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To Become an Elitist [Playlogs FE1-5] [currently playing: Thracia 776]


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34 minutes ago, gnip said:

According to the .org wiki, citing Gryz (who also used to be active on SF, but I think it might be rude to ping somebody who has been inactive for 6 years) on this FEUniverse post, it gives Mars a 25% chance to turn any +1 into a +2. So basically, his 50% chance to get +1 Spd turns into: [50% +0 | 37.5% +1 | 12.5% +2], which on average is equal to a multiplicative x1.25 increase in his growth rates. Since all of his growths are below 100%, this is worse than the mechanic the @Interdimensional Observer was told, not to mention the doubled growth rates I was promised earlier. Effectively, Mars's growth rates are now...

[ HP 112.5% | Str 62.5% | Skl 50% | WLv 37.5% | Spd 62.5% | Lck 87.5% | Def 25% ]

...which is still overall better than Julian's (even disregarding WLv), but not by that much. However, the growths are more variant, since instead of getting +0, +1, or +2 in two level-ups, it's not possible to get anything between +0 and +4.

That's underwhelming. ~10% on Str/Skl/Spd ain't bad. But when Marth is bound to have leveled a bunch by this point... 10% is +1 per ten levels on average.

But then, first game. Excusable. -Although the Starsphere giving +30% everywhere including Res in FE3 was a tad much.

34 minutes ago, gnip said:

Chiki joins with only 15 Atk - lower than Banutu's 18 - but with a whole 2 AS (Twice as fast! Whoa!) and, without irony, an excellent 20 Def stat. Unlike Banutu, her growth rates are phantastic, though, with the only exception being a 0% Def growth.
For the next map(s), this is enough to make her a good wall. Silver weapon Paladins have 22-24 attack next chapter, so despite getting doubled, Chiki can actually tank then pretty well. However, she does very little damage in return, which means that feeding her XP seems to be a bit annoying. Eventually, she'll be able to make use of her effective damage vs. Manaketes (and that's no small feat with a 12 Mt weapon), but... I think those just don't turn anymore until the penultimate map. Hm.

I know there are those here who strongly oppose the use of little girls.

Buuuuut, given FE1 frees Tiki of those overly-limited Dstone uses that her 11-12 incarnations and 6&8 spiritual successors got stuck with, surely you can find room for her?


And if you don't, I'm sure she'll shoot acid from her mouth, disintegrating you head and then slurping out your innards with her long, slender tongue. Look into those alien eyes.

...Or, go ahead, don't use her. I'm sure someone is going to request Lorenz instead (not that I'm against Lorenz, I warped him into the Macedon citadel with Gradivus and Starsphere in Book 1, only fears the magic he does, had to let him shine once so his coming tragedy was more tragic) and I imagine you're running out of room. But be sure put Tiki to work in Book 2 when you get to that then. That's this girl's other good game, yet she surprisingly isn't exactly broken there either. Best implementation of Manaketes in all of FE there be I do say.

34 minutes ago, gnip said:


Well then, time to face everybody's favourite archetype.

From what I've heard, he's the one truly strong enemy in this entire game.

Kill him with whomever you think will appease the rest of the peanut gallery here.😉

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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33 minutes ago, gnip said:


But I know that most people aren't here to see high numbers on Mars's stat screen. I didn't make a screenshot, but Wryf also immediately got the Angelic Robe you find on this map.


34 minutes ago, gnip said:

Chiki joins with only 15 Atk - lower than Banutu's 18 - but with a whole 2 AS (Twice as fast! Whoa!) and, without irony, an excellent 20 Def stat. Unlike Banutu, her growth rates are phantastic, though, with the only exception being a 0% Def growth.
For the next map(s), this is enough to make her a good wall. Silver weapon Paladins have 22-24 attack next chapter, so despite getting doubled, Chiki can actually tank then pretty well. However, she does very little damage in return, which means that feeding her XP seems to be a bit annoying. Eventually, she'll be able to make use of her effective damage vs. Manaketes (and that's no small feat with a 12 Mt weapon), but... I think those just don't turn anymore until the penultimate map. Hm.

I'll understand if you don't want to use her, a lack of options is unfortunate.

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On 9/15/2023 at 4:07 PM, Interdimensional Observer said:

It's kinda similar to Aurelis 1 and Macedon 1 in this regard. Big, kinda empty, nothing happens. Pyrathi and the Wooden Cavalry were the major map losses of Book 1.

If I recall, FE3 actually has the ballistaes we know and know, so they must've known that having that map stay would've been an awful idea. Surely, they won't make that mistake in the future.

Pyrathi will always be a mystery. I'm not even surprised this is gone. It's just so Pyrathi of itself.

9 hours ago, gnip said:

The other main feature is that enemies are really strong - high attack speed, good weapons, decently bulky. However, they aren't terribly many, which makes the push towards Chiki less daunting. But this is definitely a map where a crit can quickly cause a reset (like, for example, Thomas getting crit by the Silver Bow Hunter), and two of the enemies carry Killing Edges to boot.

A taste of what's to come I imagine. The last prep map full of goodies before you're officially in the lategame. If you were playing a good game, you'd then hear an amazing map theme instead of the same fucking song

9 hours ago, gnip said:

It's also the first map with some nice Miracle level-ups for Mars - which clearly doesn't simply double the growth rates, since Mars's Spd growth is precisely 50%.

According to the .org wiki, citing Gryz (who also used to be active on SF, but I think it might be rude to ping somebody who has been inactive for 6 years) on this FEUniverse post, it gives Mars a 25% chance to turn any +1 into a +2. So basically, his 50% chance to get +1 Spd turns into: [50% +0 | 37.5% +1 | 12.5% +2], which on average is equal to a multiplicative x1.25 increase in his growth rates. Since all of his growths are below 100%, this is worse than the mechanic the @Interdimensional Observer was told, not to mention the doubled growth rates I was promised earlier. Effectively, Mars's growth rates are now...

[ HP 112.5% | Str 62.5% | Skl 50% | WLv 37.5% | Spd 62.5% | Lck 87.5% | Def 25% ]

...which is still overall better than Julian's (even disregarding WLv), but not by that much. However, the growths are more variant, since instead of getting +0, +1, or +2 in two level-ups, it's not possible to get anything between +0 and +4. Case in point, my Marth gained three Miracle level-ups, yielding:

[ +5 HP | +2 Str | +0 Skl | +0 WLv | +4 Spd | +5 Lck | +0 Def ].

Given all the rng involved over a unit that has to wait this long for only a chance to gain some extra stats makes the process of waiting out on grinding until obtaining this weapon not worth it at all. Mars is the guy you want to be busted so that he can carry against the horde of down syndrome patients called an ai.

It's much better to just train him early on, then use the stat boosters of the lategame secret shop to bump any missing stats to its max setting over relying on this thing. Not to say that this isn't satisfying or is never worth attempting, but if someone is planning to replay old FE for whatever crazed reason, I'd just suggest to wait until gaiden for an experience like this.

9 hours ago, gnip said:


But I know that most people aren't here to see high numbers on Mars's stat screen. I didn't make a screenshot, but Wryf also immediately got the Angelic Robe you find on this map.

Guitar Wryf after 19 chapters of being a humble curate who cannot fight


9 hours ago, gnip said:

Decent map, 3/5.

Isn't that 6/10? That's more like "alright". Decent is 7, at least based off my vocabulary. I would probably give it 3/5 too though.

I'm very stingy with rating numbers.

9 hours ago, gnip said:

Chiki joins with only 15 Atk - lower than Banutu's 18 - but with a whole 2 AS (Twice as fast! Whoa!) and, without irony, an excellent 20 Def stat. Unlike Banutu, her growth rates are phantastic, though, with the only exception being a 0% Def growth.
For the next map(s), this is enough to make her a good wall. Silver weapon Paladins have 22-24 attack next chapter, so despite getting doubled, Chiki can actually tank then pretty well. However, she does very little damage in return, which means that feeding her XP seems to be a bit annoying. Eventually, she'll be able to make use of her effective damage vs. Manaketes (and that's no small feat with a 12 Mt weapon), but... I think those just don't turn anymore until the penultimate map. Hm.

And then you use FE11 Tiki

Luckily you don't have to worry about her viability, as you then immediately one of the coolest prepromotes in the next chapter. Kaga really knew what he was doing.

9 hours ago, gnip said:

I can't believe the game isn't telling me how awesome my win was. Tsk.

I will kill this npc for downplaying my accomplishments

This character is essential

Son of a bi-

9 hours ago, gnip said:

Bring it, burger boy


8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

But then, first game. Excusable. -Although the Starsphere giving +30% everywhere including Res in FE3 was a tad much.

It's a fun much. Don't tell me you don't enjoy the gaiden rings? To the eternal flames with SoV's "balance"!

8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I know there are those here who strongly oppose the use of little girls.

It's okay to be a normal person.

8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Buuuuut, given FE1 frees Tiki of those overly-limited Dstone uses that her 11-12 incarnations and 6&8 spiritual successors got stuck with, surely you can find room for her?


Society if FE fans didn't care about marketable children:


8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

That's this girl's other good game, yet she surprisingly isn't exactly broken there either. Best implementation of Manaketes in all of FE there be I do say.

We're absolutely recommending Bantu again. Not even long term. Just using him. That fire dragon be sick.

FE3 is so good when it comes to portraying dragons. Maybe one day Ruben will gain common sense.

9 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Kill him with whomever you think will appease the rest of the peanut gallery here.😉

Cord, Darros, Wryf, Roshe. I hold my nuts in anticipation.

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9 hours ago, gnip said:


But I know that most people aren't here to see high numbers on Mars's stat screen. I didn't make a screenshot, but Wryf also immediately got the Angelic Robe you find on this map

It begins.

Soon he shall don the guitar.

9 hours ago, gnip said:

Eventually, she'll be able to make use of her effective damage vs. Manaketes (and that's no small feat with a 12 Mt weapon), but... I think those just don't turn anymore until the penultimate map. Hm

The classic Tiki issue. Kaga did it to her twice, he must've found it really funny.

9 hours ago, gnip said:

Now imagine Roshe and Darros with Micacle Rapier level-ups. A 2.5% chance to get +2 Spd? They would've capped it in chapter 12!

Ehhh I dunno. I feel they would've realized you were trying to coddle them and get empty levels out of spite.

9 hours ago, gnip said:

Serenesforest once again doesn't let me edit my post, so I want to clarify that "become lose" was my mistake, not the translation patch's.

He became loser. It's clever foreshadowing of FE12 on Kaga's part. Brilliant writing.

9 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I know there are those here who strongly oppose the use of little girls

It is I. I am the Opposer.

9 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Buuuuut, given FE1 frees Tiki of those overly-limited Dstone uses that her 11-12 incarnations and 6&8 spiritual successors got stuck with, surely you can find room for her?


And if you don't, I'm sure she'll shoot acid from her mouth, disintegrating you head and then slurping out your innards with her long, slender tongue. Look into those alien eyes.


I could perhaps tolerate Tiki in Fire "dragons are actually good here imagine that" Emblem 3.

...but Bantu has to be used alongside. Let grandpa and granddaughter tag team the enemy, for once.

9 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

...Or, go ahead, don't use her. I'm sure someone is going to request Lorenz instead

I did like Rolence. He survived my run, and I'm fond of how he's just another Generic Old General edit, just with a badass eyepatch. This might be his only good(ish) game, so he deserves the chance I'd say.

9 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

From what I've heard, he's the one truly strong enemy in this entire game.

Riff was unironically vital in my run. With his 20 speed, he was ome of the few that didn't get doubled. And in this game you cannot avoid him, Camus is on the gate and Lorenz is the one wandering... Unlike Michalis, who does come at you in his own map.

Frankly, I think that's better than SD's swap. Camus would be screwed either way because forged ridersbane, but Michalis really needed to be able to fly around. A flier stuck on a gate is just dumb, Iote's Shield or no Iote's Shield.

9 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:


Assault Riffle.

24 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

If I recall, FE3 actually has the ballistaes we know and know, so they must've known that having that map stay would've been an awful idea. Surely, they won't make that mistake in the future.

Hmph. Care to see what steel the Wooden Cavalry is truly made of?

Shatters Marth's shoulders

At least we got a pretty bitching redesign on Elephant Man

27 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

It's a fun much. Don't tell me you don't enjoy the gaiden rings? To the eternal flames with SoV's "balance"!

Busted stuff is fun, when the game has the fight in it to match. Otherwise you get Seth.

28 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

FE3 is so good when it comes to portraying dragons. Maybe one day Ruben will gain common sense.

I do know that much. I just wish I could read the UI.

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10 hours ago, Shaky Jones said:

It's a fun much.

I admit, I abused the Shards.😅 +40% net gain to growths per Shard was fun indeed.

Considering New Mystery monstrous enemies on Maniac/Lunatic, they didn't need to nerf the Shards.


10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Frankly, I think that's better than SD's swap. Camus would be screwed either way because forged ridersbane, but Michalis really needed to be able to fly around. A flier stuck on a gate is just dumb, Iote's Shield or no Iote's Shield.

Agreed. Stationary flier bosses suit like none of them. Especially a hasty fool like Michalis and a psychopath like Valter.

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I could perhaps tolerate Tiki in Fire "dragons are actually good here imagine that" Emblem 3.

...but Bantu has to be used alongside. Let grandpa and granddaughter tag team the enemy, for once.

That probably wouldn't be a problem, actually. Throw him three Shards and he'd have actual growths. Cancer, Gemini, and Scorpio would all be available right away and give him 40% Str, 20% Skl, and 70% Def. If you swapped Scorpio for Leo obtained in Bantu's joining chapter, you'd lose the Skl but end up with 70% Str and 60% Def.

Given he will be the only unit with a usable Def stat for Anri's Way, he might be able to leverage that for the first two battles. The third and fourth will see him slammed by 30 effective Mt, but he'll be 36 effective Mt in return, might be good for finishing chipped Ice Dragons. Two free Firestones ought to last the entire game, and you can always buy an extra in the one shop if need be. Bantu will struggle to OHKO despite humans being unable to resist his breath, b/c perma-0AS, but then that's how dragons ended up being flavorful yet balanced in FE3.

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17 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Considering New Mystery monstrous enemies on Maniac/Lunatic, they didn't need to nerf the Shards.

Honestly? Agreed. New Mystery is such a strict stat game that keeping the old shards to ensure cappings would've worked much better. And who doesn't love big numbers?

...Then again, Marth legit needs the universal +2s to keep up with Medeus in higher difficulties lol

12 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Agreed. Stationary flier bosses suit like none of them. Especially a hasty fool like Michalis and a psychopath like Valter.

Valter is so sad. Everything about his character indicates he should come running after you. Instead, he sits on a fort that doesn't provide him any benefits aside from a tiny bit of healing, with an anti-arrow shield that can be easily joinked from him, waiting to die. Or get a lucky pierce proc and ruin your day, but that's bad for an entirely different reason.

16 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

That probably wouldn't be a problem, actually. Throw him three Shards and he'd have actual growths. Cancer, Gemini, and Scorpio would all be available right away and give him 40% Str, 20% Skl, and 70% Def. If you swapped Scorpio for Leo obtained in Bantu's joining chapter, you'd lose the Skl but end up with 70% Str and 60% Def.

Given he will be the only unit with a usable Def stat for Anri's Way, he might be able to leverage that for the first two battles. The third and fourth will see him slammed by 30 effective Mt, but he'll be 36 effective Mt in return, might be good for finishing chipped Ice Dragons. Two free Firestones ought to last the entire game, and you can always buy an extra in the one shop if need be. Bantu will struggle to OHKO despite humans being unable to resist his breath, b/c perma-0AS, but then that's how dragons ended up being flavorful yet balanced in FE3.

Sounds like a good time to me. Try it @gnip

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11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The classic Tiki issue. Kaga did it to her twice, he must've found it really funny

Given your love for the Kaga Saga games, I imagine you have a very good idea of Kaga's sense of humor. Can you list some random funny Kaga moment?

11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It is I. I am the Opposer

You are become Opposer.

I'm the bombs. Both of them.

11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...but Bantu has to be used alongside. Let grandpa and granddaughter tag team the enemy, for once.

What, you didn't do that for FE12 supports? It's funny when Bantu admits to Tiki that Gotoh's lying his wrinkly ass off when telling her that she won't need to be put to sleep for 1000 years if Marth got the shards.

11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I did like Rolence. He survived my run, and I'm fond of how he's just another Generic Old General edit, just with a badass eyepatch. This might be his only good(ish) game, so he deserves the chance I'd say.

I know a few big Lorenz fans, especially JimmyBeans. B rank bows is clearly asking for one arms scroll + parthia to use on the dracos the very next chapter. Who else would be using the thing?

11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

At least we got a pretty bitching redesign on Elephant Man

You're actually going to call him that now? Damn. Literally Ruben self insert.

11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Busted stuff is fun, when the game has the fight in it to match. Otherwise you get Seth.

I'll go a bit off topic rn. There's a difference between busted items and busted units. Even if the items are game breaking, you're still making use of it and finding ways to have many units of your choice mess around with the game, even if the the idea of a game breaking feature in a strategy game is questionable at best. Broken units, unless they're an Athos (includes laguz kings whose lore would make no sense if they weren't busted), are just boring freebies. There's definitely dozens of videos and posts about "balance" in FE, and I'm certainly not the king of good vs bad balance, but there are barely cases where the game hands me a Seth and I'm enjoying the free steamroll, even if FE6 fans plead that Percival is the coolest unit ever (bro its a glitch). I chose to make Marty a crackhead with my crusader scrolls.

I don't think all busted items are good busted, and not every busted unit is a badly made unit, but there's a large connection between fun and freedom through trial and tribulation. I mainly like the shards through the strategy of placing units in ways to employ various trade strats to obtain maximum efficiency with my growths. Are the growths unnecessarily high? Yes, but I feel that, even if it's not that hard, I'm earning my right to have a capped Arran and Bantu, calculating and combining multiple shards that take up inventory space to have a +100% STR growth, which is comically stupid to say, and that adds a charm to the game as the beautiful mess that it is. And while FE3 B2 isn't a really hard game, it's one of the more challenging of Kaga's FEs, not counting the unfair blind surprised of Thracia. It knows that you can easily cap stats with such, so you'll have really hard hitting brigands with 20 might devil axes, mages everywhere in the lategame, and dragons and pierce defenses. I respect this design a lot, as it allows you to pull off whatever you want while keeping a sense of challenge. I wasn't completely destroying book 2, and some lategame promoted enemies did surprise me with how tough they can be. Again, totally beatable without shards, but helpful with them. The numbers, it just works. They call me Todd.

11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I do know that much. I just wish I could read the UI.

Ruben staring at the UI of FE3 (He can't remember what 15-7 is)


Ruben watching his favorite unit die to a crit in FE1 (he's lost his mind)


56 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Considering New Mystery monstrous enemies on Maniac/Lunatic, they didn't need to nerf the Shards.

Honestly? Agreed. New Mystery is such a strict stat game that keeping the old shards to ensure cappings would've worked much better. And who doesn't love big numbers?

...Then again, Marth legit needs the universal +2s to keep up with Medeus in higher difficulties lol

In FE3, the shards were optional, but not mandatory. In FE12, it absolutely would've been mandatory, so they simply buffed everyone's base growths as if they were carrying the starsphere. Not the literal flat 30% buff, but a general significant increase. Increasing growths even more would've been G O O F Y. Reclassing already alters growths enough to warrent planning out how to cap your stats. 

I really like micro managing stats in FE12 while the shards are apart. Something about finding the right combination of shards potentially with the right class to barely reach the doubling threshold or to barely survive 2 enemy attacks while using trade strats to survive the daunting ch8 lunatic experience is one of my favorite experiences with FE, especially when my nerdy ass pre-calculates kill thresholds with the rights forges (2 shards + steel bow+3mght = dead wyvern % ohko mage). I know I'm basically just once again saying that you'd trade a lot either way, but there's more immediate benefits that you're desperate for early on in FE12 as opposed to long term growth boosters that should be a default for FE12 design given how the enemies actually scale up pretty fast.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

That probably wouldn't be a problem, actually. Throw him three Shards and he'd have actual growths. Cancer, Gemini, and Scorpio would all be available right away and give him 40% Str, 20% Skl, and 70% Def. If you swapped Scorpio for Leo obtained in Bantu's joining chapter, you'd lose the Skl but end up with 70% Str and 60% Def.

Given he will be the only unit with a usable Def stat for Anri's Way, he might be able to leverage that for the first two battles. The third and fourth will see him slammed by 30 effective Mt, but he'll be 36 effective Mt in return, might be good for finishing chipped Ice Dragons. Two free Firestones ought to last the entire game, and you can always buy an extra in the one shop if need be. Bantu will struggle to OHKO despite humans being unable to resist his breath, b/c perma-0AS, but then that's how dragons ended up being flavorful yet balanced in FE3.

That's a lot of FE3. Flavorful yet balanced. Something something balance is my passion.

Then he made Thracia 776 stave misses.

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43 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

Given your love for the Kaga Saga games, I imagine you have a very good idea of Kaga's sense of humor. Can you list some random funny Kaga moment?

It always makes me laugh when Endgame Ready Beard becomes angry at young girl when she asks him a million coins for her services as a healer, then goes "oh is that too much? I don't really know how money works, okay pay me 10 coins instead." He actually gets angrier at the second offer, it's great.

You'd probably relate a lot to that guy, come to think of it. He keeps getting angry at young girls. Unlike Main Lord Boy Reese, he has emotions.

44 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

You are become Opposer.

I'm the bombs. Both of them.

You let anime happen.

44 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

What, you didn't do that for FE12 supports?

No, but I'm pretty sure I did read their support at some point. Must've been long ago though:

44 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

It's funny when Bantu admits to Tiki that Gotoh's lying his wrinkly ass off when telling her that she won't need to be put to sleep for 1000 years if Marth got the shards.

I didn't remember that part, for one. Gotoh being a shithead is par for the course.

45 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

I know a few big Lorenz fans, especially JimmyBeans. B rank bows is clearly asking for one arms scroll + parthia to use on the dracos the very next chapter. Who else would be using the thing?


45 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

You're actually going to call him that now? Damn. Literally Ruben self insert.

I can call him Pachyderm Man if you prefer. Or Grigas. Honestly, I like Grigas, it's a fun-sounding name.

45 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

I'll go a bit off topic rn. There's a difference between busted items and busted units. Even if the items are game breaking, you're still making use of it and finding ways to have many units of your choice mess around with the game, even if the the idea of a game breaking feature in a strategy game is questionable at best. Broken units, unless they're an Athos (includes laguz kings whose lore would make no sense if they weren't busted), are just boring freebies. There's definitely dozens of videos and posts about "balance" in FE, and I'm certainly not the king of good vs bad balance, but there are barely cases where the game hands me a Seth and I'm enjoying the free steamroll, even if FE6 fans plead that Percival is the coolest unit ever (bro its a glitch). I chose to make Marty a crackhead with my crusader scrolls.

That's a very good point. I think I agree.

46 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

I don't think all busted items are good busted, and not every busted unit is a badly made unit, but there's a large connection between fun and freedom through trial and tribulation. I mainly like the shards through the strategy of placing units in ways to employ various trade strats to obtain maximum efficiency with my growths. Are the growths unnecessarily high? Yes, but I feel that, even if it's not that hard, I'm earning my right to have a capped Arran and Bantu, calculating and combining multiple shards that take up inventory space to have a +100% STR growth, which is comically stupid to say, and that adds a charm to the game as the beautiful mess that it is. And while FE3 B2 isn't a really hard game, it's one of the more challenging of Kaga's FEs, not counting the unfair blind surprised of Thracia. It knows that you can easily cap stats with such, so you'll have really hard hitting brigands with 20 might devil axes, mages everywhere in the lategame, and dragons and pierce defenses. I respect this design a lot, as it allows you to pull off whatever you want while keeping a sense of challenge. I wasn't completely destroying book 2, and some lategame promoted enemies did surprise me with how tough they can be. Again, totally beatable without shards, but helpful with them. The numbers, it just works. They call me Todd.

One of these days I really gotta learn to read that stupid UI.

...Why won't anyone make a "FE3 but good UI" patch? Why am I seemingly the only one with this problem? It's so annoying.

47 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

Ruben staring at the UI of FE3 (He can't remember what 15-7 is)


Ruben staring at the UI of FE3 (It doesn't tell him what his unit's defense is)

47 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

Ruben watching his favorite unit die to a crit in FE1 (he's lost his mind)


Ruben looking at Riff in FE1 (he exists)

48 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

Not the literal flat 30% buff, but a general significant increase.


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FE1 Chapter 20: Black Knight Camus


"Princess Nyna also wants to see you. Please forget the past, lower your weapon."
Camus: "Prince Mars... It's already too late... My homeland, Grunia wants to help Durhua achieve its ambitions."
Camus: "For the glory of Grunia's Sable Order, I must fight to the end."
Camus: "I was your father's rival... Shall we not honorably end this here?"

"Somehow, please! Help us... No, help me!"

"Our days together were short but happy. ...Farewell. May you find happiness."


This chapter in a nutshell: Enemies hit hard. And with the Paladin trio approaching from the north using Silver Swords, you have to be rather careful about who might get doubled.


But against most enemies, I had my options too: Mars can double and one-round Paladins (18 Mt, 1 Wt, pretty good) and carries the Star Orb to make sure he can use his Miracle Rapier with reckless abandon. And Darros still sails, although he really doesn't like fighting the Sword Palas. Killing the two Generals on right away is quite useful.


I made a bit of a mistake following this up by sending Boah alongside Mars towards the Hammerne village. I should've figured that Boots!Mars can easily get the village and still catch up to the team before they get through the forested area in front of Camus, so all sending Boah with him anticipating a Warp did for me was take Boah mostly out of the fight.


...yeah, Darros really doesn't like fighting these. He had to, in this case, because Sheeda (despite her promotion) needed shielding after helping to take out another Paladin. 14 Def is cool and all, but enemies hit hard.


The following turn, I semi-involutarily cheat by using the rewind feature. I thought that Est didn't deal damage here because the Triangle Attack doesn't work with effective weapons for whatever reason, which I considered sufficiently bullshit to rewind. However, later down the line, Est killed the third General with an Armorslayer Triangle Attack, so I guess this is just what happens if you miss the Triangle Attack? Which, to be fair, is still kinda bullshit.


But once the third Sword Pala is dealt with, the map is pretty much declawed. Lawrence politely charges towards us...


...which makes it safe and very easy for Sheeda to recruit him.



(other than that still rather pitiful HP stat. With so many enemies running around with Silver weapons, Sheeda isn't exactly bulky even now)


But yeah, once Lawrence is on the team, it's time to do a lot of unit movement again - honestly a very recurring issue I have with FE1's maps. Tough and interesting start, but once you've weathered the storm, playing becomes a lot more tedious.


Approaching Camus is then slightly dangerous again, since the Ballisticians also hit really hard, but they're only two and they have terrible movement. So - time for the epic boss fight:


...just kidding.

This was actually meant to set up a kill for somebody else - Wryf, or maybe Palla with a Triangle Attack (she was carrying the Light Orb for that purpose). Mars has 33 Atk with the Miracle Rapier, which would've brought Camus down to 4 HP with two regular hits (why yes, Mars easily doubles), or 22 with one hit, which would've been a nice number for Wrys (w/ Elfire) to chip him further down. But alas, Mars probably thought that he had to prove his manliness now that his girlfriend is suddenly really strong.


This clear was fast enough that while reinforcements spawned (on t.7 and 9), they didn't get close enough to be of any concern. They did provide a bit XP for the flyers, though (and yes, relying on Est hitting wasn't the smartest move on my part).


"Actually, it was really easy. I should name myself One-Stab-Man or something like that."

The Team:

	Lv  	   HP  Str Skl WLv Spd Lck Def
Mars	17.68	   32   15   9   6  17  20  14	(+3 Def, +4 Mov)
Roshe	12/8.93	   32   11  14  14  13   5  14	(+3 Def)
Minerv	9.45	   28   11   9  13  13   6  16	(7 Res, +6 Spd)
Boah	4.42	   22    4   7  10  16   4   6

Julian	14.02	   37   12  13   7  18  15   6	(+9 HP, +5 WLv)
Kain	18/5.58	   38   13  17  19  19  12  10
Abel	4.01	   ...
Wryf	11/1.48	   31    3   5  10  20   2   8	(+9 HP, +6 Spd)

Raddy	10/3.09	   26   11  14  11  16   5   9
Maji	13.24	   30   12   5   9  15   9   7	(+4 Str)
Sheeda	12/2.96	   22   13  15  16  20  16  14	(+4 Str)
Est	7.39	   24    8   9  12  14   2   8

Katua	3.45	   base
Paola	9.93	   26    7   9  13  14   5   9
Darros	19.40	   36   12   7  10  17   6  10	(+6 Spd, +5 Skl)
Lawrnc	5.91	   34   11   3  15   6   2  16	(base)
  • Katua was here to enable triangles. Abel is still running errands and distributing items, and probably will keep doing so.
  • Huh, apart from his bad speed, Lawrence has surprisingly good growths. Realistically, he's more of a filler at this point, considering his low Spd and movement, but it's worth noting that he's immediately able to use Gradivus, if you don't have anybody else for it. Unfortunately for Lawrence, we kinda do - Roshe, Kain, and Sheeda all have the necessary WLv. 34 HP / 16 Def is still more bulky than anybody else on the team, as long as he doesn't get doubled, so that might be a worthwhile niche for him.


13 hours ago, Shaky Jones said:

And then you use FE11 Tiki

...to suicide into Medeus, be revived, and then warped in to kill him. Good unit. Good unit.

(I think that's how it works? Haven't played, let aloned finished, Shadow Dragon in ages)

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Sounds like a good time to me. Try it @gnip

Noted. Instead of skipping ahead back to Akaneia, y'all could start making suggestions for Gaiden, though - who to prioritise, what to promote the villagers into, that kind of jazz. I still have a few chapters to go in FE1, of course, but it might be prudent for anyone who cares to voice their opinions on Grey, Tobin, and What's-his-face. Er... Kliff. Right. You do promote them very early into the game.

Thus far, the only request for Gaiden has been @Punished Dayni telling me to kill the girl and recruit Deen instead.

1 hour ago, Shaky Jones said:

Can you list some random funny Kaga moment?

1 hour ago, Shaky Jones said:

Then he made Thracia 776 stave misses.

I mean, that is both random in a literal sense and really funny when it happens, for everybody except maybe the person playing the game.

I also have to appreciate that the chapter I just played had this very dramatic, emotional confrontation between Mars, Nyna, and Camüü who just cannot betray his country...


...and then, on the very same map, Sheeda and Lawrence immediately figure out how incredibly dumb that is. Fantastic stuff.

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Just now, gnip said:

"Princess Nyna also wants to see you. Please forget the past, lower your weapon."
Camus: "Prince Mars... It's already too late... My homeland, Grunia wants to help Durhua achieve its ambitions."
Camus: "For the glory of Grunia's Sable Order, I must fight to the end."
Camus: "I was your father's rival... Shall we not honorably end this here?"

"Somehow, please! Help us... No, help me!"

"Our days together were short but happy. ...Farewell. May you find happiness."

There it is. The most story FE1 ever drops at you. Marth even gets a special angery portrait.

1 minute ago, gnip said:


But once the third Sword Pala is dealt with, the map is pretty much declawed. Lawrence politely charges towards us...

Rolence better

He's real nice like that in this versoin. Though I must admit, as much as it makes Camus a sitting duck, I love the switcheroo FE11 does where the dashing, seemingly righteous young paladin is the unrecruitable enemy, and the old man general on the gate is the recruitable. It's a cute little subversion of expectations, if you don't know it's coming.

3 minutes ago, gnip said:


But yeah, once Lawrence is on the team, it's time to do a lot of unit movement again - honestly a very recurring issue I have with FE1's maps. Tough and interesting start, but once you've weathered the storm, playing becomes a lot more tedious.

Agreed, the walking did get old... Which is why I couldn't beat Gaiden, where the walking is even worse, if you'll believe it. Smaller maps, but so much less eventful.

5 minutes ago, gnip said:

Noted. Instead of skipping ahead back to Akaneia, y'all could start making suggestions for Gaiden, though - who to prioritise, what to promote the villagers into, that kind of jazz. I still have a few chapters to go in FE1, of course, but it might be prudent for anyone who cares to voice their opinions on Grey, Tobin, and What's-his-face. Er... Kliff. Right. You do promote them very early into the game.

Do use Genny. She's my favorite character from the game, partly because I like her voice in Echoes, but I found she's just as fun to use in Gaiden. Nosferatanking may be unreliable, but when it works, it works. I also happened to get one of those insanely rare monster drops in my run, getting a shield to give to her, which made all those boat maps utterly hilarious to watch. Nothing could kill her.

On Alm, do use Luthier. He's my boy, I like him. The enemies will be easy pickings for him.

5 minutes ago, gnip said:

Thus far, the only request for Gaiden has been @Punished Dayni telling me to kill the girl and recruit Deen instead.

That's going to make the desert map a lot more... interesting.

9 minutes ago, gnip said:

I also have to appreciate that the chapter I just played had this very dramatic, emotional confrontation between Mars, Nyna, and Camüü who just cannot betray his country...


...and then, on the very same map, Sheeda and Lawrence immediately figure out how incredibly dumb that is. Fantastic stuff.

The whole deal with Lorenz is being ahead of his times, isn't it. Even in book 2, by chapter 1 he's got the entire plot of the game figured out, pretty much... Just a shame that Kaga decided "no I need dramatic deaths, fuck all the old men."

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6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Agreed, the walking did get old... Which is why I couldn't beat Gaiden, where the walking is even worse, if you'll believe it. Smaller maps, but so much less eventful.

Act 3 Celica is where the map design completely falls apart, imo. The desert map with a fort full of archers, just to make sure that you can't actually use your flyers, is just an atrocity. Dunno if Alm's act 3 is better - I played Celica's first and then stopped. The first two acts I thought were fine.

Noted J/Genny and Luthier. Not sure if I'll actually try to rely on Nos-tanking, but iirc, Res-tanking is occasionally viable for Genny.

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2 minutes ago, gnip said:

Act 3 Celica is where the map design completely falls apart, imo. The desert map with a fort full of archers, just to make sure that you can't actually use your flyers, is just an atrocity. Dunno if Alm's act 3 is better - I played Celica's first and then stopped. The first two acts I thought were fine.

Alm's act 3 is... boring. I gave up when I forgot to save and had to redo a really boring "wait for cavaliers to come to you" map. It's just a lot of the same couple of battles, really.

2 minutes ago, gnip said:

Noted J/Genny and Luthier. Not sure if I'll actually try to rely on Nos-tanking, but iirc, Res-tanking is occasionally viable for Genny.

I've beaten entire maps by nos-tanking, when it works it works.

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53 minutes ago, gnip said:

Camus: "I was your father's rival... Shall we not honorably end this here?"

Hold on, this is some lore that is not used elsewhere is it?

How did this develop? Did they face each other during the backstory war?

55 minutes ago, gnip said:


The following turn, I semi-involutarily cheat by using the rewind feature. I thought that Est didn't deal damage here because the Triangle Attack doesn't work with effective weapons for whatever reason, which I considered sufficiently bullshit to rewind. However, later down the line, Est killed the third General with an Armorslayer Triangle Attack, so I guess this is just what happens if you miss the Triangle Attack? Which, to be fair, is still kinda bullshit.

Triangle Attack missing, how miserable.

The enemy has figured out how the triangle doesn't have 180 degrees in total for it's angles.

56 minutes ago, gnip said:

So - time for the epic boss fight:


...just kidding.

And so the rivalry never got to develop, as Marth just demolished his would-be foe.

57 minutes ago, gnip said:

Huh, apart from his bad speed, Lawrence has surprisingly good growths. Realistically, he's more of a filler at this point, considering his low Spd and movement, but it's worth noting that he's immediately able to use Gradivus, if you don't have anybody else for it. Unfortunately for Lawrence, we kinda do - Roshe, Kain, and Sheeda all have the necessary WLv. 34 HP / 16 Def is still more bulky than anybody else on the team, as long as he doesn't get doubled, so that might be a worthwhile niche for him.

Generals in this game are swordlocked.

Yes, Kaga hates us.

I like the stats he's got in fairness.

1 hour ago, gnip said:


...and then, on the very same map, Sheeda and Lawrence immediately figure out how incredibly dumb that is. Fantastic stuff.

Betrayal sucks, but so does dying.

54 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The whole deal with Lorenz is being ahead of his times, isn't it. Even in book 2, by chapter 1 he's got the entire plot of the game figured out, pretty much... Just a shame that Kaga decided "no I need dramatic deaths, fuck all the old men."

All the plot secrets are behind his eyepatch, this is why Kaga set him to explode.

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I can call him Pachyderm Man if you prefer.

Apparently people at one point did mount ballistae to elephants in Southeast Asia. Probably as heavy anti-personnel weapons instead of siege weaponry I imagine, given an elephant can only hold so weight and fortifications can be plenty thick.

Fire Emblem's love of ballistae specifically... well versus people it's a fine choice of heavy/immobile ranged weaponry. And it's not like FE has real siege warfare.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Valter is so sad. Everything about his character indicates he should come running after you. Instead, he sits on a fort that doesn't provide him any benefits aside from a tiny bit of healing, with an anti-arrow shield that can be easily joinked from him, waiting to die. Or get a lucky pierce proc and ruin your day, but that's bad for an entirely different reason.

Or the Pierce Glitch if you aren't 100% careful, that'd seem in character.


6 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Hold on, this is some lore that is not used elsewhere is it?

In FE11, it's 

“Prince Marth, there is nothing you can do or say. I am party to your father’s murder. Are you a man or not? Draw your sword.”

...Although Gharnef is the one who did it, did he not? -Well Marth can't kill Gharnef, so Camus I suppose is as close as he can get, or Medeus, or Jiol.

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21 minutes ago, gnip said:

This chapter in a nutshell: Enemies hit hard. And with the Paladin trio approaching from the north using Silver Swords, you have to be rather careful about who might get doubled.

It's certainly a needed difficulty spike given how easy this game can be sometimes, at least when you have a few units that actually cap stats, like Ruben's Cord.

I like how Archanea handles difficulty spikes given each arc of its titles. It really makes you feel the tension that comes with overthrowing the baddies without being a completely out of nowhere stat bloat or some other nonsense. You can tell that you've entered a new arc, and that makes you focus more on it and appreciate it. You're given a reason to strategize your team beforehand as you approach it on repeat runs. Too bad there's no damn music in this game. Of course, this is where enemies would use braves in H5, so good luck Wrys users.

32 minutes ago, gnip said:

...yeah, Darros really doesn't like fighting these. He had to, in this case, because Sheeda (despite her promotion) needed shielding after helping to take out another Paladin. 14 Def is cool and all, but enemies hit hard.

You mean she's shit.

33 minutes ago, gnip said:

The following turn, I semi-involutarily cheat by using the rewind feature. I thought that Est didn't deal damage here because the Triangle Attack doesn't work with effective weapons for whatever reason, which I considered sufficiently bullshit to rewind. However, later down the line, Est killed the third General with an Armorslayer Triangle Attack, so I guess this is just what happens if you miss the Triangle Attack? Which, to be fair, is still kinda bullshit.

Someone nerdier than me verify this. Then I can use the emoji on you.

34 minutes ago, gnip said:

But yeah, once Lawrence is on the team, it's time to do a lot of unit movement again - honestly a very recurring issue I have with FE1's maps. Tough and interesting start, but once you've weathered the storm, playing becomes a lot more tedious.

An issue that becomes much more noticeable the older the game. FE11 is super fast, and I do feel that they've added a few enemies in a couple of maps as opposed to FE1 (I don't know all differences like how I now know of ch12 not having reinforcements, but it certainly felt different), although there are instances of walking sim, even with FE12 and ch3 or ch13. But man is FE1 ruined by NESFE being abysmally slow.

38 minutes ago, gnip said:

Approaching Camus is then slightly dangerous again, since the Ballisticians also hit really hard, but they're only two and they have terrible movement. So - time for the epic boss fight:


...just kidding.

This was actually meant to set up a kill for somebody else - Wryf, or maybe Palla with a Triangle Attack (she was carrying the Light Orb for that purpose). Mars has 33 Atk with the Miracle Rapier, which would've brought Camus down to 4 HP with two regular hits (why yes, Mars easily doubles), or 22 with one hit, which would've been a nice number for Wrys (w/ Elfire) to chip him further down. But alas, Mars probably thought that he had to prove his manliness now that his girlfriend is suddenly really strong.

Sheeda's reaction to this information:


Well that's one FE game failed out of 5. Hopefully you'll kill Rudolf with a unit that matters.


I don't fuckin know who's based in FE2. Nobody's based. You get Mycen too damn late. Damn. FE2 le bad.

47 minutes ago, gnip said:
Julian	14.02	   37   12  13   7  18  15   6	(+9 HP, +5 WLv)

Man I'm starting to feel bad for shilling Juuls. Bro was maxed by now. 16 DEF too, although I might've given him a dracoshield or whatever the FE1 equivalent is. Made this chapter too easy for me.

51 minutes ago, gnip said:

Huh, apart from his bad speed, Lawrence has surprisingly good growths. Realistically, he's more of a filler at this point, considering his low Spd and movement, but it's worth noting that he's immediately able to use Gradivus, if you don't have anybody else for it. Unfortunately for Lawrence, we kinda do - Roshe, Kain, and Sheeda all have the necessary WLv. 34 HP / 16 Def is still more bulky than anybody else on the team, as long as he doesn't get doubled, so that might be a worthwhile niche for him

I'm often told that Lawrence is one of the most broken units in the game, mainly for how crazy his defense is. It's near the max for the game and the rest of his bases were actually designed around his jointime unlike the infamous FE11 eyepatch man. Having good growths is certainly a boone, and he just looks so cool, so naturally plenty of people will want to use him knowing this is their one opportunity to see the glorious man in action.

I just think he's cool.

56 minutes ago, gnip said:

..to suicide into Medeus, be revived, and then warped in to kill him. Good unit. Good unit.

(I think that's how it works? Haven't played, let aloned finished, Shadow Dragon in ages)

It shocks me how often this is done. It's not even a niche strat. More people do this than actually play endgame, at least when it comes to H5. There's a reason this is ALWAYS brought up when all 50 DSFE fans discuss SD, and that saddens me. FE11 has my favorite endgame in FE. I can't discuss endgame strats and teams made around killing the enemies or splitting up armies with keys to fight around the powerful enemies because many of them will just say they warp skipped with TIki. Although I do remember a small youtuber I watched who did a blind h5 run spend 11 hours on endgame. Unlucky.

1 hour ago, gnip said:

Noted. Instead of skipping ahead back to Akaneia, y'all could start making suggestions for Gaiden, though - who to prioritise, what to promote the villagers into, that kind of jazz. I still have a few chapters to go in FE1, of course, but it might be prudent for anyone who cares to voice their opinions on Grey, Tobin, and What's-his-face. Er... Kliff. Right. You do promote them very early into the game.

I cannot quote myself until after I make the post.


"I don't fuckin know who's based in FE2. Nobody's based. You get Mycen too damn late. Damn. FE2 le bad."

53 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Agreed, the walking did get old... Which is why I couldn't beat Gaiden, where the walking is even worse, if you'll believe it. Smaller maps, but so much less eventful.

Smaller maps, but less eventful.

Now let's see Genealogy's maps.

54 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

On Alm, do use Luthier. He's my boy, I like him. The enemies will be easy pickings for him

Oh you just gave me an idea for my pick.

Kill Delthea with Luthier.

Or Dyute as she's known as in my translation.

38 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
43 minutes ago, gnip said:

Act 3 Celica is where the map design completely falls apart, imo. The desert map with a fort full of archers, just to make sure that you can't actually use your flyers, is just an atrocity. Dunno if Alm's act 3 is better - I played Celica's first and then stopped. The first two acts I thought were fine.

Alm's act 3 is... boring. I gave up when I forgot to save and had to redo a really boring "wait for cavaliers to come to you" map. It's just a lot of the same couple of battles, really.

You both gave up?

Damn, I'm awesome.


I remember actually enjoying Celica's 3rd and 4th act a little, moreso than FE15. Not because the maps are better, but the rings are just so fun, and the gimmicky elements of her rout feel more natural with the stupidity that is FE2, and her not being a fucking moron is a breath of fresh air. I know Alm can have access to rings too, but I recall Celica doing more with it, and the mage growths are more drastic with certain users:


Alm's act 3 on the other hand. SO. DAMN. BORING.

Too many big empty fields. Too many cavs that run when under half health. Fucking nightmare.

9 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Generals in this game are swordlocked.

Yes, Kaga hates us.

Sowrds in FE1 are OP, and Sword Generals look so cool. 


Yes, Kaga hates us.

10 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

All the plot secrets are behind his eyepatch, this is why Kaga set him to explode.

In an ideal world, FE fans joked about this over "le le le BBQ le le le"

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37 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

All the plot secrets are behind his eyepatch, this is why Kaga set him to explode.

Stupid Kaga.

26 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Apparently people at one point did mount ballistae to elephants in Southeast Asia. Probably as heavy anti-personnel weapons instead of siege weaponry I imagine, given an elephant can only hold so weight and fortifications can be plenty thick.

Fire Emblem's love of ballistae specifically... well versus people it's a fine choice of heavy/immobile ranged weaponry. And it's not like FE has real siege warfare.

Then TearRing rolled around and Kaga said "let there be tanks."

26 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Or the Pierce Glitch if you aren't 100% careful, that'd seem in character.

Valter killing your game out of spite?

Definitely in character.

18 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

I like how Archanea handles difficulty spikes given each arc of its titles. It really makes you feel the tension that comes with overthrowing the baddies without being a completely out of nowhere stat bloat or some other nonsense. You can tell that you've entered a new arc, and that makes you focus more on it and appreciate it. You're given a reason to strategize your team beforehand as you approach it on repeat runs. Too bad there's no damn music in this game. Of course, this is where enemies would use braves in H5, so good luck Wrys users.

This is something Kaga consistently likes to do in his games.

22 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

Oh you just gave me an idea for my pick.

Kill Delthea with Luthier.

Or Dyute as she's known as in my translation.

I... don't know if Gnip will agree to that.

22 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

You both gave up?

Damn, I'm awesome.

Gaiden requires more resistance to boredom than I'm capable of.

23 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

Alm's act 3 on the other hand. SO. DAMN. BORING.

Too many big empty fields. Too many cavs that run when under half health. Fucking nightmare.

Yeah, I'm inclined to agree.

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7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I... don't know if Gnip will agree to that.

He won't. I'll love him for 2 days if he does, but he won't.


What else am I supposed to say? All mage ranch kids? Use Jesse over Saber? I don't care about the Gaiden cast.  I basically have to use them all anyways, so no "i used this person" runs. I'm just here to shit-talk SoV's story when Gnip gets to 2, and I hope you'll join me.

11 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Gaiden requires more resistance to boredom than I'm capable of.

My Christmas spirit and joy of the 30th anniversary items made me a bit too giddy when playing FE1. Then my soul was destroyed and I was left a hollow skeleton. Naturally, playing an NES version of a game I already hate made me have the absolute lowest expectations, and I was mostly right. It is a slow slog with awful maps, but I didn't realize just how much I'd enjoy the rings of FE2

and how much better the game is when the woman protagonist shuts up

14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, I'm inclined to agree.

Screw coward AI's. All my honies hate coward AI's.



I knew I forgot something

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It always makes me laugh when Endgame Ready Beard becomes angry at young girl when she asks him a million coins for her services as a healer, then goes "oh is that too much? I don't really know how money works, okay pay me 10 coins instead." He actually gets angrier at the second offer, it's great.

You'd probably relate a lot to that guy, come to think of it. He keeps getting angry at young girls. Unlike Main Lord Boy Reese, he has emotions.

Please note that Shaky Jones does not actually yell at children in real life. I yell at adults who fail to responsibly care for and manage children.


I will be glad to use this person and promptly kill the woman when the time comes.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You let anime happen.

It was either this, or they all killed themselves. I wasn't out to end an entire country.

you tell me if I made a mistake with this decision

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I didn't remember that part, for one. Gotoh being a shithead is par for the course.

To clarify, Bantu doesn't explicitly mention Gotoh, but he does tell her that she will likely need to go back into slumber for a while, something Gotoh tells her won't be an issue as long as Marth gets the good ending.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I can call him Pachyderm Man if you prefer. Or Grigas. Honestly, I like Grigas, it's a fun-sounding name.

Of course. Elephant man is reserved for you.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...Why won't anyone make a "FE3 but good UI" patch? Why am I seemingly the only one with this problem? It's so annoying

Why won't anyone make a "FE1 but a UI" patch? I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one with this problem. It's so annoying.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ruben staring at the UI of FE3 (It doesn't tell him what his unit's defense is)

Like I said. You don't remember. 15-7 is 15-x for you, as opposed to FE1's X+y-Z.

That's the only thing I found slightly annoying with FE3 UI, but it's really not that bad. What can I say except "just remember".


Thank you for agreeing with me on the busted take. You should do more of that.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ruben looking at Riff in FE1 (he exists)


2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:



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5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Then TearRing rolled around and Kaga said "let there be tanks."

To be fair


...people in the Middle Ages could build these. We have evidence Assyrians and Babylonians using these as early as 1100-900 BC. The biggest one on record from Ancient and Classical world was 40 meters tall by 20 meters wide.

Siege towers were frequently covered in sheets of iron or damp leather/hides as protection against projectiles and incendiaries. And as you can see at the very top of the tower above the drawbridge platform they would sometimes have a platform for archers.

If they could build siege towers, no reason they couldn't build wooden tanks. The only question- what practical use would such a thing serve? I take ye olde people couldn't think of one, and so saved their timbers for their battering rams, springalds, ballistae, mangonels, trebuchets, siege towers, and maybe keeping any siege tunnels from collapsing on the diggers. Then they discovered these things call "fire lances" which evolved into cannons, and thus the great wooden siege/heavy artillery weaponry that had provided millennia of usefulness gave way to cannonballs.

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9 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Hold on, this is some lore that is not used elsewhere is it?

How did this develop? Did they face each other during the backstory war?

9 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

In FE11, it's 

“Prince Marth, there is nothing you can do or say. I am party to your father’s murder. Are you a man or not? Draw your sword.”

Looking at lparchive.org with a playthrough using the old translation patch - that one also goes with a more generic "Come and fight me to avenge your father." Can't say if there's any double meaning in the Japanese script, of course.

Considering that Aritia and Grunia used to be allies before Jiol... wait, no, that was Gra, not Grunia/Grust. I don't think Aritia and Grunia had any connection before the War of Shadows, so the "avenge your father's murder" angle seems more reasonable.

9 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Generals in this game are swordlocked.

Yes, Kaga hates us.

I like the stats he's got in fairness.


What's unfortunate is his really low Spd. He's weighed down to 4 AS even with an Iron Sword (3 with Silver), which is low enough to get him doubled by all the Paladins (and enemy Generals, funnily enough) on the next map. He does double the Wyverns, at least.

9 hours ago, Shaky Jones said:

at least when you have a few units that actually cap stats, like Ruben's Cord.

Or Sheeda. Who still is the only character who naturally capped a stat - the other 20s are on Mars's Lck (gotten via Miracle) and Wryf's Spd (via Speed Ring). The only other characters that are close are Kain (19 WLv and Spd) and Julian (18 Spd).

9 hours ago, Shaky Jones said:

Well that's one FE game failed out of 5. Hopefully you'll kill Rudolf with a unit that matters.

I dunno, given how bad Marthipan is in FE11, it's rather cathartic to have him crit-kill climactic bosses and one-round Paladins.

9 hours ago, Shaky Jones said:

I'm often told that Lawrence is one of the most broken units in the game, mainly for how crazy his defense is. It's near the max for the game and the rest of his bases were actually designed around his jointime unlike the infamous FE11 eyepatch man. Having good growths is certainly a boone, and he just looks so cool, so naturally plenty of people will want to use him knowing this is their one opportunity to see the glorious man in action.

I just think he's cool.

I mean, my Minerva has 16 Def, as well, and Chiki comes with a permanent 20 Def (albeit bad offence, of course). Lawrence does seem more endgame viable than DOGA and Roger, but I can't say he looks broken.

8 hours ago, Shaky Jones said:

He won't. I'll love him for 2 days if he does, but he won't.

He won't. You've kept your signature up for, what, a week now, and I still haven't been elected president of the world, so I suspect that a skeleton's love won't be worth being mean in a video game.


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9 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

In FE11, it's 

“Prince Marth, there is nothing you can do or say. I am party to your father’s murder. Are you a man or not? Draw your sword.”

...Although Gharnef is the one who did it, did he not? -Well Marth can't kill Gharnef, so Camus I suppose is as close as he can get, or Medeus, or Jiol.

I feel like Camus is Camus'ing it up and claiming the credit to have Marth fight him.

Did he know he'd die for sure?

9 hours ago, Shaky Jones said:


True Sage Atlas.

3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

If they could build siege towers, no reason they couldn't build wooden tanks. The only question- what practical use would such a thing serve? I take ye olde people couldn't think of one, and so saved their timbers for their battering rams, springalds, ballistae, mangonels, trebuchets, siege towers, and maybe keeping any siege tunnels from collapsing on the diggers. Then they discovered these things call "fire lances" which evolved into cannons, and thus the great wooden siege/heavy artillery weaponry that had provided millennia of usefulness gave way to cannonballs.

I mean, we have the war wagons from the Hussites, though those are early 1400s (early Renaissance FE can't come soon enough if you ask me), while examples existed in China centuries before and Korea (Though the Hwacha was ahistorically made to be more mobile (And use arrows instead of rockets) in AoE2). So the concept could be brought in.

My question is would they treat them as just individual units or would there be units inside who could exit, defend it if someone tried to walk in, etc.

11 minutes ago, gnip said:

Looking at lparchive.org with a playthrough using the old translation patch - that one also goes with a more generic "Come and fight me to avenge your father." Can't say if there's any double meaning in the Japanese script, of course.

Considering that Aritia and Grunia used to be allies before Jiol... wait, no, that was Gra, not Grunia/Grust. I don't think Aritia and Grunia had any connection before the War of Shadows, so the "avenge your father's murder" angle seems more reasonable.

Camus once again choosing death.

11 minutes ago, gnip said:

What's unfortunate is his really low Spd. He's weighed down to 4 AS even with an Iron Sword (3 with Silver), which is low enough to get him doubled by all the Paladins (and enemy Generals, funnily enough) on the next map. He does double the Wyverns, at least.

RIP Lorenz? Oh.

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FE1 Chapter 21: Clash at Macedonia


But there they met the proud Macedonian Wyvern Knights.
Countless reinforcements lie prepared in the forts.
Mars and company must pass through the enemy...

"Countless" meaning "one wave of nine dudes", by the way, five Wyverns and four Ballisticians. Not that I'm complaining about not enough reinforcements - nine enemies every turn sounds like it would be a bit too much.


The map feels very "Awakening", in that it's a bunch of enemies charging at you on a, despite all the forest tiles, very open map. (at least I'm told that's how Awakening maps tend to operate)

Mars, Kain, and Maji are positioned so that the three Generals can all attack one of them, but still out of range of the Sniper or the Paladins up north. The Paladins are also the only type of enemies that don't start the map aggressive, although you kinda have to step into their range on turn 2 in order to deal with the Sniper.


Like so, which is a bit of a hopeful formation without really mapping everything out. But Mars is decently bulky and drew two Wyverns and the two Mages safely, so it all worked out fine.


Meanwhile Marich, Thomas, and Wendell spawned on the right side of the map, and they're a rather good match for the three Wyverns spawning near them. They were in range to kill two of them on turn 2, and the third one didn't survive turn 3.


Mars got enough action here to reach Lv. 20 very quickly. Without any +2s, I believe, but still with pretty decent levels overall. Question to the audience - is it worth raising his Str to 20 or does that not do all that much for him?

Mars also hands over the Star Orb to Sheeda for now, so that she can do some Gradivüü spam until Gotoh takes the Orbs away next map.


With basically the entire team in one location, it's not too difficult to kill the last Paladins on turn 4 (and one of the Clerics with Sheeda), before retreating a bit to avoid the Wyvern reinforcements. The surviving Cleric is being helpful here, by blocking one of the Wyverns from spawning.


While cleaning up the reinforcements (which aren't too dangerous if you know they're coming), Darros also hit his level cap, gaining yet another point of Spd like the baller he is. His Strength score also ended up precisely eight points away from 20, which I consider a clear and unmistakable sign.


With all that said and done, Katua made three trips to the Secret Shop to buy some Strength and Speed boosters. She didn't even bother with a Silver Card, so that's 9 boosters in total - it's funny, you go into a Secret Shop with unlimited offensive stat boosters, and what's holding you back on buying 80 of them isn't your money, but the tedium of FE1 item management.

At the same time, people also bought a lot of Silver Swords. It's a good weapon, and as established, money isn't an issue.



So then, off to kill Michalis, make sure that we see that dingus never ever again.

To give an overview of the stat boosters used or still available:

  • Darros: 2x Power Ring
  • Sheeda: 1x Power Ring
  • Roshe: 1x Power Ring, 1x Speed Ring
  • Thomas: 1x Power Ring

...with two Power Rings and one Speed Ring still in Katua's inventory. Who should these go to?

The Team:

	Lv  	   HP  Str Skl WLv Spd Lck Def
Mars	20.00	   35   17  11   7  18  20  16	(+3 Def, +4 Mov)
Roshe	12/8.93	   34   15  15  15  19   5  14	(+3 Def, +4 Str, +6 Spd)
Minerv	10.47	   28   11   9  14  14   6  16	(7 Res, +6 Spd)
Boah	4.82	   22    4   7  10  16   4   6

Kain	18/7.00	   40   14  17  20  20  14  11
Abel	4.01	   ...
Wryf	11/1.72	   31    3   5  10  20   2   8	(+9 HP, +6 Spd)
Maji	13.64	   30   12   5   9  15   9   7	(+4 Str)

Sheeda	12/4.33	   23   18  16  17  20  18  15	(+8 Str)
Est	10.50	   26    9  12  15  16   3   8
Katua	3.45	   base
Paola	10.49	   27    8  10  13  14   5   9

Darros	20.00	   37   20   7  10  18   6  10	(+8 Str, +6 Spd, +5 Skl)
Thomas	10/9.37	   30   13  10  17  17  11   8	(+4 Str)
Marich	16.86	   30    1   9  16  12  11   8
Wendell	6.76	   26    3   2  14  16   5   8

One option could be to just drop +8 Str and +6 Spd on Chiki, to make her more easily trainable in the upcoming chapters, so that we have another Manakete-killing option for the lategame. As I said before, I don't know how much use Mars could make of cappning his Str. For the Speed Ring, Marich (a bit wasteful, considering his promotion and 50% Spd growth, but still) or Minerva could be options, too.

I'm leaning towards Chiki, actually, since I don't think the @Interdimensional Observer has made any other character requests for this run, and having somebody to nuke Manakete can't be a bad thing on the last two maps.

A bit preemptively, but I'll also ask more specifically about the initial Gaiden squad:

  • Alm, who has good growths and better growths than his villager friends in almost every area (Kliff is faster, but that's about it). Just in this list for completion's sake, I can't exactly not use him.
  • Lukas, who is also very good early, but who seems to have pretty underwhelming growths.
  • Grey, who comes ready to promote, but whose only passable stat is his Str. His stats really scream MERCENARY, PLEASE.
    • His spell list as a Mage isn't very good - he learns Sagittae at Lv.9 and Thunder at Lv.10, and that's it.
  • Robin/Tobin, who sucks.
    • His spell list is funny: Excalibur (Lv.6). That's all. It's a great spell, though.
  • Kliff, who has worse bases and is further away from promotion than his two buddies. However, unlike them, his growths are quite good (other than a paltry 20% Str).
    • He also has the biggest spell list, learning Thunder (Lv.4) very early and Excalibur (Lv.7) only slightly later than Tobin.
  • The other Act 1 characters are Silque (Cleric; only option), Claire (Peg Knight), Clive (Cavalier), Force (Soldier), and Python (Archer).

What I'm thinking:

  • Turn Grey into a Merc, just to make him useful right away, but don't prioritise him. Maybe even give the Levin Sword (or whatever it's called) to Alm.
  • Turn Tobin into a Mage, to fill the part until Luthier joins. Phase out afterwards.
  • Turn Kliff into an Archer. I really didn't like Python - Gaiden hit rates are notoriously bad, bows in particular don't have good accuracy, and Python's Skl is all kinds of awful. In contrast, Kliff is both fast and (relatively) accurate, so he might be able to make good use of the Steel Bow that you get early on Alm's route.

No idea how meta those picks are, but I'm not too attached to the choices.

Finally, you get a total of +3 Speed in the Thief Shrine (unless you really need that sweet sweet health). Requests/recommendations?

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12 hours ago, gnip said:

Or Sheeda. Who still is the only character who naturally capped a stat - the other 20s are on Mars's Lck (gotten via Miracle) and Wryf's Spd (via Speed Ring). The only other characters that are close are Kain (19 WLv and Spd) and Julian (18 Spd).

I'd rather use loyal units that actually deal damage for most of the game.

If you have a sword, you're probably going to double. Use a lance, and you miss. That's how my FE1 experience was. 

12 hours ago, gnip said:

I dunno, given how bad Marthipan is in FE11, it's rather cathartic to have him crit-kill climactic bosses and one-round Paladins.

I just play FE11 and actually forge the rapier instead of give more money to Sheeda who just finished taking Roger's money.

12 hours ago, gnip said:

I mean, my Minerva has 16 Def, as well, and Chiki comes with a permanent 20 Def (albeit bad offence, of course). Lawrence does seem more endgame viable than DOGA and Roger, but I can't say he looks broken.

Minevera is Minerva, and Chiki barely deals damage. She also doesn't look as cool.

Honestly, with crit emblem, any added DEF units is a major boon. What's better than 1 tank? 2 tanks. And I have to once again reiterate: He looks so cool.

12 hours ago, gnip said:

He won't. You've kept your signature up for, what, a week now, and I still haven't been elected president of the world, so I suspect that a skeleton's love won't be worth being mean in a video game.

I vividly recall changing it, meaning either serenes is screwing with me, or I dreamt about serenes again. My life must be getting incredibly boring. 

My love actually increases your life span. We live off of hate and tomfoolery that cause the deaths of others so they could join our party, so calm and genuine affection causes the opposite affect. You'll notice when you're in your 80s.

I could also just shoot you. 

I want to suggest something else, but I can't think of much, so I'll ask Ruben to make a suggestion for a suggestion. It's either that or I pester Gnip to not save Clair, which they will refuse repeatedly for reasons I'll never understand.

1 minute ago, gnip said:

The map feels very "Awakening", in that it's a bunch of enemies charging at you on a, despite all the forest tiles, very open map. (at least I'm told that's how Awakening maps tend to operate)

Well the rush certainly feels better executed in this game, FE11 to be specific. Fun enough chapter, but maybe FE1 does it worse. Simple map layout, but with the wyverns, you can pull off helpful enemy phase strats to not get overwhelmed.

Even Awakening maps are better than 3 Houses though.

3 minutes ago, gnip said:


While cleaning up the reinforcements (which aren't too dangerous if you know they're coming), Darros also hit his level cap, gaining yet another point of Spd like the baller he is. His Strength score also ended up precisely eight points away from 20, which I consider a clear and unmistakable sign.


4 minutes ago, gnip said:


Mars got enough action here to reach Lv. 20 very quickly. Without any +2s, I believe, but still with pretty decent levels overall. Question to the audience - is it worth raising his Str to 20 or does that not do all that much for him?

4 minutes ago, gnip said:


With all that said and done, Katua made three trips to the Secret Shop to buy some Strength and Speed boosters. She didn't even bother with a Silver Card, so that's 9 boosters in total - it's funny, you go into a Secret Shop with unlimited offensive stat boosters, and what's holding you back on buying 80 of them isn't your money, but the tedium of FE1 item management.

You have 100,000 gold. Give everyone 20 strength. Numbers don't matter anymore.

6 minutes ago, gnip said:

...with two Power Rings and one Speed Ring still in Katua's inventory. Who should these go to?

Literally everyone should be capped with stat boosters by now. Hell, I hate Tiki and I made her capped with no battles just to experiment with warping her in the center of the Michalis room with undamaging defense to basically skip lategame. Yeah, I simply lost respect for the game at this point from convoy boredom, wanting to play a good FE, aka the same game on DS.



10 minutes ago, gnip said:
  • Turn Grey into a Merc, just to make him useful right away, but don't prioritise him. Maybe even give the Levin Sword (or whatever it's called) to Alm.
  • Turn Tobin into a Mage, to fill the part until Luthier joins. Phase out afterwards.

Oh boy, I can't wait to see you try picking their classes.


One question: What's your plan for updates on Gaiden? It's not a "map by map" update kinda game.

11 minutes ago, gnip said:
  • Turn Kliff into an Archer. I really didn't like Python - Gaiden hit rates are notoriously bad, bows in particular don't have good accuracy, and Python's Skl is all kinds of awful. In contrast, Kliff is both fast and (relatively) accurate, so he might be able to make good use of the Steel Bow that you get early on Alm's route.

No idea how meta those picks are, but I'm not too attached to the choices.

Finally, you get a total of +3 Speed in the Thief Shrine (unless you really need that sweet sweet health). Requests/recommendations?

You know what? How about my request just be that you not have a single Ram archer, thereby forcing you to use Python? He's based, and awful hits are the Gaiden experience. Don't you just love 1 RN? 

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21 hours ago, Shaky Jones said:

What else am I supposed to say? All mage ranch kids? Use Jesse over Saber? I don't care about the Gaiden cast.  I basically have to use them all anyways, so no "i used this person" runs. I'm just here to shit-talk SoV's story when Gnip gets to 2, and I hope you'll join me.

Oh I will. It never ceases to amaze me how SoV managed to take a story with like, a single page of script per act, and made it worse.

22 hours ago, Shaky Jones said:

I will be glad to use this person and promptly kill the woman when the time comes.

Glad to hear you would use Endgame Ready Beard. I know there are some people out there who bench him even though he's like, the best-designed unit in the game. Pah.

There's a woman that literally everyone that plays this game loves. I expect you'd be the one to break the trend, though. After all, this is you:


22 hours ago, Shaky Jones said:

It was either this, or they all killed themselves. I wasn't out to end an entire country.

What did I just say?

22 hours ago, Shaky Jones said:

To clarify, Bantu doesn't explicitly mention Gotoh, but he does tell her that she will likely need to go back into slumber for a while, something Gotoh tells her won't be an issue as long as Marth gets the good ending.

He should rescue her again.

22 hours ago, Shaky Jones said:

Like I said. You don't remember. 15-7 is 15-x for you, as opposed to FE1's X+y-Z.

That's the only thing I found slightly annoying with FE3 UI, but it's really not that bad. What can I say except "just remember".

Yes, well, call me when Riff is in the game.

22 hours ago, Shaky Jones said:

Thank you for agreeing with me on the busted take. You should do more of that.

I try, but you don't always make it so easy.

16 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

If they could build siege towers, no reason they couldn't build wooden tanks. The only question- what practical use would such a thing serve?

It looks fucking cool!

13 hours ago, gnip said:

Looking at lparchive.org with a playthrough using the old translation patch - that one also goes with a more generic "Come and fight me to avenge your father." Can't say if there's any double meaning in the Japanese script, of course.

Considering that Aritia and Grunia used to be allies before Jiol... wait, no, that was Gra, not Grunia/Grust. I don't think Aritia and Grunia had any connection before the War of Shadows, so the "avenge your father's murder" angle seems more reasonable.

As I recall, the Spanish fanslation made no mention to any rivalry, either.

16 minutes ago, gnip said:

But there they met the proud Macedonian Wyvern Knights.
Countless reinforcements lie prepared in the forts.
Mars and company must pass through the enemy...

"Countless" meaning "one wave of nine dudes", by the way, five Wyverns and four Ballisticians. Not that I'm complaining about not enough reinforcements - nine enemies every turn sounds like it would be a bit too much.

I always liked the name of this map's boss in FE11. Orridyon. It's the best kind of gibberish, the kind that has me scratching my head wondering how the fuck someone came up with it.

17 minutes ago, gnip said:
  • Grey, who comes ready to promote, but whose only passable stat is his Str. His stats really scream MERCENARY, PLEASE.


17 minutes ago, gnip said:
  • Robin/Tobin, who sucks.


17 minutes ago, gnip said:
  • Kliff, who has worse bases and is further away from promotion than his two buddies. However, unlike them, his growths are quite good (other than a paltry 20% Str).


17 minutes ago, gnip said:
  • Silque

I hate her. Unlike Badass Genny, she's godawful at combat, and unless you hyper focus her, she quickly becomes a completely useless liability. Except the spells she learns from the hyper focus are vital to combat the more horrid maps later on, so you really really want to hyper focus her. This makes me hate her, and her game. Why couldn't she be more like Genny, who is ready to roll.

17 minutes ago, gnip said:
  • Force (Soldier)

The virgin Force vs the Chad Pholus.

Nothing will ever beat Meißen though. Do not expect me to ever refer to him by a different name, ever.

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13 minutes ago, gnip said:


Mars got enough action here to reach Lv. 20 very quickly. Without any +2s, I believe, but still with pretty decent levels overall. Question to the audience - is it worth raising his Str to 20 or does that not do all that much for him?

Couldn't tell you, still neat spread-

13 minutes ago, gnip said:


While cleaning up the reinforcements (which aren't too dangerous if you know they're coming), Darros also hit his level cap, gaining yet another point of Spd like the baller he is. His Strength score also ended up precisely eight points away from 20, which I consider a clear and unmistakable sign.

Peak performance

I am chuffed by how he took a look at 10% and said he could proc it over and over.

14 minutes ago, gnip said:

With all that said and done, Katua made three trips to the Secret Shop to buy some Strength and Speed boosters. She didn't even bother with a Silver Card, so that's 9 boosters in total - it's funny, you go into a Secret Shop with unlimited offensive stat boosters, and what's holding you back on buying 80 of them isn't your money, but the tedium of FE1 item management.

At the same time, people also bought a lot of Silver Swords. It's a good weapon, and as established, money isn't an issue.

Gnip this map:

14 minutes ago, gnip said:



What a Chadarros.

Enemy armours are going to get flattened by this man.

2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The virgin Force vs the Chad Pholus.

Forsyth got competition!

54 minutes ago, gnip said:

A bit preemptively, but I'll also ask more specifically about the initial Gaiden squad:

I think it'd be a bit unfair after having insisted on Deen over Sonya.

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