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Special Heroes Silhouettes - May 2023

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For some reason, my brain thinks that the right silhouette's hair looks a lot like Delthea's. But ... why. And why would she be an archer anyway.

My initial guess for the left one is Minerva, and no I can't explain why.

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It's most likely Sully and Anna, we know Awakening is the duo/harm, and if you zoom in she has the iconic finger. And with the awakening connection, Sully makes the most sense on the left.

Edit: Flavia could also work for the left, depending on the angle they go with.

Edited by Ether
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Bride Anna would be far more sane than Delthea.

Although when I try to see Sully in the left silhouette, I end up seeing Claude.

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Yeah, looking at it again, I'm thinking the character on the left is Flavia and the character on the right is Anna. I don't think either of them are part of the Harmonic, though, because it looks like Anna is holding a bow and Flavia has what looks like a sword hilt. Bow alt and sword alt?

Which then raises the question of which Awakening character is part of the Harmonic.

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If it IS Flavia and Anna, both of those characters are Robinsexual. Something to possibly think about. If that is the theme they go with, ATiki, Say'ri and Basilio jump up, alongside the Spotpass exclusives.

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I hope that's Anna (but at the same time, bleh) on the right and not Delthea because I'm not too interested in spending orbs on this banner.

I'm too busy trying and failing to get Fallen Celica merges.

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The one on the right screams L'Arachel for me for some reason. As for the left, if it is Awakening-based, I think it is most likely Sully since I can't really find anyone else who has that exact hair.

Edited by Morgan--Grandmaster
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The left one's hair is a pretty good match for Flavia. Compare to her Awakening art:



The one on the right has Anna's ponytail and signature finger pose, so it's practically 100% her.

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My first thought about the left one is Student Claude. That said, I don't think so? And on the right, the hair reminds me of Anna (especially Engage Anna, but that may just be because I was playing it relatively recently.) Hmm left shadow looks like it's holding a sword or something with a D-guard and a keychain. Also, around the shoulders, it looks like feathers or branches. Hm.

Ah right, left could also be a Jake! Didn't the one from New Mystery have spiky hair like that?

Edited by Mercakete
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6 hours ago, Othin said:

Are we even sure this is a bridal banner? I'm not sure if the tweet's phrasing matches previous May banner.

After doing some digging, they've always changed the phrasing each year.

The May 2020 silhouettes (Oboro and Hinata) made no references to brides or a bridal festival (the exact words were "these Special Heroes are dressed in breathtakingly beautiful outfits"). They probably worded it like that because there were just as many males (Sothe, Rafiel, Hinata) involved in that banner as girls (Micaiah, Nailah, Oboro). The 2019 silhouettes (which had Pent) also didn't have the words "bride" or "bridal" (its phrase was "these Special Heroes sure look fancy").

So with that in mind, maybe this left silhouette actually is Validar a dude.

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23 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

After doing some digging, they've always changed the phrasing each year.

The May 2020 silhouettes (Oboro and Hinata) made no references to brides or a bridal festival (the exact words were "these Special Heroes are dressed in breathtakingly beautiful outfits"). They probably worded it like that because there were just as many males (Sothe, Rafiel, Hinata) involved in that banner as girls (Micaiah, Nailah, Oboro). The 2019 silhouettes (which had Pent) also didn't have the words "bride" or "bridal" (its phrase was "these Special Heroes sure look fancy").

So with that in mind, maybe this left silhouette actually is Validar a dude.

Interesting. In that case, this year's phrasing doesn't stand out as unusual.

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The right one makes me think of L'Arachel not Anna the hair and finger also fit OG L'Arachel's art. Left if a girl has to be Sully, but if a guy makes me think Jake from Shadow Dragon.  Either way I am planning on skipping unless for some reason a favorite is on here, but that happening is rather low since my favs are men with no cannon pairings.  I skipped the last seasonal and it was a welcome change since the seasonal banners always make me feel like I have to pull on them.  I have enough harmonic units now that I think unless a favorite is on a seasonal I am now going to skip them, because this might be the time some of my favs show up on new heroes banners.

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2 hours ago, EricaofRenais said:

The right one makes me think of L'Arachel not Anna the hair and finger also fit OG L'Arachel's art.

It's ultimately one or the other and we'll find out in 6 hours, but keep in mind:

  • The silhouette has the finger up to the character's chin, which is common for Anna. L'Arachel's Heroes art you're referring to has her twirling her hair.
  • You can see a teddy bear ornament in the silhouette (on the right side of the bow), which is present in the art for most versions of Awakening Anna.
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That's absolutely Lucina and Lucina Flavia and Anna.

The one on the left can't be Sully. The silhouette has side locks, which is something Sully doesn't have.

The one on the right can't be Larchel. The silhouette has bangs that point outward at the side, whereas Larchel's bangs are wavy and point downward at the sides.

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