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Heir of Dragons and Beasts

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About Heir of Dragons and Beasts

  • Birthday August 28


  • Member Title
    FE Engage Stan

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    Emperor of The Adrestian Empire
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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Genealogy of the Holy War

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  1. Shifter/Stone Wielder Units (love those little guys w their little stones) Any kind of mage (you really can't go wrong with them) Mounted Units (especially when there are long maps + most of the time they almost get every weapon type) Lords (since they're required on every map) Wyvern/Pegasus/Fliers (mobility usage)
  2. Another one of mine would be: Please do something different for the Big Bad Immortal Person. The Manakete suffering from Degeneration has grown tired and stale + they don't explain why it happens, it's just to keep the Manaketes from eclipsing the humans. Also it kind of absolves them from any crimes they do commit because they were just in a silly goofy mood and decided to destroy entire nations of people and sacrifice Clerics I guess. Also them becoming Manaketes didn't really help in the long run because humans still despised them and now could kill them. A growing theory I have is that Naga forced the whole Dragonstone thing on them so their species could better acclimate with humans and join their nations but it backfired.
  3. Lords with different weapon types that will actually play a part in the story. - Give me a staff lord whose shies away from combat and killing. - A mage lord (preferably Anima or Dark) whose an avid studier of magic and seeks to learn them all. - A beast lord (honestly would love to see Beast Units get more attention) - Dancer/Songstress Lord who wants to aid his or her allies through song and dance. There are so many things I.S. could do here but they keep going for swords and dragons whose dragon don't really play a part in the story outside of Also a list of small things: - Canon couples for the lords and the other characters, I've honestly grown tired of the whole ship wars thing and while I get that multiple endings increases replay value and availability (look at Awakening and Fates), I'd honestly love if the army had one person for each of them. But only if it doesn't have child units. - Attack Staves from Heroes should be incorporated into the mainline series and I honestly thought Engage or Three Houses would do it but I guess not. I know that Hliðskjálf is technically in Engage but it's a tome not a staff. - Promotions for Beast Units and Dancers/Songstresses.
  4. Tbh I would have liked Fates more if this were the case. My problem with Avatar characters who do have a part in the main story (Robin, Corrin, Byleth, and Alear) is that they have no personality (I know that’s kind of the point), nothing that makes me care for them or want to see their story through to the end. If Azura was the main character we’d get someone who has a past with both families that goes deeper than what we’re told with Corrin, which would make the decision of choosing so much more interesting to watch. Plus, you could explore the history of Mikoto and Arete’s relationship & Valla’s history through Azura if you choose Revelations. And it would give us some much needed lord class & weapon diversity. I’d also be intrigued by if Lilith, Corrin, and Azura were all the main characters of Fates & maybe remove the choosing plotline?
  5. I will be keeping a look out on this because not only does it look amazing, everything sounds really good and intriguing.
  6. I feel like regarding lord characters I'd be fine with canon pairings but the rest of the army it depends, because everyone has different opinions on who should be with who (be it for best child units, supports, or how they aid each other in battle), I think they should leave that open unless they plan on doing a sequel of some type w child units or descendants. Like I wouldn't mind if they had remade Awakening and made Chrom x Sumia canon, as it's very clearly a Marth/Caeda callback (they should have made it canon from the get go, idk why they included that scene in the intro if they were going to do otherwise.) Same goes for Eliwood x Ninian & Roy x Lilina
  7. I blame this mainly on Awakening not giving us any lore on Taguels or why they went extinct + excluding them from the plot. They do this with all the shifters that aren't dragons, we don't know why the Kitsune and Wolfskin exist or how they came to settle in Nohr and Hoshido, while the Laguz are tied to the plot of POR and RD there's still a whole lot we don't know about them. Panne and all other beast units were truly screwed over by the games they're in.
  8. Good, Azura has claimed retribution for her taking her title.
  9. Eh it's just they've never been done properly or not been an Avatar + they always have a sword and them being a dragon/having the ability to turn into one is a subplot
  10. So I take it Fates Anna is the mother or sister of Awakening and Engage Anna.
  11. I got one for being a member for a year but I've been on this site longer than that lol, but I love the new update it's all chic and new
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