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2 minutes ago, Azz said:

Yes you can S support every character regardless of gender, however some are platonic and some are romantic

Interesting but this kinda contradicts the info being spread on the subreddit? The predominant belief there is that there are 3 males and 5 females for ss supports. 

I guess I'll wait for more information as I've accidentally seen unwanted story spoilers on that subreddit. 

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10 minutes ago, Chloé Waifu Supremacy said:

DLC emblem spoilers

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Yup you can’t ever outrun Camilla she’ll always be there not complaining but yeah lol. Veronica is such a crazy pick I guess the FEH x Engage bonus today hinted at it still interesting guess FEH really IS canon. Soren was unexpected cool looking forward to him! Chrom and Hector expected but by themselves no Robin or Eliwood sadness…..


Honestly, I really feel like I wasted money here, Tiki is the only one I’ll get any work out of.

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4 minutes ago, Van Arkride GOAT said:

How many platonic S supports are there versus romantic ones?

It's impossible to say, they aren't flagged or anything. Some supports contain phrases like 'I love you,' some contain the characters talking about 'affection and admiration,' and some contain words like 'friendship' or 'partnership.' It seems completely arbitrary, frankly, outside of the edge cases like the very young or very old characters.

Edited by Endomorph
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10 minutes ago, Van Arkride GOAT said:

How many platonic S supports are there versus romantic ones?

Need a list so I can plan asap! Personally I hope it’s not a thing going forward since that’s very confusing I rather it be like Three Houses….

Edited by Chloé Waifu Supremacy
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19 minutes ago, Chloé Waifu Supremacy said:

DLC emblem spoilers

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Yup you can’t ever outrun Camilla she’ll always be there not complaining but yeah lol. Veronica is such a crazy pick I guess the FEH x Engage bonus today hinted at it still interesting guess FEH really IS canon. Soren was unexpected cool looking forward to him! Chrom and Hector expected but by themselves no Robin or Eliwood sadness…..



I think it’s a good thing FEH is getting some love, and it really doesn’t surprise me with the whole emblem feature giving hero vibes


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From what I'm reading, most of the actual ending slides are pretty platonic. No hugging, no kissing. Think more Edelgard x Hubert than anything. Haven't seen the Epilogue scenes outside of Anna yet, which very much does have you as her business partner and not much else.

People have said that the most romantic for mlm pairings are Alfred and Diamant, and flf are Ivy, Merrin, and Jade, but I need to verify it myself.

EDIT: Speaking of things to verify, need to look into that DLC Emblem deal. Someone on 4chan already said it was a joke they made and now everyone is eating it up, but Vincent also said he can see where the DLC folder is.

Edited by KoriCongo
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Can't say I'm a fan of platonic S supports, for sure. There's got to be a better way to balance those who want a romantic ending vs those who want a platonic ending than just having it feel super arbitrary. What if either camp picks wrong for what they wanted?

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1 hour ago, Tharne said:

Posting this here, hoping I didn't make any mistake :


I instantly zero'd in on Vandad's growths and went "oh woe is me, Jeigan growths, no long-term potential."

Now I'm looking at the rest and realizing, his are average lol. Definitely just personal character growths to be modified by class, 100%.

1 hour ago, ShadyCat said:

Okay, went to 4chan and downloaded the paired endings. Here goes:

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Bildschirmfoto 2023-01-16 um 17.53.01.png

Bildschirmfoto 2023-01-16 um 17.53.38.png

Bildschirmfoto 2023-01-16 um 17.53.54.png

Bildschirmfoto 2023-01-16 um 17.54.10.png

Bildschirmfoto 2023-01-16 um 17.54.26.png

Bildschirmfoto 2023-01-16 um 17.54.36.png





I knew it. Vandad and Momphir just HAD to have an support. I'm definitely going to see that.


19 minutes ago, Azz said:

Watched through all the cutscenes 

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The final cutscene is super epic tbh. All the emblems are summoned again and there is a huge line up of all the MCs and Alear and it just looks so good, I can't wait to see it with audio.

Am also super pleased to see Vander present in multiple cutscenes and even being in the line up with Alear, Veyle and the four royals at the end. Love Vandad being treated as a plot important character!


I won't go as far as to watch all the cutscenes now, I want to keep SOME surprises, but I'll just say


Happy as well that Vandad is given the respect he deserves! Momphir may be my new favorite character in Engage, but Vandad is still nº 2!


18 minutes ago, Chloé Waifu Supremacy said:

DLC emblem spoilers

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Yup you can’t ever outrun Camilla she’ll always be there not complaining but yeah lol. Veronica is such a crazy pick I guess the FEH x Engage bonus today hinted at it still interesting guess FEH really IS canon. Soren was unexpected cool looking forward to him! Chrom and Hector expected but by themselves no Robin or Eliwood sadness…..


Oh those are already leaked?

...HAHAHAHAHAHA yeah I think I'll keep my 30 bucks.

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I just need a couple of quick answers before I leave (I don't want to be TOO spoiled) I already asked before but my post got buried: 



How many chapters and Paralogues there are in the game? In which chapters Saphir, Veyle and Mauvier are recruited? And are there any specific requirements to recruit them? 


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2 minutes ago, KoriCongo said:

From what I'm reading, most of the actual ending slides are pretty platonic. No hugging, no kissing. Think more Edelgard x Hubert than anything. Haven't seen the Epilogue scenes outside of Anna yet, which very much does have you as her business partner and not much else.

People have said that the most romantic for mlm pairings are Alfred and Diamant, and flf are Ivy, Merrin, and Jade, but I need to verify it myself.

EDIT: Speaking of things to verify, need to look into that DLC Emblem deal. Someone on 4chan already said it was a joke they made and now everyone is eating it up, but Vincent also said he can see where the DLC folder is.

If possible, could you look at male alear and kagetsu's ending slide, or ask someone to look at it? Kagetsu's S support is one of the most romantic I've seen, so it's strange he isn't being mentioned in the mlm conversation.

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23 minutes ago, SuperNova125 said:
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Totally, hope we have a decent mix of both romantic and platonic for both Alears and not just the same sex ones.



It’s more than just some of the same sex ones,Young characters are ofc platonic (thank god) and some that may even surprise people are apparently platonic as well. So a good mix.


Edited by hadosama
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5 minutes ago, Kliss88 said:

Info on number of chapters according to Vincent


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26 numbered chapters

15 paralogues (2 for Jean and Anna, 13 for each Emblem)


I don’t mind seeing this but yeeeesh….that’s kinda oof don’t get me wrong Emblem maps are cool but the normal paralouges being nonexistent is a major letdown still hype.

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Oh, wait, there is a list of paired endings in the text dump. It's labelled after.



Only Alear has paired endings. The word 'friend' gets thrown around some, but so does 'partner.' A couple, like Chloe's, mention 'love.' They're all like two sentences long. They're basically just 'Alear and ___ hung out a lot.'

I wouldn't say the list of 'same sex' options is any more or less romantic than anyone else's.


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38 minutes ago, Chloé Waifu Supremacy said:

DLC emblem spoilers

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Yup you can’t ever outrun Camilla she’ll always be there not complaining but yeah lol. Veronica is such a crazy pick I guess the FEH x Engage bonus today hinted at it still interesting guess FEH really IS canon. Soren was unexpected cool looking forward to him! Chrom and Hector expected but by themselves no Robin or Eliwood sadness…..


If this is real then the "Main"/Extra Story DLC has be amazingly good to be worth the 30 bucks. Like better than all other FE DLCs put together. XBC2 Torna level good or something


Hope it's not real tho xD

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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In regards to DLC...


Yeah this is the most disappointing thing I think lol

Veronica is cool. Nice to see the Heroes bond rings being included will be more than just a shitty Heroes crossover. Also Veronica is one of the better OCs. I wonder what iteration they'll use, her OG or legendary form.

Soren is interesting but I'd prefer Elincia. Nice to have more magic emblems tho.

Hector is eh. Sad Eliwood is shafted considering FE7 is essentially his game but whatevs...

Shoulda been Robin and Chrom or just Robin. Not that I don't like Chrom, but he doesn't provide anything special that Lucina does.

Then Camilla... Azura woulda been such a better option. Camilla is just so... ugh. 

I'll still get the DLC anyways cause I want the house leaders and Tiki as well as the story dlc but whatevs


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4 minutes ago, Azz said:

Soren is interesting but I'd prefer Elincia.



Yeah same.

Like, Elincia isn't even in the Bond ring list unless i missed something?


5 minutes ago, Azz said:

Then Camilla... Azura woulda been such a better option. Camilla is just so... ugh. 



Or could've pulled something with the Nohr/Hoshido thing or something, like the 3H or Ephraim/Eirika one but different.


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