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Special Heroes - Divine Harvest


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45 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

If you're on a computer, you can quote the post into the reply text box and then copy and paste the entire quote box into the edit text box.

I've tried that in the past, but it hasn't really worked. (It has wonky results or just wouldn't copy.) The best I could do would be to put in a generic quote box and fill it in, but it's not as easy as just clicking the button for quoting a post. But who knows? Maybe SF has fixed that since the last time I tried it. I'll try it again some other time. 🙂

35 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

I didn't want to say anything outright, but... pained laugh

*nervously laughs along*


You know, I'm loving all the good vibes people are sending about this banner. There's some confusion and shaking of heads, too, but generally there seems to be a lot of positive feedback (especially about Nils, it seems, but also about the other guys with a spattering of positive chat about F!Corrin.) Just enjoying the chill and generally positive vibes this time around. ^_^

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Naga looks good, especially the little ghost sprite is so cute, but after dumping 250+ orbs and only getting 3 S!Claude I have given up on special 4 stars. None of the Corrins looks interesting to me other than fodder value. I might have to pass up on this banner.

But NFU seal lol, I can start clearing some of the fodder or at least merge them up. Older units might still prefer stats seal but some of the normal non-broken new units would definitely appreciate a free B slot.

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6 hours ago, Xenomata said:
  • I like how Male Corrin sounds. I dunno why, he sounds almost childlike.
1 hour ago, Mercakete said:

That said, M!Corrin is just being super cute. They did a good job having him act like a sheltered guy who's still filled with wonder at the world. The VA did a good job conveying this, too! It's a detail that I think maybe gets overlooked a lot but could really add a lot of character appeal, as it's doing here.

1 hour ago, DefyingFates said:

Agreed! It's really sweet!

55 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

With this and the ninja banner beforehand they're doing well to reinforce the fact that male Corrin is a very endearing dork. 

Halloween M!Corrin: Hat. :3 ❤️ 

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One of the best seasonal banners in recent memories both on the character selection and art side.

Four of the characters here didn't have an alt (Nils, Duma, Mila and Naga) AND were kind of unexpected picks. Bonus point for gender parity, with 3 guys and 3 girls.

I love the designs too (Naga's animated ghost friend being the cutest thing ever).

The only thing that could have made the banner even better was a brand new character getting in the game (Jahn? Nasir?) but I can't even get mad about that honestly.

Wish me luck, cuz I'm gonna pull hard on this banner.

1 hour ago, Etrurian emperor said:

Aww Nils just looks too cute. And he's free too.

I think the banner could have been more interesting with only a few mild changes.

-If Lyn skipped the flame banner and instead went on this Halloween banner you'd have her and Nils trick or treating. The two are rather close so that would have been a cute look. It would also have the bonus of Lyn not being such an obvious marketing department pic, but a thematically appropriate character.
-If one of the Corrin got removed and replaced with any one of the sibling you'd have Corrin and a sibling enjoy Halloween together. If they're THAT devoted to the dragon idea they could even have Lilith be that sibling Corrin takes with them to Halloween. 
-And if Duma and Mila remained on the banner then you'd have the emerging theme of siblings(or surrogate siblings) going trick or treating together. I think that's a lot more appropriate than just sticking a bunch of random dragons together. 

With this and the ninja banner beforehand they're doing well to reinforce the fact that male Corrin is a very endearing dork. 

The problem is that the Flame Tribe banner actually sold well enough, but would have certainly tanked hard with no Lyn. You called her the "obvious marketing department pic" so you must be aware of the fact she was NEEDED for that banner too. What they could have done IMHO (if the objective is to have someone paired with Nils) is put Eliwood on this banner.

He is also close to Nils and a nice guy who would take him trick or treating. This way you can have a cute partner for Nils without completely ruining the previous banner's hopes to sell.

3 hours ago, Mercakete said:

It really feels like IS is beginning to remember to show some love to their men! Sure, it's still technically heavier on the ladies' side of things, but Naga was the demote (still surprised about that), Duma is the lead for his duo, and counting Nils (even though he's not on the banner) we have 3 guys this year! (And, counting Mila, 4 ladies, but still a fairly even split.)

I'm sorry, what? Naga, Corrin, Mila... Who's the 4th lady?

Edited by GrandeRampel
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I think IntSys is severely undervaluing Flame Gunbai. Halloween Nils has the Res version of it as a free unit; I'd have expected this to be on Naga.

Oh well, far be it for me to complain. It's not like I needed an excuse to build another dancer.

9 hours ago, Mercakete said:


@Some Jerk

Pretty sure the music is from Fates' DLC maps, though I'm not sure what it's called.

I found it. It's apparently from a JP-only Fates DLC.


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Super Asset(s): Atk
Super Flaw(s): Spd, Def
*Has a 193 BST

Super Asset(s): Res
Super Flaw(s): none
*Has a 192 BST

Super Asset(s): Atk
Super Flaw(s): HP
*Atk/Res Catch 3 is the 4* unlock.

Duma & Mila
Super Asset(s): Def, Res
Super Flaw(s): Atk

Super Asset(s): Spd
Super Flaw(s): none
*Geyser Dance 2 is the 4* unlock.


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14 hours ago, GrandeRampel said:

I'm sorry, what? Naga, Corrin, Mila... Who's the 4th lady?


Actually, I realized my mistake last night but was unable to go back and fix it at the time. Basically, I derp'd and maybe counted Mila twice or something. Now that it's corrected here, I don't see a reason to go back and edit, though. 😛

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...And Naga uses Nils's weapon better than Nils does and uses it better than her base weapon. Why exactly does Naga's weapon exist again?

I'll take +15/0/10/15 over +5/0/5/5 and follow-up prevention any day of the week, even with Naga's awkward Spd stat.

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1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

Duma is tall compared to Mila.

Duma is tall period.

Also, as an aside, I like how we have such an age spectrum among the guys. Child (Nils), young adult (Corrin), mature adult (Duma.) As for the girls... Well, their whole demographic suffers under all the ladies being forced into either being a child or "must fit conventional beauty standards." Both Naga and Mila should be showing their age a little more, but eh. So, they're "ambiguously between young adult and mature adult and will never get any older physically ever" (despite dragons being shown to physically age (eventually) just as much as humans do. See Bantu and Medeus for proof.)

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I had a thought...

Why haven't we had any Beast halloween units yet? Are they so dedicated to the theme of dragons right now that they aren't even going to go for the so plainly obvious Werewolf Keaton/Velouria or is it so plainly obvious that they CAN'T go for it (like Bride Eirika?)

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8 hours ago, Tybrosion said:


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Super Asset(s): Atk
Super Flaw(s): Spd, Def
*Has a 193 BST

Super Asset(s): Res
Super Flaw(s): none
*Has a 192 BST

Super Asset(s): Atk
Super Flaw(s): HP
*Atk/Res Catch 3 is the 4* unlock.

Duma & Mila
Super Asset(s): Def, Res
Super Flaw(s): Atk

Super Asset(s): Spd
Super Flaw(s): none
*Geyser Dance 2 is the 4* unlock.



The Corrins have trainee BST as expected. I feel bad for Brave Tiki; less than two months and she's already no longer the highest scoring unit. Not only does F!Corrin have a prf Special, she comes with 3 Tier 4 skills that are actually good for her to boot! I imagine she'd be a fun merge project for those with the Orbs to spare. But of course one of those skills is Atk/Spd Finish...

Really makes you wonder what a Brave F!Corrin would look like. Or Legendary M!Corrin, to a lesser extent.

Edited by DefyingFates
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4 hours ago, DefyingFates said:
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The Corrins have trainee BST as expected. I feel bad for Brave Tiki; less than two months and she's already no longer the highest scoring unit. Not only does F!Corrin have a prf Special, she comes with 3 Tier 4 skills that are actually good for her to boot! I imagine she'd be a fun merge project for those with the Orbs to spare. But of course one of those skills is Atk/Spd Finish...

Really makes you wonder what a Brave F!Corrin would look like. Or Legendary M!Corrin, to a lesser extent.

A CYL F!Corrin would only get the trainee boost if she’s a dragon. For some reason, they only reserve the trainee boost for dragon Corrins because neither of the Ninja Corrins got the trainee boost.

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6 hours ago, Mercakete said:

Duma is tall period.

Mila's design makes her look to me like she should be on the taller side, but then there's Duma standing next to her a full head taller.


6 hours ago, Mercakete said:

Both Naga and Mila should be showing their age a little more, but eh.

Asians don't age until they suddenly wake up one day as a raisin, so they're probably similar.

Being swole staves off turning into a raisin, which is why Mediuth still looks so good despite his apparent age, unlike Banutu (even if Banutu is supposed to look older, Mediuth will still take longer in apparent age to become a raisin).

As for Naga, Mila, and Duma, I make the assumption that divine dragons age at a significantly slower rate than other dragons, hence why Duma hasn't even started graying yet (which typically precedes turning into a raisin by at least a decade or two in apparent age).

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6 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Asians don't age until they suddenly wake up one day as a raisin, so they're probably similar.

Aren't all pre-Fates games set in vaguely European settings though?

7 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

A CYL F!Corrin would only get the trainee boost if she’s a dragon. For some reason, they only reserve the trainee boost for dragon Corrins because neither of the Ninja Corrins got the trainee boost.

Good point. I was going to say Corrin would be a dragon anyway, but IS is sure to have heard all the clamoring for Omega Yato by now, right?

Unless they want Yato to be exclusive to Male Corrin (speaking of, I just realized the Corrins did the "guy gets the canon weapon" thing before the Shezes did. Huh... I wonder which way Alear will go).

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14 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

Aren't all pre-Fates games set in vaguely European settings though?

Naga is the name of the serpents/serpent humanoids of Indic (Hindu-Buddhist-Jain) mythology. (Technically it should be Nagi or Nagini for the Divine Dragon Queen, as those are the feminine spellings of Naga, which is masculine or referring to the mythical creatures as a whole.)

-Although Medeus is Greek in origin, Bantu applies to an ethno-linguistic group of Sub-Saharan Africa, and Forseti and Loptous are names of Norse origins. So for the non-Laguz dragons at least, I'd divorce them from being distinctly European. Which is viable given the Manaketes are a rarefied, exotic species in the various worlds.

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Or, y'know, manaketes.  They aren't human, so they aren't going to necessarily age like humans.

That being said, I hope I can snag M!Corrin.  Because he amuses me.

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2 hours ago, DefyingFates said:

Aren't all pre-Fates games set in vaguely European settings though?

Asians are the elves of real life, and dragons are the elves of Fire Emblem. It's not that dragons are Asian, but that dragons have the same aging patterns as Asians (and elves).

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50 minutes ago, eclipse said:

Or, y'know, manaketes.  They aren't human, so they aren't going to necessarily age like humans.

I'd add that even their human appearances don't necessarily have to reflect their age and stuff. Since it is canon they have shapeshifting powers (hence being able to assume the human shape to begin with). Not just Xane, but I remember being stated somewhere Naga has assumed the form of both man and woman.

The ~5000 Year old Naga manifesting as a young maiden before Crusader Heimm is certainly a sign that either they're truly super-long lived, or appearance truly doesn't reflect their true self. It helps that we don't even know just how long manaketes truly live, if they can even die of old age at all.

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1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

It helps that we don't even know just how long manaketes truly live, if they can even die of old age at all.

For all it's worth, Bantu, who is clearly a very elder Manakete even in the time of the Archanea games, has had some acquaintance with Nowi in Awakening, which takes place 2,000 years after the events of MotE. Nowi says she is over 1,000 years old, so if he did eventually pass away of old age it would have been in the 1k years before the events of Awakening.

We also have Tiki, who I think is at least 3,000 years old (spent 1,000 years asleep before the events of Shadow Dragon, and then another 2,000 before the events of Awakening) meaning it took her that long to go from a baby (what do baby Manaketes look like?) to an adult who looks early 20's at youngest.

...well, anime early 20's.

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2 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Asians are the elves of real life, and dragons are the elves of Fire Emblem. It's not that dragons are Asian, but that dragons have the same aging patterns as Asians (and elves).

I am 29 right now, not even 30 yet, and I am balding. I do not feel very elf like.

Okay, maybe balding is a bit of an exaggeration since I do not have bald spots yet, but the top of head is starting to thin out. I think I will have a bald spot when I am 35 or something.

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40 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

For all it's worth, Bantu, who is clearly a very elder Manakete even in the time of the Archanea games, has had some acquaintance with Nowi in Awakening, which takes place 2,000 years after the events of MotE. Nowi says she is over 1,000 years old, so if he did eventually pass away of old age it would have been in the 1k years before the events of Awakening.

We also have Tiki, who I think is at least 3,000 years old (spent 1,000 years asleep before the events of Shadow Dragon, and then another 2,000 before the events of Awakening) meaning it took her that long to go from a baby (what do baby Manaketes look like?) to an adult who looks early 20's at youngest.

...well, anime early 20's.

Mhm. We certainly have plenty of evidence their lifespans last thousands of years. As it is, I think the absolute oldest we've ever heard is Naga living to about 5000... still looking young in human form and even then she died a premature death. She also came back to life anyway, which Medeus also did (his first resurrection, that is), so... yeah. I don't know if we have an exact date as to when she simply turned into a spirit to dwell at Mt. Prism, but as it is, she had a physical body in the span of at least 6000 years (the continous 5000, then the 1000 between coming back as Nagi (?) and helping stop Grima the first time) not looking like she even reached the equivalent of 30 in human years.

Of course, as the strongest Divine Dragon, she's most likely to be an outlier anyway, but still...

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