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Special Heroes Silhouettes - June 2023

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Ugh, c'mon IS. I'm trying to save orbs here. You can't just tempt me with a Summer L'Arachel.

By the by, the left silhouette is probably F!Shez so more (probably) Summer Fodlan units to the surprise of no one. Yippee.

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Dagger unit that yeets surfboards at people? Sure. Assuming that thing in her hair could be just an accessory, it's still a pretty open question on who that is, but let's say 50% Shez. L'Arachel probably confirms Ephraim being on the banner as well. Remember when everyone thought Summer Innes' silhouette was definitely Ephraim?

Anyway, no strong feelings about any of the above names. Can't afford to summon until July anyway, and frankly if I do spend any meaningful amount of orbs, it won't be until I know who's on the other summer banner. The possibility I might grab FEH Pass in late-July early-August to spark both (and the August seasonal) remains a live, if minor possibility.

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I totally forgot we were getting silhouettes today.

Yep, that figure on the left is definitely L'Arachel. I'd expect Ephraim too then, just so he isn't the only Magvel royal without a summer alt (although Heroes doesn't always make the logical decisions). I'll take your word that the other one is female Shez. Will m!Shez show up too, or is she going to get two alts before her male counterpart even gets one?

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1 hour ago, Sunwoo said:

Will m!Shez show up too, or is she going to get two alts before her male counterpart even gets one?

If he doesn't show up here (and at the risk of getting massive egg on my face, he won't since summer alts are apparently only for female avatars), then he'll just be this month's Legendary.

After all, it's clearly been too long since the last Fodlan Legendary and they could definitely use more. Yeah, I know I'm not even trying to hide my disdain with the constant stream of Fodlan content. I'm just that done with Fodlan to the point that I'll probably never end up getting Three Hopes.

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55 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

If he doesn't show up here (and at the risk of getting massive egg on my face, he won't since summer alts are apparently only for female avatars), then he'll just be this month's Legendary.

After all, it's clearly been too long since the last Fodlan Legendary and they could definitely use more. Yeah, I know I'm not even trying to hide my disdain with the constant stream of Fodlan content. I'm just that done with Fodlan to the point that I'll probably never end up getting Three Hopes.

Yeah, I agree that there's just too much Fodlan in too short a time. It's even worse than Fateswakening spam back in year 1 and 2 because of all the powercreep in the later years.

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This probably means summer Ephraim is a lock for the male of the banner.

As for the other three houses rep. Annette is the only Blion girl without a beach outfit, just as how Lysithea's the only Deer without one. So I'm guessing its going to be either of those. Of course my preference remains with Summer Alois. 

Edited by Etrurian emperor
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Someone on Reddit posted a meme suggesting the left silhouette might be someone else:



And while there's the stray hair strands to dispute it the krinkles matching the flower petals make it very convincing. I actually hope they're right even if it's a long shot.

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L'Arachel on the right. Someone with long hair on the left. I've seen some Shez guesses floating around, but that's obviously a flower pin in her hair, so I'm thinking someone with a hairstyle more like...uhhh FE6's Jeigan. Can't remember her name. Anyway, long, unstyled hair.

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1 hour ago, Humanoid said:

Marcus does have some lovely hair.


I meant the lady, for clarity's sake (though now I want that to be Marcus as a joke.) Cecilia or whatever. But then I saw her while running through the game and was all "That's longer than I remember." Anyway, I don't have much of a guess for the left one; there are a lot of people it could be.

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1 hour ago, Mercakete said:

L'Arachel on the right. Someone with long hair on the left. I've seen some Shez guesses floating around, but that's obviously a flower pin in her hair, so I'm thinking someone with a hairstyle more like...uhhh FE6's Jeigan. Can't remember her name. Anyway, long, unstyled hair.

Yeah for me it does obviously look like a flower too (although those hair-like thing around the flowers could indicate that the second flower, the one hanging lower, could possibly be some sort of bun... I still find it unlikely though) I really hope it isn't Shez... If it is her it'd mean that she already got 3 alts (counting OG) in a spam of 9 months!

 FE6's Jeigan is Marcus (perhaps Percival can act like one too? Not sure since he joins a lot later and character-wise he's no one's mentor or anything of the sort), Cecilia is a piece of trash of an unit (she IS a prepromote but I think that to be Jeigan she has to be good right?) that only serves to be another obstacle on a chapter that is already hard in didn't need more obstacles. But yeah, it doesn't sound hard to be her (although I wouldn't like her getting a third alt)


 Also, please don't don't be Fódlan again, please don't be Fódlan again... PLEASE DON'T BE FÓDLAN AGAIN (S!Constance would be cool though, because of the parassol gimmick, but please not half a banner/a whole banner again!). If it is, then I'll just consider that Fódlan has now officially got a claim on summer banners just like how OCs and Hoshido/beasts have a claim on NY, or how dragons have a claim on Halloween.


 I agree on the other one being L'arachel does. And with this, we'll probably get summer Ephraim as well (it's been a while since he doesn't get a banner too) and he'll probably be good (but I hope that it won't be TOO good or interesting, I still wanna save my orbs for Heidr, the CYL, the Phantom Thief banner, and for the next two legendaries if they're good).

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If L'Arachel does indeed end up on this banner (and she's obviously gonna be, right?), then I think that definitely cements Sacred Stones as having the second most representation in summer banners, second only to Three Houses. I think it already did prior to this, but still.

Binding Blade has two units with Lilina and Wolt.
Blazing Blade has three with Lyn, Fiora, and Ursula.
Tellius has four, Mia, Rhys, Elincia, Micaiah. If you wanna count backback units, then five with Altina.
Archanea has five, Tiki, Linde, Ogma, Norne, and Caeda.
Fates has six, with Female Corrin, Xander, Elise, Leo, Camilla, and Takumi.
Awakening has six. Tiki, Gaius, Female Robin, Frederick, Noire, and Cordelia. Seven, if backpack Lucina/Masked Marth counts.
Sacred Stones has nine with Tana, Innes, Joshua, Selena, Lute, Eirika, Lyon, and Seth. And I'll count L'Arachel, too, because it's clearly her.

Heroes OCs outnumber SS still, but of all the non-OC stuff, Sacred Stones is only second to Three Houses, which has thirteen units. Fifteen, if you count Marianne and Rhea.

Edited by Fire Emblem Fan
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Meanwhile, Valentia and Jugdral (the two most seasonal starved rosters already ignoring TMS, which might as well have never been added into FEH in the first place) have zero Summer units combined.

But nah, screw giving either of them even a drop of any seasonal theme when we can give Fodlan two or three more Summer seasonals.

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11 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

I hate that Valentia and Jugdral are so ignored in seasonals. I'd love to see more of them.

Yeah, everyone but Alm and Celica (and Delthea I guess) is alarmingly ignored.

 Mae and Boey really should have an alt by now since they're both important characters to the story and pretty popular among the fandom.


 Jugdral at least has somewhat of an excuse (that I don't like, but it's at least justifiable) for showing up less since the game never made it outside of japan, but why Valentia? Wasn't SoV popular? I know it doesn't have Awakening/Fates/3H levels of success but it was far from a flop right? Or am I missing something?

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On 6/16/2023 at 8:51 AM, ARMADS!!! said:

(S!Constance would be cool though, because of the parassol gimmick,

Waitaminute. I noticed that the silhouette on our right has a parasol/umbrella in her left hand (pointed downward) but I didn't feel it was worth pointing out before. That said, in silhouette form, Constance kind of looks like L'Arachel, right? With the short, styled hair looking a bit like L'Arachel's crazy bun thing? That could be Constance. The silhouette is holding a drink on her right hand, and those sorts of things are usually the summer weapons, so, could be.

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