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Carnival Phantasm Mafia


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Right. So we can't discount the possibility of scum!PGO just yet. I can go with that. It's far less likely then town!PGO, but the strange has happened before.

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Scorri if you still doubt my claim, come pay me a visit.

Also I forgot to do this last night on account of Ether Mafia being amazing:

Dear Haze, you are Ciel


You are Elesia, formerly the 17th host body of The Infinite Reincarnater Roa and currently the 7th member of the Burial Agency.

The world itself refuses to allow you to die, a paradox remaining from the peculiarities of your involvement with Roa. As such you possess flawless defenses, and opponents who engage you quickly find themselves hopelessly outmatched, nothing but death awaiting them.

You are allied with the Town. You win if all all threats to the Town are eliminated.

And before anyone asks, yes, "engage" apparently means using any night actions on me.

Also Scum!PGO is the dumbest thing I've ever heard, and I've seen some pretty dumb roles (some of which were made by myself,) who hosted Kamen Rider Kyuuki?

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For a moment, I thought you couldn't quote role PM's. (Turns out, from D1 onwards, you can)

Read the rules next time, me.

Derp moments: 2

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So on that note: A question.

Non-lethal actions have the obvious consequence. So do you die if targeted by a killing action or not?

and Ether Mafia was amazing


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Judging from the part about the world not allowing me to die and my flawless defenses, I'm pretty sure nightkills on me would blow up in my would-be killer's face.

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Okay, caught up on the pages I missed while sleeping, I'll post some thoughts so far.

Scorri has really gotten the discussion going and gotten people talking; she's at the top of my 'seems Town' list currently. In particular trying to organize the Town = good thing.

Blitz seems to be scumhunting and discussing, looks Townish to me.

Marth seems to be somewhat cautious so far:

And if that someone is mafia? Its not easy to go by like that, and its especially hard if you're the rolecop. If we ever go by this though, I'd say we send Haze the info.

I agree with him that we don't want our cop being reckless, but never getting results to the Town because they're afraid they hit a Godfather might be TOO cautious. Results are only useful if we can act on them after all.

He also seems to trust Haze/think Haze is cleared.

Paperblade says Haze's claim is not scummy, and votes Strawman without explanation. I'm curious about his reasoning for that.

Haze...Haze has claimed in the thread, complete with role PM. However, all of his posts so far have been about his role. Interested in seeing more thoughts about other players etc.

So far Scorri and Blitz look Town to me, neutral on Marth, not sure what to think about Haze. Claiming PGO seems like a pretty slick way to keep investigative roles off your back...but if you really are PGO, claiming is really Townish because it protects Town. Neutral for now.

Hm...I feel like my thoughts are kind of boring. I gotta try harder I guess.

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Then I suppose it's safe to assume that Haze is town, based entirely on claim. Of course, it could be fakeclaim, buuuut, who wants to take a chance and check?

Haze's role mentions nothing of day or might, so he generally kills anyone, anytime, that so much as visits him.

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Then I suppose it's safe to assume that Haze is town, based entirely on claim. Of course, it could be fakeclaim, buuuut, who wants to take a chance and check?

Well of course we don't want to check; there's too much risk of getting one of our PRs killed. I just think we shouldn't ASSUME clear from this point forward based solely on the claim. That's why I'm still neutral on him for the moment.

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Uh Subieko? You're better off not doing stuff like list posting(it wasn't exactly a list post but eh, it gives me those vibes). I generally think scum try to do that to look townish(considering I've done that too when I was mafia in my first game- paid for it) Anyway:

I really don't think Haze's claim was a fakeclaim. @eclipse and Manix: Ok, mafia bomb is understandable, you get an extra kill but lose a mafia member. But Mafia PGO? The PGO never dies at night in the first place, and if every night the mafia had the potential to get an extra kill that would seem stupid. Hell we can't really do anything about him even if he fakeclaimed and is mafia- I sure as hell wouldn't want to risk targeting him to find out. Not to mention his claim was pretty early too, so I dunno.

Either ways my current suspect is Subieko for trying to list post( or a semi-list post, w/e). Also, Kay, Strawman and Pride are MIA currently(or has StSS posted here recently? I forgot)

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Uh Subieko? You're better off not doing stuff like list posting(it wasn't exactly a list post but eh, it gives me those vibes). I generally think scum try to do that to look townish(considering I've done that too when I was mafia in my first game- paid for it)

Oh, really? I saw 'em in a lot of mafia games and figured it was a normal thing to do. Sorry ^^;;;

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2. BBM's logic has once again hit the fan. This is mostly NOC, so FFS, argue things out, and don't follow. I'm more likely to get on the case of people who are echo chambers than leaders; the latter, especially if mafia, slip sooner than later.

You say my logic is shit, but then you basically say the same thing that I did? Huh?

Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but Watchers, as a non-visiting role, do not get killed by PGOs, right? If they don't, it would limit the power of a mafia PGO, because if multiple people die in one night and they all visited the Watcher's target, it'd be pretty obvious that this person was a PGO. And if they were a PGO that didn't claim, that's pretty scummy. Note, I don't think that Haze is a mafia member, because claiming as a PGO makes sense; I'm just saying that people shouldn't go PGO means auto-town.

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While Scorri's three points might have been mostly obvious, I don't think it was a particularly scummy thing to do. It doesn't make sense for a mafioso, even a more active one, to try and lead discussion.

Sure, but as I see it, there's a difference between being an active part of the discussion, and attempting to lead it. The former makes you seem more townie, and the latter, while also doing so, helps the town get more organized and circulate ideas and scumhunt more actively, which, ultimately, is a bad thing for the mafia no matter what.

It maks perfect sense, anti-town players dream of being in control of the town, leading them off of a cliff like so many witless sheep. Leading discussion is just another form of that, especially if they can nudge people ever so slightly into lynching the wrong people repeatedly.

Bonus Prims Points if they apologise after every mislynch.

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Sorry, leading was maybe the wrong word. What I meant was starting the discussion. Scorri wasn't trying to control anything as much as get the discussion going.

Also, what information would my alignment give you about anyone? Even if I turned out mafia (which I wouldn't), I haven't supported anyone to the extent that you could say that guy must be scum too, or argued against anyone to the point that you could say that guy must be town. Nor has anyone argued against me to the point that they would look more scummy if I flipped town. All that'd happen is that you would end up lynching a role you don't want lynched.

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Perhaps you should stop trying to make people speculate about things you haven't done (as well as things you don't know - ie. my mindset) and more on what exactly you have done so far in this game.

Also nice softclaim, didn't expect one vote to make you that jittery.

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Hm, that was poorly worded.

"Perhaps you should stop trying to make people speculate about things you haven't done (as well as things you don't know - ie. my mindset) when they should speculating on what exactly you have done so far in this game."

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Also, what information would my alignment give you about anyone? Even if I turned out mafia (which I wouldn't), I haven't supported anyone to the extent that you could say that guy must be scum too, or argued against anyone to the point that you could say that guy must be town. Nor has anyone argued against me to the point that they would look more scummy if I flipped town. All that'd happen is that you would end up lynching a role you don't want lynched.

Umm...what? Is that a Godfather/something else in the making I see?

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What have I done so far? Not much, I'll admit. But still a bit more than some other guys who popped in, made a random vote, and left. And not very much less than people who did more than that. What's the point of asking me what I've done so far less than one day into Day 1? Who HAS done a lot?

As for WHY I haven't done a lot, that's because there isn't really anything going. There were two topics of discussion going- Scorri's post, and your PGO claim, so I commented on both of them to the best of my ability. It's also partially why I thought Scorri was more townie- I appreciated the attempt to get some discussion going past RVS.

I also won't be back for a while.

Umm...what? Is that a Godfather/something else in the making I see?

Since he voted for me alongside his post wondering about what alignment I was, I was talking about how I would flip upon lynch, not upon a Cop report (which would also be town).

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No Elieson he's saying that in response to me wanting to see his alignment (and since I'm not a cop the only way to do so is by lynch.)

Basically he meant "even if I flipped mafia, which I won't, you wouldn't get any information out of it."

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No Elieson he's saying that in response to me wanting to see his alignment (and since I'm not a cop the only way to do so is by lynch.).

Basically he meant "even if I flipped mafia, which I won't, you wouldn't get any information out of it."


However, even with a mislynch, we get information. BBM, don't be so preposterous as to say otherwise.

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Glad to see I'm not the only one that gets bent out of shape when I see bad logic.

Haze, Naglfar hosted Kamen Rider Ryuuki Mafia. The reason why the town won was the following:

1. I inspected Kaoz, got a guilty, and got him lynched.

2. Mafia jankilled Iris the Oracle, who targeted Kay the Janitor ;/

3. Three people died in a night, and I suspected SK; since Sho had scanned independent, I got into a HUGE argument with him and got him lynched (barely).

4. Inspected Strawman with JB on me.

Mind you, this was the same game where the SK could idle.

Back to Carnival Phantasm. . .I wouldn't say listing is scummy unless it's the only thing a person does. Usually, it's so that I can go back in time and say "so that's what the hell was running through my head on D1". If all you see are lists, get suspicious.

I suspect Paperblade's Strawman vote is because the latter hasn't really been around. However, Paperblade's out having a life or something. Paperblade, where are you? This kind of stuff is up your alley~!

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