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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Hopefully it's fun!😀 It's rather small and niche so I haven't seen much written about the game, but the few articles I have seen do praise it.

Seems there's a demo so i'll be sure to check it out.

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Holy shit, I hate Edelgard fans.

4 hours ago, Benice said:

Well, the narrative of OG2 hasn't aged too well in terms of treatment of women,

Sounds based

4 hours ago, Benice said:

K2 didn't deviate from the original very much. They did get rid of this, though.

What the fuck just happened?

3 hours ago, Armagon said:

The first movie's boring as shit.

Okay, but is it worse than the 1998 movie? Even as my first contact with Godzilla, I thought it sucked

3 hours ago, Armagon said:

It had the undisputed best Kaiju fatality scene tho.

Didn't see it, dropped the movie midway through lol

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8 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

Okay, but is it worse than the 1998 movie? Even as my first contact with Godzilla, I thought it sucked

Nah. But also 1998 isn't the worst, it's bad, but there's way worse tbh.


11 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

Didn't see it, dropped the movie midway through lol

The scene in question lits up my monkey brain with it's sheer rawness and it's like the only scene in the movie that's worth it.

And the airport entrance scene. But mainly this and it started a trend of having Kaiju fatalities in each MonsterVerse movie but none quite reach this level of rawness (still pretty raw tho).

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28 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

Sounds based


29 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

What the fuck just happened?

I have no idea.

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Ok so first off


The art is very sick. The animations in general are really good actually.



The demo only lets you play the tutorial map and so far i have a pretty good grasp of how the game works. The Kaiju doesn't have a traditional lifebar, instead it's "HP" is actually just how many spaces it can move during it's turn. Attacking it brings this down but the Kaiju can one-shot anything it comes across. That doesn't mean your units are just fodder tho. It costs the Kaiju one speed to destroy tanks and jets will actually counter. So they're still fodder but they go down fighting. The Kaiju also will always target the closest building but this can get tricky if it's equally close to multiple.

The best part of the game tho is this


There's a few Kaiju flicks on the main menu and clicking the link opens up an Archive.org page where you can watch it. The Lost World, a few Gamera flicks, the original Yongarry (South Korea's Godzilla) and, surprisingly, Plugasari (North Korea's Godzilla notable in that was produced by a director they kidnapped from South Korea, yes for real) are in it (all of these are in the public domain apparently?)

This is honestly insane and it shows me that the devs have a true respect of the Kaiju genre. Game's on sale right now but i did just pay rent and the base price for the game is $20 anyways so i think i'll get this on my next paycheck.

Edited by Armagon
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44 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Emotional breakdowns feel great in the aftermath.

That sounds… concerning. Should it?

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Alright, I'm set to do my Summer Sale purchases... tomorrow.

I really hope I can end up on a good routine at work. I got paid almost 2300 MXN yesterday (+ 300 in vouchers). For that amount of weekly pay I would certainly put the effort from my end, hahaha... haaaaaaa. I always did, but sometimes the work-place didn't...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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56 minutes ago, Sooks said:

That sounds… concerning. Should it?

I'll explain it like this: when modding, I imagine implementing all these awesome ideas, but I spend days and weeks, and still cant do what I want, and I hate that feeling of failure, of letting someone down. It just kept eating at me inside and I just exploded in tears. 

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2 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

I'll explain it like this: when modding, I imagine implementing all these awesome ideas, but I spend days and weeks, and still cant do what I want, and I hate that feeling of failure, of letting someone down. It just kept eating at me inside and I just exploded in tears. 

Well that’s understandable, I’m just hoping you’re okay.

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Rpsnjbaz o

These kind of people can't stand to argue without using fallacies.

2 hours ago, Awoken Dayni said:

Look it up online then, it's pretty sick.

2 hours ago, Armagon said:

The scene in question lits up my monkey brain with it's sheer rawness and it's like the only scene in the movie that's worth it.

The OST almost ruins it, but it was cool. Maybe I will give another chance to these movies...

2 hours ago, Armagon said:

And the airport entrance scene. But mainly this and it started a trend of having Kaiju fatalities in each MonsterVerse movie but none quite reach this level of rawness (still pretty raw tho).

to see more of this.

2 hours ago, lightcosmo said:


That never sounds good. XD

It's always the same with them: they act like she's 100% right and the other characters are the worst people in the world, but when they see someone doing the same thing against her they get upset and claim that no one is 100% right in the game. They refuse to look at her faults.

2 hours ago, Benice said:


It's just my natural reaction when I see this. As I've said before,

On 4/28/2022 at 12:48 AM, Newtype06 said:

Criticism about the portrayal of women means nothing to me – these are empty words. I never cared, I don't care, and I probably never will.

So when I see someone bringing this kind of argument to say that one work is inferior to another, I say something like that. I also do this when someone tries to accuse me of being a bad person for liking a character who does bad things for example.

On 3/16/2022 at 1:23 PM, Newtype06 said:

Terrorism is based!

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I don't know why, but I've taken an interest in this.😈 Hopefully the gameplay has enough substance to match the style and idea. I'll just have to see when it arrives.


Went to the beach with family for fireworks.🎆 A few days early (though July 1st was Canada Day), it was nice.🙂 It wasn't very busy, so we had both a good parking spot and spot on the sands. I generally like the idea of living near the ocean more than being at the beach itself; I was the weirdo wore shoes with socks b/c I do not like the feeling of sand on my feet. Nonetheless it does one good to experience the sandy shores in person, seeing and hearing the roaring waves, taking in a whiff of the salty air on the winds.🌊 The late afternoon isn't as hot and not as blazing with the sun (being encrusted with sunscreen is bothersome), so it suited me better too. That and sunrises, I need to see one emerging from the ocean before the summer is over.🌅


2 hours ago, Armagon said:



Ah yes, zoning laws, a true undefeatable monster second only to public housing.😛

And soon the day shall arrive when affordable housing literally becomes a kaiju, one that levels expensive buildings and inhales humans whole. Some of said humans, who tend by pure coincidence tend to be from the lower and middle classes, survive being swallowed and end up in the kaiju's stomach. There, they find a combination of the beast's digestive processes and gut bacteria have created from the monster's food into a byproduct. Stuck inside the monster with no way out and yet desperately trying to live, the trapped humans eat the strange byproduct, and discover the byproduct is safe to eat, as well as tasty and nutritious. Soon the survivors can't get enough of it, and think life inside a kaiju ain't so bad. They grow desensitized to the fact their own bodies are starting to become monstrous. Until one day, when the kaiju takes a nap, mouth wide open, the humans-turned-miniature-kaiju escape, and develop a taste for humans of their own, repeating the cycle. So it is that the great societal leveling occurs, when people find life more livable inside a colossal beast than a modern city, and would rather be what others view as a "monster" than a human urbanite living paycheck to paycheck with a roommate to keep sky-high rent under control,

2 hours ago, Armagon said:

There's a few Kaiju flicks on the main menu and clicking the link opens up an Archive.org page where you can watch it. The Lost World, a few Gamera flicks, the original Yongarry (South Korea's Godzilla) and, surprisingly, Plugasari (North Korea's Godzilla notable in that was produced by a director they kidnapped from South Korea, yes for real) are in it (all of these are in the public domain apparently?)

This is honestly insane and it shows me that the devs have a true respect of the Kaiju genre.

Bolded- yikes for the director. Though the idea that North Korea stole something that let them create their own kaiju sounds like a wonderfully dated idea for a cheesy film.

The few reviews of the game that I glanced didn't mention these links I think. I can admire that kind of appreciation, you know they were thinking of more than mere "what sounds surface-level cool that could get our game some attention?". Hopefully the implementation of their love in gameplay is successful (Metacritic places it at 75 for critic reviews, so it probably can't be terrible).


41 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I really hope I can end up on a good routine at work. I got paid almost 2300 MXN yesterday

Why isn't the Mexican peso MXP? You could buy shiploads with that.🤖

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15 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Why isn't the Mexican peso MXP? You could buy shiploads with that.🤖

Actually, it used to be MXP, until the currency went through a restructure in 1992, thus creating the Nuevo Peso / New Peso. So MXN, the N for Nuevo/New. At least, I'd think that's what the N stands for.

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1 hour ago, Newtype06 said:

Criticism about the portrayal of women means nothing to me – these are empty words. I never cared, I don't care, and I probably never will.

Well, if it doesn't bother you, you'll probably really like Kiwami 2! It's just really noticeable because she's introduced as being a legendary "Yakuza Huntress" who's very strong and talented... Then she spends the rest of the game either being injured or cryin'.

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Okay, finally went to Riften... and pft, got a whole bunch of stuff coming in to my journal quest log... and I'm still not done, hahaha. Well, will continue at it for next time...

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5 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

Rpsnjbaz o

There is this weird idea that FE fans dislike female lords because they are female not because of their action or writing.

Doesn't help that female lords are all divisive. Some of my fav. Fe characters are female...just none of the lords

That and Hopes is making me like her imperial waifuness less and his charming kingliness more (in og 3h i liked Edel more) so i have also been getting involved in all sorta discussions lately.

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@BrightBow Nice profile pic.

5 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

It's always the same with them: they act like she's 100% right and the other characters are the worst people in the world, but when they see someone doing the same thing against her they get upset and claim that no one is 100% right in the game. They refuse to look at her faults.

9 minutes ago, Shrimpy said:

That and Hopes is making me like her imperial waifuness less and his charming kingliness more (in og 3h i liked Edel more) so i have also been getting involved in all sorta discussions lately.

I gotta thank Hanneman again for saving me from getting involved in Edelgard Proves The "Three Houses United The Fanbase" Claims Are Filthy Lies 2: Electric Boogaloo.

Anyway, what does Hopes do for Dimitri, then? From what little I've seen he just looks like he's been turned into a really generic, boring goodie-two-shoes lordling, like so many before him. He was a complete mess of a character in Houses, but at least it was a different mess, y'know. Do correct me if I'm wrong, though.

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28 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Anyway, what does Hopes do for Dimitri, then?

Gives more insight into his ideals, politics and ideologies. How he deals with political bullshit in the court and how he wants reforms and is even a big fan of Edel's reforms, but his kingdom's instability and then Edel's war just slowed everything down. Later on he drops a line where he says without the war they could've worked together to reform the continent, but Edel does what Edel usually does, conquer. This game makes it absurdly clear that Edel wants to conquer to reform, and considers other countries illegitimate offsprings of Adrestia. No Slytherin involved.

I didn't even play Dimitri's route yet, but even in Scarlet Blaze Dimitri get's quite a bit of insight.

28 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

? From what little I've seen he just looks like he's been turned into a really generic, boring goodie-two-shoes lordling

Lol no. He is still a mess, just not an edgy uncontrolled one.

A certain scene at the end of the demo comes to mind

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13 hours ago, lightcosmo said:


Twilit understands, this design is shit. XD

A dramatization of Shrimp-kun’s reaction to lightcosmo and Twilit’s comments on the Cold Steel series:


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