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Quality of Life features you'd like to see added in future patches?


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I thought it odd that there was no option to load a save without going all the way back to the main menu, but after farming all supports and Bond Rings the lack of such an option is especially draining, so I'd love if that was put in. I'd also like the chance to view all cutscenes, not just cinematics, and maybe even a full cutscene viewer in the main menu instead of exclusively in the Somniel so we can switch Alear genders (on top of the convenience). All of these were in Three Houses so I hope asking for them isn't a pipe dream.

Also: being able to switch F!Alear's hairstyle would be really fun, though it would be nice if all the Lords got alternate hairstyles a la Three Houses too. Wanting a toggle for F!Alear at least doesn't sound like too much either, by comparison.

Your turn! What would you like to see that (probably) wouldn't take too much effort to implement? I know a way to view internal levels has been on a lot of people's wishlists, judging by various forum posts.

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Let me Engage after completing a Trade. There's no reason not to allow it, it's not like there's any case where I could get a trade off while disengaged that I couldn't have done if I'd Engaged beforehand. It's the dumbest cause of "I need to use a Time Crystal now".

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New Game+

Keep unlocked bond rings

Keep sp and unlocked skills

Keep donations

Keep support ranks

Keep bond ranks


Unlock Alear's Fell Dragon and Emblem hair & eye colors.

Unlock Fell Dragon costume recolor.



Ability to wear any costume in any non-mounted class, including amiibo outfits.

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Wearing Somniel/whatever outfit in battle would be nice. Boost some character growth rates,  ie Etie build 5% -> 10%. Remove insane WT for Ike emblem (+3 dmg for 15wt?) great for brave but apart of that. In the character stats UI, I want to see a bar (like older games) and also want to see actual base stats + or - stats. Like base 10 speed + 3 from Marth and food. Also EXP number instead of checking out the description <.<


55 minutes ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

How do I see weapon stats when inspecting a character's inventory? I know I can see them when trading or shopping, but I don't know how when viewing a unit. Not that seeing combat stats isn't also really useful. 

you can press X or Y in inventory to check the weapon stats in inventory IIRC, but cannot when you check on the field ui.

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I think three things I wanted to see what to add or fix in the future patch for Fire Emblem Engage:

  1. Fix: Giving Alfred's voiced conversation in Alfread and Soren's Emblem Bond Conversation to have Alfred speak during while he was talking to Soren. (It makes me wondered why Alfread was silent in that conversation.
  2. Add: Maybe add some objects in the cutscenes like Support Conversations like Seadall and Rosando Support where Rosando eating the Chicken with the Fork for example.
  3. Add ponytail options for females or males with long hair in the Somniel.
Edited by King Marth 64
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5 hours ago, Fabulously Olivier said:
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Unlock Alear's Fell Dragon and Emblem hair & eye colors.

Unlock Fell Dragon costume recolor.

Ooh, I forgot about this one when writing the initial post, but I'd love this very much too!


Along with Fell Dragon skins for all of the Emblems! ...which is what I assume you meant with the second point.


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  1. Faster skipping through the arena. Having to listen to the introductory lines every time before I'm allowed to skip and claim my free 10xp is annoying.
  2. Let me use the arena to grab more than 5 bond levels at a time rather than having to do the exact same arena process multiple times over if I want to go from nothing to a high bond level.
  3. Let me send an equipped item to the convoy when I'm buying items in the Somniel.
  4. When sleeping in my room in the Somniel, let me choose when to sleep until. Trying to skip to a specific time of day for fishing or fortune telling should be simpler.
  5. Void Curse should be used more consistently. In a game where this skill exists, it ought to be on all infinite reinforcements, but it isn't. (At least, I assume that some of the times where it doesn't appear are infinite reinforcements; I didn't actually wait for infinity turns to check.)
  6. Keep the easy access to derived stats, but make base stats more easily accessible as well. Weapon might is something that I find myself wanting to know a whole lot and isn't easy to find.
  7. Better descriptions on certain items or abilities, especially on enemies. For instance, knowing that Lúin "raises damage based on user's Spd" is close to useless without knowing the actual damage formula used.
  8. Let me unselect enemy range highlighting by pressing B on that enemy, rather than just toggling on and off by A.
  9. Chefs hats.
  10. Have achievements automatically grant bond fragments when you achieve them, rather than requiring the extra step of going to the notice board to claim them.
  11. Completely rework the interface for engraving. I always find myself going in and out of that so many times to cross check information. Specifically, I'd like to start by having it show a list of Engravings. When you scroll through them, each one shows what stat modifiers it gives and what weapon it's currently attached to. When you select one, you then get to choose a weapon to put it on, but rather than just getting a big list of weapons, you can go through by character, and then see the effects that the engraving would have to their derived stats as well (eg, would giving a -1 to weight actually increase this character's AS or is their build high enough for it not to matter?). I'm probably not explaing how I'm imagining this very well, but the details aren't that important. The main point is that I don't like the UI here and would like to see it overhauled.
  12. Complete overhaul of the method for gaining Bond Rings. I was never going to particularly enjoy a gacha system, but the way things have ended up where a few of them have powerful abilities which are pretty much free if you savescum but pretty much unattainable if you don't is kind of the worst. I don't imagine that they will change this, but if I had my druthers, I'd make it so you can just purchase any given bond ring at a reasonable bond fragment cost. Maybe something like 100: a randomly selected bond ring. 200: a specific C rank ring. 500: a specific B rank ring. 1000: a specific A rank ring. 3000: a specific S rank ring.
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3 hours ago, DefyingFates said:

Ooh, I forgot about this one when writing the initial post, but I'd love this very much too!

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Along with Fell Dragon skins for all of the Emblems! ...which is what I assume you meant with the second point.



I actually meant Alear's black fell dragon outfit from the past. It's less garish than their playable outfit because black serves as a grounding color.


But being able to use the fell Emblems as skins would also be welcome.


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7 minutes ago, Fabulously Olivier said:
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I actually meant Alear's black fell dragon outfit from the past. It's less garish than their playable outfit because black serves as a grounding color.


But being able to use the fell Emblems as skins would also be welcome.


Gotcha. That would be a great addition too!

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5 hours ago, lenticular said:

Void Curse should be used more consistently. In a game where this skill exists, it ought to be on all infinite reinforcements, but it isn't. (At least, I assume that some of the times where it doesn't appear are infinite reinforcements; I didn't actually wait for infinity turns to check.)

Most (if not all) of the "infinite" reinforcements stop spawning after at most 99 turns based on some experiments that other people have done; I'm definitely not crazy enough for that.

My biggest pet peeve is the fact that skipping map animations requires the start button. I'd take being able to use the A button to do it even if for whatever reason it can't be automatic.

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I'm not sure if this is a QOL improvement or a bug or just a very unwise choice, but...  make it so that in the post-battle conversations phase, if units have a battle-related line (you know, the repetitive ones that are either "I killed so many people yay!" (100 BP) or "I got smashed up that fight!" (50 BP) or "Put me in, coach!" (10 BP)), talking with them again has their usual line for the area.  (Can toggle back and forth if you like for a 3rd and 4th conversation.)  Most of the post-battle lines are not real deep, but it's frustrating that the characters you are most aggressively using are the LEAST likely to be able to offer any updates or thoughts on the situation at hand, and merely say the same "Zappy!" line for the 10th time even after missions that are supposed to be dark and plotty like C17 or C22.  This is the mechanic the devs stuck in so that fans of one particular character can kind of check in on them and see how they're reacting to the current plotline, and it doesn't really work.  Hell, even if you intentionally DON'T deploy the character to make it more likely to see their thoughts, they might still give their "please deploy me boss!" line!  This wouldn't be a huge change, especially since a disproportionate number of missions in the second half of the game take place in essentially empty battlefields and the characters don't have much interesting to say anyway, but still.

(I recently did Jean's paralogue.  One of the townsfolk mentions how there's a rumor that the princess visits the town disguised to sample their local artisanal tea.  I then talked to Celine, who said...  she needs to train in battle too as a proper princess, here have 50 BP, rather than a context-relevant line about the town.  Sigh.)

Edited by SnowFire
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19 minutes ago, SnowFire said:

I'm not sure if this is a QOL improvement or a bug or just a very unwise choice

I didn't consider this being something that needed changing, but as someone who's felt the same pain I agree that this would be a change I'd love to see too, thank you for bringing it up!

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Show on the UI which engraves are on which weapon. Make it easier to see weapon stats on the UI. If you inherit a skill and there's an empty slot, the UI should add it automatically. Add a way to toggle staff, ballista, and teleport ranges individually. Mostly UI stuff. This game's UI lacks a lot of basic shit.

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23 minutes ago, meltenvy said:

Add a way to toggle staff, ballista, and teleport ranges individually.

I just got used to it, but I'd forgotten how annoying this was to track so thank you for this!

24 minutes ago, meltenvy said:

Show on the UI which engraves are on which weapon. Make it easier to see weapon stats on the UI.

These two also came up for me too. In fact, you make a good point that a lot of Engage's nitpicks come down to the simplified UI...

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Jumping on the UI tweaking bandwagon a bit here, but I don't think it's been mentioned specifically yet.... Engage is pretty bad at showing the support bonuses. Aside from a little popup indicating A, B or C support with allies, I don't actually think the game has any sort of tangible preview of the gains you get from placing supported units adjacent to each other apart from I guess just...noticing that the number goes up in the forecast? It's not like showing this very overtly has been in absolutely every fire emblem, but I think it's a huge QOL improvement from the last handful of games that is just not present in Engage. You can check exact numbers without an enemy forecast by standing them next to each other and going to unit details, but it's a bit tedious. Especially having to do it with multiple allies in case one will buff a stat you need (say, accuracy) and one will buff a stat you aren't really aiming for (say...crit dodge).

It'd be nice if they could at least add some sort of shorthand icon somewhere so players could know what type of support a unit gives allies without either memorizing it or waiting until deployment to check. Just go back to basics with the unit element typing, the solution already exists. Displaying the full numbers for all supported allies somewhere on the reference screen might be a good compromise, seeing as it is for some reason available mid-battle anyways. Like....if you can't rewatch the supports from this menu, and you need to be on the somniel to advance them, just what is the point of having reference available mid-fight anyways?

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8 minutes ago, starbat said:

Just go back to basics with the unit element typing

Speaking of, since each unit already has a "type," they could just have a second category denoting what kind of Support bonus they give with the full explanation added in a menu somewhere. According to SF's wiki the Support types already have pretty self-explanatory names so I can't imagine it'd be too confusing for players either (outside of wanting to know exactly which stats go up of course, but that's what the menu/ new tutorial would be for).

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I agree with everything said about the Weapons Engraving UI, it really needs to show which weapon and on which character clearing, atm its so difficult to keep track of. 

It would also be nice to have a way of checking a unit's internal level, as it can get a bit messy if some units have gone through more reclassing than others. Looking at stat total is kinda iffy. It's hard to tell if a character is doing poorly if it's because they're underleveled or because of bad level ups. 

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I've thought of a couple more things that I'd like to see:

  1. For backup units, allow them to chain attack if they are carrying a weapon that could chain attack and haven't yet acted on the current turn. That is, if it's possible to select them, equip a different weapon, make the attack that gets the chain attack, then select them again and change equipped weapon back to what it was to begin with, don't make me jump through the hoops. (There would be a few downsides to this, admittedly, but I think they would be small and outweighed by the benefit.)
  2. Give a better way of displaying poison stacks. I know that there's a little icon for this displayed by the unit, but it's tiny. With the size of TV that I have, at the distance that I sit away from it, and with the quality of my eyesight, it's literally too small for me to see properly. I'd like for there to be a larger display of this on the unit info screen or the attack preview or somewhere. (Or if it does already exist then I want it to be more prominent because I haven't found it.)
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Given how this game has been handled, along with the swiftness of the dlc, doubtful there will be any major QoL fixes or meaningful feature updates.

Hope I'm wrong. This game was held in a fairly complete status for so long, I wouldn't be surprised if a new release, such as the Sigurd Dating Sim(FE4 remake), or FE3H2(due to fe3h success) is around the corner.  The dlc is getting rushed out so fast(likely from being complete for such a long time) yet typically a studio would spread it out a bit more. Hopeful this means a new release or announcement, especially a bit after the last wave.

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2 hours ago, WolfWin said:

Given how this game has been handled, along with the swiftness of the dlc, doubtful there will be any major QoL fixes or meaningful feature updates.

I'm also not expecting much, but given that they've already added the monastery activities for gaining supports, I don't think it's too far-fetched to hope for at least a few minor additions or changes.

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