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Do you like Hilda?


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Hilda's apparently really good! I haven't played VS yet, though.


...Well, I'll hope this topic gets moved, then.

Edited by Benice
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Which one.

An important detail to specify, as one is an irredeemable bitch who is meant to be a hate sink and the other one ... uh, exists?

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2 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

Which one.

An important detail to specify, as one is an irredeemable bitch who is meant to be a hate sink and the other one ... uh, exists?

I meant the pink haired one lol

Edited by Wartortle94
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Yes. Yes I do.

I generally like most of the overtly feminine characters in Fire Emblem. I mean, yeah, I'm playing a turn based tactical war game, but that needn't mean that there isn't space to celebrate femininity as well. I also like the contrast of her personality with her stats. Most of the more femme characters in the series are mages, clerics or pegasus knights. Instead, Hilda is just a small girl with a bix axe, with Warrior being her "default" end-game class. It's a fun contrast.

I also like how much she owns her sexuality. Unlike Camilla, Manuela and the likes, we don't get any ridiculously drawn out camera shots of her boobs that look as if they belong in a soft porn movie. Hilda is always in control of herself. And yeah, she does weaponise her sexuality and her femininity as a way of manipulating people, but I can hardly say that I blame her. While the game is somewhat inconsistent in how it presents gender roles in Fódlan, we definitely have a society in which young noble women get married off, against their will, often to unsavoury individuals (cf. Ingrid, Bernadetta). In that world, and with those expectations, I like that she is able to reclaim control of her life by using her femininity to her advantage. It's manipulative, sure, but understandable.

Also, it's really easy to head-canon her as super queer. That's cool too.

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Sure. She's cute, funny, prominent and decently likable. It helps that she mostly keeps her bad traits reserved for mundane things like chores or homework, and she steps up to do her part when things are serious.

Hilda's not my favorite character but I enjoy her well enough.

Edited by Etrurian emperor
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Hilda is probably one of the most vile, revolting characters ever created in the entire series. She's absolutely despicable in every conceivable fashion, and considering she was made to be that way, it would make sense that most people wouldn't like her since she was meant to be unlikable. In that regard, she's a well-made, well-executed character, and I respect the role she plays in the story.

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We do have sub forums for being specific about who you talk about.

For me, Jugdral Hilda is a loveable hatesink, though I kind of don't like that you fight her twice though. I'd rather dead be dead.

For Fodlan Three Houses...eh. Honestly she's one of the more forgettable characters for me. I don't find anything much interesting about her character and her gameplay never stood out to me much either. If they wanted to make a character a dedicated rallybot they should just make a designated rallybot class already (or was that even her gimmick? Maybe it was Anette's. The two characters blend together in a lot of ways for me).

Edited by Jotari
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Genealogy of the Holy War Hilda is an irredeemable monster.

Three Houses/Hopes Hilda isn't a favorite. She's very middle-of-the-road. Some of her character rubs me the wrong way, but I don't find her entirely insufferable. There's far worse characters, both in Houses/Hopes and in the series at large.

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I like 3H Hilda. I can definitely understand being intimidated by the high expectations people have for you, and retreating into an incompetent persona in response. She lacks confidence in herself, and tries to keep that image up, despite all evidence to the contrary. During the war, though, she "steps up", typically sticking with Claude and the Alliance - even if her old habits are hard to break. I appreciate that her support with Cyril draws attention to the casual racism faced by Almyrans, even if Hilda is the "bad guy" in those interactions. Her support with Seteth, where she keeps trying to avoid responsibility, is hilarious, too.

FE4 Hilda is an alright villain. Not my favorite, but she does the job. Nice to see female villains in general.

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I also like 3H Hilda, though with some reservations. I love her manipulative side; she uses her emotional intelligence so well, able to key into different things on different characters. I think my favourite is the Ferdinand support where he knows he's being manipulated but he can't help but go along anyway. She ends up a weirdly good compliment to Claude because she gets people better and together their scheming feels unstoppable.

On the less positive note I find the game seems a little muddled as to whether she actually has a completely incorrect view of her own abilities or if it's all just a trick. I've found she's one of the characters I do incredibly poorly with on tea times / expeditions as a result. This is likely a me problem and I'm sure there are Hilda experts out there who "get" her more. Either way, though, I do find her fun to watch.

My unpopular opinion is that I don't really care for her dynamic with Marianne.


FE4 Hilda is fine. I think gen 2 does a much better job making villains memorable than PCs, so Hilda benefits from that. I kinda enjoy the subversion that she actually ends up much more notable than her husband, especially in FE4 of all things. But obviously she's not very deep or anything.

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