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Special Heroes Silhouettes - July 2023

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Even though Cherche got an alt a little less than a year ago, I could kind of see the figure on the left being her. The hair is the same length and style as hers, and I could picture her wearing an “adorable” stag beetle hat. That’s what the left silhouette looks like it’s wearing, anyways.

As for the figure on the right, I have no idea. I’d say Maria, but she already had an alt a couple months ago.

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That's definitely Ivy, everything about the head from the headpiece, the 'horns', and the hair is very similar to her's, and the addition of what seems to be a rose sells it even more. If that's the case though we legitimately got a Summer Engage banner before we even got the other protagonist in the game, I continue to be baffled by their handling of them.

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My first thought for the left was Thrasir, but oh fuck that is almost definitely Ivy.

Meanwhile, I wonder if the right is actually Fjorm this time after Lyon fooled a lot people last year. Summer Nifl sure did tease the possibility of a Summer Fjorm.

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Fjorm being on the right seems pretty likely, too. If I have my facts straight, if we're getting a Harmonic in this banner, the lead should be a Heroes OC. So, Ivy, Fjorm, a Harmonic with another Heroes OC lead...seems like this is gonna be an Engage + Heroes OCs banner.

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Sure I'll take Engage. I didn't even know that Ivy had that pointy-spike thing going on, but choice of headwear aside, she's one of the few sensible people in Engage. I'd prefer the other unit to not be Fjorm, but whatever.

Wishlist for the rest of the banner (i.e. characters I don't mind): Louis, Citrinne, uhh, I'm kind of struggling here... Seforia? Yeah I haven't really developed any favourites yet, I only just did chapter 17 I think?

Not going to bother naming any OCs because I don't care enough to pick out any of them.

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7 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

Fjorms an odd choice. Haven’t all characters relevant to her gotten beach alts ages ago?

Her sisters and Laegjarn got theirs in 2019, but we also got Nifl last year.

Summer Nifl also happened to mention Fjorm by name a couple of times.

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I only remember him out of spite. I have a copy each of his regular and NY selves and they're both +Spd -Atk, the exact opposite of what he wants to be.

P.S. Watch me get a +Spd -Atk Summer Hrid now.

P.P.S. Or watch him be the TT unit.

Edited by Humanoid
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Ivy's headpiece stands out too much among the headpieces of FE characters for the left figure to be no one else but Ivy. And frankly, I did NOT expect a character with as much billing as Ivy to be counted among the "introduced into Heroes via seasonal banner" crowd.

I dunno what's going on with the right figure, but whatever is in their arm looks like a distorted Sommie head.

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It's valid to mention that the next bonus title for Resonant Battles is Heroes. So the Harmonized may be Heroes leading with Engage backup.

Left is for sure Ivy, while right could be Fjorm.

I am a little disappointed that we out second batch of Engage units are Seasonals... I would prefer another New Heroes banner before that.


If that's on the right is Fjorm, I will guess that Hríd will also be in this batch. Those two are the only Nifl royals to not have a Summer Alt yet.

Edited by Diovani Bressan
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Hold up. Is that Mist on the right? Left looks like... I don't know - someone busty with either a headpiece or horns, and hair that cuts straight across the bottom.

Okay, now that I have my initial guesses out there, I can read other peoples' comments.

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6 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

If that's on the right is Fjorm, I will guess that Hríd will also be in this batch. Those two are the only Nifl royals to not have a Summer Alt yet.

If characters like Diamate or Alcryst lose out so that mister non entity can get an alt I'd be rather annoyed about it. 

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1 hour ago, Etrurian emperor said:

If characters like Diamate or Alcryst lose out so that mister non entity can get an alt I'd be rather annoyed about it. 

Yeah, can like Sharena get an alt here instead of Hrid if we need to have multiple FEH OCs?

She, like Lucina, also already has a swimsuit design from Cipher that IS just refuses to use in this game.

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While I do still think the right will be Fjorm, the one hang-up I have is that she looks rather...small and dainty. More so than Fjorm normally looks. That could just be a trick of the silhouette, though. The popular guesses on these are usually correct.

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10 minutes ago, Florete said:

While I do still think the right will be Fjorm, the one hang-up I have is that she looks rather...small and dainty. More so than Fjorm normally looks. That could just be a trick of the silhouette, though. The popular guesses on these are usually correct.

Or it could be a stylistic choice. Some characters in some art look a bit smaller, cuter or delicate than they normally would. Or they become uh...bigger. I don't put it past IS to make Fjorm smaller in a swimsuit to try and add some waifu points. 

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