and universal, it is Byleth's weapon after all, but... That leaves us with a large amount of tier 2s, that are either all the Vajra Mushti (wouldn't bet on it), or, yeah, the rest. For reference, left are :

Thunderbrand (Backup?)
Lance of Ruin (Cavalry/Armor?)
Freikugel (Armor/Backup?)
Crusher (No idea? Mages I guess?)
Fetters of Dromi (Cavalry?)
Aegis Shield (Armor?)

Obviously there'd need to be a few more. We have 8 types and are missing the level 1 for armors, so 9 needed and 6 available. Mayhaps they'll throw in some sacred equipment as well. It's kinda unfortunate that Byleth gives so much different stuff when I'm pretty sure most of it will virtually never see use in favor of just dancing 3 to 4 people all the time.

- This probably works the same for Leif, by the way, to some extent. Though the Swanchika/Helswath being tied to fliers is a bit suspect.

- Speaking of weapons, I think this provides us with the very first Lv 8 bond example, and the second weapon isn't unlocked yet. I said some time ago that we had a Lv 9 bond example with the second weapon, but I think I just mixed up unit and bond level, we don't actually have a Lv 9 yet to my knowledge. Assuming there is an universal threshold of course, we now know it's not level 8.

- I'm really curious what Yunaka's class is, as we've seen a Covert type engaged with Byleth previously (Alcryst), and there was no weird energy visor.

- I have to say, that archer...
... okay I mean, I can at least upload that much, right? Surely. Problem solved by the way, the issue being that I was being an idiot.
... I do not think this is Alcryst. Thought I don't know who it is either.

- Some interesting things in the backgrounds of the Byleth rally showcase. Some very strong skills, including +15... something, and green stats, implying caps(20 something Def and 43 Res). The map in the top right is the same as the one that shows up right afterwards, when Goldmary dances. We see the top left of the minimap right before her clip ends.

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1 hour ago, Ayra said:

Don't blade weapons seems really bad at first glance? Lose first strike on player phase, no double attacks, and on enemy phase, you open yourself to the opportunity to get attacked by more enemies since you open a spot.

Has any info been posted about them?

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2 minutes ago, Armchair General said:

Has any info been posted about them?

From Vincent's post on the front page:

The Steel Blade is also quite interesting. It cannot follow up, but when you initiate, you attack last and always trigger Smash. We saw Smash near the end of the “Engaging with Emblems” trailer. It seems to push back foes one square on the map.


Hit once, attack last, smash enemy back. They'd make for a good enemy phase weapon on super slow units if the might is super high, but the Smash is more harm than good in my opinion (unless you want to get attacked by more enemies at once, I suppose).

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2 minutes ago, Ayra said:

Hit once, attack last, smash enemy back. They'd make for a good enemy phase weapon on super slow units if the might is super high, but the Smash is more harm than good in my opinion (unless you want to get attacked by more enemies at once, I suppose).

Sounds like it would be an decent way of gaining an little bit of ground on player phase. But I'm mainly seeing it as an means of either forcing people off am certain terrain tile or setting them up for an faster unit to execute them in 2 hits.

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13 minutes ago, Armchair General said:

Sounds like it would be an decent way of gaining an little bit of ground on player phase. But I'm mainly seeing it as an means of either forcing people off am certain terrain tile or setting them up for an faster unit to execute them in 2 hits.

This game does give you a way to disable counterattacks, so in that sense in the case of an unit not being able to double... yeah that gets a bit specific. Enemy repositioning with some constraints sounds good to me, though.
This also finally explains why Byleth Alear attacked second when she Smashed with Aymr, even though she started the fight. It probably has the same effect.

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13 minutes ago, Cysx said:

Obviously there'd need to be a few more. We have 8 types and are missing the level 1 for armors, so 9 needed and 6 available. Mayhaps they'll throw in some sacred equipment as well. It's kinda unfortunate that Byleth gives so much different stuff when I'm pretty sure most of it will virtually never see use in favor of just dancing 3 to 4 people all the time.

It's possible some items will double up. Rafail Gem and Aegis Shield for example seem like good choices for that. And I know some disputed it earlier, but there are three tomes from Three Hopes that would resolve everything neatly. Granted one of them is another Charon weapon, but I doubt Engage is going to bother with Crest parity.

But as you said, we may also see Sacred Weapons too. If I had to choose I'd say Caduceus Staff for Qi Adepts (i.e. healers), Sword of Seiros (hey, Byleth finally gets to use it outside of cutscenes) and either Seiros Shield to have another passive item or Spear of Assal for the cavalry effectiveness.

His weapons being called "Heroes' Relics" could be an oversimplification to avoid a messy title, but it could also mean we're going with the former case. Also, those three are the only Heroes' Relic tomes in the set, so there's another reason they may be used.

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24 minutes ago, Cysx said:

- I'm really curious what Yunaka's class is, as we've seen a Covert type engaged with Byleth previously (Alcryst), and there was no weird energy visor.

Actually if you look on the battlefield, you can see he has that visor's... string? It's just that the Engage's accessory doesn't appear in Engage Attack cutscene

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33 minutes ago, kienquocsi said:

Actually if you look on the battlefield, you can see he has that visor's... string? It's just that the Engage's accessory doesn't appear in Engage Attack cutscene

True ! Shouldachecked.

33 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

It's possible some items will double up. Rafail Gem and Aegis Shield for example seem like good choices for that. And I know some disputed it earlier, but there are three tomes from Three Hopes that would resolve everything neatly. Granted one of them is another Charon weapon, but I doubt Engage is going to bother with Crest parity.

But as you said, we may also see Sacred Weapons too. If I had to choose I'd say Caduceus Staff for Qi Adepts (i.e. healers), Sword of Seiros (hey, Byleth finally gets to use it outside of cutscenes) and either Seiros Shield to have another passive item or Spear of Assal for the cavalry effectiveness.

His weapons being called "Heroes' Relics" could be an oversimplification to avoid a messy title, but it could also mean we're going with the former case. Also, those three are the only Heroes' Relic tomes in the set, so there's another reason they may be used.

I know very little about Three Hopes, but, that does sound like something that would work out, so I'm certainly not against the idea.

Edit : Also, small detail, but the beginning of the Dance of the Goddess is the same choregraphy as the one from Three houses, during the dancer competition.

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Byleth seems OP af damn. 

Divine pulse is cool. Also nice to have our first proper look at Wolf Knights.

Nice to know they confirmed that instruct is based off of type like I guessed. Putting Byleth on a backup or covert unit seems like it would be the best choice.

Swordmaster Etie? Interesting. Guess reclassing is back (as much as I wanted it not to be...) I wonder how it will work and if it will be as free as SD/TH or if they will have select class options like in Awakening/Fates (which I am hoping for).

As for which type will get which Heroes' Relics...

There are eight types (Dragon, Backup, Mystical, Covert, Armour, Cavalry, Flying and Qi Adept). There are 15 Heroes' Relics altogether (if we don't count Three Hopes ones and I doubt Engage will include them tbh). I feel like the SotC will be Byleth's staple weapon amongst all types tbh so 14 altogether with each type getting two aside from SotC.

Dragon we know gets Aymr and Vajra Musti.

Backup we know gets Blutgang. I feel like they will also get Thunderbrand or Friekugel.

Mystical we know gets Thyrsus. I feel like they could also get the Fetters or Rafail gem (since Lamine was a Gremory idk)

Covert we know gets Failnaught. Probably could also get Fetters to get even better move.

Cavalry we know gets Areadbhar, Probably will get Lance of Ruin also.

Flying we know gets Luin. Will probably also get Freikugel.

Qi Adept we know gets Rafail Gem. Will probably get Vajra Musti or Fetters.

As for Armour, I can see them getting the Aegis Shield and Crusher.

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