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Any Ys fans here?


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I'm new in the forums and I did a quick search to see if there's any topics about the Ys games here and there were 0 matches. So I'm wondering: Are there any Ys fans here? Am I the only one?

I'm obsessed with the series, right now I'm playing Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana and working on getting all the Achievements. So far I have 100%d Ys I, II, Origin, Oath in Felghana and VI: Ark of Napishtim.

After finishing VIII I'll prob play Memories of Celceta next.

I am also super excited for X Nordics, the music preview they shared recently is just phenomenal!

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Most of the Ys fans I knew from here are no longer around, but there were definitely a few back in the day. Before XSEED picked up Oath in Felghana and put it on Steam translated, a few of us had played a fan-translated version that had some interesting history behind it lol.

As for myself, I've beaten Ys I and II on the DS, Felghana before and after it was released on Steam, and Origin with all 3 characters A friend of mine has been recommending Ys 8 for a while now, maybe I'll look into it if I ever feel that Ys itch again.

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I see. Hopefully we'll get some Ys fans here, I'm all about them haha. And yeah, if you feel like you want to play an Action RPG I'd super recommend VIII, such a beautiful game, incredibly fun to roam and explore the island. Combat is legit fun too!

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22 minutes ago, Lady Hortensia said:

oooh, I am 🙂

I finished II, Origin and Oath of Felghana (latter being my favourite).

Also owning VIII and IX, but yet have to play them.

Mainly the soundtrack brought me into this series, though I also enjoy the gameplay quite a lot!


Nice! Felghana is a masterpiece. Nice to meet more Ys fans!

And yeah the music is a highlight for sure. They (Nihon Falcom) recently released a sampler of the soundtrack for the upcoming Ys X Nordics and its SOOOO good haha

「イースX -NORDICS-」オリジナルサウンドトラックmini試聴動画

I am soooo excited for this new game.

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14 minutes ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

Ys VIII is one of my favorite games of all time (top 10), and I enjoyed Celceta too. Playing Ys IX right this moment actually, and it's a solid 8/10.


And Ys X is my 2nd most anticipated game right now, just behind Metaphor.

Nice! I can totally see it becoming one of my favorites for sure, it's so enjoyable, just existing on the Isle of Seiren is a blissful experience haha

I'm so happy to see fellow Ys fans here 🙂 Not many of us but it seems the series is growing in popularity.

Metaphor does look incredible too for sure, excited for that one.

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I wouldn't say that I'm a Ys fan as I've only played one game in the series, but I did play Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana. I bought it because I thought its unique premise: an adventurer gets stranded on a deserted island and has to work together with the other castaways to survive, all while he starts dreaming of a woman he's never met named Dana and the lost civilization she was part of, all very interesting and I kept seeing nothing but praise for the game with people repeatedly referring to it as a masterpiece. After playing playing the game, all I can say is that I really, really wish I could agree with everyone saying it's a masterpiece. Most of it is a masterpiece, but there is one specific thing that almost ruins the game for me.

Gameplay-wise, there's nothing wrong. The combat is fun, exploring the island is a lot of fun, things like finding and rescuing castaways who provide useful gameplay benefits (and in turn provide access to more of the island since many places are blocked by obstacles that can only be removed with a given number of castaways) is a good incentive for exploring, and since I'm exploring anyway, I don't feel like completing the sidequests is an interruption. I particularly like how the premise of the game: that everyone's stranded on an inescapable island, justifies a ton of tropes that most JRPGs ask the player to suspend their disbelief on: Why is there only one village and why does it only have twenty people? It's a castaway village. Why is there a fishing minigame? You're stranded on a deserted island; fishing is a good way to get more food. Why are Adol and his party the only ones exploring? Everyone else is better-suited elsewhere and everyone has something they need to do if everyone is to survive. Why can't I go anywhere other than the game's location? You are stranded on a deserted island; there's miles of water between you and anywhere else and the main goal is to find a way off the island. etc.

The music is fantastic, and the game is capable of looking gorgeous without having to use the latest graphics tech thanks to it being set on a bright, vibrant and colourful deserted island.

As for the story, most of it is fantastic; the characters are fun and interesting; especially Dana, the story is delivered at a good pace; knowing when to slow down and when to ramp things up, the story doesn't discourage doing side content, it has some clever twists, and it's well told. If it weren't for one thing, I would say that this game is a masterpiece, and more specifically the type of masterpiece where everything complements each other well and the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. To talk about the thing that nearly ruins the game for me, I have to talk about the game's ending:


Some quick notes: when I say, "ending", I'm referring to all three endings, though mainly the golden ending since the golden ending provides the most explanation for what happened. And, when I say, "final boss", I'm talking about Theos de Endogram: the evil tree and the boss fought in all three endings; I'll say "post-final boss" to refer to the boss fight exclusive to the golden ending.

Everything in the game's story has been leading up to defeating the final boss: after several clever twists and turns, we learn that Dana's species, along with at least four other sapient species, were brought to an unnatural extinction by the Tree of Origins in the name of "maintaining evolution", and that humanity is the tree's next target. There is a term for an intelligent creature repeatedly wiping out entire sapient species, and the term is serial omnicide: a crime so heinous and large-scale that, to my knowledge, no one in recorded human history has ever attempted it. So, it's clear to the player and the characters that, while the Tree undoubtedly has a purpose in nature, serial omnicide is not that purpose, so it must be stopped before humanity is the next victim of a Lacrimosa. To further reinforce how unnatural the Lacrimosa is, the Tree's intended method of killing all of humanity is bringing back the dinosaurs; a blatantly obvious evolutionary reversion that goes against the Tree's intended mission. This is all excellent storytelling so far.

So, you fight Theos de Endogram, win, and then... the world is destroyed, and Adol wakes up on the island with him being the only one who can remember Dana (the other party members eventually remember Dana as well in the golden ending after beating the post-final boss). And then all is revealed: the entire Ys setting actually exists within a random, never-before-established character's dream, the Lacrimosa is completely justified because she will eventually wake up without it (and killing the tree wakes her up instantly), and she retcons the universe so that the tree never existed but the Lacrimosa will happen eventually anyway. I have many problems with this. Here's a few of them:

1. Why is the game's ending abruptly throwing in yet another twist at all? The game already had enough plot twists, and the ending: the time when the plot should be resolving and wrapping up, is the worst time to add a plot twist because that twist can't be meaningfully developed or explored. The only type of twist that really works when placed in the ending is a retroactive twist: a twist that changes nothing going forward, but redefines everything the audience saw beforehand, and this is not a retroactive twist.

2. It comes completely out-of-nowhere. Yes; I know that the parrot is the avatar of the twist character, but the only foreshadowing for that exists within optional dialogue where the parrot abruptly starts talking about dreams and waking up, and it doesn't change just how jarring this character's introduction and the reveal that this is all her dream is. This was a game that was about surviving on a deserted island that escalated gradually and organically to stopping an evil tree from wiping out humanity from bringing back the dinosaurs; this was never a game about dreams.

3. It completely goes against the established themes of the game. This was a game about working together to overcome seemingly-inevitable doom; not in a power-of-friendship way, but in an overcoming-the-odds way. Island survival and preventing a repeat of the villainy that was brought upon other species in the past supports this theme, and the game literally opens with Adol's journal entry talking about how much Dana inspired him and showed him not to give up in the face of seeming-inevitable doom. Then, right after that doom is stopped, the world is erased, retconned back into existence, and we are told that the Lacrimosa is necessary and will happen eventually anyway, so we haven't defied the odds, we've just postponed them until after Adol dies.

4. Did this game contrive a justification for serial omnicide?! Before the twist, no one argues that the Lacrimosa is morally justified; the only argument against trying to stop it is that it's inevitable. The characters then try to stop it, only for it to be revealed that the universe is instantly erased from existence the moment someone does stop it, and that the purpose of the Lacrimosa is to keep Maia from waking up and erasing the universe. How did not a single writer stop and think, "Did I just create a justification for omnicide?!"

If it were possible to just remove this one thing from the game, then it would truly be a masterpiece; as it is now, the out-of-nowhere twist at the end nearly ruins the game for me, and that's a real shame, as the game was a masterpiece up until then, and I liked everything else about the ending.

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Thanks for the epic reply @vanguard333 😮 I still haven't beaten the game so I'll wait until I roll credits to check the rest of the message. Normally when I don't like the ending of something (it's very rare, as I'm easy to please) but I massively enjoyed the rest of the aspects of said thing I still rave and recommend it. To be honest you are the first person that I've met that didn't like the ending. Now I'm super curious to see how it evolves haha

It'll take a while tho cuz I'm only playing on Saturdays, and also playing on the highest difficulty for the Achievements. So it might be a few months before I see the ending. Current main games are Fire Emblem: Three Houses and Final Fantasy XVI.

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Hell yeah! My old man Galbalan hahaha what a toughie, I enjoyed that fight so much. And you are not wrong the music is fantastic, this theme is just ultra. Shameless plug: Here's my first win against Galbalan in Inferno difficulty: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moES-p4RBv0 (some F-bombs there haha just in case, I cuss a lot when I play hard games)

I love Valestein Castle as well. So good!

I can't wait to get into the Trails games, I hear nothing but amazing things about them.

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11 minutes ago, RibsChirino said:

Thanks for the epic reply @vanguard333 😮 I still haven't beaten the game so I'll wait until I roll credits to check the rest of the message. Normally when I don't like the ending of something (it's very rare, as I'm easy to please) but I massively enjoyed the rest of the aspects of said thing I still rave and recommend it. To be honest you are the first person that I've met that didn't like the ending. Now I'm super curious to see how it evolves haha

Oh, I would still happily recommend the game, just with the caveat that I personally really didn't like one part of the game's ending, and it's the fact that I have to add the caveat that saddens me.

I haven't seen others criticize the ending either; I did once see someone reply to my criticisms by telling me that they had heard them before though, so I know from that interaction that I'm not alone; it's just a rare opinion held by a subset of the already-small amount of people that have played the game.

I have considered trying one of the other Ys games, but none of the ones I've found so far have caught my eye the way that Ys VIII did, and I have other games that I want to finish.

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I find the plot of Ys 8 downright Mass Effectian in the best way. And while maybe the ending doesn't quite stick the landing, it's not worth taking a point off the score, and it's far from as bad as JRPG endings get. 


Tales of Arise feels like they ran out of money in the last 3rd because of a massive, incoherent sci fi lore dump, but the game was nonetheless fun. And most other Tales games end pretty roughly for that matter. Xenoblade 3 fails to stick its landing pretty hard, and it's still a masterpiece. Xenoblade 1 rushes an entire "half" of the game - the entire mechanis basically feels like 2 decent zones on the Bionis.

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Yuzo Koshiro and Mieko Ishikawa are both legendary composers. Ys Books 1 and 2 are groundbreaking games in my eyes. They play great on a Turbo CD emulator. The one button adventure where most of the game is just movement. Link has to pause the action every time you want to change your equipment. But with bump combat all momentum is forward momentum. It's Zelda Meets Daytona USA, but with a soundtrack that surpasses both somehow. The Chronicles remake is serviceable enough. I'll even offer that the Chronicles remix of Tender People might have surpassed the original. I said Might.

I like Ys 3: Wanderers from Ys too, but that was the final game before Falcom's mass exodus of talent. Everyone at the top of their game left for higher paying companies or to build their own studios. Studio Alex, Quintet, MonolithSoft. The butterfly effect runs deep, and no one in Japan cared about PC gaming anymore as the 90s went on. The following Ys games on (the less powerful) Super Famicom couldn't stack up. I'm always hearing great things about Ys 4 Dawn of Ys, farmed out to Hudson Soft. It's got bump combat, so it sits on my own personal bucket list of games to check out.

As for the rest of the series, I'm not interested. I've seen streams of Ys9 and it looks like a fine action rpg. It's nice to see the franchise reach a modern standard of quality again after so many years of low rent games, but it's not a high priority for me. 

I'm no expert on search engines, but I think if you search for a two letter word like 'Ys' it just kinda gives up at the outset. And that's why it returned 0 results. But search for any individual game and you'll get plenty of hits.

Edited by Zapp Branniglenn
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4 hours ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

I find the plot of Ys 8 downright Mass Effectian in the best way. And while maybe the ending doesn't quite stick the landing, it's not worth taking a point off the score, and it's far from as bad as JRPG endings get. 


Tales of Arise feels like they ran out of money in the last 3rd because of a massive, incoherent sci fi lore dump, but the game was nonetheless fun. And most other Tales games end pretty roughly for that matter. Xenoblade 3 fails to stick its landing pretty hard, and it's still a masterpiece. Xenoblade 1 rushes an entire "half" of the game - the entire mechanis basically feels like 2 decent zones on the Bionis.

You know I've heard that plenty about Tales of Arise, but I'd still want to play it eventually. I've only played one Tales game, Phantasia on the SNES and I enjoyed it. I've never played Xenoblade but I keep hearing good things about them, and I've heard the music and it's really good!

2 hours ago, Zapp Branniglenn said:

Yuzo Koshiro and Mieko Ishikawa are both legendary composers. Ys Books 1 and 2 are groundbreaking games in my eyes. They play great on a Turbo CD emulator. The one button adventure where most of the game is just movement. Link has to pause the action every time you want to change your equipment. But with bump combat all momentum is forward momentum. It's Zelda Meets Daytona USA, but with a soundtrack that surpasses both somehow. The Chronicles remake is serviceable enough. I'll even offer that the Chronicles remix of Tender People might have surpassed the original. I said Might.

I like Ys 3: Wanderers from Ys too, but that was the final game before Falcom's mass exodus of talent. Everyone at the top of their game left for higher paying companies or to build their own studios. Studio Alex, Quintet, MonolithSoft. The butterfly effect runs deep, and no one in Japan cared about PC gaming anymore as the 90s went on. The following Ys games on (the less powerful) Super Famicom couldn't stack up. I'm always hearing great things about Ys 4 Dawn of Ys, farmed out to Hudson Soft. It's got bump combat, so it sits on my own personal bucket list of games to check out.

As for the rest of the series, I'm not interested. I've seen streams of Ys9 and it looks like a fine action rpg. It's nice to see the franchise reach a modern standard of quality again after so many years of low rent games, but it's not a high priority for me. 

I'm no expert on search engines, but I think if you search for a two letter word like 'Ys' it just kinda gives up at the outset. And that's why it returned 0 results. But search for any individual game and you'll get plenty of hits.

You are not wrong about Koshiro and Ishikawa being legends, but so is the current roster of composers. If anything the music has gotten even better with Yukihiro Jindo, Takahiro Unisuga, Wataru Ishibashi, etc. I love the classics (I & II, as well as Ys III: Wanderers which was the first Ys game I ever played back in the day!) but I think the Napishtim engine ones are my faves (Origin being the best of the three for me just because of the insane amount of content and the challenge level, but both Felghana and Napishtim are great as well).

I wonder if I'll end up liking Dana more? After Dana I'll play Celceta, Seven and Monstrum Nox and then I'll be ready for Nordics!

Also you were right about the search 😮 when I added more than just Ys I got some matches. Thanks for that tip Zapp.

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I've played some of the Ys games (Origin, I, II, and III - OoF), for its worth.

Also, if you're looking for Ys fans, you can find some at the Tee... er, Chat Thread now I guess, haha.

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18 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I've played some of the Ys games (Origin, I, II, and III - OoF), for its worth.

Also, if you're looking for Ys fans, you can find some at the Tee... er, Chat Thread now I guess, haha.

Thanks @Acacia SgtI found a lot of matches, I might read some of them but I don't wanna float old threads haha

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8 hours ago, RibsChirino said:

If you ever try another Ys game I'd love to hear your opinion on it 🙂

Alright. If I ever try another Ys game, it'll be after completing Fire Emblem Engage and Ocean's Heart, and after trying Persona 5 Royal.


5 hours ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

Xenoblade 3 fails to stick its landing pretty hard, and it's still a masterpiece. Xenoblade 1 rushes an entire "half" of the game - the entire mechonis basically feels like 2 decent zones on the Bionis.

I can't actually agree or disagree on any of that, as the Xenoblade series is one that I really wanted to like due to its interesting stories and worlds, but I don't enjoy the MMO-like combat (and that is completely me; it's not a criticism of the game, just me saying that I personally do not enjoy that type of combat). As a result, I've only ever completed Xenoblade X due to its fantastic exploration; I gave up on Xenoblade 1 around the fallen arm (so about 1/3 of the way through the Mechonis section at most) and I never played Xenoblade 3.


I apologize if I seem a bit negative on this forum topic; I'll think of a JRPG that I like and recommend without any caveats...

…I haven't played many JRPGs in general. I tried a demo of Dragon Quest 11 definitive edition and got bored by the time I finished the demo. I did completely enjoy a demo of Bravely Second, only to never actually play the game itself. I also played Final Fantasy 7 Remake, and I was really enjoying it until I realized that it wasn't actually a remake, but I weird alternate-timeline sequel thing that I couldn't fully understand since I've never played the original FF7...

…Oh; I did completely enjoy Bug Fables: an indie game heavily inspired by the early Paper Mario games (i.e. the ones that were essentially JRPGs); does that count?

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11 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

I've heard of it, but never played it. I've heard it's good! I just have no idea where I'd begin, I'm a little confused by the naming system. That and I'm caught up in some other games at the moment.

The best word of advice on Ys is just to dive into whichever one interests you. Ys is not Trails - it isn't so story heavy and serialized that you need to play them in narrative order.


Each is just its own contained adventure at a different point in Adol's life, and they'll only make minor references to characters/events from other games at most.

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3 hours ago, vanguard333 said:

I apologize if I seem a bit negative on this forum topic; I'll think of a JRPG that I like and recommend without any caveats...

It's fine! I don't think you need to apologize for not liking a game lol people that get offended or bothered by others not liking or enjoying the same things they enjoy need to calm down, touch grass and let people like or dislike what they want. I never understood why what others think of the stuff one like matters, like it diminishes then enjoyment heh

3 hours ago, vanguard333 said:

…I haven't played many JRPGs in general. I tried a demo of Dragon Quest 11 definitive edition and got bored by the time I finished the demo. I did completely enjoy a demo of Bravely Second, only to never actually play the game itself. I also played Final Fantasy 7 Remake, and I was really enjoying it until I realized that it wasn't actually a remake, but I weird alternate-timeline sequel thing that I couldn't fully understand since I've never played the original FF7...

…Oh; I did completely enjoy Bug Fables: an indie game heavily inspired by the early Paper Mario games (i.e. the ones that were essentially JRPGs); does that count?

I LOVE DQXI, I spent like 130 hours to get 100% Achievements on it. It's the only DQ game I've played and I adored it start to finish. I'd love to play more DQ games for sure. FFVIIR as well, destroyed that Plat trophy back on the PS4. I actually vastly prefer the Remake than the OG, and I like the OG.

I haven't played the Bravely series yet, I tried the Demo of Bravely Default II on the Switch and remember enjoying it as well.

Of Bug Fables, I've heard plenty of good things. Also, random unrelated factoid: It's a Panamá developed game, the team is from the country I live in now, not many games come out of Panamá so that's pretty unique hehe

58 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

I've heard of it, but never played it. I've heard it's good! I just have no idea where I'd begin, I'm a little confused by the naming system. That and I'm caught up in some other games at the moment.

No worries, it can be a bit daunting to enter into the Ys series, since it's a storied ARPG franchise that has 10 mainline games plus some spin offs and an upcoming title. Good thing is that you can technically dive in any game, since they are all self-contained with the exception of I & II which take place back to back, and Origin which is a prequel. But the games do take place in the same universe and with the same protagonist. If you dive in feel free to share your take on it! I'm always happy to hear people's opinions on games I love.

@Fabulously Oliviersummarized it well: You can jump in with any of the games, since they are individual adventures of the same main character, Adol Christin.

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9 hours ago, RibsChirino said:

I LOVE DQXI, I spent like 130 hours to get 100% Achievements on it. It's the only DQ game I've played and I adored it start to finish. I'd love to play more DQ games for sure. FFVIIR as well, destroyed that Plat trophy back on the PS4. I actually vastly prefer the Remake than the OG, and I like the OG.

I haven't played the Bravely series yet, I tried the Demo of Bravely Default II on the Switch and remember enjoying it as well.

Of Bug Fables, I've heard plenty of good things. Also, random unrelated factoid: It's a Panamá developed game, the team is from the country I live in now, not many games come out of Panamá so that's pretty unique hehe

For FF7R, my main issue was that I bought the game expecting it to be what was advertised: a modern remake of FF7. I had never played FF7, or any Final Fantasy game for that matter, so when FF7R was announced, I thought, "A modern remake of FF7 would be a perfect starting point for getting into the series". Instead, I got a game that I was able to enjoy up until it became clear that it wasn't actually a remake, but some weird alternate-timeline sequel, as I couldn't follow what was going on from that point because I've never played the original FF7. Basically, I just wish the advertising had been more honest so I would've known to play FF7 first.

I tried both demos of Bravely Default 2. I didn't really enjoy either of them for various reasons.

Bug Fables is really good.

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Yeah I get that. I do have some friends that didn't play VII OG and enjoyed Remake, and also some that didn't like the changes too much but overall still enjoyed the game. I think it might actually be good that you haven't played the OG cuz you have no expectation of anything, it's like a clean slate and now that they opened the gate to the multidimensional storytelling, it's like both are canon anyway so you can play them in any order whatsoever. However I do agree with you that the marketing was dishonest haha never trust companies with stuff like this, just trust individual developers with positive track recrods I guess and Square is very mixed with that stuff.

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Ys is one of my Top 3 series - and the longest one that i have been stuck with, 10+ years, where every other long running series i dropped before i reached that mark with (Although i suspect FE will reach that mark safely (and soon), i am still pretty heavy into it)

Ys 8 is the only game i ever considered giving 10/10 to...but then the ending happened, not really a fan of the ending. Still, one of my all time fav. games. Top 3, even.

And even the games i like the least (Ys 1, Ark and Celceta) are 6/10 games at worst.

I gotta admit tho, i was afraid of the series' direction after Ys 9, but it seems everything it coming back to track with Ys X 😄

On 6/29/2023 at 3:47 AM, Fire Emblem Fan said:

I've heard of it, but never played it. I've heard it's good! I just have no idea where I'd begin, I'm a little confused by the naming system. That and I'm caught up in some other games at the moment.

Check the Ys Origin or Ys 9 Demo on Steam!  You can see if that style of game is to your liking or not!

On 6/28/2023 at 3:15 PM, RibsChirino said:

I am soooo excited for this new game.


I just hope we get it before 2025, but knowing how snail slow NISA and Falcom are...

On 6/28/2023 at 3:55 PM, vanguard333 said:

game's ending

Yeah i am not a fan of the ending either as i mentioned up, however i can think of 2 reasons:


1. Ys 8 happens in the middle of the time line. Dana is never mentioned in the games that happen after Ys 8 in the timeline that were released before Ys 8 - They had to erase her/write her out. Not to mention with her here they would've never been able to add any other Heroine - she's too popular, according to polls the fan fav. Ys character.

2. Tritheism lore. Ys 7 started it and Ys 8 continues on it. While the Ys games are not as connected as Trails, their are big lore connections between games. 


On 6/28/2023 at 4:10 PM, RibsChirino said:

y old man Galbalan hahaha what a toughie

Took me freaking 1.5 years to beat on nightmare XD

On 6/28/2023 at 4:10 PM, RibsChirino said:

I can't wait to get into the Trails games, I hear nothing but amazing things about them.

Should i rain on your parade?

On 6/29/2023 at 12:28 AM, RibsChirino said:

Takahiro Unisuga, Wataru Ishibashi

Didn'T these 2 stop. I am pretty sure the last few falcom games didn't have any tracks made by these 2.

Well, Koguchi is upcoming and he is good.

Although i haven't liked any Falcom OST much after Ys 8. Ys X is looking good so far, but i am still afraid. If worst comes to worse i will mode it just like i did with Ys 


Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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