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Why is Sothis a little girl?


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So...yeah. Topic, I guess. Was Sothis always a little girl? Is the mother Rhea yearns for the embrace of a child? Did Nemesis butcher a child? Or did Sothis have an adult form and dying reverted her memories so she perceived herself as a child (even though her language makes it clear she doesn't actually think of herself as one). She's like a super dragon god, so the idea of her just having a child-like body the whole time isn't inconceivable. I guess the only real indicator on the situation is the Sword of the Creator, which is her spine, and I guess suggests a fully developed adult form. Though I think the real answer is that the writers don't really know and just thought kid Sothis was a kick ass design (which, to be fair, it is).

EDIT: I guess Rhea's homunculus experiments resulted in adult women, again suggesting Sothis had an adult form. Now I kind of want to see what it's like. Though I guess the answer to t hat would be Brave Byleth in Heroes.

Edited by Jotari
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3H still feels like it has so many unexplored plot threads and side stories that the developers just never got around to fleshing out, because their ambition outstripped their ability to produce a finished game.

Sooooooo....head canon-time...


The fuckery Rhea did with baby Byleth was more successful then her previous failed attempts to resurrect Sothis.

...but she still didn't get it 100% right...

And Sothis only coming back in child form + coming back without her memories was a result of Rhea once again failing to perform a full and complete restoration.  

Edited by Shoblongoo
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You see an adult depiction of Sothis on the Goddess Mural.

I'm not sure the child body but adult demeanor god thing was done with Yune as well. Maybe it's to add mystery to their being, pure and almighty at the same time. Also her power is incomplete like @Shoblongoo just said.

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She's a Dragon which makes your chance of being a little girl shoot up by 90%.

But I think Sothis is a little girl due to somewhat being reincarnated after her murder, or due to the big strain restoring Fodlan put on her body. She likely looked more like an adult during her time as a goddess. 

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Radical take: Sothis' appearance is generated by Byleth's imagination. They heard the voice, and made a guess at the "body" that it came from. Whether Sothis had a physical appearance that matched her appearance in Byleth's mind - at her time of death, or ever - is not known or stated. She could have looked totally different in life.

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From the Nintendo Dream interview:

Q: Why does Sothis look like a little girl? And why was Rhea so obsessed with reviving her?


Kusakihara: Because the Sothis inside the protagonist is in an incomplete state. She doesn’t remember what she looks like, and she hasn’t completely healed, so that form is like a point in the middle of the process. She looks very different from the Sothis in Rhea’s memories, so when the protagonist says, “I see a girl,” and Rhea looks puzzled, it’s showing that contrast. In her complete form, she looks like an adult woman, like you’d see in the ceiling painting.


Yokota: I looked it up and found adult Sothis’s design artwork, but why did you have it made?


Kusakihara: Actually, in the images at the beginning of the game, there’s a cut of Sothis looking down from a high place, so I needed the artwork for that. And as for Rhea’s obsession, there’s actually a lot of parts that weren’t depicted in the story. To Rhea, Sothis was like a mother, as well as a creator, so she has more of a real goal than just wanting to see her mother, and that’s what props Rhea up mentally.



It doesn't make tons of sense,  but  damage from death manifested as Sothis appearing younger.  Sure.

Edited by SnowFire
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9 minutes ago, SnowFire said:

It doesn't make tons of sense,  but  damage from death manifested as Sothis appearing younger.  Sure

It kind of does make sense in the way  that since her powers are incomplete then her appearance shouldn't be fully grown. I'm having some serious deja vu about this because I know that I've seen this before, just can't remember exactly what show that did this.

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5 hours ago, Armchair General said:

It kind of does make sense in the way  that since her powers are incomplete then her appearance shouldn't be fully grown. I'm having some serious deja vu about this because I know that I've seen this before, just can't remember exactly what show that did this.

Happens all the time in Digimon...though that's probably not the show you're thinking of.

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6 hours ago, SnowFire said:

It doesn't make tons of sense,  but  damage from death manifested as Sothis appearing younger.  Sure.

it doesnt, but in japanese media such as manga or anime "losing power = regress to child form" has been done so many times with a powerful figure that it becomes the norm/acceptable condition. so i guess what happens here is just that. 

and not just any obscure story too, even the likes of Dragon Ball done it

40 minutes ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

Do you want the Watsonian or Doylist answer?

i want ot hear the watsonian one

Edited by joevar
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